Вручение 1997 г.

Премия вручалась за 1996 год.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 1997 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Peter Robinson 4.0
A beautiful child is dead—defiled and murdered in a lonely graveyard on a fog-shrouded evening. It is the sort of horrific crime Chief Inspector Alan Banks fled the city to escape. But the slaying of a bright and lovely teenager from a wealthy, respected family is not the end of a nightmare. Lies, dark secrets, unholy accusations, and hints of sexual depravity swirl around this abomination like leaves in an autumn wind, leading to a shattering travesty of justice that will brutally divide a devastated community with suspicion and hatred. But Banks must remain vigilant in his hunt—because when the devil is left free to pursue his terrible calling, more blood will surely flow.
Маргарет Этвуд 4.0
23 июля 1843 года в Канаде произошло кошмарное преступление, до сих пор не дающее покоя психологам и криминалистам. Служанка Грейс Маркс обвинялась в крайне жестоком убийстве своего хозяина и его беременной любовницы-экономки. Грейс была необычайно красива и очень юна — ей не исполнилось еще и 16 лет. Дело осложнялось тем, что она предложила три различные версии убийства, тогда как ее сообщник —
лишь две. Но он отправился на виселицу, а ей всю жизнь предстояло провести в тюрьме и сумасшедшем доме — адвокат сумел доказать присяжным, что она слабоумна.
Грейс Маркс вышла на свободу 29 лет спустя. Но была ли она поистине безумна? Чей пагубный дух вселился в ее тело? Кто она — злодейка и искусительница, зачинщица преступления и подлинная убийца? Или же невольная жертва, принужденная угрозами к молчанию? Подлинная личность исторической Грейс Маркс остается загадкой, лоскутным одеялом, облаком домыслов и сенсационных спекуляций.
В романе "Она же Грейс" лауреат Букеровской премии Маргарет Этвуд предлагает свою версию истории о самой известной канадской преступнице.
Спаркл Хейтер 0.0
Robin Hudson, a reporter for the All News Network, overcomes a loathsome boss and a dead-end career when she discovers that the murder of her gynecologist may be connected to random shootings at her network. Reprint. Tour.
Фрэнк Смит 0.0
At Thornton Hill Girls' School in Shropshire, England, most of the students have gone home for Christmas. All but Monica Shaw - and she is discovered dead in her room Christmas Day, an apparent suicide, and the dutiful Detective Chief Inspector Neil Paget is called to the scene. Though there are a few loose ends, there's little real evidence but the fact that Monica seems to have been an unhappy, unloved teen, and the case is closed. Then a second death, a brutal murder-by-pitchfork at the school's adjoining stables, brings Paget to Thornton Hill again. The victim has a false name - and a snapshot of Dr. Andrea McMillan in his wallet. Paget, a widower in his late thirties who has been dating Andrea for the past few months, learns the hard way that nothing about this case is exactly what it seems. Though he can't believe it, his investigation is leading more and more toward the doctor. Then there's a third murder....

Лучший дебютный роман

C. C. Бенисон 0.0
When a young footman dies in unusual circumstances, Jane Bee is skeptical of rumors the death was a suicide. She probes the darkest corners of the royal mansion for clues that will reveal the surprising identity of a murderer stalking the halls of the world's most famous palace.
Энн Мари Дули 0.0
Elie Meade, commercial pilot and accidental detective, volunteers on a search-and-rescue team mobilized to find a missing geological exploration aircraft. When the plane is found, its pilot murdered, a high stakes quest for diamonds in the northern wilds of Saskatchewan begins.
Нэнси Рихлер 0.0
An engrossing page-turner with a lesbian, working-class narrator.
Ричард Дж. Томас 0.0
Gas Head Willy is missing, and D.B. Murphy has been hired to find him. It seems easy at first, but as Murphy learns more about the missing veteran's secret life, he is plunged into a prohibition-era underworld of booze cans and swamp whiskey.

Лучший роман для подростков и молодежи

Линда Бейли 0.0
In this Stevie Diamond Mystery, Stevie and Jesse, her partner in solving crime, are hot on the trail again. This time they're in Winnipeg, Manitoba --- in the dead of winter --- to clear Jesse's teenage uncle, who has been accused of stealing valuable carnivorous plants. Can they crack this case before Winnipeg puts them in the deep freeze?
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