Вручение 25 мая 2017 г.

Премия вручена за 2016 год.

Премия Деррика Мердока (Derrick Murdoch Award) вручена Christina Jennings.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 25 мая 2017 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Донна Моррисси 0.0
A powerful tale of a family reeling from the tragic loss of a son, while facing a mysterious murder on their doorstep--told by one of Canada's most beloved voices.

After being uprooted from their fishing outport, the Now family is further devastated by the tragic loss of their eldest son, Chris, who died working on an Alberta oil rig. Kyle Now is still mourning his older brother when the murder of a local bully changes everything. The victim's blood is found on the family's pier, and suspicion falls first on an alienated wife, and then finally on the troubled Now family.

But behind this new turmoil, Chris's death continues to plague the family. Father Sylvanus Now drowns his sorrow in a bottle, while mother Addie is facing breast cancer. And the children fight their own battles as the tension persists between Kyle and his sister, Sylvie, over her role in their brother's death.

A cast of vivid characters surrounds the Now family, some intriguing, others comical--all masterfully crafted. As the murder mystery unfolds, other deeper secrets are revealed. Wise in the ways of the heart, The Fortunate Brother is a moving family drama from beloved storyteller Donna Morrissey."
Kelley Armstrong 5.0
Casey Duncan is a homicide detective with a secret: when she was in college, she killed a man. She was never caught, but he was the grandson of a mobster and she knows that someday this crime will catch up to her. Casey's best friend, Diana, is on the run from a violent, abusive ex-husband. When Diana's husband finds her, and Casey herself is attacked shortly after, Casey knows it's time for the two of them to disappear again.

Diana has heard of a town made for people like her, a town that takes in people on the run who want to shed their old lives. You must apply to live in Rockton and if you're accepted, it means walking away entirely from your old life, and living off the grid in the wilds of Canada: no cell phones, no Internet, no mail, no computers, very little electricity, and no way of getting in or out without the town council's approval. As a murderer, Casey isn't a good candidate, but she has something they want: She's a homicide detective, and Rockton has just had its first real murder. She and Diana are in. However, soon after arriving, Casey realizes that the identity of a murderer isn't the only secret Rockton is hiding—in fact, she starts to wonder if she and Diana might be in even more danger in Rockton than they were in their old lives.
Майкл Хелм 0.0
A neuroscientist walks out of her life and isolates herself in the woods, intending to blow the whistle on a pharmaceutical company and its creativity drug gone wrong. A recently orphaned graduate school dropout is hired as a “literary detective” to decode the work of a mysterious Internet poet who writes about disappearances and murders with an inexplicably precise knowledge of private details. And a virologist discovers her identity has been stolen by a conceptual artist in whose stories someone always goes missing. Ali, James, and Celia exist in worlds where implausibilities that once belonged to science fiction, ancient superstition, or dystopian visions are real or impending.

Set in great cities, remote regions, and deadly borderlands, Michael Helm’s groundbreaking novel, After James, is told in three parts, each gesturing toward a type of genre fiction: the gothic horror, the detective novel, and the apocalyptic. Science and art become characters, and secrets form, hidden in the codes of genetic sequences, poems, and the patterns of political violence. Part to part, elements repeat—otherworldly weather, disturbing artwork, buried corpses—and amid these echoes, a larger mystery arises, one that joins artifice to nature, and fiction to reality, delivering us into the troubling wonder of the present world.
Maureen Jennings 0.0
It is late 1942, and Detective Inspector Tom Tyler is settling into his placement in Ludlow, Shropshire, which is crowded with evacuees and others fleeing the German bombs. On the town's outskirts is an Italian PoW camp, whose inmates work on local farms. Fraternizing is forbidden but, as Tyler knows only too well, the human heart has a way of crossing boundaries.Tyler is kept busy enforcing wartime regulations, until an old man goes missing, and his body is later discovered in a secret hideout supposedly known to very few. What's more, the two evacuee children who found the body are clearly not telling the whole truth, but when Tyler tries to question them further, they vanish from their foster home. A crime has clearly been committed, but there is no shortage of suspects...
Джанет Келлоу 0.0
2017 Arthur Ellis Award, Best Novel — Shortlisted
Saddlebag preacher Thaddeus Lewis uncovers murder and conspiracy in Northumberland County.

A body is discovered on an isolated island in Rice Lake. Saddlebag preacher Thaddeus Lewis is sent on a desperate hunt for the truth when a woman for whom he feels a guilty attraction stands accused of the murder. Meanwhile, railway mania grips the county: everyone expects to get rich off the Cobourg–Peterborough rail line — some at the expense of others.

Лучший дебютный роман

Эль Уайлд 0.0
As winter closes in and the roads snow over in Dawson City, Yukon, newly arrived journalist Jo Silver investigates the dubious suicide of a local politician and quickly discovers that not everything in the sleepy tourist town is what it seems. Before long, law enforcement begins treating the death as a possible murder and Jo is the prime suspect.

Strange Things Done is a top-notch thriller — a tense and stylish crime novel that explores the double themes of trust and betrayal.
Райан Алдред 0.0
Sand. Monkeys. Murder.

Ben Cooper was supposed to be on his Pacific honeymoon. Not waking up in a Costa Rican prison cell with no memory of the night before.

Then again, Ben never thought he would catch his fiancée with some clown — literally. Or that his friend Miguel would drag him to the surf paradise of Tamarindo before Aunt Mildred could ask why they cancelled the open bar reception.

But surely his friend and lawyer Victoria didn’t need to fly down from Toronto overnight. After all, the police would let him go once he sobered up and paid his fine. Right?

Except for the little matter of a murder. And Ben’s buying a beachside bar from the victim, hours before the man’s death.

With foreclosure looming and death threats piling up on the rum-soaked bar, they must turn to the wild idea that got them into this mess—building a business around those who’ve always wanted to run their own bar on a beach somewhere, even for just a week.

But to survive, they’ll need every skill at their disposal—including those they’d rather forget they have.

NetGalley advance review copies available here for qualified librarians, educators, booksellers and reviewers - https://s2.netgalley.com/publisher/ti...
Р. М. Гринуэй 0.0
A popular rockabilly singer has vanished in the snowbound Hazeltons of northern B.C. Lead RCMP investigator David Leith and his team work through the possibilities: has she been snatched by the so-called Pickup Killer, or does the answer lie here in the community, somewhere among her reticent fans and friends?

Leith has much to contend with: rough terrain and punishing weather, motel-living and wily witnesses. The local police force is tiny but headstrong, and one young constable seems more hindrance than help -- until he wanders straight into the heart of the matter.

The urgency ramps up as one missing woman becomes two, the second barely a ghost passing through. Suspects multiply, but only at the bitter end does Leith discover who is the coldest girl of all.
Марк Лисак 0.0
In a small city somewhere in an oil-rich Canadian province just east of the Rockies, a political scandal has erupted: an aging cabinet minister has struck and killed a member of his local constituency executive with his half-ton truck, in broad daylight. But the premier suspects that there is more to this "accident" than meets the eye--and he wants to know the real reasons behind it before the media or his political rivals do.

Enter the premier's old friend Harry Asher--lawyer, former hockey star, self-styled intellectual, and recent divorce--who is hired to dig into the incident. And it isn't long before Asher's investigation threatens to expose a chain of corruption that implicates many of the province's most powerful citizens--including the province's legendary now-senile premier--as well as its most cherished founding myths.

In "Where the Bodies Lie," Mark Lisac (author of "Alberta Politics Uncovered" and "The Klein Revolution") draws upon his decades of experience as a reporter at Alberta's provincial legislature to craft an absorbing debut novel--part political thriller, part fable--that opens up timeless themes of friendship, love, the inescapability of grief, the weight of history, and the nature of truth.
Эми Стюарт 0.0
The Girl on the Train meets The Silent Wife in this taut psychological thriller.



Clare is on the run.

From her past, from her ex, and from her own secrets. When she turns up alone in the remote mining town of Blackmore asking about Shayna Fowles, the local girl who disappeared, everyone wants to know who Clare really is and what she's hiding. As it turns out, she's hiding a lot, including what ties her to Shayna in the first place. But everyone in this place is hiding something from Jared, Shayna's golden-haired ex-husband, to Charlie, the charming small-town drug pusher, to Derek, Shayna's overly involved family doctor, to Louise and Wilfred, her distraught parents.

Did Shayna flee? Was she killed? Is it possible she's still alive?

As Clare uncovers the mysteries around Shayna's disappearance, she must confront her own demons, moving us deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of lies and making us question what it is she's really running from. Twisting and electrifying, this is a get-under-your-skin thriller that will make you question what it means to lose yourself and find yourself in the most unlikely places.

Лучший детектив на французском языке

Мари-Ив Бурасса 0.0
Montréal, début des années 1920. Depuis son retour des tranchées, Eugène Duchamp, opiomane taciturne et infirme de guerre, vit reclus avec sa femme Pei-Shan dans un appartement miteux du quartier chinois. Quand une jeune prostituée frappe à sa porte pour le supplier de retrouver le bébé qui lui a été enlevé, l'ancien policier accepte de l'aider malgré ses réticences. Duchamp a beau répéter qu'il n'est pas détective privé, il sait qu'il est le seul à pouvoir élucider cette affaire dont les autorités se désintéressent. Son enquête prendra des dimensions insoupçonnées et le mènera des quais mal famés du port aux demeures patriciennes sur les hauteurs du mont Royal.
Chrystine Brouillet 0.0
Alors que la détective Maud Graham commence à réaliser que ses parents se fragilisent, elle est appelée à enquêter sur le meurtre de Lydia Francoeur, la secrétaire de la résidence des Cèdres. Dans cet univers apparemment paisible, Maud et ses collègues de l’équipe d’enquêteurs du service de police de la ville de Québec font face à des obstacles inhabituels. Si ces policiers chevronnés savent composer avec la dissimulation et la manipulation, ils sont beaucoup moins familiers avec le flou, la frustration et la détresse découlant des problèmes liés au vieillissement. Il leur faudra rivaliser de détermination et d’humanité pour parvenir à reconstituer le fil des évènements entourant la mort tragique d’une femme qu’on croyait aimée de tous.

Avec le beau temps revient le plaisir de mettre la main sur une nouvelle enquête de la détective la plus reconnue au Québec, Maud Graham. Dans ce seizième titre de la série, l’écrivaine Chrystine Brouillet nous comble : avec un impressionnant savoir-faire et une profonde sensibilité, elle brosse un tableau tout en ombres et lumière, vérités et mensonges. Ses personnages prennent vie, nous choquent, nous bouleversent, mais on retrouve avec bonheur l’univers de son enquêtrice.
Гильом Моррисетт 0.0
À Trois-Rivières, l'inspecteur Jean-Sébastien Héroux enquête sur une série d'explosions suspectes qui pourraient être provoquées par un groupe terroriste. Personne n'est à l'abri : tant les enfants que les personnes âgées sont pris pour cible, les attaques aussi sournoises que brutales jettent sur la ville un étouffant climat de panique.

Pourquoi Trois-Rivières ? Pourquoi tant d'innocents tués ? Tandis que la peur étend ses horribles tentacules, une course contre la montre s'enclenche. Saura-t-on éviter le pire ?

Un roman haletant et d'une troublante actualité dans lequel les menaces qui semblaient si lointaines se rapprochent dangereusement...
Джоанна Сеймур 0.0
Un enfant qui se sent disparaître, le journal d'un confesseur, un vieillard crucifié… et un étonnant duo d'enquêteurs : Rinzen Gyatso, une bouddhiste qui vit avec son fils de sept ans et ses parents tibétains, et Luc Paradis, un athée insomniaque qui, la nuit, s'entraîne à la boxe et arpente le quartier gai.

Quand le frère Samuel Clément est trouvé mort dans son appartement, Rinzen et Paradis plongent au cœur d'une enquête qui ébranle leurs convictions et les oppose. Et leur supérieur, le lieutenant Gerry Desautels, en pleine crise existentielle de la cinquantaine, ne leur est d'aucun secours. Plus les victimes s'additionnent, plus l'équipe se perd en hypothèses.

Pendant ce temps, l'homme perdu les observe et s'interroge. Qui le sauvera de lui-même
Ричард Сте-Мари 0.0
Pour Francis Pagliaro, l’affaire débute quand l’un de ses proches collègues, le policier expert en informatique Nicolas Turmel, est froidement assassiné chez lui d’une balle en pleine tête. Le jeune père de famille était assis devant son ordinateur, casque d’écoute sur la tête. Motif de l’agression : inconnu.
Pour Louis Collard, professeur de musique à l’Université Laval, l’affaire s’enclenche le lendemain quand il apprend que sa femme Geneviève, une décoratrice de théâtre, vient d’être tout aussi froidement tuée d’une balle en plein cœur. Motif de l’agression : inconnu.
Très vite, les enquêteurs de Montréal et de Québec découvrent qu’un élément relie ces deux meurtres sordides : l’arme du crime. De fait, tout indique qu’un pistolet de fabrication russe, dont la possession est interdite au Canada, a été utilisé. Pour Pagliaro, il ne fait aucun doute qu’un « professionnel » est à l’origine de ces meurtres, et qu’il faudra découvrir ce qu’il cherchait avant de pouvoir même penser l’appréhender !
C’est pourquoi il décide de creuser dans le passé de Louis Collard. Or, le saxophoniste, dévasté par la mort de sa femme, n’a jamais porté les policiers dans son cœur, et sa collaboration est loin d’être acquise. C’est pourtant Collard qui, sans le savoir, détient la clé de l’affaire, ce dont il commence à se douter quand il découvre qu’une de ses vieilles connaissances a elle aussi été victime du tueur…

Лучший неопубликованный первый роман - " Невредимый Артур”

Энн Шортелл 0.0
1868 Ottawa

D’Arcy McGee is assassinated. As John A. Macdonald cradles his friend’s bloody head, he blames transplanted Irish terrorists: the Fenian Brotherhood. Within a day, Patrick James Whelan is arrested. After a show trial, Whelan is publicly hanged.

That much is history. Did Whelan do the deed?

What if Clara Swift, a mere slip of a girl, sees the trace-line of a buggy turn off Sparks Street, moments after the murder? What if housemaid Clara understands her dead mentor’s shorthand, and forges an unlikely alliance with the Prime Minister’s investigator? And ends up being trusted by the condemned man’s wife — and by Lady Agnes Macdonald . . .

Celtic Knot.
It’s reimagining a crisis that tested a nation.
It’s history with a mystery.
It’s A Clara Swift Tale.

And it all begins with a shot in the dark.

Лучший роман для подростков и молодежи

Gordon Korman 0.0
"A terrific page-turner, full of unexpected twists and revelations. Buckle up."—James Patterson

The second book in the acclaimed, action-packed series from New York Times bestselling author Gordon Korman.

The clones of Project Osiris are free—but they’re being hunted. . . . After their narrow escape from their “perfect” hometown, Eli, Tori, Amber, and Malik are finally in the real world and determined to expose the leaders of Serenity. They decide to track down Tamara Dunleavy, the mysterious billionaire and founder of Project Osiris. Evading capture by breaking laws and sneaking into houses, hotels, buses, and cars—are they becoming the criminals they were destined to be?

What they discover will change everything, leading them straight into the Plastic Works and the heart of the experiment, in order to uncover the deadly criminals they’re cloned from—and any evidence that will convince the outside world to believe the truth. But the outside world isn’t exactly what they expected—strangers aren’t just unfriendly, they’re dangerous. And the wrong move could send them right back into the arms of Dr. Hammerstrom—and trapped in Serenity for good.

On a breakneck journey from Jackson Hole to a maximum security prison—Eli, Tori, Amber, and Malik will stop at nothing to take Project Osiris down.
Джон Мосс 0.0
Allison Briscoe is your average fifteen-year-old-until someone tries to kill her. Shot in the head, her doctors and family think she is in a coma, but in fact, though she cannot move, she can think, she can hear, and she can dream. Each night, Allison lives vicariously through her pioneer ancestors, experiencing their adventures through their eyes. First, she enters the world of Rebecca Haun, a fifteen-year-old rebel who lived in Pennsylvania during the Revolutionary War. To prove a friend innocent of murder, Rebecca betrays her Mennonite beliefs and joins the Women's Brigade with George Washington's rag-tag army at Valley Forge. And each day, Allison struggles to find a way to show her family that she is awake-a goal that becomes increasingly desperate when she realizes that whoever shot her has come back to finish the job.
Ева Вайсман 0.0
Set against the backdrop of plague-ravaged Europe, this spellbinding new novel from one of Canada's foremost writers of historical fiction for young people will have readers racing to the electrifying climax.

Seventeen-year-old Natan has a safe and happy life in fourteenth-century Strasbourg, France. He works with his father in his rag trade, helps his mother around the house, and studies the Torah at night with his young brother, Shmuli. He's even feeling the first stirrings of love with Elena, the daughter of the master draper who is his father's best customer.

But something is rotten in the streets of Strasbourg. There is tension between the Jewish community and the rest of the citizens, and there is fear as the deadly plague sweeps through towns and cities nearby. When rumors begin to circulate that Jewish residents are contaminating the town's well water to try to hasten the plague's arrival in their city, Natan knows that there are dangerous days ahead. When he sees who really poisoned Strasbourg's water, he is determined to speak the truth and save his people from the false accusations being made against them. But a moment of violence threatens to derail his plans and change his life in ways he could never have imagined."

Лучший детективный рассказ

Премия "Кастет" за лучшую криминальную документальную книгу

Джереми Гримальди 0.0
2017 Arthur Ellis Award, Best Nonfiction Book — Winner
A sinister plot by a young woman left her mother dead and her father riddled with bullets.

From the outside looking in, Jennifer Pan seemed like a model daughter living a perfect life. The ideal child, the one her immigrant parents saw, was studying to become a pharmacist at the University of Toronto. But there was a dark, deceptive side to the angelic young woman.

In reality, Jennifer spent her days in the arms of her high school sweetheart, Daniel. In an attempt to lead the life she dreamed of, she would do almost anything: lie about her whereabouts, forge school documents, and invent fake jobs and a fictitious apartment. For many years she led this double life. But when her father discovered her web of lies, his ultimatum was severe. And so, too, was her revenge: a plan that culminated in cold-blooded murder. And it almost worked, except for one bad shot.

The story of Jennifer Pan is one of all-consuming love and devious betrayal that led to a cold-hearted plan hatched by a group of youths who thought they could pull off the perfect crime.
Кристи Блэтчфорд 0.0
A crime reporter revisits some of her biggest assignments and passes judgement on our judicial system and especially its judges.

When Christie Blatchford wandered into a Toronto courtroom in 1978 for the start of the first criminal trial she would cover as a newspaper reporter, little did she know she was also at the start of a self-imposed life sentence.

In this book, Christie Blatchford revisits trials from throughout her career and asks the hard questions--about judges playing with the truth--through editing of criminal records, whitewashing of criminal records, pre-trial rulings that kick out evidence the jury can't hear. She discusses bad or troubled judges--how and why they get picked, and what can be done about them. And shows how judges are handmaidens to the state, as in the Bernardo trial when a small-town lawyer and an intellectual writer were pursued with more vigor than Karla Homolka.

For anyone interested in the political and judicial fabric of this country, Life Sentence is a remarkable, argumentative, insightful and hugely important book.
In 2008, Danny Wolfe, a Winnipeg Aboriginal man, was 31-years-old and awaiting trial on two counts of first-degree murder in at the Regina Correctional Centre. In spite of his young age, it wasn't his first time behind bars -- in fact, Danny had found himself in and out of correctional facilities since his teenage years, sometimes even finding his own way out. Now, fifteen years after his last break out of prison, in an adult facility only a few cells down from his younger brother, Preston, Danny was orchestrating a bold move: a bigger escape from a jail where the notion was inconceivable. Tracing the early years of Daniel Wolfe's life, from his birth in Regina to his mother Susan Creeley, a First Nations woman; to his first brush with the law at the age of four and then his subsequent placement in foster care; to the birth of the Indian Posse -- the Aboriginal street gang in Canada that would eventually claim the title of the largest street gang with over 12,000 members and Danny at the helm; to Danny's death in 2010, Joe Friesen's account of this fascinating character is gripping and provocative.
Дебра Комар 0.0
In 1869, in the woods just outside of the bustling port city of Saint John, a group of teenaged berry pickers discovered several badly decomposed bodies. The authorities suspected foul play, but the identities of the victims were as mysterious as that of the perpetrator. From the twists and turns of a coroner’s inquest, an unlikely suspect emerged to stand trial for murder: John Munroe, a renowned architect, well-heeled family man, and pillar of the community.
Munroe was arguably the first in Canada’s fledgling judicial system to actively defend himself, and his lawyer’s strategy was as simple as it was revolutionary: Munroe’s wealth, education and exemplary character made him incapable of murder. The press, and Saint John’s elite, vocally supported Munroe, sparking a debate about character and murder that continues to this day. In re-examining a precedent-setting historical crime with fresh eyes, Komar addresses questions that still echo through the halls of justice more than a century later: Is everyone capable of murder, and should character be treated as evidence in homicide trials?
Бобби-Джин Маккиннон 0.0
On July 6, 2011, Richard Oland, scion of the Moosehead brewing family, was murdered in his office. The brutal killing stunned the city of Saint John, and news of the crime reverberated across the country. In a shocking turn and after a two-and-half-year police investigation, Oland’s only son, Dennis, was arrested for second-degree murder.

CBC reporter Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon covered the Oland case from the beginning. In Shadow of Doubt, she examines the controversial investigation: from the day Richard Oland’s battered body was discovered to the conclusion of Dennis Oland’s trial, including the hotly debated verdict and its aftermath. Meticulously examining the evidence, MacKinnon vividly reconstructs the cases for both the prosecution and the defence. She delves into Oland family history, exploring the strained relationships, infidelities, and financial problems that, according to the Crown, provided motives for murder.

Shadow of Doubt is a revealing look at a sensational crime, the tribulations of a prominent family, and the inner workings of the justice system that led to Dennis Oland’s contentious conviction.