Вручение 31 мая 2012 г.

Премия вручалась за 2011 год.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 31 мая 2012 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Peter Robinson 0.0
Through years of success in Hollywood composing music for Oscar-winning films, Chris Lowndes always imagined he would come full circle, home to Yorkshire with his beloved wife Laura.

Now he's back in the Yorkshire Dales, but Laura is dead, and Chris needs to make a new life for himself. The isolated house he buys sight unseen should give him the space to come to terms with his grief and the quiet to allow him to work.

Kilnsgate House turns out to be rather more than he expected, however. A man died there, sixty years ago. His wife was convicted of murder. And something is pulling Chris deeper and deeper into the story of Grace Elizabeth Fox, who was hanged by the neck until she was dead...
Алан Брэдли 4.3
Полковник де Люс, пытаясь свести концы с концами, отдает Букшоу в аренду для съемок кинофильма. В главной роли - не просто звезда, а легенда, любимица публики Филлис Уиверн. Однако не проходит и двух суток, со дня прибытия съемочной группы, как пронырливая Флавия находит труп мисс Уиверн...
Подозреваемые - несколько десятков людей, которых снегопад запер этой ночью в Букшоу. И пока неповоротливые полицейские берут отпечатки пальцев и методично ведут допросы, Флавия де Люс проникнет в сокровенные тайны кинозвезды и найдет убийцу, параллельно планируя акцию по захвату Деда Мороза, готовя самый масштабный фейерверк в истории Букшоу и обнаруживая новые скелеты в прошлом своей эксцентричной семейки
Луиза Пенни 4.4
Роман «Разные оттенки смерти» продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

Только вчера художница Клара Морроу пережила мгновения величайшего триумфа: в престижном монреальском музее с огромным успехом состоялось открытие ее персональной выставки. И вот сегодня все пошло прахом, словно в дурном сне. Возле дома Клары в деревне Три Сосны найдена убитая женщина, причем выясняется, что это старая знакомая Клары, с которой ее когда-то связывали непростые отношения. На художницу падает тень подозрения в убийстве. Казалось бы, все факты против нее. Однако интуиция подсказывает старшему инспектору Арману Гамашу, что в этом деле факты не главное. Чтобы докопаться до истины, ему придется с головой окунуться в мир искусства, в котором так много полутонов и оттенков, а игра света подчас полностью меняет картину...
Уильям Деверелл 0.0
This fifth in the bestselling, award-winning Arthur Beauchamp series finds the outwardly crusty, poetry-loving, wily old lawyer compelled, by new developments, to look back at his first -- and most disastrous -- murder trial. While renewing his annual try for the Most Points in Vegetables and Fruits at the Garibaldi Island Fall Fair, Arthur Beauchamp is forced by new developments to revisit his first murder trial, which went horribly wrong. Now, nearly 50 years later, he is opening old wounds but also facing a chance for redemption and reconciliation.
Robert Rotenberg 0.0
Bestselling author Robert Rotenberg is back with his next razor-sharp legal thriller. Rotenberg’s insider knowledge of the behind-the-scenes courtroom machinations and his mesmerizing trial scenes make this another scorching page-turner.

On the morning that his headline-grabbing divorce trial is set to begin, Terrance Wyler, youngest son of the Wyler Food dynasty, is found stabbed to death in the kitchen of his million-dollar home. Detective Ari Greene arrives minutes before the press and finds Wyler’s four-year-old son asleep upstairs. When Wyler’s ex-wife, a strange beauty named Samantha, shows up at her lawyer’s office with a bloody knife, it looks as if the case is over.

But Greene soon discovers the Wyler family has secrets they’d like to keep hidden, and they’re not the only ones. If there’s one thing Greene knows, it’s that the truth is never simple.

Лучший дебютный роман

Йен Хэмилтон 0.0
Ava Lee is a young Chinese-Canadian forensic accountant who works for an elderly Hong Kong–based “Uncle,” who may or may not have ties to the Triads. At 115 lbs., she hardly seems a threat. But her razorsharp intellect and resourcefulness allows her to succeed where traditional methods have failed.

In The Water Rat of Wanchai, Ava travels across continents to track $5 million owed by a seafood company. But it’s in Guyana where she meets her match: Captain Robbins, a huge hulk of a man and godfather-like figure who controls the police, politicians, and criminals alike. In exchange for his help, he decides he wants a piece of Ava’s $5 million action and will do whatever it takes to get his fair share . . .
Шон Слейтер 3.6
Полгода детектив Джейкоб Страйкер отсутствовал в родном городе, а когда вернулся, тотчас угодил в жестокую переделку. В школу, где училась его дочь, проникли вооруженные террористы. Пряча лица за хоккейными масками — черной, белой и красной, — они расстреливали всех на своем пути.
Страйкер справился с двумя и почти добрался до третьего, но тот совершил нечто невообразимое. Он подбежал к своему павшему товарищу и пятью выстрелами из дробовика изуродовал ему лицо и руки. Прежде чем полицейский успел среагировать, Красная Маска скрылся с места преступления...
Fraser Nixon 0.0
Nominated for an Arthur Ellis Award by the Crime Writers of Canada

Montreal, 1926. Mick is down on his luck until an old pal offers him a loaded revolver and a job: riding shotgun in a truck running booze across the border. Stateside Prohibition has opened up a market for certain amusements, vicious or otherwise. Mick takes the job—and his problems begin.

Through his old friend Jack, Mick falls deeper into the life of the small-time tough. From whorehouse to gentlemen’s club, through back alleys and deluxe hotels, jazz joints, opium dens, baseball diamonds, cheap diners and anywhere trouble is to be found, Mick burns his way through the City of Two Solitudes. Other people are in town for their own reasons. Babe Ruth’s here; Harry Houdini, too.

The Man Who Killed is a tale of political corruption and crime, of sexual jealousy and heartbreak, a portrait of a city after last call, of smoke-filled saloons and gunfire in the night. Shot through with dark humour and strange pathos, this is a novel of two friends who do bad things mostly for money, sometimes for fun, and the women they love.
Роджер Уайт 0.0
Shortlisted for the 2012 Arthur Ellis Award for Best First Novel

A murder mystery set in Ottawa, Canada, where gothic Parliament buildings dominate a landscape riddled with backstabbers and cocaine sniffers.

Conn Anderson, a former public servant, has turned a passion for old English sports cars into owning a shop, Britfit, that repairs them. All he wants to do is run his business that and get to know his landlady s niece a whole lot better.

Everything is going swimmingly until a mysterious government-leased Jaguar is destroyed on the premises by an arsonist, the shop s resident mouse catcher is kicked nearly to death, and someone tries to run Anderson off the road.

As the body count mounts, Anderson is drawn deeper and deeper into the dealings of a government document production ring that feeds on the most vulnerable members of Canadian society.

Prior to a twenty-five-year career in federal government communications and media relations, Roger White was a reporter/editor with weekly and daily Ontario newspapers. He is married and lives in Ottawa, where he is hard at work on the next book in his Capital Crime series.

Лучший детектив на французском языке

Мартин Мишо 0.0
Dans ce qui a tout l’air d’être un drame familial, une femme et ses trois enfants sont sauvagement tués à coups de hache. L’auteur présumé du carnage, le mari, s’est suicidé après s’être tranché la langue. Mais est-ce bien ce qui s’est passé? Deux jours après, une alerte AMBER est déclenchée à l’échelle de la province de Québec: une jeune fille dévoilant ses charmes sur Internet a été kidnappée. Par qui? Pourquoi? Deux énigmes que vont s'attacher à résoudre en parallèle deux policiers au style rentre-dedans: Victor Lessard et Jacinthe Taillon, son ancienne coéquipière qui lui voue une haine infernale...

Лучший неопубликованный первый роман - " Невредимый Артур”

Сэм Вибе 0.0
Winner of the Unhanged Arthur Award for Best Unpublished First Crime Novel, 2012

Twenty-nine-year-old Michael Drayton runs a private investigation agency in Vancouver that specializes in missing persons — only, as Mike has discovered, some missing people stay with you. Still haunted by the unsolved disappearance of a young girl, Mike is hired to find the vanished son of a local junk merchant. However, he quickly discovers that the case has been damaged by a crooked private eye and dismissed by a disinterested justice system. Worse, the only viable lead involves a drug-addicted car thief with gang connections.

As the stakes rise, Mike attempts to balance his search for the junk merchant's son with a more profitable case involving a necrophile and a funeral home, while simultaneously struggling to keep a disreputable psychic from bilking the mother of a missing girl.
Шейн Сойер 0.0
A break-in, a frozen corpse, a vicious rumor campaign, and an arsonist on the loose—Edie Doyle inherits more than a house in the pretty little town of Isaac’s Landing.
As she struggles to untangle the inexplicable events that threaten her chance to finally make a home for herself, Edie uncovers long-held secrets. Secrets that someone will do anything to protect.

Лучший роман для подростков и молодежи

Тим Винн-Джонс 0.0
Boy, did Blink get off on the wrong floor. All he wanted was to steal some breakfast for his empty belly, but instead he stumbled upon a fake kidnapping and a mobile phone dropped by an “abducted” CEO, giving Blink a link to his perfect blonde daughter. Now Blink is on the run, but it’ll be OK as long as he’s smart enough to stay in the game and keep Captain Panic locked in his hold. Enter a girl named Caution. As in Caution: Watch Your Step. She’s also on the run, from a drug-dealer boyfriend and from a nightmare in her past that won’t let her go. When she spies Blink at the bus station, Caution can see he’s an easy mark. But there’s something about this naive, skinny street punk, whom she only wanted to rob, that tugs at her heart, a heart she thought deserved not to feel. Charged with suspense and intrigue, this taut novel trails two deeply compelling characters as they forge a blackmail scheme that is foolhardy at best, disastrous at worst – along with a fated, tender partnership that will offer them each a rare chance for redemption.
Бекки Ситра 0.0
Thea and her dad are always on the move, from one small Cariboo town to another, trying to leave behind the pain of Thea's mom's death. They never stay long enough in one place for Thea to make friends, but when her dad gets work renovating a guest ranch on Gumboot Lake, she dares to hope that their wandering days are over. At the ranch she makes friends with Van, a local boy, and works hard to build the trust of an abused horse named Renegade. When Thea unearths the decades-old story of a four-year-old girl who disappeared from the ranch and was never seen again, she enlists Van to help her solve the mystery. When some disturbing facts come to light, she finally starts to come to terms with the losses in her own life.
Роб Миллс 0.0
When Charlie Sykes wakes up in hospital in St. John's, he learns that he and his father have been in a car accident and that his father is dying. Charlie inherits little more than the brass key that his father pressed into his hand before he passed away. As far as Charlie knows, he has no family in Newfoundland. But then Uncle Nick shows up and is keen to meet his nephew--not because of who Charlie is, but rather because of what Charlie has: the key.

That key will unlock a treasure Uncle Nick began searching for more than thirty years earlier. And he would have found it all those years ago if he hadn't been arrested and sent away for murder. But Charlie isn't convinced he should give up the key. He leads Uncle Nick on a wild chase through old St. John's, across Signal Hill and out to the coast. There, high above the rugged Atlantic, Charlie finally comes face-to-face with Uncle Nick, the treasure, and a family history that will leave him with a new understanding of where he comes from and where he's going.
Эдит Равель 0.0
What happens when the source of your worst fears becomes the object of your affection?

Seventeen-year-old Chloe's summer vacation in Greece comes to an abrupt end when she is suddenly bound, gagged and whisked away to an unidentified location. Waking up from a drug-induced sleep, she finds herself in a squalid warehouse. Chloe can only imagine the worst.

After several days of total isolation and utter despair, Chloe faces a new threat when her kidnapper appears, but she also feels a sense of relief. His revelation that she is being held as ransom for a prisoner exchange, however, does little to allay her fears.

The weeks pass and, haunted by terrifying dreams and with only her thoughts to keep her company, Chloe fights to remain calm in an impossible situation. At least her kidnapper, although cold and distant, visits frequently, often bringing gifts. Before long, Chloe begins to have feelings for him that take her by surprise. Though still fearing for her safety, she now fantasizes about a life together. And is it her imagination, or does her captor share those feelings? Even when she is finally released, Chloe vows to protect her captor at any cost.

This powerful psychological thriller, written by renowned novelist Edeet Ravel, leaves readers wondering at every suspenseful turn: Is Chloe experiencing Stockholm syndrome?
Артур Слэйд 3.5
Secret agent Modo's next assignment? Find ancient Egyptian ruins hidden deep in the Australian jungle. The mysterious God Face is rumoured to be a powerful weapon—anyone who looks upon it has been driven mad. But Modo must find the God Face before the evil Clockwork Guild does!

Лучший детективный рассказ

Премия "Кастет" за лучшую криминальную документальную книгу

Джошуа Кнельман 0.0
Hot Art traces Joshua Knelman’s five-year immersion in the shadowy world of art theft, where he uncovers a devious game that takes him from Egypt to Los Angeles, New York to London, and back again, through a web of deceit, violence, and corruption. With a cool, knowing eye, Knelman delves into the lives of professionals such as Paul, a brilliant working-class kid who charmed his way into a thriving career organizing art thefts, and LAPD detective Donald Hrycyk, one of the few special investigators worldwide who struggle to keep pace with the evolving industry of stolen art. As he becomes more and more immersed in this world, Knelman learns that art theft has evolved into one of the largest black markets in the world, which even Interpol and the FBI admit they cannot contain. Sweeping and fast-paced, Hot Art takes readers into a criminal underworld like no other.
Джей Бахадур 0.0
Prev. ed.: Pirates of Somalia. New York: Pantheon Books, 2011.
Роберт Р. Фаулер 0.0
For decades, Robert R. Fowler was a dominant force in Canadian foreign affairs. In one heart-stopping minute, all of that changed. On December 14, 2008, Fowler, acting as the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy to Niger, was kidnapped by Al Qaeda, becoming the highest ranked UN official ever held captive. Along with his colleague Louis Guay, Fowler lived, slept and ate with his captors for nearly five months, gaining rare first-hand insight into the motivations of the world’s most feared terror group. Fowler’s capture, release and subsequent media appearances have helped shed new light on foreign policy and security issues as we enter the second decade of the “War on Terror.”

A Season in Hell is Fowler’s compelling story of his captivity, told in his own words, but it is also a startlingly frank discussion about the state of a world redefined by clashing civilizations.
Эдриан Хамфрис 0.0
In the world of organized crime the bosses grab the headlines, as the names Capone, Gotti, Bonnano, Cotroni and Rizzuto attest. But a crime family has many working parts and the young mobster known as The Weasel was the epitome of a crucial, invisible cog-the soldier, the muscle, the driver, the gopher.By a quirk of fate, Marvin Elkind-later The Weasel-was placed in the foster home of a tough gangster family, immersing him from the age of nine in a daring world of con men, cheats, bootleggers, loan sharks, bank robbers, leg breakers and Mafia bosses. During a Golden Age of underworld life in New York, Detroit and across Canada, The Weasel found himself working with a surprising cast of colourful characters. He befriended powerful gangsters by smuggling bottles of Scotch to their tables as a waiter at New York's famed Copacabana; he was pushed to be Jimmy Hoffa's chauffeur.But his disenchantment with the broken promises of mob life brought him into another fraternity, one offering the same adrenaline rush, danger and dark comedy he craved. After a startling confrontation, he was embraced by law enforcement, and a cop with a reputation for results. Now a career informant, The Weasel learned he was a far better fink than he ever was a crook.With his impeccable gangland pedigree, enormous girth, cold stare and sausage-like fingers adorned with chunky rings, no one questioned The Weasel's loyalty. The backroom doors were flung open and The Weasel slipped in, bringing undercover cops with him. For case after case over two decades, he worked for the FBI, U.S. Customs, Scotland Yard, RCMP, Ontario Provincial Police and other law enforcement agencies on three continents, trapping and betraying mobsters, mercenaries, spies, drug traffickers, pornographers, union fat cats and corrupt politicians.With unflinching honesty, The Weasel and many of the undercover officers he worked with revealed their successes and failures to award-winning crime reporter and best-selling author Adrian Humphreys.The Weasel is the riveting chronicle of a unique and engaging figure who lived a most dangerous and rare experience.It is a story that was never supposed to be told.