Вручение 29 июня 2022 г. — стр. 2

Премия Кинжал За вклад в развитие CWA посмертно присуждена Талии Проктор (Thalia Proctor), Издательский кинжал получило Faber & Faber (Faber & Faber).

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 29 июня 2022 г.

Криминальная литература в переводе

Антти Туомайнен 3.7
Роман одного из самых успешных современных писателей Финляндии Антти Туомайнена «Фактор кролика» — увлекательный рассказ в жанре комедийного криминального триллера о том, что происходит, когда в упорядоченную, математически выверенную жизнь математика страховой компании вторгаются непреодолимые обстоятельства, странные персонажи и не поддающиеся никаким вычислениям чувства. Не ждите обычных для скандинавской криминальной драмы жанровой заданности, жестокости и мрачности обстановки. Антти Туомайнен переворачивает все с ног на голову. В парке приключений, который достался главному герою в наследство от брата, скучать не придется никому.

Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга

Майкл Крэйвен 5.0
Detective Sergeant Washington Poe is in court, fighting eviction from his beloved and isolated croft, when he is summoned to a backstreet brothel in Carlisle where a man has been beaten to death with a baseball bat. Poe is confused - he hunts serial killers and this appears to be a straightforward murder-by-pimp - but his attendance was requested personally, by the kind of people who prefer to remain in the shadows.

As Poe and the socially awkward programmer Tilly Bradshaw delve deeper into the case, they are faced with seemingly unanswerable questions: despite being heavily vetted for a high-profile job, why does nothing in the victim's background check out? Why was a small ornament left at the murder scene - and why did someone on the investigation team steal it? And what is the connection to a flawlessly executed bank heist three years earlier, a heist where nothing was taken...
Linwood Barclay 3.0
It's a deadly race against time...
Tech billionaire Miles has more money than he can ever spend, but he can't buy more time. Diagnosed with a terminal illness, he is forced to take a long hard look at his past.
Somewhere out there, Miles has children who don't know it, but they might be about to inherit the good and bad from him — possibly his fortune, or possibly something more sinister.
Шэрон Болтон 0.0
A golden summer, and six talented friends are looking forward to the brightest of futures - until a daredevil game goes horribly wrong, and a woman and two children are killed.

18-year-old Megan takes the blame, leaving the others free to get on with their lives. In return, they each agree to a 'favour', payable on her release from prison.

Twenty years later Megan is free.
Let the games begin . . .

Richard & Judy bestseller Sharon Bolton is back, with her twistiest thriller yet.
Стив Кавана 4.0
They call him the King of Death Row. Randal Korn has sent more men to their deaths than any district attorney in the history of the United States.
When a young woman, Skylar Edwards, is found murdered in Buckstown, Alabama, a corrupt sheriff arrests the last person to see her alive, Andy Dubois. It doesn't seem to matter to anyone that An
S.A. Cosby 3.2
Ike Randolph has been out of jail for fifteen years, with not so much as a speeding ticket in all that time. But a Black man with cops at the door knows to be afraid.

The last thing he expects to hear is that his son Isiah has been murdered, along with Isiah’s white husband, Derek. Ike had never fully accepted his son but is devastated by his loss.

Derek’s father Buddy Lee was almost as ashamed of Derek for being gay as Derek was ashamed of his father's criminal record. Buddy Lee still has contacts in the underworld, though, and he wants to know who killed his boy.

Ike and Buddy Lee, two ex-cons with little else in common other than a criminal past and a love for their dead sons, band together in their desperate desire for revenge. In their quest to do better for their sons in death than they did in life, hardened men Ike and Buddy Lee will confront their own prejudices about their sons and each other, as they rain down vengeance upon those who hurt their boys.

Provocative and fast-paced, S. A. Cosby's Razorblade Tears is a story of bloody retribution, heartfelt change - and maybe even redemption.

“A visceral full-body experience, a sharp jolt to the heart, and a treat for the senses…Cosby's moody southern thriller marries the skillful action and plotting of Lee Child with the atmosphere and insight of Attica Locke.” ―NPR
Лаура Липман 4.0
"With this tip of the hat to Stephen King's Misery, Dream Girl is funny and suspenseful, with a dread-worthy final twist." —People

“My dream novel. I devoured this in three days. The sharpest, clearest-eyed take on our #MeToo reckoning yet. Plus: enthralling." —Megan Abbott, Edgar Award-winning author of Dare Me and The Fever

Following up on her acclaimed and wildly successful New York Times bestseller Lady in the Lake, Laura Lippman returns with a dark, complex tale of psychological suspense with echoes of Misery involving a novelist, incapacitated by injury, who is plagued by mysterious phone calls.

In the end, has anyone really led a blameless life?

Injured in a freak fall, novelist Gerry Andersen is confined to a hospital bed in his glamorous high-rise apartment, dependent on two women he barely knows: his incurious young assistant, and a dull, slow-witted night nurse.

Then late one night, the phone rings. The caller claims to be the “real” Aubrey, the alluring title character from his most successful novel, Dream Girl. But there is no real Aubrey. She’s a figment born of a writer’s imagination, despite what many believe or claim to know. Could the cryptic caller be one of his three ex-wives playing a vindictive trick after all these years? Or is she Margot, an ex-girlfriend who keeps trying to insinuate her way back into Gerry’s life?

And why does no one believe that the call even happened?

Isolated from the world, drowsy from medication, Gerry slips between reality and a dreamlike state in which he is haunted by his own past: his faithless father, his devoted mother; the women who loved him, the women he loved.

And now here is Aubrey, threatening to visit him, suggesting that she is owed something. Is the threat real or is it a sign of dementia? Which scenario would he prefer? Gerry has never been so alone, so confused – and so terrified.

Chilling and compulsively readable, touching on timely issues that include power, agency, appropriation, and creation, Dream Girl is a superb blend of psychological suspense and horror that reveals the mind and soul of a writer.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Дженис Халлетт 3.8
Дорогой читатель,

Привожу документы, связанные с постановкой пьесы «Все мои сыновья» и трагической гибелью одного из актеров. Другой участник сейчас находится в тюрьме за преступление, которое не совершал. Настоящий убийца выдал себя. Он везде: в электронных письмах и коротких сообщениях, в списке приглашенных на благотворительный вечер маленькой девочки, больной раком. Каждый под подозрением.

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Тарик Ашканани 0.0
In this explosive thriller of bad choices and dark crimes, Detective Levine knew his transfer was a punishment—but he had no idea just how bad it would get.

Cooper, Nebraska, is forgettable and forgotten, a town you’d only stumble into if you’d taken a seriously wrong turn. Like Detective Thomas Levine’s career has. But when a young woman is found lying in the snow, choked to death, her eyes gouged out, the disgraced detective is Cooper’s only hope for restoring peace and justice.

For Levine, still grieving and guilt-ridden over the death of his girlfriend, his so-called “transfer” from the big city to this grubby backwater has always felt like a punishment. And when his irascible new partner shoots their prime suspect using Levine’s gun, all hope of redemption is shattered. With the case in chaos, and both blackmail and a violent drug cartel to contend with, he finds himself in a world of trouble.

It gets worse. The real killer is still out there, and he’s got plans for Detective Levine. And Cooper may just be the perfect place to get away with murder.
Элоиса Диас 3.6
2001 год, Буэнос-Айрес. Аргентина переживает жесточайший экономический и политический кризис. На улицах столицы почти ежедневно вспыхивают волнения. Инспектор полиции Хоакин Альсада в ожидании скорого выхода на пенсию старается держаться подальше от политики. Но расследование дела об исчезновении молодой женщины, семья которой принадлежит к аргентинской элите, поставит его перед необходимостью сделать выбор, заставит столкнуться с призраками прошлого и напомнит о личной причастности к событиям одного из самых мрачных периодов в истории страны.
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