Вручение 25 октября 2018 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, Grange City Hotel Дата проведения: 25 октября 2018 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Стив Кавана 0.0
A must-read for fans of Lee Child, John Grisham and Michael Connelly. Combining gripping action and ingenious plotting, THE LIAR is the brilliant new legal thriller from the author of THE DEFENCE and THE PLEA.

'Plotting that takes the breath away.' Ian Rankin

'Steve is a fantastic thriller writer' Mark Billingham



Leonard Howell's worst nightmare has come true: his daughter Caroline has been kidnapped. Not content with relying on the cops, Howell calls the only man he trusts to get her back.


Eddie Flynn knows what it's like to lose a daughter and vows to bring Caroline home safe. Once a con artist, now a hotshot criminal attorney, Flynn is no stranger to the shady New York underworld.


However, as he steps back into his old life, Flynn realizes that the rules of game have changed - and that he is being played. But who is pulling the strings? And is anyone in this twisted case telling the truth...?

A missing girl, a desperate father and a case that threatens to destroy everyone involved - Eddie Flynn's got his work cut out in the thrilling new novel from the author of The Defence.
Деннис Лихэйн 3.5
Денниса Лихэйна называли «наследником Джона Стейнбека и Рэймонда Чандлера»; его романы, в которых переплетаются элементы детектива, триллера и драмы, стали мировыми бестселлерами и переведены более чем на тридцать языков. По многим книгам Лихэйна сняты художественные фильмы, например «Таинственная река» (2003) Клинта Иствуда, «Прощай, детка, прощай» (2007) Бена Аффлека, «Остров проклятых» (2010) Мартина Скорсезе с Леонардо Ди Каприо в главной роли — и это лишь верхушка айсберга.

Итак, познакомьтесь с Рейчел Чайлдс. Бывшая журналистка, она ушла из профессии после скандального срыва в прямом эфире и теперь живет затворницей; а в остальном это идеальная жизнь с идеальным мужем — пока случайная встреча не заставляет Рейчел усомниться во всем, что ее окружает, а то и в собственном рассудке. Хватит ли ей внутренних сил, чтобы совладать с невообразимыми страхами и немыслимой правдой?

Впервые на русском — «самый захватывающий детектив из всех, что мне доводилось читать в последние годы» (Кейт Аткинсон); «криминальный роман о неуловимых аферистах, неуемной алчности и неизбежной мести; но в сердце его живет история любви» (Associated Press).
Mick Herron 4.2
London Rules might not be written down, but everyone knows rule one.

Cover your arse.

Regent's Park's First Desk, Claude Whelan, is learning this the hard way. Tasked with protecting a beleaguered prime minister, he's facing attack from all directions himself: from the showboating MP who orchestrated the Brexit vote, and now has his sights set on Number Ten; from the showboat's wife, a tabloid columnist, who's crucifying Whelan in print; and especially from his own deputy, Lady Di Taverner, who's alert for Claude's every stumble.

Meanwhile, the country's being rocked by an apparently random string of terror attacks, and someone's trying to kill Roddy Ho.

Over at Slough House, the crew are struggling with personal problems: repressed grief, various addictions, retail paralysis, and the nagging suspicion that their newest colleague is a psychopath. But collectively, they're about to rediscover their greatest strength - that of making a bad situation much, much worse.

It's a good job Jackson Lamb knows the rules. Because those things aren't going to break themselves.
Attica Locke 4.5
*Coming soon to FX as a TV series*

"In Bluebird, Bluebird Attica Locke had both mastered the thriller and exceeded it." --Ann Patchett
"A heartbreakingly resonant new novel about race and justice in America" --USA Today

When it comes to law and order, East Texas plays by its own rules--a fact that Darren Mathews, a black Texas Ranger, knows all too well. Deeply ambivalent about growing up black in the lone star state, he was the first in his family to get as far away from Texas as he could. Until duty called him home.

When his allegiance to his roots puts his job in jeopardy, he travels up Highway 59 to the small town of Lark, where two murders--a black lawyer from Chicago and a local white woman--have stirred up a hornet's nest of resentment. Darren must solve the crimes--and save himself in the process--before Lark's long-simmering racial fault lines erupt. From a writer and producer of the Emmy winning Fox TV show "Empire", "Bluebird, Bluebird" is a rural noir suffused with the unique music, color, and nuance of East Texas.
Абир Мукерджи 4.3
Второй роман из детективного цикла про капитана Уиндема и сержанта Несокрушима, расследующих преступления в Калькутте начала XX века. Индия, 1920 год. Капитану Сэму Уиндему и сержанту Банерджи по прозвищу Несокрушим предстоит расследовать убийство сына махараджи. Сэм Уиндем наносит официальный визит в королевство Самбалпур, где находятся алмазные рудники и прекрас­ ный Дворец Солнца. Когда убивают старшего сына и наследника махараджи, Уиндем понимает, что крошечное королевство раздирают конфликты. Убитый принц Адир был непопулярен среди религиозных групп, в то время как его брат — теперь первый в очереди на трон — кажется ни на что не способным легкомысленным щеголем. Пытаясь разгадать тайну смерти принца, Уиндем и сержант Несокрушим оказываются в настоящей паутине, опутавшей владения махараджи. Жены махараджи, его наложницы, евнухи, их охраняющие, министры, британские чиновники — где-то среди них скрывается убийца, и сыщики должны найти его прежде, чем он откроет охоту на них самих.
Эмма Вискич 3.0
Caleb Zelic, profoundly deaf since early childhood, has always lived on the outside - watching, picking up telltale signs people hide in a smile, a cough, a kiss. When a childhood friend is murdered, a sense of guilt and a determination to prove his own innocence sends Caleb on a hunt for the killer. But he can’t do it alone. Caleb and his troubled friend Frankie, an ex-cop, start with one clue: Scott, the last word the murder victim texted to Caleb. But Scott is always one step ahead.

This gripping, original and fast-paced crime thriller is set between a big city and a small coastal town, Resurrection Bay, where Caleb is forced to confront painful memories. Caleb is a memorable protagonist who refuses to let his deafness limit his opportunities, or his participation in the investigation. But does his persistence border on stubbornness? And at what cost? As he delves deeper into the investigation Caleb uncovers unwelcome truths about his murdered friend – and himself.

Криминальная литература в переводе

Henning Mankell 4.5
Seit Fredrik Welin als Chirurg ein Kunstfehler unterlief, lebt er allein auf einer einsamen Insel in Schweden. Ihm ist nach dem Brand seines Hauses so gut wie nichts geblieben. Nur wenige Menschen, die ihm nahestehen: Jansson, der pensionierte Postbote, die Journalistin Lisa Modin, in die er sich verliebt, und seine Tochter Louise, die schwanger ist und in Paris lebt. Als sie wegen eines Diebstahls in Untersuchungshaft gerät, ruft sie ihn zu Hilfe. Während er in Paris über ihre Freilassung verhandelt, erfährt er, dass auf den Schären schon wieder ein Haus in Flammen steht. Mankells letzter Roman, der Nachfolger des Bestsellers „Die italienischen Schuhe“, ist ein sehr persönliches Buch und beschwört die Möglichkeit menschlicher Nähe angesichts von Einsamkeit, Alter und Tod.
Фред Варгас 4.0
Вся Франция взбудоражена зверскими убийствами женщин в Париже. Полиция ищет садиста, вооруженного ножницами. Подозрения падают на местного дурачка. Кто же он на самом деле? Несчастный, обделенный природой парень или хладнокровный убийца и прирожденный актер? В этом и пытаются разобраться отставной сыщик Кельвелер и трое безработных историков из Гнилой лачуги на улице Шаль.
Пьер Леметр 3.6
Тихий городок, затерянный в горах на северо-западе Франции. Тихая жизнь. Но все может перемениться в один миг. Двенадцатилетний Антуан случайно становится свидетелем страшного зрелища: сосед добивает дворнягу, попавшую под машину. Глубоко потрясенный подросток отправляется в лес, решив укрыться в своем шалаше между ветвями бука. Его бессильная ярость почему-то обрушивается на сына соседа - малыша Рене, увязавшегося следом. Случайно нанесенный удар оказывается роковым. Антуан, охваченный паникой, сознает, что как только его разоблачат, вся его жизнь будет разрушена. Он прячет тело Рене под корнями поваленного дерева и следующие два дня, парализованный страхом, ждет ареста. Кажется, кольцо вокруг него вот-вот сомкнется. Но происходит непредвиденное событие, которое совершенно меняет ситуацию…
Оливер Боттини 0.0
The first in a gripping new crime series set in Germany - the Black Forest Investigations

Louise Boni, maverick chief inspector with the Black Forest crime squad, is struggling with her demons. Divorced at forty-two, she is haunted by the shadows of the past.

Dreading yet another a dreary winter weekend alone, she receives a call from the departmental chief which signals the strangest assignment of her career - to trail a Japanese monk wandering through the snowy wasteland to the east of Freiburg, dressed only in sandals and a cowl. She sets off reluctantly, and by the time she catches up with him, she discovers that he is injured, and fearfully fleeing some unknown evil. When her own team comes under fire, the investigation takes on a terrifying dimension, uncovering a hideous ring of child traffickers. The repercussions of their crimes will change the course of her own life.

Oliver Bottini is a fresh and exciting voice in the world of crime fiction in translation; the Rhine borderlands of the Black Forest are a perfect setting for his beautifully crafted mysteries.

Translated from the German by Jamie Bulloch.
Джон Мишле 0.0
Thygesen har tatt en pause på 90-tallet, men trer inn i verden igjen i det nye årtusen. Han er 64 år, kledd i designerklær, har hestehale, og serverer espressokaffe av stålbørstede kaffekopper. I ekte Thygesen tradisjon blir han innhentet av virkeligheten, og viklet inn i forbrytelser. En dag i februar finner han en død, frosset kvinne i hagen sin. Funnet avstedkommer brutale hendelser med forgreninger til motorsykkelmiljø i skogene i Østfold. Vi stifter for første gang bekjentskap med Kripos-etterforskerne Stribolt og Vaage, som er satt på saken.

Den frosne kvinnen ble publisert som føljetong i Klassekampen før den kom ut i bokform.
Dolores Redondo 4.6
El esperadísimo final de la Trilogía del Baztán, un éxito que ya ha cautivado a más de 200.000 lectores. Nunca lo habrías imaginado.

Una mujer denuncia que la muerte súbita de su nieta, oficialmente una muerte de cuna, le parece sospechosa tras el comportamiento extraño del padre de la niña, que ha sido detenido cuando intentaba robar el cadáver pronunciando palabras inconexas acerca de entregar a su propia hija. El bebé tiene unas marcas rojizas en el rostro que indican que ha habido presión y parece claro que ha sido asesinada. La abuela de la pequeña habla de una criatura mágica de la zona, un ser maléfico, causante de las pesadillas que producen en el durmiente una inmovilización que les impide despertar. Se trata del inguma, el ser que arrebata la vida durante el sueño. La investigación de este caso llevará a Amaia y a su equipo a descubrir algunas irregularidades en casos parecidos que se produjeron en el valle en el pasado, demasiados casos en una zona relativamente pequeña.
Y entonces, trasladado por orden del juez Marquina, el asesino Berasategui aparece muerto en su celda, tras un coma inducido por una droga que alguien ha tenido que facilitarle.

Trepidante y estremecedora, la trama se acelera hacia una resolución sorprendente, en la que Amaia debe enfrentarse al auténtico origen de los sucesos que han asolado el valle del Baztán. Y mientras una impresionante tormenta de nieve parece querer sepultar una verdad demoledora.

Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга

Attica Locke 4.5
*Coming soon to FX as a TV series*

"In Bluebird, Bluebird Attica Locke had both mastered the thriller and exceeded it." --Ann Patchett
"A heartbreakingly resonant new novel about race and justice in America" --USA Today

When it comes to law and order, East Texas plays by its own rules--a fact that Darren Mathews, a black Texas Ranger, knows all too well. Deeply ambivalent about growing up black in the lone star state, he was the first in his family to get as far away from Texas as he could. Until duty called him home.

When his allegiance to his roots puts his job in jeopardy, he travels up Highway 59 to the small town of Lark, where two murders--a black lawyer from Chicago and a local white woman--have stirred up a hornet's nest of resentment. Darren must solve the crimes--and save himself in the process--before Lark's long-simmering racial fault lines erupt. From a writer and producer of the Emmy winning Fox TV show "Empire", "Bluebird, Bluebird" is a rural noir suffused with the unique music, color, and nuance of East Texas.
С. Дж. Тюдор 3.9
Пятеро друзей Эдди, Толстый Гэйв, Мики, Хоппо и Ники давно выросли из того времени, когда они использовали для общения зашифрованные послания, написанные цветными мелками. Прошло тридцать лет. Но прошлое не стирается так же легко, как мел с пальцев. Сорокалетний Эд все еще помнит, как он и его школьный учитель спасли девушку Эльзу. И помнит ее обезглавленный труп, который нашли в лесу… Спустя годы Эд Адамс встречается с Микки, который заявляет, что нашел убийцу Эльзы. Но на следующий день его самого находят мертвым, с нарисованным меловым человеком в кармане. Друзья понимают, что, от чего они бежали, вернулось. Ведь у каждого от прошлого остался не только мел под ногтями, но кровь. Чья она? Иногда лучше не знать всех ответов…
Mick Herron 4.2
London Rules might not be written down, but everyone knows rule one.

Cover your arse.

Regent's Park's First Desk, Claude Whelan, is learning this the hard way. Tasked with protecting a beleaguered prime minister, he's facing attack from all directions himself: from the showboating MP who orchestrated the Brexit vote, and now has his sights set on Number Ten; from the showboat's wife, a tabloid columnist, who's crucifying Whelan in print; and especially from his own deputy, Lady Di Taverner, who's alert for Claude's every stumble.

Meanwhile, the country's being rocked by an apparently random string of terror attacks, and someone's trying to kill Roddy Ho.

Over at Slough House, the crew are struggling with personal problems: repressed grief, various addictions, retail paralysis, and the nagging suspicion that their newest colleague is a psychopath. But collectively, they're about to rediscover their greatest strength - that of making a bad situation much, much worse.

It's a good job Jackson Lamb knows the rules. Because those things aren't going to break themselves.
Эмили Кох 3.2
Everyone believes Alex is in a coma, unlikely to ever wake up. As his family debate withdrawing life support, and his friends talk about how his girlfriend Bea needs to move on, he can only listen.

But Alex soon begins to suspect that the accident that put him here wasn’t really an accident. Even worse, the perpetrator is still out there and Alex is not the only one in danger.

As he goes over a series of clues from his past, Alex must use his remaining senses to solve the mystery of who tried to kill him, and try to protect those he loves, before they decide to let him go.

A stunning edge-of-your-seat debut novel with an unforgettable narrator.
Колетт Макбет 0.0
'Sensational' Clare Mackintosh, No 1 bestselling author of I Let You Go.

'The definition of a page-turner' Sun

'Truly scary' Marian Keyes


THEN: How far did she go to conceal the truth?

Politician Linda Moscow sacrificed everything to protect her son: her beliefs, her career, her marriage. All she wanted was to keep him safe.

NOW: What will she risk to expose the lies?

When the voices she silenced come back to haunt her, Linda is faced with another impossible choice. Only this time, it's her life on the line . . .

An Act of Silence is about the abuse of power, the devastating effects of keeping the truth buried, and the lengths a mother will go to save her child.

'Fiendishly impressive structure; taut, evocative prose; gripping plot' Sarah Vaughan, author of Anatomy of a Scandal

'Brilliant, taut psychological thriller. Sensitive, muscular and it could be true. Unputdownable' Julia Crouch, author of Her Husband's Lover

'Colette McBeth is beloved of writers like Paula Hawkins, and with this twisty, clever novel, she's guaranteed to win more fans' Red
Don Winslow 4.5
The acclaimed, award-winning, bestselling author of The Cartel—voted one of the Best Books of the Year by more than sixty publications, including the New York Times—makes his William Morrow debut with a cinematic epic as explosive, powerful, and unforgettable as Mystic River and The Wire.

Our ends know our beginnings, but the reverse isn’t true . . .

All Denny Malone wants is to be a good cop.

He is "the King of Manhattan North," a highly decorated NYPD detective sergeant and the real leader of "Da Force." Malone and his crew are the smartest, the toughest, the quickest, the bravest, and the baddest, an elite special unit given carte blanche to fight gangs, drugs, and guns. Every day and every night for the eighteen years he’s spent on the Job, Malone has served on the front lines, witnessing the hurt, the dead, the victims, the perps. He’s done whatever it takes to serve and protect in a city built by ambition and corruption, where no one is clean—including Malone himself.

What only a few know is that Denny Malone is dirty: he and his partners have stolen millions of dollars in drugs and cash in the wake of the biggest heroin bust in the city’s history. Now Malone is caught in a trap and being squeezed by the Feds, and he must walk the thin line between betraying his brothers and partners, the Job, his family, and the woman he loves, trying to survive, body and soul, while the city teeters on the brink of a racial conflagration that could destroy them all.

This is the great cop novel of our time and a book only Don Winslow could write: a haunting story of greed and violence, inequality and race, crime and injustice, retribution and redemption that reveals the seemingly insurmountable tensions between the police and the diverse citizens they serve. A searing portrait of a city on the edge and of a courageous, heroic, and deeply flawed man who stands at the edge of its abyss, The Force is a masterpiece of urban realism full of shocking and surprising twists, leavened by flashes of dark humor, a morally complex and utterly riveting dissection of modern American society and the controversial issues confronting us today.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Мелисса Скривнер Лав 0.0
The Crenshaw Six are a small but up-and-coming gang in South Central LA who have recently been drawn into an escalating war between rival drug cartels. To outsiders, the Crenshaw Six appear to be led by a man named Garcia . . . but what no one has figured out is that the gang's real leader (and secret weapon) is Garcia's girlfriend, a brilliant young woman named Lola.

Lola has mastered playing the role of submissive girlfriend, and in the man's world she inhabits she is consistently underestimated. But in truth she is much, much smarter--and in many ways tougher and more ruthless--than any of the men around her, and as the gang is increasingly sucked into a world of high-stakes betrayal and brutal violence, her skills and leadership become their only hope of survival.

An astonishing debut crime thriller about an unforgettable woman who combines the genius and ferocity of Lisbeth Salander with the ruthless ambition of Walter White. Lola marks the debut of a hugely exciting new thriller writer, and of a singular, magnificent character unlike anyone else in fiction.
Хуррум Рахман 0.0
Shortlisted for the CWA John Creasey Debut Dagger Award 2018 and the CrimeFest Last Laugh Award 2018

Meet Jay.
Small-time dealer.
Accidental jihadist.
The one man who can save us all?

Javid – call him Jay – is a dope dealer living in West London. He goes to mosque on Friday, and he’s just bought his pride and joy – a BMW. He lives with his mum, and life seems sweet.

But his world is about to turn upside-down. Because MI5 have been watching him, and they think he’s just the man they need for a delicate mission.

One thing’s for sure: now he’s a long way East of Hounslow, Jay’s life will never be the same again.

With the edgy humour of Four Lions and the pulse-racing tension of Nomad, East of Hounslow is the first in a series of thriller starring Jay Qasim.
Danya Kukafka 0.0
As featured on Simon Mayo's BBC Radio 2 Book Club.
'Girl in Snow is a perfectly-paced and tautly-plotted thriller.' Paul Hawkins, author of The Girl on the Train.
Who are you when no one is watching?
When beloved high school student Lucinda Hayes is found murdered, no one in her sleepy Colorado suburb is
Joe Ide 2.0
East Long Beach. The LAPD is barely keeping up with the neighborhood's high crime rate. Murders go unsolved, lost children unrecovered. But someone from the neighborhood has taken it upon himself to help solve the cases the police can't or won't touch.
They call him IQ. He's a loner and a high school dropout, his unassuming nature disguising a relentless determination and a fierce intelligence. He charges his clients whatever they can afford, which might be a set of tires or a homemade casserole. To get by, he's forced to take on clients that can pay.
This time, it's a rap mogul whose life is in danger. As Isaiah investigates, he encounters a vengeful ex-wife, a crew of notorious cutthroats, a monstrous attack dog, and a hit man who even other hit men say is a lunatic. The deeper Isaiah digs, the more far reaching and dangerous the case becomes.
Уильям Майкл Бойл 0.0
Ray Boy Calabrese is released from prison 16 years after his actions led to the death of a young man. The victim's brother, Conway D'Innocenzio, is a 29-year-old Brooklynite wasting away at a local Rite Aid, stuck in the past and still howling for Ray Boy's blood. When the chips are down and the gun is drawn, Conway finds that he doesn't have murder in him. Thus begins a spiral of self-loathing and soul-searching into which he is joined by Alessandra, a failed actress caring for her widowed father, and Eugene, Ray Boy's hellbound nephew. Ray Boy Calabrese is back in Gravesend: some people worship him, some want him dead . . . but none more so than the ex-con himself.

Исторический кинжал

Rory Clements 0.0
From the award-winning Sunday Times bestselling author of CORPUS

The eve of war: a secret so deadly, nothing and no one is safe

June 1939. England is partying like there is no tomorrow, gas masks at the ready. In Cambridge the May Balls are played out with a frantic intensity - but the good times won't last... In Europe, the Nazis have invaded Czechoslovakia, and in Germany the persecution of the Jews is now so widespread that desperate Jewish parents send their children to safety in Britain aboard the Kindertransport. Closer to home, the IRA's S-Plan bombing campaign has resulted in more than 100 terrorist outrages around England.

But perhaps the most far-reaching event of all goes largely unreported: in Germany, Otto Hahn has produced the first man-made fission and an atomic device is now a very real possibility. The Nazis set up the Uranverein group of physicists: its task is to build a superbomb. The German High Command is aware that British and US scientists are working on similar line. Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory is where the atom was split in 1932. Might the Cambridge men now win the race for a nuclear bomb? Hitler's generals need to be sure they know all the Cavendish's secrets. Only then will it be safe for Germany to wage war.

When one of the Cavendish's finest brains is murdered, Professor Tom Wilde is once more drawn into an intrigue from which there seems no escape. In a conspiracy that stretches from Cambridge to Berlin and from Washington DC to the west coast of Ireland, he faces deadly forces that threaten the fate of the world.

Praise for NUCLEUS

'Rory Clements evokes the nervous, reckless build-up to the outbreak of war in a convincingly detailed thriller' Daily Mail

'The series really hits its stride with the second volume. The murder of a physicist is one of many storylines that Clements juggles with aplomb' Daily Express

'A pulsating story that brings alive the fraught, paranoid and terrifying months when the world stood on the brink of war. Dark history with a thrilling fictional edge' Lancashire Evening Post

'Well-researched and plausible, Nucleus offers an attractive combination of history and suspense' Shots Magazine

'A pacy and dramatic historical spy thriller' Historical Novel Society

'I am already looking forward to the next Tom Wilde novel. This is a great read' Nudge Books

'Nucleus is a fascinating historical thriller which is totally convincing in its authenticity, alive with menace and teeming with characters that stay with you long after the last page is turned' Jaffa Reads Too Blog

Praise for CORPUS

'Dramatic . . . pacy and assured' Daily Mail

'Political polarisation, mistrust and simmering violence' The Times

'A standout historical novel and spy thriller' Daily Express
Абир Мукерджи 4.3
Второй роман из детективного цикла про капитана Уиндема и сержанта Несокрушима, расследующих преступления в Калькутте начала XX века. Индия, 1920 год. Капитану Сэму Уиндему и сержанту Банерджи по прозвищу Несокрушим предстоит расследовать убийство сына махараджи. Сэм Уиндем наносит официальный визит в королевство Самбалпур, где находятся алмазные рудники и прекрас­ ный Дворец Солнца. Когда убивают старшего сына и наследника махараджи, Уиндем понимает, что крошечное королевство раздирают конфликты. Убитый принц Адир был непопулярен среди религиозных групп, в то время как его брат — теперь первый в очереди на трон — кажется ни на что не способным легкомысленным щеголем. Пытаясь разгадать тайну смерти принца, Уиндем и сержант Несокрушим оказываются в настоящей паутине, опутавшей владения махараджи. Жены махараджи, его наложницы, евнухи, их охраняющие, министры, британские чиновники — где-то среди них скрывается убийца, и сыщики должны найти его прежде, чем он откроет охоту на них самих.
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