Вручение 2014 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2014 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Уайли Кэш 0.0
The critically acclaimed author of the New York Times bestseller A Land More Kind Than Home—hailed as "a powerfully moving debut that reads as if Cormac McCarthy decided to rewrite Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird" (Richmond Times Dispatch)—returns with a resonant novel of love and atonement, blood and vengeance, set in western North Carolina, involving two young sisters, a wayward father, and an enemy determined to see him pay for his sins.

After their mother's unexpected death, twelve-year-old Easter and her six-year-old sister Ruby are adjusting to life in foster care when their errant father, Wade, suddenly appears. Since Wade signed away his legal rights, the only way he can get his daughters back is to steal them away in the night.

Brady Weller, the girls' court-appointed guardian, begins looking for Wade, and he quickly turns up unsettling information linking Wade to a recent armored car heist, one with a whopping $14.5 million missing. But Brady Weller isn't the only one hunting the desperate father. Robert Pruitt, a shady and mercurial man nursing a years-old vendetta, is also determined to find Wade and claim his due.

Narrated by a trio of alternating voices, This Dark Road to Mercy is a story about the indelible power of family and the primal desire to outrun a past that refuses to let go.
Луиза Пенни 4.6
Роман «Время предательства» продолжает серию расследований старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша. Этот обаятельный персонаж создан пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи. Психологическая острота и динамизм повествования, присущие всем детективам Пенни, обещают читателю захватывающее путешествие по перипетиям сюжета вплоть до самой развязки.

Для Армана Гамаша настали трудные времена. Его самый верный и преданный помощник отвернулся от своего наставника. Отдел по расследованию убийств, который Гамаш кропотливо создавал многие годы, расформирован, все сотрудники переведены в другие отделы, а на их место приняты бездельники и наглецы. Самого Гамаша всячески вынуждают уйти в отставку. Но прежде чем сделать это, он должен провести последнее расследование. Из деревни Три Сосны ему приходит сообщение о том, что пропала подруга Мирны Ландерс, обещавшая приехать к ней на Рождество. Начиная поиски пропавшей женщины, Гамаш еще не знает, что под именем Констанс Пино скрывалась одна из самых знаменитых личностей не только Канады или Северной Америки, но и всего мира...
Paul Mendelson 0.0
Seven years ago, in Cape Town, South Africa, three schoolboys were abducted in broad daylight on consecutive days. They were never seen again.
Now, a new case for the unpredictable Senior Superintendent Vaughn DeVries casts a light on the original enquiry; for him, a personal failure which has haunted and changed him. Struggling in a mire of departmental and racial rivalry, DeVries seeks the whole truth, and unravels a complex history of abuse, deception and murder. Encountering friends, colleagues and enemies, DeVries realises he doesn't know who he can trust.
Set against the richly described backdrop of Cape Town, this chilling psychological thriller reveals its secrets one by one, each more shocking than the last.
Пола Дэйли 2.5
Shortlisted for the CWA Gold Dagger for Best Crime Novel of the Year

From breakout thriller writer Paula Daly, the story of a husband and wife and the devious best friend who comes between them.

Natty and Sean have a rock-solid marriage—with two daughters, a successful business, and a beautiful house, they are a model family. When their younger daughter falls ill on a school trip, Natty rushes to her side. Luckily, Natty’s best friend from college, Eve, is visiting and offers to stay with Sean to lend a hand in the household. But Natty returns home to find that Eve has taken to family life a little too well: Sean has fallen in love with her. With no choice but to put on a brave face, Natty attempts to start anew—yet no matter how hard she tries to set herself upright, Eve is there to knock her down again. Then Natty receives a mysterious note that says Eve has done this before—more than once—and the consequences were fatal. On a mission to reveal Eve as a vindictive serial mistress, Natty must navigate through a treacherous maze of secrets and lies that threatens her life and the safety of her loved ones.

Криминальная литература в переводе

Артуро Перес-Реверте 3.9
Кадис, начало XIX века. Город все чаще становится мишенью для ядер наполеоновской армии - жители привыкли к ним так же, как и к раскаленному дыханию ветра, издавна блуждающему по лабиринту улиц. Город балансирует на грани страха и абсолютной вседозволенности: дни начинаются молитвами в церкви, а заканчиваются вечерами в портовых кабаках. Но жизнь в Кадисе и за его стенами не замирает. Корсары все так же бросают вызов морю, торговцы заключают с ними рискованные сделки, шпионы замышляют интриги, а комиссар преследует опасного убийцу. Каждая фигура играет ту роль, которая отведена ей правилами шахматной доски. Но останутся ли они прежними, если на одной доске разыгрывается сразу несколько партий, а паутину ходов плетет сам случай?
Пьер Леметр 3.8
С того момента, когда было обнаружено первое тело, комиссар Камиль Верховен понял, что перед ним совершенно необычное дело. И оказался прав. Но куда тянется след цепочки жутких и, на первый взгляд, начисто лишенных смысла убийств, каждое из которых тщательно инсценировано по всем правилам искусства, и почему убийца решил доверить свои признания именно комиссару? Положение Верховена осложняется тем, что вся парижская пресса ополчилась против его методов расследования…
Предлагаем внимаю читателей роман ТЩАТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА Пьера Леметра, открывающий знаменитую серию с комиссаром Верховеном.
Arnaldur Indridason 0.0
A missing woman. A missing boy. Detective Erlendur returns - for the last time A young woman walks into the frozen fjords of Iceland, never to be seen again. But Matthildur leaves in her wake rumours of lies, betrayal and revenge. Decades later, somewhere in the same wilderness, Detective Erlendur is on the hunt. He is looking for Matthildur but also for a long-lost brother, whose disappearance in a snow-storm when they were children has coloured his entire life. He is looking for answers. Slowly, the past begins to surrender its secrets. But as Erlendur uncovers a story about the limits of human endurance, he realises that many people would prefer their crimes to stay buried.
Оливье Трук 0.0
Winter is savage and cold in Lapland. When a priceless local relic is stolen from Kautokeino, a village in the middle of the isolated snowy tundra, detectives Klemet Nango – a familiar face in the rural community – and Nina Nansen, fresh out of the local police academy, are called to investigate.

There are just a few days until the locals will host a UN World Heritage conference, and Klemet and Nina are under pressure to retrieve the artefact, due to be presented to a world-renowned French scientist as part of the celebrations. When a local reindeer herder is found brutally murdered, Klemet and Nina immediately suspect that the two events are linked. But the villagers don't take too kindly to having their secret histories stirred up and the duo is forced to cross the icy landscapes alone in search of the answers that will lead them to a killer
Симон Урбан 0.0
October 2011. While West Berlin enjoys all the trappings of capitalism, on the crowded, polluted, Eastern side of the Wall, the GDR is facing bankruptcy. The ailing government's only hope lies in economic talks with the West, but then an ally of the GDR’s chairman is found murdered – and all the clues suggest that his killer came from within the Stasi. Detective Martin Wegener is assigned to the case, but, with the future of East Germany hanging over him, Wegener must work with the West German police if he is to find the killer, even if it means investigating the Stasi themselves. It is a journey that will take him from Stasi meeting rooms to secret prisons as he begins to unravel the identity of both victim and killer, and the meaning of the mysterious Plan D. Plan D is a gripping thriller and a thought-provoking alternative history in the vein of Robert Harris’s Fatherland and John le Carre’s The Spy Who Came in from the Cold.
Фред Варгас 4.0
Луи Кельвелер по прозвищу Немец, прирожденный сыщик, изгнанный из Министерства внутренних дел за то, что знал слишком много, находит под деревом подозрительную косточку. С этой находки - фаланги человеческого пальца, попавшей в Париж в желудке злобного питбуля, - начинается расследование, которое приводит Кельвелера в глухой уголок Бретани. Необычный след поможет Луи, движимому неукротимой жаждой справедливости, с помощью двух молодых историков - Марка Вандузлера и его друга Матиаса - найти жестокого убийцу, уверенного в своей неуязвимости.

Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга

Роберт Харрис 4.3
Франция, 1890-е годы. Сотрудник французской спецслужбы капитан Альфред Дрейфус объявлен особо опасным преступником, подвергнут гражданской казни и сослан на тропический остров в Атлантическом океане. Официальное обвинение — шпионаж в пользу Германии. Жорж Пикар, бывший наставник Дрейфуса, а затем начальник одного из отделов департамента разведки, ведет собственное расследование этого противоречивого дела, к тому же откровенно окрашенного в националистические тона. Главный обвинительный материал против Дрейфуса — таинственная «секретная папка», якобы содержащая все необходимые доказательства. Вот ее-то и надо найти Пикару, чтобы показать миру невиновность своего подопечного.
Луиза Даути 4.1
Роман зрелой уравновешенной замужней женщины с загадочным незнакомцем, начавшийся в результате случайной встречи, приводит их обоих на скамью подсудимых по обвинению в убийстве. Как это могло произойти с Ивонн Кармайкл, известным ученым и матерью двух детей?

«Это история о том, как мы создаем себе иллюзорные представления о незнакомых людях, а затем упорно следуем этим представлениям, игнорируя реальные обстоятельства.»
Терри Хейз 4.1
Пилигрим. Такого человека не существует. Есть Скотт Мердок, возглавлявший когда-то одно из секретных подразделений американской разведки, а затем выбывший из игры и ведущий уединенную жизнь в Париже. Но мир спецслужб никогда не отпускает своих агентов. И когда в нью-йоркском отеле находят мертвую женщину, а след выводит полицию на маньяка, задумавшего совершить массовое убийство, Скотт Мердок снова вступает в дело. Тогда-то он и становится Пилигримом.

Книга, достигшая первых строчек рейтингов престижных изданий, вызвавшая лавину читательских отзывов в Интернете, права на ее издание приобретены более чем в тридцати странах мира, а Голливуд прибрел права на экранизацию! И, что самое удивительное, «Я Пилигрим» — первая книга у Терри Хейза, успешного сценариста, на счету у которого работа в ведущих студиях Голливуда, а за плечами участие в написании сценариев таких культовых фильмов, как «Расплата» с Мелом Гибсоном в главной роли, «Из ада» с Джонни Деппом и многих других.

«Повествование волнующее, напряженное, затягивающее... Отличный триллер. Для первого романа – просто замечательно».
Literary Review
Greg Iles 3.5
‘Extraordinarily entertaining and fiendishly suspenseful’ (Stephen King). The stunning new Penn Cage thriller in which a shocking murder from the 1960s finds new life - and victims - in the present.
Penn Cage is facing a son's worst nightmare - having his father stand accused of murder. Worse, each effort to defend the legendary Dr Tom Cage unearths new, shocking secrets, leaving Penn to question whether he ever really knew his father at all.
At issue is the murder of Viola Turner, once Tom Cage's nurse, before being transferred to Chicago, now back in Natchez and a corpse in her sister's house.
What was the relationship between Tom, Viola, and the ‘Double Eagle Club’, an ultra-violent group of hardened men who considered themselves smarter, tougher, and more elite than their peers in the FBI-infiltrated Ku Klux Klan?
In Natchez, where the past is never truly ‘past’, long-buried secrets turn lethal when exposed to the light of day. For Penn Cage, the cost of solving this case will be no exception.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Рэй Целестин 0.0
New Orleans, 1919. As a dark serial killer – The Axeman – stalks the city, three individuals set out to unmask him…

Though every citizen of the ‘Big Easy’ thinks they know who could be behind the terrifying murders, Detective Lieutenant Michael Talbot, heading up the official investigation, is struggling to find leads. But Michael has a grave secret – and if he doesn’t find himself on the right track fast – it could be exposed…

Former detective Luca d’Andrea has spent the last six years in Angola state penitentiary, after Michael, his protégée, blew the whistle on his corrupt behaviour. Now a newly freed man, Luca finds himself working with the mafia, whose need to solve the mystery of the Axeman is every bit as urgent as the authorities’.

Meanwhile, Ida is a secretary at the Pinkerton Detective Agency.Obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and dreaming of a better life, Ida stumbles across a clue which lures her and her trumpet-playing friend, Lewis ‘Louis’ Armstrong, to the case and into terrible danger…

As Michael, Luca and Ida each draw closer to discovering the killer’s identity, the Axeman himself will issue a challenge to the people of New Orleans: play jazz or risk becoming the next victim. And as the case builds to its crescendo, the sky will darken and a great storm will loom over the city…
Антония Ходжсон 0.0
London, 1727. Tom Hawkins refuses to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a country parson. His preference is for wine, women, and cards. But there’s honor there too, and Tom won’t pull family strings to get himself out of debt—not even when faced with London’s notorious debtors’ prison.

The Marshalsea Gaol is a world of its own, with simple rules: Those with family or friends who can lend them a little money may survive in relative comfort. Those with none will starve in squalor and disease. And those who try to escape will suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of its ruthless governor and his cronies. The trouble is, Tom has never been good at following rules, even simple ones. And the recent grisly murder of a debtor, Captain Roberts, has brought further terror to the gaol. While the captain's beautiful widow cries for justice, the finger of suspicion points only one way: do the sly, enigmatic figure of Samuel Fleet.

Some call Fleet a devil, a man to avoid at all costs. But Tom Hawkins is sharing his cell. Soon Tom’s choice is clear: get to the truth of the murder—or be the next to die.

A dazzling evocation of a startlingly modern era, The Devil in the Marshalsea is a thrilling debut novel full of intrigue and suspense.
A.S.A. Harrison 3.5
A chilling psychological thriller about a marriage, a way of life, and how far one woman will go to keep what is rightfully hers

Jodi and Todd are at a bad place in their marriage. Much is at stake, including the affluent life they lead in their beautiful waterfront condo in Chicago, as she, the killer, and he, the victim, rush haplessly toward the main event. He is a committed cheater. She lives and breathes denial. He exists in dual worlds. She likes to settle scores. He decides to play for keeps. She has nothing left to lose. Told in alternating voices, The Silent Wife is about a marriage in the throes of dissolution, a couple headed for catastrophe, concessions that can’t be made, and promises that won’t be kept. Expertly plotted and reminiscent of Gone Girl and These Things Hidden, The Silent Wife ensnares the reader from page one and does not let go.
М. Дж. Картер 0.0
Calcutta 1837. The East India Company rules India - or most of it; and its most notorious and celebrated son, Xavier Mountstuart, has gone missing.

William Avery, a down-at-heel junior officer in the Company's army, is sent to find him, in the unlikely company of the enigmatic and uncouth Jeremiah Blake. A more mismatched duo couldn't be imagined, but they must bury their differences as they are caught up in a search that turns up too many unanswered questions and seems bound to end in failure.

What was it that so captivated Mountstuart about the Thugs, the murderous sect of Kali-worshippers who strangle innocent travellers by the roadside? Who is Jeremiah Blake and can he be trusted? And why is the whole enterprise shrouded in such secrecy?

In the dark heart of Company India, Avery will have to fight for his very life, and in defence of a truth he will wish he had never learned.

M. J. Carter is a former journalist and the author of two acclaimed works of non-fiction: Anthony Blunt: His Lives and The Three Emperors: Three Cousins, Three Empires and the Road to World War One.

Кинжал Дебютанта

Jody Sabral 0.0
A routine assignment covering protests in Turkey turns deadly for American reporter Kate Roberts, when a young dissident is viciously murdered in Istanbul. As rioting grips the city, Kate's camerawoman discovers she has an unexpected connection to the victim, and that there are forces who will stop at nothing to prevent them uncovering the truth.
Tom O. Keenan 0.0
Set in Glasgow, The Father is the critically acclaimed debut novel of Tom O. Keenan featuring forensic profiler Sean Rooney.

Исторический кинжал

Антония Ходжсон 0.0
London, 1727. Tom Hawkins refuses to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a country parson. His preference is for wine, women, and cards. But there’s honor there too, and Tom won’t pull family strings to get himself out of debt—not even when faced with London’s notorious debtors’ prison.

The Marshalsea Gaol is a world of its own, with simple rules: Those with family or friends who can lend them a little money may survive in relative comfort. Those with none will starve in squalor and disease. And those who try to escape will suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of its ruthless governor and his cronies. The trouble is, Tom has never been good at following rules, even simple ones. And the recent grisly murder of a debtor, Captain Roberts, has brought further terror to the gaol. While the captain's beautiful widow cries for justice, the finger of suspicion points only one way: do the sly, enigmatic figure of Samuel Fleet.

Some call Fleet a devil, a man to avoid at all costs. But Tom Hawkins is sharing his cell. Soon Tom’s choice is clear: get to the truth of the murder—or be the next to die.

A dazzling evocation of a startlingly modern era, The Devil in the Marshalsea is a thrilling debut novel full of intrigue and suspense.
Джилл Патон Уолш 4.5
In Jill Paton Walsh's fourth installment in her inspired continuation of Dorothy L. Sayers's acclaimed mysteries, Lord Peter Wimsey and his detective novelist wife, Harriet Vane, revisit their beloved Oxford, where a long and literate courtship finally culminated in their engagement.

To his surprise, Lord Peter, as the Duke of Denver, has been charged with settling a dispute among the Fellows of St. Severin's College, Oxford University. At first, the stalemate seems the result of a simple difference of opinion about a valuable manuscript. Some of the Fellows regard the book as nothing but an insurance liability that should be sold to finance a speculative purchase of land. The voting is evenly balanced. The Warden would normally cast the deciding vote, but he has disappeared. And when several of the Fellows die unexpectedly, Lord Peter and Harriet set off on an investigation to uncover what is really going on at St. Severin's.

With this return to the Oxford of Gaudy Night, which many readers regard as their favorite of Sayers's original series, Jill Paton Walsh revives the wit and brilliant plotting of the Golden Age of detective fiction with The Late Scholar.
S. J. Parris 0.0
As per the rest of the series, Treachery has a very nice balance of mystery, action, and historical background. Bruno as the lead continues to be a compelling character to follow as he attempts to unravel the mysteries in question throughout this entry. He is generally wise, kind, and quick to act in the face of danger but is not a character without flaw. There is just enough historical background(with the story somewhat centered around Sir Francis Drake) to be interesting without bogging the story down. If the book has a weak spot, it's simply that the reader will miss some detail if they haven't read the previous books in the series, though the book is easy to pick up as a stand-alone as well. Looking forward to the next one.
Майкл Расселл 0.0
New York, 1939: A city of hope. A city of opportunity. A city hiding dark secrets...

A woman is brutally murdered and the only suspect has fled the country. Garda Sergeant Stefan Gillespie is sent to New York to bring a killer home to face justice – but the man has already disappeared into Manhattan’s awesome vistas.

Stefan is beguiled, exhilarated and troubled by this city buzzing with confidence, pride and ruthless opportunism, from skyscraper penthouses, to grimy backstreets, to the pulse-thumping jazz clubs of Harlem.

The 1939 World Fair only heightens the noisy enthusiasm for a bright new future and the stark tensions of a city that seethes with anti-Semitism and segregation, a city whose links to the struggle for Irish independence are unbreakable, yet holds hidden danger for Ireland in a world on the edge of war.

Stefan’s mission in New York becomes part of an increasingly personal struggle when an encounter with an old friend catapults him into a complex world of murder, conspiracy and terror.
In a time when people must stand up for what they believe in, the stakes for Stefan Gillespie, and his country, couldn’t be higher.
Кейт Гриффин 0.0
Limehouse, 1880: Dancing girls are going missing from 'Paradise' - the criminal manor with ruthless efficiency by the ferocious Lady Ginger. Seventeen-year-old music hall seamstress Kitty Peck finds herself reluctantly drawn into a web of blackmail, depravity and murder when The Lady devises a singular scheme to discover the truth. But as Kitty's scandalous and terrifying act becomes the talk of London, she finds herself facing someone even more deadly and horrifying than The Lady.

Bold, impetuous and blessed with more brains than she cares to admit, it soon becomes apparent that it's up to the unlikely team of Kitty and her stagehand friend, Lucca, to unravel the truth and ensure that more girls do not meet with a similar fate. But are Kitty's courage and common sense and Lucca's book learning a match for the monster in the shadows? Their investigations take them from the gin-fuelled halls and doss houses of the East End to the champagne-fuelled galleries of the West End.

Take nothing at face value: Kitty is about to step out on a path of discovery that changes everything . .
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