Вручение 2011 г. — стр. 2

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2011 г.

Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга

Стив Гамильтон 4.1
Майкл, страдающий немотой, может быстро открыть любой замок и потому быстро становится добычей воротил преступного мира. Он понимает, что ему придётся призвать на помощь все свои таланты и хитрость, чтобы вырваться из рабства. И вернуться к единственному человеку, способному помочь ему разоблачить страшную тайну детства.
Michael Gruber 0.0
New York Times bestselling author Michael Gruber, a member of "the elite ranks of those who can both chill the blood and challenge the mind" (The Denver Post), delivers a taut, multilayered, riveting novel of suspense

Somewhere in Pakistan, Sonia Laghari and eight fellow members of a symposium on peace are being held captive by armed terrorists. Sonia, a deeply religious woman as well as a Jungian psychologist, has become the de facto leader of the kidnapped group. While her son Theo, an ex-Delta soldier, uses his military connections to find and free the victims, Sonia tries to keep them all alive by working her way into the kidnappers' psyches and interpreting their dreams. With her knowledge of their language, her familiarity with their religion, and her Jungian training, Sonia confounds her captors with her insights and beliefs. Meanwhile, when the kidnappers decide to kill their captives, one by one, in retaliation for perceived crimes against their country, Theo races against the clock to try and save their lives.
Craig Smith 0.0
The author of The Blood Lance and The Painted Messiah demonstrates his versatility with this dark, stylish noir thriller set on and around a Midwestern university campus

I turned thirty-seven that summer, older than Dante when he toured Hell, but only by a couple of years.

Life couldn't be better for David Albo, an associate professor of English at a small midwestern university. He lives in an idyllic, out-of-town, plantation-style mansion with a beautiful and intelligent wife and an adoring teenage stepdaughter. As he returns to the university after a long and relaxing sabbatical, there is a full professorship in the offing—and, what's more, he has managed to stay off the booze for two whole years. But, once term begins, things deteriorate rapidly. The damning evidence that he has sexually harassed his students is just the beginning as Dave finds himself sucked into a vortex of conspiracy, betrayal, jealousy, and murder. Unless he can discover quickly who is out to destroy him, all that he is and loves is about to be stripped away.
С. Дж. Уотсон 4.0
Каждое утро Кристин Лукас просыпается в незнакомой комнате, в постели с мужчиной, которого не узнает. Каждое утро этот мужчина терпеливо объясняет Кристин, что он ее муж, а она страдает амнезией с тех пор, как в молодости попала в аварию. По совету врача, занимающегося ее случаем, Кристин втайне от мужа начинает вести дневник, записывая туда все, что ей удается узнать и вспомнить в течение дня. Отчаянно пытаясь сложить из обрывков воспоминаний свое прошлое, Кристин задает все больше вопросов — себе и окружающим. Но каждое новое воскресшее воспоминание все больше пугает ее, ей все сложнее понять, что же на самом деле случилось с ней много лет назад, что именно стерло из памяти всю ее прежнюю жизнь?

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

С. Дж. Уотсон 4.0
Каждое утро Кристин Лукас просыпается в незнакомой комнате, в постели с мужчиной, которого не узнает. Каждое утро этот мужчина терпеливо объясняет Кристин, что он ее муж, а она страдает амнезией с тех пор, как в молодости попала в аварию. По совету врача, занимающегося ее случаем, Кристин втайне от мужа начинает вести дневник, записывая туда все, что ей удается узнать и вспомнить в течение дня. Отчаянно пытаясь сложить из обрывков воспоминаний свое прошлое, Кристин задает все больше вопросов — себе и окружающим. Но каждое новое воскресшее воспоминание все больше пугает ее, ей все сложнее понять, что же на самом деле случилось с ней много лет назад, что именно стерло из памяти всю ее прежнюю жизнь?
Conor Fitzgerald 0.0
An engrossing novel of murder, organized crime, and politics in contemporary Italy—the first in a series of Italian crime novels by a promising new writer.
On a hot summer morning, Arturo Clemente is sloppily murdered in his Roman apartment by a mysterious slasher. Though the murder appears amateurish, even random, Clemente is no ordinary victim. An animal rights activist campaigning against dogfighting, he is married to a prominent politician and sleeping with Manuela Fusco, the daughter of a dangerous crime boss.
Police inspector Alec Blume has a favorite suspect, but the investigation is already being manipulated by both the Senate and the Fusco crime ring. As the details of the case continue to trickle out, Blume soon realizes he is being watched from on high—and that solving this crime may be the least of his worries. Angry, sleep-deprived, and unsure who to trust, Blume is losing control of his investigation. As the mob tightens its grip on the city, and with the killer still at large, Blume’s struggle for justice may cost more innocent lives.
In this riveting debut novel, we are introduced to Blume, an American expatriate and seasoned police veteran. Intelligent yet sometimes petulant, instinctive yet flawed, Blume is a likable and trustworthy protagonist for this first installment of a gritty and promising series.
Sam Hawken 0.0
A visceral crime novel based on the true story of mass murder in a Mexican border town

In the last twenty years, over 3000 women have disappeared from Ciudad Juárez, on the border between Mexico and the USA. Sam Hawken takes this story of mass murder and abduction and around it weaves the story of Kelly Courter, a washed up boxer from Texas, who doesn't mind playing the stooge in the ring, so long as he gets paid.Courter is sucked into the underworld of organised crime that flourishes in the city, soon finding himself in way over his head. As his life spins out of control he becomes obsessed with seeking the truth about the female victims of Juárez. Sam Hawken is a classic American voice and Kelly Courteris a timeless American hero, fighting for freedom and justice in this fast-paced and brutal novel.
Дэнни Миллер 0.0
Set in Brighton over the bank holiday weekend of 1964, an ambitious and handsome young detective Vince Treadwell is sent down to solve a murder and catch the elusive and powerful gangster, Jack Regent. In the tangled web of the crime, Vince falls for Jack's beautiful girlfriend, Bobbie LaVita, and discovers the truth about their own dark pasts.
Элизабет Хейнс 4.2
Любовь опасна, иногда смертельно опасна.
Кэти Бейли, красивая молодая англичанка, знает об этом не понаслышке и не из криминальных хроник. Однажды на пути Кэти встречается мужчина ее мечты. Человек-загадка, мужественный красавец, едва ли не супермен, он стремительно завоевывает сердце девушки. Могла ли она догадываться, что под маской красавца и супермена скрывается безжалостное чудовище и Кэти не первая, кого он выбрал для своей смертельной игры.
Erin Kelly 2.0
With its hip London backdrop and expert pacing, Erin Kelly's masterful debut, "The Poison Tree," delivers all the way through to its shocker of an ending. London, 1997. Karen meets exotic, flamboyant Biba and, spellbound, she moves into the crumbling mansion Biba shares with her enigmatic brother, Rex. Drugs and wine flow as Rex and Karen begin an affair, but their summer of freedom is about to end in blood. Ten years later, Karen and nine-year-old Alice pick up Rex from his stint in prison for murder. When old ghosts come calling, Karen will do whatever it takes to protect her family. She is a womanwith everything to lose.
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