Вручение 2008 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2008 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Франсис Файфилд 0.0
Marianne Shearer is at the height of her career, a dauntingly successful barrister, respected by her peers and revered by her clients. So why has she killed herself? Her latest case had again resulted in an acquittal, although the outcome was principally due to the death of the prime witness after Marianne's forceful cross-examination. Had this wholly professional and unemotional lawyer been struck by guilt or uncertainty, or is there some secret to be discovered in her blandly comfortable private life? Her tenacious colleague Peter Friel is determined to find out of that last trial held the reason for her taking her own life. The transcript holds intriguing clues, but it is another witness at the trial who holds the key to the truth.
James Lee Burke 0.0
Dave Robicheaux's beloved New Orleans is awash with corpses after Hurricane Katrina unleashes its f awesome power. In a city patrolled only by looters, all law and order gone, the survivors wait in trees or on rooftops for help that never comes.
In a landscape transformed into a violent wasteland, Robicheaux must investigate the shooting of two looters and find out why some very dangerous people are hunting a third. Is it because they unwittingly ransacked the house of a notorious mob boss? Or did a chance encounter with the father of a raped girl seal their fate? As Robicheaux starts to uncover a ruthless tale of greed, torture and murder, his own family comes under threat from a sinister psychopath, and the devastated city provides the perfect stage for a final confrontation between good and evil.

Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см.
Colin Cotterill 0.0
Confronted by the poisoning of an important official's wife and the sudden appearance of three bodies that may create an international incident between Laos and Vietnam, 72-year-old state coroner Dr. Siri Paiboun keeps his cool in Cotterill's engaging whodunit, set in Laos a year after the 1975 Communist takeover. Ably assisted by the entertaining Geung and ambitious Dtui, Siri calmly gleans clues from minute examinations of the bodies while circumnavigating bureaucratic red tape to arrive at justice. Only an attempt on his life manages to rattle him—and for good reason. In addition to being comfortable around corpses, Siri actually converses with the dead during his dreams. These scenes come across more as a personification of Siri's natural intuition than as a supernatural element. Less explainable is Siri's journey to a northern Laos army base, where he becomes involved in the witchcraft and spirit world of the local tribespeople. Despite this minor detour into the implausible and a later, jarring change in viewpoint, this debut mystery, with its convincing and highly interesting portrayal of an exotic locale, marks the author as someone to watch.
Steve Hamilton 0.0
Joe Trumble is a probation officer with a tragedy in his past. Two years ago his fiancee Laurel was brutally killed three days before their wedding. No one has yet been caught. As the story opens, Joe is heading for a blind date with Marlene, a jewellery designer, his first encounter with a woman since Laurel's death. The evening is a success, but the next day Marlene is reported missing. Two days later her body is found. As the last person to see her alive, Joe is at the very least a material witness and, as the evidence mounts and another body is found, suspicion begins to centre on him.
Лора Липпман 3.3
Однажды две сестры-подростка, Санни и Хизер, не вернулись домой. Исчезли без следа. Долгие годы их безуспешно разыскивала полиция, и даже родители девочек уже перестали надеяться вновь увидеть своих дочерей… И вот, спустя тридцать лет, в полицию попала женщина, сделавшая сенсационное признание: она – Хизер, одна из пропавших много лет назад сестер. В участок на опознание срочно приехала ее мать. И тут начались странности. Арестованная рассказала о таких деталях детства двух сестер, которые, казалось, давно должна была забыть, а вот действительно важные вещи не помнила напрочь… Хизер ли это? А если нет – то кто она и зачем выдает себя за нее?..
R.N. Morris 0.0
A Vengeful Longing confirms what RN Morris' previous novel, A Gentle Axe, suggested - that here is major talent in the increasingly overcrowded historical crime field. On the evidence here, Morris is writing novels that rival the very best in the genre in terms of atmosphere, plausible historical detail and exemplary plotting. Two people - a mother and son -- are murdered; a box of chocolates delivered by woman's husband contains an agonising poison. The detectives investigating the killing (in which the doctor husband is, of course, the prime suspect - and seems to telegraph his guilt when interviewed) are the novice Virginsky and the experienced Porfiry Petrovich - the later, of course, the protagonist in Morris' previous books -- And the policeman in Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, no less. Morris audaciously utilised Petrovich in his previous novel. That gamble (cheeky though it was) has paid off handsomely there - and does so once again in A Vengeful Longing.
19th-century Russia is once again evoked with total authority, and the murder investigation has the compulsiveness of modern crime fiction - with the added frisson of a brilliantly conjured period setting. The continuation of characters created by other authors is nothing new, but few have the chutzpah of RN Morris - or the skill to pull off (not once, but twice - and more, we are told) this daring trick. --Barry Forshaw

Криминальная литература в переводе

Доминик Манотти 0.0
A factory owned by the Korean Daewoo group in Pondange, Lorraine, makes cathode ray tubes. Working conditions are awful, but as it's the only source of employment in this bleak region, the workers daren't protest. Until a strike breaks out and there's a fire at the factory. But is it an accident?
Андреа Камиллери 5.0
When a local girl goes missing, the whole community takes an interest in the case. But why are the kidnappers so sure that the girl's impoverished father and dying mother will be able to find a fortune? The ever-inquisitive Montalbano steps in.
Стиг Ларссон 4.4
Сорок лет загадка исчезновения юной родственницы не дает покоя стареющему промышленному магнату, и вот он предпринимает последнюю в своей жизни попытку — поручает розыск журналисту Микаэлю Блумквисту. Тот берется за безнадежное дело больше для того, чтобы отвлечься от собственных неприятностей, но вскоре понимает: проблема даже сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд.
Как связано давнее происшествие на острове с несколькими убийствами женщин, случившимися в разные годы в разных уголках Швеции? При чем здесь цитаты из Третьей Книги Моисея? И кто, в конце концов, покушался на жизнь самого Микаэля, когда он подошел к разгадке слишком близко? И уж тем более он не мог предположить, что расследование приведет его в сущий ад среди идиллически мирного городка.
Мартин Сутер 3.4
Что делать, если тебя преследуют страхи, если не можешь уснуть по ночам и вздрагиваешь от каждого шороха?
Героиня романа Мартина Сутера Соня так и поступает - от своих страхов, депрессии и безысходной тоски она пытается спрятаться в небольшой деревушке.
Но страх настигает ее и здесь. Кто-то играет с ней в жестокую и опасную игру - сначала подсовывает книгу с легендой о бедной пастушке, продавшей свою душу Миланскому черту, а потом инсценирует все те знамения, с помощью которых черт демонстрировал свое могущество.
Соня подавлена, но она решает не сдаваться. Во что бы то ни стало ей надо выяснить - кто стоит за проделками черта, кому надо запугать ее?
Фред Варгас 4.3
Все началось с трупов двух парней, выходцев из бедных парижских предместий, найденных на окраине Парижа, в квартале Порт-де-ла-Шапель. Комиссар Жан-Батист Адамберг ни за что не хотел отдавать их Наркотделу - и, кажется, копнул слишком глубоко… Тут в дело вмешалась таинственная Тень. Кто она - монахиня Кларисса из стародавнего века, медсестра-убийца с раздвоенным сознанием или кто-то другой - знакомый незнакомец? Комиссар убежден, что нити преступлений тянутся из далекого прошлого. Но вот при чем тут красавцы-олени, растерзанные в нормандских лесах?

Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга

Том Роб Смит 3.8
1933 год, разгар голодомора. Братья Павел и Андрей ловят кота, чтобы хоть чем-то набить пустые желудки. Старший из них домой не вернется, а младший…лучше бы он умер! Ведь спустя годы 44 ребенка, нарушив простое правило никогда не разговаривать с незнакомцами, станут жертвами его жестокости!
Mo Hayder 3.8
Just after lunch on a Tuesday in April, nine feet underwater, police diver Flea Marley closes her gloved fingers around a human hand.
The fact that there's no body attached is disturbing enough. Yet more disturbing is the discovery, a day later, of the matching hand. Both have been recently amputated, and the indications are that the victim was still alive when they were removed.
DI Jack Caffery has been newly seconded to the Major Crime Investigation Unit in Bristol. He and Flea soon establish that the hands belong to a boy who has recently disappeared.
Their search for him - and for his abductor - leads them into the darkest recesses of Bristol's underworld, where drug addiction is rife, where street-kids sell themselves for a hit, and where an ancient evil lurks; an evil that feeds off the blood - and flesh - of others
Gregg Hurwitz 0.0
A crime writer finds himself entangled in his own gruesome mystery in this fast-paced psychological thriller

Drew Danner, a crime novelist with a house off L.A.’s storied Mulholland Drive, awakens in a hospital bed with a scar on his head and no memory of being found convulsing over his ex- fiancée’s body the previous night. He was discovered holding a knife, her blood beneath his nails. He himself doesn’t know whether he’s guilty or innocent. To reconstruct the story, the writer must now become the protagonist, searching the corridors of his life and the city he loves.

Soon Drew closes in on clues he may or may not have left for himself, and as another young woman is similarly murdered he has to ask difficult questions not of others but of himself. Beautifully crafted and heartbreakingly told, The Crime Writer confronts our inherent fear of what we might truly be capable of—good or evil. Like nothing he’s written before, The Crime Writer takes Hurwitz in an exciting new direction and is sure to reach a whole new audience
Michael Robotham 3.8
In Michael Robotham’s latest thriller, psychologist Joe O’Loughlin—the appealing hero of Suspect—tries to prevent a suicide and finds himself locked in a deadly duel with a very clever killer.

Joe O'Loughlin is on familiar territory—standing on a bridge high above a flooded gorge, trying to stop a distraught woman from jumping. She is naked, wearing only high-heel shoes, sobbing into a cell phone. Suddenly, she turns to him and whispers, “You don’t understand,” and lets go. Joe is shattered by the suicide and haunted by his failure to save the woman, until her teenage daughter finds him and reveals that her mother would never have committed suicide—not like that. She was terrified of heights. Compelled to investigate, Joe is soon obsessed with discovering who was on the other end of the phone. What could have driven her to commit such a desperate act? Whose voice? What evil?

Having devoted his career to repairing damaged minds, Joe must now confront an adversary who tears them apart: a man who searches for the cracks in a person’s psyche and claws his fingers inside, destroying what makes them whole.

With pitch-perfect dialogue, believable characters, and intriguingly unpredictable plot twists, Shatter is guaranteed to keep even the most avid thriller readers riveted long into the night.
David Stone 0.0
Micah Dalton is not paid to ask questions. He's the man the CIA sends to clean up the mess when something goes wrong-an agent gets in trouble, or worse. But when his colleague and friend Porter Nauman turns up dead in an idyllic Tuscan hill town, as a result of an apparent and unimaginably gruesome suicide, Dalton can't help but ask questions. And when Nauman's family is subsequently slaughtered back home in London, Dalton can sit back no longer.
Moving from Venice to London to Washington, D.C., to the unbearably beautiful mountains of the American West, Dalton tracks the specter who, with a penchant for intricate knifework influenced by Native American mysticism, is killing a disparate group of agents, former agents, and contract men-all of whom seem to have a connection to ECHELON, a mysterious company operation. The murders appear to be acts of retribution, but for what?

Elegant, horrifying, and chillingly suspenseful, The Echelon Vendetta will keep you enthralled, through its final, supremely satisfying twist.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Мэтт Рис 0.0
“Matt Beynon Rees has taken a complex world of culture clash and suspicion and placed upon it humanity.” David Baldacci, author of The Camel Club “A beautifully written story. I have walked the streets of Bethlehem with Omar Yussef, smelled the dust and the fear, tasted his food, shared his anger and his hope. His decency is a light in the gloom. I shall not forget him.” Anne Perry, author of Dark Assassin “The Collaborator of Bethlehem is the best and the rarest sort of mystery: exciting and compelling, but it is also a deeply moving story that will, for many readers, shed much needed light on the conditions in the Palestinian territories. Matt Beynon Rees’s ability to blend the political and the emotional is reminiscent of Graham Greene.” David Liss, author of The Ethical Assassin “Omar Yussef has everything I admire in a detective: humility, humanity, a great faith in the power of knowledge and a few bad habits too!” Barbara Nadel, author of The Ottoman Cage

For decades, Omar Yussef has been a teacher of history to the children of Bethlehem. When a favorite former pupil, George Saba, a member of the Palestinian Christian minority, is arrested for collaborating with the Israelis in the killing of a Palestinian guerrilla, Omar is sure he has been framed. If George is not cleared, he faces imminent execution. Then the wife of the dead man, also one of Omar Yussef’s former pupils, is murdered, possibly raped. When he begins to suspect the head of the Bethlehem al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is the true collaborator, Omar and his family are threatened. But as no one else is willing to stand up to the violent Martyrs Brigades men, who hold the real power in the town, it is up to him to investigate.
Зои Феррарис 4.0
Zoë Ferraris’s electrifying debut of taut psychological suspense offers an unprecedented window into Saudi Arabia and the lives of men and women there. When sixteen-year-old Nouf goes missing, along with a truck and her favorite camel, her prominent family calls on Nayir al-Sharqi, a desert guide, to lead a search party. Ten days later, just as Nayir is about to give up in frustration, her body is discovered by anonymous desert travelers. But when the coroner’s office determines that Nouf died not of dehydration but from drowning, and her family seems suspiciously uninterested in getting at the truth, Nayir takes it upon himself to find out what really happened to her.

This mission will push gentle, hulking, pious Nayir, a Palestinian orphan raised by his bachelor uncle, to delve into the secret life of a rich, protected teenage girl—in one of the most rigidly gender-segregated of Middle Eastern societies. Initially horrified at the idea of a woman bold enough to bare her face and to work in public, Nayir soon realizes that if he wants to gain access to the hidden world of women, he will have to join forces with Katya Hijazi, a lab worker at the coroner’s office. Their partnership challenges Nayir, bringing him face to face with his desire for female companionship and the limitations imposed by his beliefs. It also ultimately leads them both to surprising revelations. Fast-paced and utterly transporting, Finding Nouf offers an intimate glimpse inside a closed society and a riveting literary mystery.
Элена Форбс 3.7
В церкви Святого Себастьяна в Лондоне обнаружен труп молоденькой девушки. Оставив дома предсмертную записку, она бросилась вниз с высокой галереи. Этот случай сочли бы самоубийством, если бы в ее крови не обнаружили наркотик ГГБ, который приводит в состояние эйфории и подавляет волю. Инспектор МаркТарталья и его напарница сержант Сэм Донован выясняют, что за два года схожих трагедий было по крайней мере еще три. Серийный убийца, который при переписке с будущими жертвами называет себя Томом, бросает вызов правосудию, продолжая безнаказанно подталкивать людей к последней черте…
Каро Рэмси 3.7
Тела безжалостно убитых молодых женщин расположены в позе распятия ... Убийца явно оставляет полиции некое послание . Но в чем его смысл ? На первый взгляд это " почерк " религиозного маньяка . Однако ни одна жертва , как выясняет следствие , не вела особенно грешной жизни ... Полиция выдвигает и отметает версию за версией .
А опытному детективу Макалпину , стоящему во главе следственной группы , не дает покоя вопрос : почему все убитые похожи на свидетельницу преступления , которую он не сумел защитить двадцать лет назад ? Случайное совпадение ? А может , мотив убийцы скрыт в далеком прошлом ?..
Том Роб Смит 3.8
1933 год, разгар голодомора. Братья Павел и Андрей ловят кота, чтобы хоть чем-то набить пустые желудки. Старший из них домой не вернется, а младший…лучше бы он умер! Ведь спустя годы 44 ребенка, нарушив простое правило никогда не разговаривать с незнакомцами, станут жертвами его жестокости!

Кинжал Дебютанта

Amer Anwar 0.0

Southall, West London.
Recently released from prison, Zaq Khan is lucky to land a dead-end job at a builders' yard. All he wants to do is keep his head down and put his past behind him.
But when he has to search for his boss's runaway daughter it quickly becomes apparent he's not simply dealing with family arguments and arranged marriages as he finds himself caught up in a deadly web of deception, murder and revenge.
With time running out and pressure mounting, can he find the missing girl before it's too late? And if he does, can he keep her - and himself - alive long enough to deal with the people who want them both dead?

If you like gritty action, sharp dialogue and pacy plotting, then you'll love this award winning action thriller from Amer Anwar.

Get you copy of Western Fringes today!

Исторический кинжал

Лаура Уилсон 0.0
London, June 1940. When the body of silent screen star Mabel Morgan is found impaled on a wrought-iron fence, the coroner rules her death as suicide. Detective Ted Stratton is not convinced and suspects that Morgan’s fatal fall may have been the work of one of Soho’s most notorious gangsters.

Meanwhile, MI5 agent Diana Calthrop is leading a covert operation when she discovers that her boss is involved in espionage. Only when Stratton’s path crosses Diana’s does the pair start to uncover the truth. And soon they also begin to realize they like each other a little too much. . . .
Ариана Франклин 0.0
Twelfth-century anatomist, Adelia Aguilar must once again examine the dead as gruesome events are beginning to unfold Henry IIs favourite mistress, Rosamund Clifford, has been poisoned and, rumour says, by his jealous wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine. If Henry believes the stories, England will be torn apart as King battles Queen. In a race against time to prove Eleanors innocence, and with a dangerous assassin on the loose, Adelia has never faced greater danger. The armies that might cause civil war lie behind her. The icy winds of a dreadful winter blow around her. And ahead she must brave the thorns of the impenetrable labyrinth that surrounds Fair Rosamunds tower, and decipher the mystery of the dead woman who lies frozen within.
Philip Kerr 5.0
Philip Kerr returns with his best-loved character, Bernie Gunther, in the fifth novel in what is now a series: a tight, twisting, compelling thriller that is firmly rooted in history.

A Quiet Flame opens in 1950. Falsely fingered a war criminal, Bernie Gunther has booked passage to Buenos Aires, lured, like the Nazis whose company he has always despised, by promises of a new life and a clean passport from the Per?n government. But Bernie doesn't have the luxury of settling into his new home and lying low. He is soon pressured by the local police into taking on a case in which a girl has turned up dead, gruesomely mutilated, and another--the daughter of a wealthy German banker--has gone missing. Both crimes seem to connect to an unsolved case Bernie worked on back in Berlin in 1932. It's not so far-fetched that the cases might be linked: after all, the scum of the earth has been washing up on Argentine shores--state-licensed murderers and torturers--so why couldn't a serial killer be among them?

But Argentina, just like Germany, holds terrible secrets within its corrupt halls of power. When beautiful Anna Yagubsky seeks Gunther out, desperate for help, to find out what happened to her Jewish aunt and uncle who have disappeared, he is drawn into a horror story that rivals everything he has tried so hard to leave behind half a world away.

In this new postwar world, Bernie Gunther is a man without a name or a country, but still in full possession of his conscience. He is "the right kind of hero for his time--and ours."
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