Вручение 2005 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2005 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Арнальд Индридасон 4.2
Арнальд Индридасон - один из самых известных и любимых в Европе исландцев. Поклонники жанра увлеченно наблюдают за необычными расследованиями Эрленда, полицейского детектива из Рейкьявика. ""Каменный мешок"" - продолжение нашумевшей ""Трясины"" - в 2005 году удостоен британской литературной премии ""Золотой кинжал"" как лучший криминальный роман. В пригороде Рейкьявика на строительном участке обнаружен полувековой давности скелет. Мысли Эрленда заняты тяжелым состоянием дочери, лежащей в больнице. Однако он считает, что убийство есть убийство, когда бы оно ни случилось, и методично собирает крошечные обрывки информации в осмысленную картину, извлекая из небытия печальные истории нескольких исландских семей в годы Второй мировой войны. И как незадачливый отец, и как талантливый следователь он выясняет, что темная сторона общества слишком медленно меняется к лучшему…
Карл Хайасен 3.7
"Прохладным апрельским вечером пробило одиннадцать, и женщина но имени Джои Перроне упала за борт с роскошной палубы круизного лайнера "Герцогиня солнца". Погружаясь в темные воды Атлантики, Джои так ошалела, что не сообразила запаниковать. "Я вышла замуж за кретина", - думала она, головой рассекая волны".
Биолог, прикидываясь ревнителем защиты окружающей среды, фальсифицирует экологические данные. Флегматичный детектив держит дома двух питонов и каждый день в тропиках мечтает о снеге. Волосатый громила коллекционирует придорожные кресты и похищает из хосписа старушку. Отставной полицейский выуживает из моря женщину, которую муж непонятно почему сбросил в море во время круиза в честь второй годовщины их брака. Пережившая покушение Джои Перроне, полицейский-отшельник и новозеландский овцевод распутывают грандиозную аферу, успев в процессе изрядно повеселиться.

Остросюжетная комедия положений, бестселлер Карла Хайасена "Купание голышом" ныне экранизируется в Голливуде. Такой комической Америки не может быть - но, как ни странно, она есть.
Фред Варгас 3.9
Роман «Человек наизнанку» подарит читателю очередную встречу с уже знакомым ему комиссаром Адамбергом. На сей раз комиссару предстоит распутывать дело, сильно отдающее чертовщиной. Жители альпийской деревушки Сен-Виктор лишились сна: каждую ночь на пастбищах находят растерзанные трупы овец. Вскоре начинают гибнуть люди. Рваные раны на шее, лужи крови, никаких следов… Это оборотень, решили те, кто верит в страшные сказки. А может, это человек, по вине обстоятельств превратившийся в монстра?

Серебряный Кинжал

Барбара Надель 0.0
A naked teenage girl is found dead near the beautiful Byzantine Yoros Castle in Turkey. She has stabbed herself through the heart but there is evidence of bizarre sexual practice. In another part of Istanbul, a young boy sems to have committed suicide in similar circumstances. What dark rituals could have compelled them to fatal self-abuse? Inspectors Cetin Ikmen and Mehmet Suleyman follow an internet trail that leads them to an underworld of Goth nightclubs and Satanic worship. But even those murkey shadows hide more than they reveal and the answers to an ever increasing number of suspicious deaths is more shocking and terrible than they could ever have imagined.

Криминальная литература в переводе

Фред Варгас 4.0
Однажды утром София Симеонидис, в прошлом оперная певица, обнаружила у себя в саду незнакомое деревце. Бук. Кто его посадил? И зачем? Пьеру, мужу Софии, нет дела до этих странностей. Однако она встревожена, теряет сон и, наконец, просит своих соседей, трех молодых чудаковатых историков, выкопать под деревом яму, чтобы узнать, не захоронено ли под ним что-нибудь... А еще через несколько недель София исчезла. Вскоре нашли обгоревший труп. Ее труп? Полиция ведет расследование. Соседи тоже. Им нравилась София. Внезапное появление бука кажется теперь еще более загадочным...

Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга

Генри Портер 0.0
In this brilliant, multilayered, espionage thriller, the 2005 Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award winner Henry Porter captures the tense final moments before the fall of the Berlin Wall. September 1989. The Communist government in East Germany is on the brink of collapse. Even the Stasi, one of the most formidable intelligence agencies of all time, can't stop the rebellion that ends in the fall of the Berlin Wall. Dr. Rudi Rosenharte, formerly a Stasi foreign agent, is sent to Trieste to rendezvous with his old lover and agent, Annalise Schering, who the Stasi believe Annalise has vital intelligence. The problem: Rudi knows she's dead. He saw her lying in her own bloodied bathwater, and then kept her suicide a secret. As collateral for this mission, the Stasi have imprisoned Rosenharte's family. But the Stasi is not the only intelligence agency using Rosenharte. Soon the British and Americans encircle him, forcing him to choose between abandoning his beloved brother to a torturous death and returning to East Germany as a double agent. As the political pressures against the East German government rise, Rudi must face his own crises. Brandenburg Gate shows Henry Porter at the top of his game.
Саймон Керник 3.8
Бывший полицейский Деннис Милн, обвиненный в преступлениях, которых не совершал, покинул страну и стал... наемным убийцей.
Узнав, что в Англии при загадочных обстоятельствах погиб его друг, Деннис решил вернуться и начать собственное расследование.
Против, него и бывшие коллеги, и продажные адвокаты, и могущественные "Короли криминального мира".
Но его не запугать.
Он сам - и следователь, и судья, и палач.
И остановить его может только смерть...
Эдриан Мэтьюс 3.3
...Жанровая сценка с изображением босоногой красавицы в голубом и мужчины, прислонившегося к оконной раме. Почему за этой картиной ведется настоящая охота?!

Искусствовед Рут Браамс понимает - в ней скрыта какая-то тайна.

Но чем ближе подбирается она к разгадке, тем чаше происходят с ней странные "несчастные случаи"... Выход один: постичь смысл загадочной надписи на картине и расшифровать скрытое в ней послание!
Дэниел Силва 4.1
В венском офисе израильской разведки взорвалась бомба.
Одна из жертв взрыва - Эли Лавон, старый друг Габриэля Аллона.
Когда-то Аллон считался лучшим из лучших оперативников секретных служб.
Теперь он вышел в отставку, ведет тихую жизнь и не намерен возвращаться к прежней работе.
Однако если речь идет о покушении на жизнь друга - он готов действовать вновь.
Аллон начинает расследование - и вскоре понимает, что следы преступников ведут в трагическое прошлое его собственной семьи.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Дреда Сэй Митчелл 0.0
Elijah Schoolboy' Campbell is taking a great offer to leave Hackney behind and start a new life, but he has just seven days to get out of a London underworld where bling, ringtones, and petty deaths are accessories of life. Schoolboy knows that when you're running hot all it takes is one call, one voicemail, one text to disconnect you from this life - permanently. A stark, moving, and funny account of a largely hidden world.
Клэр Кларк 0.0
Clare Clark’s critically acclaimed The Great Stink “reeks of talent” (The Washington Post Book World) as it vividly brings to life the dark and mysterious underworld of Victorian London. Set in 1855, it tells the story of William May, an engineer who has returned home to London from the horrors of the Crimean War. When he secures a job trans­forming the city’s sewer system, he believes that he will be able to find salvation in the subterranean world beneath the city. But the peace of the tunnels is shattered by a murder, and William is implicated as the killer. Could he truly have committed the crime? How will he bring the truth above-ground?

With richly atmospheric prose, The Great Stink combines fact and fiction to transport readers into London’s putrid past, and marks the debut of a remarkably talented writer in the tradition of the very best historical novelists
Richard Kunzmann 0.0
Even your soul isn’t safe in death… On the outskirts of shimmering Johannesburg, Detective Harry Mason and his crew are summoned to a grisly crime scene. By all accounts, discovering the mutilated corpse of a young
David McKeowen 0.0
James Carroll only meant to do one deal to get into film school. But it went wrong. Now he owes a lot of money to drug dealer Roger Oates. Just a year away from retiring to his dream home in Honolulu, Roger knows this is no time to let things slip. So if James can't pay, his parents must. But Francis Carroll has put everything he has into a project that will finally bring him the success he craves. He simply cannot afford to help his son. And it's no good asking his ambitious new wife, Rachel. She wants a baby—while James's dangerously sexy first wife just wants him back. But something's got to give….Written with a sharp eye for the details of human behavior, this is a stunning debut by a British MP and former diplomat who writes as David McKeowen. A taut thriller, shortlisted for the CWA John Creasey Memorial Dagger for Best Debut Crime Novel of the Year.

Кинжал Дебютанта

Ruth Dugdall 0.0
Ruth Dugdall's novels are intelligent and gripping, with a sophisticated psychological sensibility. She is a huge talent.' Sophie Hannah

'An absolute tour de force that left me thinking for days.' Alex Marwood

They came for me, just like I knew they would. Luke had been dead for just three days.

Rose Wilks' life is shattered when her newborn baby Joel is admitted to intensive care. Emma Hatcher has all that Rose lacks. Beauty. A loving husband. A healthy son. Until tragedy strikes and Rose is the only suspect.

Now, having spent nearly five years behind bars, Rose is just weeks away from freedom. Her probation officer Cate must decide whether Rose is remorseful for Luke's death, or whether she remains a threat to society. As Cate is drawn in, she begins to doubt her own judgement.

Where is the line between love and obsession, can justice be served and, if so... by what means?

New Edition includes exclusive material and author Q&A

A clever, sophisticated, psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Gillian Flynn, S.J. Watson, B A Paris and Sophie Hannah

Исторический кинжал

К. Дж. Сэнсом 4.4
1540 год, Англия. Самое страшное оружие на этот момент истории — греческий огонь, обладание которым может решить исход любой военной кампании. Искусство его изготовления хранится в глубокой тайне, и могущественные противоборствующие группировки при дворе короля Генриха VIII пускаются во все тяжкие, чтобы завладеть этим секретом. Одно за другим следует череда преступлений, и горбун лорда Кромвеля Мэтью Шардлейк вместе со своим помощником Барроком, занимающиеся их расследованием, постоянно рискуют жизнью, невольно становясь на пути у сильных мира сего.
Йен Пирс 3.8
История странной дружбы-вражды знаменитого критика живописи и неистового художника... История вины, предательства и преступления на фоне "хроники утраченного времени" французской живописи.... История жестокости и разочарования,
Том Брэдби 0.0
Cairo, June 1942. A city blistering under the lash of a relentless summer and panicked by the implacable advance of Hitler's most talented general, Erwin Rommel. It is the worst possible time and place for the body of a senior British officer to be found in a rubbish bin, bathed in blood. His murder has been made to look like a political assassination by local extremists opposed to British rule, but former New York cop Joe Quinn isn't buying that. He senses more fundamental human emotions at play. For Quinn, it's like old times, a reminder of his past. One he doesn't want to revisit. Thrown out of the New York Police Department as a liability after the tragic death of his son, he probably shouldn't be a cop any longer, but maybe he's just what this case needs. The investigation leads him through the underbelly of an exotic, violent and seedy city to the heart of the Cairo's high command and the possibility that a highly placed spy is feeding the allies' most sensitive secrets to Rommel, waiting out in the desert. Only one woman has seen the killer - an American named Amy White. The trouble is Joe Quinn's already falling for her and if he doesn't stop the spy soon, then not just Amy, but everything else he holds dear is certain to be brutally eliminated ...
Барбара Клеверли 0.0
In her award-winning mysteries–from The Last Kashmiri Rose to The Damascened Blade–Barbara Cleverly paints a dazzling portrait of the British Raj, infusing it with intrigue, enchantment, and menace. And in her detective hero Joe Sandilands, war veteran and Scotland Yard policeman, Cleverly gives us a gallant guide to this paradise lost. Having seen humankind at its worst, now, in a lush royal kingdom, Sandilands will see it at its most dangerously complex....

In northern India, Ranipur is renowned for its trove of priceless gems, its exquisite palace, and its medieval mores in matters involving men and women. But Ranipur’s prince is dying, and Joe has been sent to be Her Majesty’s witness to a charged battle of succession. With two heirs dead and another running for his life, Joe suspects that a murderer is hiding among the palace’s visitors and residents, from English opportunists to scorned wives and a dangerous seductress. Now, as a gilded, remote bastion teeters on the brink of chaos and a man-eating tiger prowls the nearby countryside, Joe must turn hunter–of a human, an animal, and the hunger that drives them both....
Catriona McPherson 0.0
Dandy Gilver, her husband back from the War, her children off at school and her uniform growing musty in the attic, is bored to a whimper in the spring of 1923 and a little light snooping seems like harmless fun. And what could be better than to seek out the Duffy diamonds, stolen from the Esselmont's country house, Croys, after the Armistice Ball? Before long, though, the puzzle of what really happened to the Duffy diamonds has been swept aside by the sudden, unexpected death of lovely young Cara Duffy in a lonely seaside cottage in Galloway. Society and the law seem ready to call it an accident but Dandy, along with Cara Duffy's fiancé Alec, is sure that there is more going on than meets the eye. What is being hidden by members of the Duffy family: the watchful Lena, the cold and distant Clemence and old Gregory Duffy with his air of quiet sadness, not to mention Cara herself whose secret always seems just tantalizingly out of view? Dandy must learn to trust her instincts and swallow most of her scruples if he is to uncover the truth and earn the right to call herself a sleuth.
Frank Tallis 5.0
In 1900s Vienna, Psychoanalyst Dr Max Liebermann is called in to help with police investigations into the murder of a young medium.

In this first of a new series of psychoanalytical detective novels set in Vienna, Dr Max Liebermann is a young psychoanalyst – and disciple of Freud. The world of 1900s Vienna is one where philosophy, science and art flourish and are hotly debated in the coffee shops. Psychoanalysis is still developing and is viewed with a mixture of excitement and suspicion.

Liebermann’s good friend Oskar Rheinhardt is a Detective Inspector — hard working but lacking Liebermann’s insights and forensic eye, and so it is through Rheinhardt that Liebermann is called upon to help with police investigations surrounding the death of a beautiful young medium in what seems at first to be supernatural circumstances. When Liebermann attempts to get to the bottom of the mystery, he also must decide whether he is to follow his father’s advice and marry the beautiful but reserved Clara.

Лучший рассказ

Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественное произведение

Gina Hill 0.0
Henry Hill's business partner, Jimmy Burke has whacked every person who could possibly implicate him in the infamous Lufthansa robbery at JFK airport. On his way to prison, lifelong ganster Henry is given two options: sleep with the fishes, or enter the FBI's Witness Protection Program. Unfortunately for Gregg and Gina, they're dragged along for the ride. Like nomads, they're forced to wander from state to state, constantly inventing new names and finding new friends, only to abandon them at a moment's notice. Living under constant fear of being found and killed. But Henry, the rock Gregg and Gina so desperately need, is a heavy cocaine user and knows only the criminal life. He is soon up to his old tricks and consistently putting their identities in jeopardy. And so it continues until the kids, now almost grown, can no longer ignore that the Mob might be less of a threat to them than remaining under the roof of their increasingly unbalanced father.