Вручение 2000 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2000 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Джонатан Летем 3.5
Четверо сирот, в числе которых страдающий нервными тиками Лайонел Эссрог, слепо преданы своему покровителю Фрэнку Минне, вытащившему их из приюта, чтобы сделать "своими парнями". Они готовы выполнить любое его поручение, чем, собственно, и занимаются под крышей то ли транспортного, то ли детективного агенства. Но в один черный день Фрэнка убивают, и Лайонелу приходится стать настоящим детективом, расследующим преступление.
James Lee Burke 0.0
Dave Robicheaux has spent his life confronting the age-old adage that the sins of the father pass onto the son. But what has his mother's legacy left him? Dead to him since youth, Mae Guillory has been shuttered away in the deep recesses of Dave's mind. He's lived with the fact that he would never really know what happened to the woman who left him to the devices of his whiskey-driven father. But deep down, he still feels the loss of his mother and knows the infinite series of disappointments in her life could not have come to a good end.

While helping out an old friend, Dave is stunned when a pimp looks at him sideways and asks him if he is Mae Guillory's boy, the whore a bunch of cops murdered 30 years ago. The pimp goes on to insinuate that the cops who dumped her body in the bayou were on the take and continue to thrive in the New Orleans area.

Dave's search for his mother's killers leads him to the darker places in his past and solving this case teaches him what it means to be his mother's son. Purple Cane Road has the dimensions of a classic-passion, murder, and nearly heartbreaking poignancy-wrapped in a wonderfully executed plot that surprises from start to finish.
Eliot Pattison 0.0
The Skull Mantra was a sensation when first published and received wide acclaim from critics and readers alike. The Skull Mantra is ranked as a novel about a people and a place--the Tibetans of the high Himalayas--as it is a gripping thriller.

The corpse is missing its head and is dressed in American clothes. Found by a Tibetan prison work gang on a windy cliff, the grisly remains clearly belong to someone too important for Chinese authorities to bury and forget. So the case is handed to veteran police inspector Shan Tao Yun. Methodical, clever Shan is the best man for the job, but he too is a prisoner, deported to Tibet for offending someone high up in Beijing's power structure. Granted a temporary release, Shan is soon pulled into the Tibetan people's desperate fight for its sacred mountains and the Chinese regime's blood-soaked policies. Then, a Buddhist priest is arrested, a man Shan knows is innocent. Now time is running out for Shan to find the real killer.

The Skull Mantra is the winner of the 2000 Edgar Award for Best First Novel.
Мартин Круз Смит 3.9
"Лихие" девяностые. Следователь Ренко получает неожиданное известие с Кубы - его старый приятель полковник Приблуда в опасности. На берегу Гаванского залива Ренко отказывается верить, что опоздал... Вокруг - равнодушие, ненависть "младших братьев" по соцлагерю, культ колдовства, доносительство агентов Революции, расцвет проституции. И над всем - тень бородатого "папаши".
Триллер "Залив Гавана" в 1999 году удостоен Премии Дэшилла Хэмметта. Эта награда вручается ежегодно Северо-Американским отделением Международной Ассоциации авторов детективов.
Lucy Wadham 0.0
Political intrigue in Graham Greene territory snares a young widow on a Mediterranean island in a taut thriller by a deft new literary talent. The plane is late; a small-time hood named Mickey da Cruz is getting edgy. From the outset of this splendidly crafted novel of suspense, suspicion hangs heavily in the air, and page by gripping page, terror insidiously tightens its hold. Just as Carroll & Graf's widely acclaimed literary thriller Lying With the Enemy uncovered the horror at the heart of a Nazi-occupied island in the English Channel, Lucy Wadham in her debut novel bares the corrupt soul of a barren, sun-drenched Mediterranean island rent by ancient enmities. Italian gangsters haunt its alleys, and The Movement - a cadre of idealistic freedom fighters - has declined into a band of racketeers. The people, meanwhile, suffer poverty and political oppression as they long without hope for independence. This island is no paradise. Alice Aron knows this morally desolate place. Now widowed, she returns to her dead husband's home with her two young sons. She does not know the perils that await her there. She does not know that she will be thrust into the center of a deadly conflict between a driven police detective, Antoine Stuart, and the criminally ruthless power-monger Coco Santini. She does not know that within hours her seven-year-old son will vanish into the midday air from the middle of the village square. A child's life hangs in the balance, and a woman's destiny is profoundly altered as the unexpected and unpredictable events unravel in this craftily wrought, tersely told, and thoroughly compelling novel

Серебряный Кинжал

Донна Леон 3.9
В дом к комиссару Брунетти является некий Франко Росси, чиновник Кадастрового отдела муниципалитета Венеции, и сбивчиво объясняет, что квартира комиссара, надстроенная над зданием XV века, будет снесена, если не отыщутся документы более чем полувековой давности, разрешающие перепланировку этого памятника архитектуры. Через несколько месяцев тот же Франко Росси звонит комиссару с мобильного телефона с намерением сообщить ему нечто сугубо секретное, но связь рвется, а на следующий день чиновника находят под строительными лесами реставрируемого здания с тяжелейшими увечьями, от которых он и умирает. Брунетти берется расследовать странную смерть, однако без друзей в верхах ему все-таки не обойтись...

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Boston Teran 5.0
The feral wasteland of the southern California desert and the badlands of Mexico: these are the settings for Boston Teran’s searing debut novel—a dark, wrenching thriller about personal conviction, retribution, and survival.

Fall 1970. In a remote playa a twelve-year-old boy stumbles upon a hideous scene in a dust-strewn trailer: the savage murder of a woman that will remain unsolved for twenty-five years.

Christmas week, 1995. A fourteen-year-old girl is kidnapped by a bloodthirsty satanic cult that calls itself the Left-Handed Path. The leader, Cyrus, considers murder the “ultimate freedom, ultimate joy…ultimate service.” His “tribe” is a group of drug-fueled young psychopaths honing their skills under the tutelage of a master. Helter Skelter. And then some.

Bob Hightower, the girl’s father, is a cop, suddenly more desperate than he ever imagined possible. There are no clues to his daughter’s whereabouts, only a scene of unfathomable carnage—the mutilated corpses of her mother and stepfather—left behind by the kidnappers. His only hope is a fierce ex-cult member named Case Hardin, a woman tempered to an extraordinary strength by what she’s endured, who’s just getting off the junkie trail in a halfway house in Hollywood. Bob has absolutely no reason, and every need, to trust her.

Case suspects that the killings, committed within fifty miles of each other and separated by a quarter of a century, are part of a byzantine nightmare she knows too well, a nightmare that has now engulfed Bob’s daughter. Their quest—he for his child, she to exorcise her demons—becomes a primal hunt-and-chase through a savage subculture of drugs and ritualistic violence (“the black land of plenty”) that takes them inexorably toward the limits of physical and psychological torment and trauma.

God Is a Bullet is an indelible story of people who must discover what it means to surrender oneself completely—to drugs, or power, or faith, or love—and, when necessary, what it takes to come back. It is a stunning debut.
Joolz Denby 4.0
A dark psycholgical thriller from a brilliant new talent, set in the out-on-the-edge world of alternative comedy. Meet Lenny Bruce in a Dress (aka Jamie Gee), an inspirational stand-up comic with enough cutting edge to rival Boadicea. The punters love her -- they think she's tough and in control, but they don't know the real Jamie. Inside she's lost, vulnerable and desperate for love -- something Lily Carlson finds out when she becomes her best friend and then her manager. And sassy, smart-talking, ambitious Lily soon realizes that looking after Jamie means more than just booking gigs -- it's a lifetime's commitment. Lily's up for it , though, even when she can no longer ignore the fact that Jamie's fatal flaw is men. The victim of a brutal past, she has an unerring ability to pick Mr Wrong, and, as Jamie lurches from one bastard to the next, Lily and beautiful Asian transvestite Mojo do the damage-limitation thing, making a sanctuary of their rundown old house. But they'd all reckoned without Sean Powers, a vicious psychopath with the face and body of a god, who threatens to smash the menage a trois that sustains them.

It's easy to see what makes Jamie fall so hard for Sean, but what's in it for him? And what does he really want from her? Dark, edgy and utterly convincing, Stone Baby is set to become the cult read of the year
Andrew Pyper 0.0
Attorney Bartholomew Crane doesn't belong in the small town of Murdoch. And the town of Murdoch doesn't want him there. Even Crane's client, a teacher accused of killing two girls, his own students, doesn't seem to care if Crane gets him off or not. But Bartholomew Crane has come to Murdoch to try his first murder case -- and he intends to win at all costs. That is, until the case takes an unexpected turn. For as Crane begins to piece together a defense for his client, he finds himself being drawn into a bizarre legend at the heart of the town's history -- a legend that is slowly coming alive before his eyes. Unnerved by visions he sees on Murdoch's dark streets, by the ringing of a telephone down the deserted hallway of his hotel, Crane is beginning to suspect that what is happening to him is happening for a reason. And that the two lost girls of Murdoch may be intricately tied to the town's shameful history ... and to a dark episode in his own long-forgotten past.

Кинжал Дебютанта

Саймон Ливек 3.5
Жрецы и прорицатели оказались не в силах растолковать страшные сны, терзающие властителя ацтекской империи Монтесуму.

Царь приказал бросить их в темницу... но вскоре узники бесследно исчезли из заточения.

Возможно, их похитили демоны?

Возможно, им удалось открыть путь в обитель богов?

Но Яотль, секретарь и тайный дознаватель министра Монтесумы, которому поручено расследование случившегося, уверен - к похищению не причастны ни боги, ни демоны.

Виною всему люди.

Люди настолько высокопоставленные и могущественные, что не страшатся даже гнева самого Монтесумы...
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