Вручение 1989 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1989 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Колин Декстер 3.8
Тело Джоанны Франкс было найдено в Оксфордском канале в среду двадцать второго июня 1859 года. Тело инспектора Морса – ещё, впрочем, вполне живое – было доставлено для лечения язвы в больницу «Джон Редклиф» субботним утром 1989 года. Следователя и преступление разделяет более чем вековой отрезок времени, но Морсу смертельно скучно лежать целыми днями на койке, поэтому он берется за дело.
Loren D. Estleman 0.0
The tabloids were full of it. Constance Thayer, after a night of clubbing, drinks, and drugs, had taken an automatic pistol from the collection of her industrialist husband Doyle Thayer Jr. and emptied it into his back, as he lay naked and unconscious in their Iroquois Heights home. The news of Constance Thayer's X-rated past breathed new life into the scandal for another month. Walker's job was to gather enough dirt on the late Mr. Thayer to make his widow look clean by comparison. What he found was a monstrous magnate, a dubious corpse, and a gang of country-style gunrunners.
Сильвия Тереза Хеймон 0.0
It is a seemingly random, if tragic event—that Professor Max Flaschner, Nobel Prize-winning particle physicist, should collapse and die, surrounded by loving family and friends at the celebration of his life’s work and of the crowning achievement of his protégé. A shame, one might think, as does Inspector Ben Jurnet, that the brilliant and eccentric man won’t be able to hear his adopted son, Dr. Tawno Smith, read the scientific paper that would vault him into the ranks of Newton and Einstein. But it is even more of a shame—and a shock—that the Professor turns out to have been murdered by means of a glass of poisoned orange juice, perhaps intended for Tawno, administered by Tawno’s own hand. And that Tawno’s paper, now rumoured to contain revelations about the universe more earth-shattering than anyone had guessed, has disappeared before he could present it.

A theory in quantum physics holds that the mere act of observation changes and shapes events. And so Inspector Jurnet, whose duty is objectivity, cannot remain unmoved by the strangely intertwined group surrounding Professor Flaschner and Tawno, individuals connected by bonds as elusive, and yet as unbreakable, as those cementing matter. To solve the myriad mysteries of God, and love, and particle physics—and the complex relationship among them—Jurnet must make quantum leaps in intuition and knowledge of the human heart before he will know how, and why, the Professor had to die.

‘A spellbinder . . . Haymon’s new novel is a masterwork, her crowning achievement so far.’ Publishers Weekly
Чарльз Уиллефорд 0.0
When Miami Homicide Detective Hoke Moseley receives an unexplained order to let his beard grow, he doesn't think much about it. He has too much going on at home, especially with a man he helped convict ten years before moving in across the street. Hoke immediately assumes the worst, and considering he has his former partner, who happens to be nursing a newborn, and his two teenage daughters living with him, he doesn't like the situation on bit. It doesn't help matters when he is suddenly assigned to work undercover, miles away, outside of his jurisdiction and without his badge, his gun, or his teeth. Soon, he is impersonating a drifter and tring to infiltrate a farm operation suspected of murdering migrant workers. But when he gets there for his job interview, the last thing he is offered is work.

In this final installment of the highly acclaimed Hoke Moseley novels, Charles Willeford's brilliance and expertise show on every page. Equally funny, thrilling, and disturbing, The Way We Die Now is a triumphant finish to one of the most original detective series of all time.

Серебряный Кинжал

Desmond Lowden 0.0
In the sleepy Cathedral town of Whycliffe nothing much ever happens.

Life at the private boys’ prep school that Joffrey attends seems equally uneventful - until one day on the street outside he sees blood running from the back of a white van.

But eleven-year-old Joffrey has few friends. He is also a notorious liar, so his tormentors know better than to believe his tall tale.

But what if he is right?

Unknown to Joffrey, the criminal underworld is hatching a plot to steal money-printing paper on its way to the Bank of England, right in the middle of sleepy Whycliffe.

It will be worth a fortune.

The most hardened criminal of them all, Haskell, is determined that the plan succeed, no matter what the cost.

And Joffrey is about to find himself dangerously on his own and caught up in the terrifying conspiracy...

And he will need to grow up fast if he is to stay alive.

'The Shadow Run' is a pulsating crime thriller that will keep readers hooked from the first page to the last.

'Tightly plotted and brilliantly written.' - Robert Foster, best-selling author of 'The Lunar Code'.

Desmond Lowden became a runner at Britain’s famous Pinewood film studios, working his way up to writing a screenplay for the great comic actor Terry-Thomas. It was the beginning of a career in writing that saw him pen countless plays, screenplays and books. His novels include the thrillers ‘Sunspot’, ‘The Chain’, ‘Cry Havoc’ and – most famously –‘Bellman & True’, which was made into an acclaimed crime movie by George Harrison’s Handmade Films in 1987.

Endeavour Press is the UK's leading independent publisher of digital books.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Annette Roome 0.0
Following a bitter divorce and separation from her son, Julia finds herself broken and alone.

Soon, she starts receiving a series of anonymous and menacing letters urging her to find her missing son in Venice.

Despite the danger involved, Julia has no choice but to follow the taunting messages.

With her miserable days in La Rivière still looming over her, she ventures to Italy on a train.

But she can’t shake the feeling that the letters were written by someone she knows, someone playing an awful and dangerous game.

Meanwhile, Julia meets a handsome stranger on the train, but does she dare fall for him?

In the mystical and unfamiliar city of Venice, who can she trust?

The journey to Venice brings a new friendship, an old confrontation and, above all, danger. But there is also the hope of happiness, if Julia can fight her way out of the conspiracy around her…
J.M. Gregson 0.0
When there is a violent murder at a historic Home Counties golf club, Superintendent John Lambert himself discovers the crime. For the first time in a long career, he finds himself conducting a murder inquiry among people he knows well.

The victim is the Chairman of the Golf Club and a prominent local businessman, and it is soon clear that the members of the Club Committee are the chief suspects. They are all prominent members of the local community, and Lambert is saddled with a Chief Constable who is uncomfortably aware of the fact. Indeed, he seems more concerned with the media attention which inevitably focuses upon such a sensational murder than with the emerging detail of Lambert's investigation.

Events move quickly in the two days following the murder. Amid further startling developments, Superintendent Lambert, supported by the deceptively stolid Sergeant Hook, moves steadily towards a solution.
Джинн Харт 0.0
This fast-paced contemporary mystery gets too tangled up in its plot to be really entertaining. In a small, upscale town near San Francisco, three middle-aged womentwo widows and a divorceeagree in a moment of inebriated good humor to place an ad in the personals for a weekend lover they could all share. It seems they have hit the jackpot when attractive, charming Paul Shapiro answers their ad and agrees to meet them one at a time. Sally Robinson, with three divorces behind her, is the first; her friends Zora Hirsch and Eileen Brande will sample him next. But shortly after her meeting with Paul, Sally is murdered, her head crushed by a bronze fetish figure from Nigeria. Persistent, likable detective Carl Pederson plunges into the increasingly complex investigation and tries to interview Eileen and Zora, both of whom have suddenly become very tight-lipped. Nothing is what it appears to be in this slim volume; unfortunately, the final chapters are needlessly misleading and confusing.
R. D. Wingfield 4.4
Ten days to Christmas and Tracey Uphill, aged eight, hasn't come home from Sunday school. Her mother, a pretty young prostitute, is desperate. Enter Detective Inspector Jack Frost, sloppy, scruffy and insubordinate. To help him investigate the case of the missing child, Frost has been assigned a new sidekick, the Chief Constable's nephew. Fresh to provincial Denton in an oversmart suit, Detective Constable Clive Barnard is an easy target for Frost's withering satire. Assisted and annoyed by Barnard, Frost, complete with a store of tasteless anecdotes to fit every occasion, proceeds with the investigation in typically unorthodox style. After he's consulted a local witch, Dead Man's Hollow yields up a skeleton. Frost finds himself drawn into an unsolved crime from the past and risks not only his career, but also his life...
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