Вручение 1984 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1984 г.

Золотой Кинжал

B.M. Gill 0.0
As the jury deliberates the case against TV personality Edward Carne, on trial for his wife's murder, the accused man's fate lies with the twelfth juror, Robert Quinn, who has a deeply emotional interest in the outcome.
Oliver Banks 0.0
Despite killing off one of the book's more appealing characters, the author, a noted art critic, in his first mystery provides a feeling of authenticity as Amos Hatcher, art association investigator, follows the death-strewn trail of a priceless Rembrandt.

Серебряный Кинжал

Рут Ренделл 3.7
Детективы сделали Рут Ренделл знаменитой. Первую книгу она выпустила в 1964 году. Теперь Ренделл - лауреат десяти литературных премий, трижды лауреат престижной премии "Эдгар", а в 1976 году ей была присуждена премия "Золотая шпора" за выдающийся вклад в жанр психологического детектива.
Действие романа происходит в 80-е годы. Бежавшего из неблагополучной семьи ребенка подбирает на улице женщина. Она приводит мальчика к своей дочери, недавно лишившейся сына... Это история о том, как один неверный шаг может повлечь за собой целый ряд невероятных событий, взорвав привычное течение жизни обычных людей.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Элизабет Айронсайд 0.0
A senior diplomat at the British High Commission in Delhi is found stabbed. When a security officer from the foreign office is sent from London to investigate, he soon finds that there is more to this murder than first imagined. The diplomat was involved in some decidely undiplomatic activities.
John Malcolm 0.0
John Malcolm is an acknowledged expert in the field, having written extensively on art and antiques. This is the first book of the Tim Simpson series of art mysteries each of which centers on a specific (real) work of art, which will be featured on the cover of each Felony & Mayhem edition.
Ted Wood 0.0
His life destroyed because of a bad rap he took for murdering two guys to prevent a rape, Reid Bennett relocated to Murphy's Harbor, a quaint little town in Canada. But was it really the quiet little place it seemed to be? A corpse and a scared woman, each found on a different side of the lake. Then another corpse. Reid, with his German shepherd Sam by his side, must go above and beyond the call of duty to get to the bottom of this mystery. The only way he can solve it and remain alive is to stretch the traditional definition of a police officer.

Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественное произведение

David A. Yallop 0.0
'In God's Name' was denounced by the Vatican yet became an award-winning international bestseller. In this new edition, Yallop brings the story up to date and reveals new evidence that has been long buried concerning the truth behind the Vatican cover-up. This is a classic work of investigative writing whose revelations will continue to reverberate around the world.