Вручение 1979 г.

Специальной наградой за заслуги перед CWA награждены Мадлен Дюк (Madelaine Duke) и Фрэнк Артур (Frank Arthur).

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1979 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Дик Фрэнсис 4.0
Сил Холли, получив тяжелую травму, вынужден сменить карьеру жокея на работу частного детектива. По поручению Жокейского Клуба он начинает расследование загадочных проигрышей и смертей лошадей-фаворитов из конюшни Джорджа Каспара, тренера с безупречной репутацией.
С первых шагов Сил ощущает противодействие и давление. Слишком значительные фигуры замешаны в скандал, слишком большие деньги брошены под копыта скаковых лошадей. Холли оказывается перед выбором: продолжать следствие и рисковать своей жизнью или отказаться от него, но навсегда потерять уважение к себе.
Джон Гарднер 0.0
Into the cauldron of war went the Nostradamus operation . . . out of it came an even deadlier threat than the Nazis: The Nostradamus Traitor

Britain’s psychological warfare executive knew all about the Nazi belief in the occult. They hatched up a top secret plot to drive a rift between Himmler’s SS and the Wehrmacht by infilitrating phony Nostradamus quatrains into Germany. Thirty years later then unbelievable truth began to trickle out: Herbie Kruger of British Intelligence was given the delicate task of keeping the past well and truly buried . . .
Джон Уэйнрайт 0.0
"A form of theft, perhaps? The theft of a life? But if that life is valueless...anything without value is not able to be stolen...basic Criminal Law. No value, not theft - no theft, no murder." 'Take Murder' is an absorbing take of murder, investigation, and detection. Three prostitutes have been murdered, one after the other, and all in an identical manner. The police suspect one of their own number, an officer with dubious tastes who was on the scene very early after the first two bodies had been discovered. He is convicted and locked up. But then comes the third murder, and with it the thought that obviously the condemned man must be innocent. Thus is presented the legal quandary; the law is never wrong - but are law and justice the same thing? As always with John Wainwright, this compelling story proceeds at a great pace. And once again the narration is subtle, giving away only as much as the author chooses. There is excitement on every page, surprise and irony at the end. Book Dust Jacket

Серебряный Кинжал

Колин Декстер 4.1
Инспектор Морс мог бы провести отпуск в Греции вместо того, чтобы расследовать дело, признанное его коллегами безнадежным. Но уж больно его заинтересовало убийство помощника викария – тем более, что он видит здесь двойное убийство, ибо смерть самого викария, считающаяся самоубийством, может таковым вовсе не быть. И чем глубже Морс погружается в тайны благочестивых прихожан, тем больше растет список жертв...

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

David Serafin 0.0
Investigative journalist Raul Santos plummets to his death from his 8th- floor Madrid flat. Did he jump, fall or was he pushed? A second body found in very gruesome circumstances adds to the workload of Superintendent Luis Bernal, who already has to cope with his pious wife and her appalling cooking, a demanding but loving young mistress, the suspicions of his political masters (who turn out to have very political ambitions) and the introduction of Spain's first female detective to his elite squad. Is there a secret police spying on the police? And just who in authority can be trusted? For this is Spain in "The Transition" (1975-1982) the period of national uncertainty between the end of decades of Fascism and the establishment of parliamentary democracy. With Government ministries and agencies concentrating on fighting each other for power in the new state, it soon becomes clear that political plotting takes precedence over mere murder enquiries. And one spectacular plot is about to come to fruition on Easter Saturday (Sabado Santo) at the tomb of the recently deceased General Franco.
Written during the years of "The Transition" by Oxford professor Ian David Lewis Michael under the pen-name David Serafin, this first novel to feature Luis Bernal was an critical success in Britain, America and Spain, where the Bernal books are also being republished. Saturday of Glory won the 1979 Crime Writers' Association's John Creasey Award for best first novel.
David Brierley 0.0
If you want to kill somebody in France, an election is the perfect time, and a political rally the ideal location as the debate and street violence heat up despite the icy weather. And the weather itself could become political when brilliant young scientist Jean-Louis Ladouceur disappears. Has he defected to the Eastern Bloc or become a political pawn in both internal and international politics? His work with the think tank Instituit 21 was rumoured to be breaking new ground in Geo-economics, proposing a massive irrigation scheme in central Russia which will change the climate in France. What better way to destabilise France than to threaten next year’s Champagne vintage....
Cody is a 28-year-old CIA trained agent, now trying to carve a new life in Paris with her lover; but mostly just trying to stay alive. Her training wasn’t wasted, because there are always people willing to pay for certain skills, but she doesn’t work for any security organization.
The trouble is, once they know you’ve been trained, they suspect you of being an active player in the great Cold War game.
You simply can’t get out.
Cold War earned debut author David Brierley the accolade “a new name joins the world’s greatest spy fiction writers” and his heroine Cody was quickly recognised as an agent just as tough and resourceful as a Bond or a Quiller.

Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественное произведение

Специальная премия за заслуги

Frank Arthur
Frank Arthur
1 книга
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