Вручение 1978 г.

Специальная Премия за заслуги вручена редактору итальянского издательства "Мondadori" Альберто Тедески (Alberto Tedeschi), а также Фредерику Данну (Frederic Dannay) Найджеле Морлан (Nigel Morlan).

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1978 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Lionel Davidson 0.0
The Chelsea Murders (1978) was Lionel Davidson's seventh novel, earning him the Crime Writer's Association Gold Dagger Award and prompting the Daily Telegraph to declare, 'Lionel Davidson is one of the best and most versatile thriller writers we have.'

A terrifying, grotesque figure bursts into a young art student's room. Head covered with a clown's wig, face concealed by a smiling mask, it wears the rubber gloves of a surgeon. The girl is seized, chloroformed, suffocated and - horrifyingly - beheaded. This is only the beginning of a series of murders terrorising London's fashionable bohemia. The police target three avant-garde filmmakers. One of them is mocking the other two, and openly taunting the police as well. But which of them is behind these appalling crimes?

Fast paced, terrifying and gripping, this is a page-turning thriller from a master.
Дик Фрэнсис 3.8
В Англии при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает один из участников скачек. Свидетелем преступления оказывается друг убитого, юный лорд Фаррингфорд. Он собирается отправиться на соревнования в Москву, но получает предупреждение, что в Россию ему лучше не ехать. Для того чтобы разобраться в сложившейся ситуации, по просьбе принца, родственника Фаррингфорда, в Москву летит бывший жокей Рэндолл Дрю. Но там его поджидает смертельная опасность…
Джон Гарднер 0.0
World War Two scattered the wreckage of countless warplanes across the countryside of Europe.Thirty years later, they are just half-buried, harmless hunks of scrap. Except one.

One is different. Hideously different... It contained a top-secret Nazi plan that never made the war histories.
Julian Symons 0.0
Wealth can have its drawbacks. Case in point: The Collard and Vandervent families, who for decades have shared a large estate in the elegant London suburb of Blackheath. It's now the 1890s, and over the years, the families? near-incestuous entanglement has grown into a toxic web of lies and bitterness. While mama keeps an iron grasp on the purse strings, an unmarried daughter sucks greedily on her own disappointment, a son raises corruption to an art form, and an ethereal daughter-in-law casts come-hither glances at anything in pants.
Pauline Glen Winslow 0.0
Inspector Copper had a heart of gold. And he had given it to Joss Parker, the beautiful owner of a post London night club. Inspector Copper had a lively sense of humor. But Scotland Yard was not amused by the life-style of their brash young detective.

Inspector Copper had two corpses on his hands and the finger of guilt pointed directly at him. That was when cunning Superintendent Capricorn stepped in, determined to clear his assistant's name before someone got away with murder.

Серебряный Кинжал

Peter Lovesey 0.0
By her own confession, Miriam Cromer is a murderess. She is sentenced to death and the hangman travels to London to earn his fee. Then the Home Office is sent a photograph that casts doubt on the confession. The matter must be investigated, and fast. Sergeant Cribb is called in and his investigations produce nothing to ease the minds of the authorities. As he plunges deeper into the relationships and history of the small group connected with the murder, he becomes increasingly suspicious that something very different happened at Park Lodge, Kew Green, on 12th March, 1888.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Паула Гослинг, Виктор Каннинг 0.0
Другие названия на англ. яз: A Running Duck / Fair Game
Маргарет Дуди 5.0
Murder and mayhem may seem like unreasonable company for Aristotle, one of the founding minds of western philosophy. But in the skilled hands of Margaret Doody, the pairing could not be more logical. With her detective novels, Doody brings a Holmesian hero to the bloodied streets of ancient Greece, trading the pipe and deerstalker of Sherlock for the woolen chiton and sandals of Aristotle.
In Aristotle Detective, we first meet Stephanos - naive Watson to Aristotle's learned Holmes - a young Athenian and student of Aristotle who must clear his exiled cousin of murder and save his family's honor in a tense public trial.
Sheila Radley 0.0
It's a glorious spring morning in the village of Ashthorpe. Birds are singing, and sunlight is dancing on the river, where Mary Gedge's dress drifts lazily in the shallows and flowers mingle in her hair. The scene is so altogether lovely that some locals think dreamily of Ophelia, drowned for love of noble Hamlet. Chief Inspector Quantrill, though, has little patience for that kind of self-indulgence; he's got a murder to solve. And with a loveless marriage, a job that centers mostly on recovering stolen pigs, and the certain knowledge that he's missed his best chance for romance, he's something of a prisoner of pragmatism. Mary Gedge may indeed have died for love of the wrong man, but in this muddy English market town, that man is unlikely to be a prince of Denmark. One of those delightful finds . . . it has atmosphere, a literate style, and characters that come alive - Washington Post Haunting - Chicago Sun-Times
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