Вручение 2010 г.

Премия вручалась за 2009 год.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Вашингтон, США Дата проведения: 2010 г.

Лучший современный роман

Луиза Пенни 4.2
Роман «Жестокие слова» продолжает серию расследований харизматичного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни. За «Жестокие слова» канадская писательница получила третью из своих пяти «Премий Агаты Кристи». Помимо того, сразу несколько канадских и американских крупных СМИ назвали этот роман лучшим детективным произведением 2009 года.
Ночью в уединенной хижине в глуши леса сидят и разговаривают двое людей. Спустя короткое время один из них умирает, унося в могилу все свои тайны. Его убийство — очередная загадка, которую предстоит разгадать старшему инспектору Арману Гамашу и его команде. Поначалу у них нет ни орудия убийства, ни мотива, одни лишь подозрения. Очевидно одно: этот человек предательски убит кем-то, кого хорошо знал. И даже после его смерти этот кто-то продолжает плести паутину предательства…
Впервые на русском языке.
Donna Andrews 0.0
The brilliantly funny and talented Donna Andrews delivers another winner in the acclaimed avian-themed mystery series readers have come to love.

Meg Langslow’s eccentric parents have a new hobby: growing roses and entering them in highly competitive shows. Dad’s gardening skill and Mother’s gift for selecting and arranging the blossoms should make them an unbeatable team---and Meg is relieved they’ve taken up such a safe, gentle hobby. She even volunteers to help when the Caerphilly Garden Club sponsors its first annual rose show. But after a few hours of dealing with her parents’ competitors, Meg is worried. Rose growers are so eccentric that they make Meg’s family seem almost normal, and so competitive that they will do nearly anything to take home the show’s grand prize---making them prime suspects when Meg discovers that someone is attempting to kill the wealthy woman on whose estate the competition is being held. Of course, the intended victim had other enemies---her treatment of her farm animals had aroused the interest of several animal welfare activists, including Meg’s zoologist grandfather. Meg tries to leave the detecting to the local police and focus on protecting her parents’ chances to win the coveted Black Swan trophy, but she soon finds herself compelled to solve the crime before any more rose growers die.

It’s Swan for the Money, two for the show, three to get ready... now go, Meg, go!
Lorna Barrett 0.0
Tricia Miles, owner of Haven’t a Clue mystery bookstore, is still settling into Stoneham, New Hampshire, the kind of town where everybody knows your name—and where everyone’s quick to lend a hand, even when murder is afoot . . .

The kinder folks of Stoneham might call Pammy Fredericks a free spirit. The less kind, a freeloading thief. Tricia has put up—and put up with—her uninvited college roommate for weeks. In return, Pammy, has stolen $100, among other things. But the day she’s kicked out, Pammy’s found dead in a dumpster, leaving loads of questions unanswered. Like what was she foraging for? Did her killer want it too? To piece the case together, Tricia will have to dive in head-first.…
Риз Боуэн 4.3
Великобритания, 1930-е годы. Леди Джорджиана Раннохская, родственница Георга V и тридцать четвертая в очереди на британский трон, продолжает покорять Лондон. Но вот беда, клиенты, в домах которых она инкогнито делала уборку, чтобы заработать себе на жизнь, разъехались на лето, а ее попытка начать новое дело провалилась. Чтобы избежать скандала, Джорджи вынуждена вернуться домой в Шотландию, где для нее находится куча дел. Например, шпионить за пассией принца и разоблачить потенциального убийцу, который преследует наследников престола.
Hank Phillippi Ryan 0.0
Hank Phillippi Ryan knows how to create characters that come to life and capture your heart.' -New York Times bestselling author Brenda Novak When savvy TV reporter Charlotte McNally enters the glamorous world of high fashion, she soon discovers that when the purses are fake-the danger is real. And no one can be trusted! Now Charlotte can't tell the real from the fake as she goes undercover to bring the couture counterfeiters to justice-and in her struggle to answer an all-important, life-changing question from a certain handsome professor. . . . The one thing Charlotte knows for sure is that the wrong choice could be the last decision she ever makes! EMMY AND AGATHA AWARD-WINNING REPORTER HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN SHOWS READERS THAT IN TELEVISION JOURNALISM, LANDING THAT BLOCKBUSTER STORY TO GAIN MORE AIR TIME CAN BE DEADLY!

Лучший дебютный детектив

Алан Брэдли 4.1
В старинном английском поместье Букшоу обитают последние представители аристократического рода - эксцентричный полковник де Люс и три его дочери. Летом 1950 года тягучее болото сельской жизни нарушают невероятные события: убийство незнакомца и арест полковника. Пока старшие дочери, как положено хорошо воспитанным английским леди, рыдают в платочки, младшая, одиннадцатилетняя Флавия, в восторге: наконец-то в ее жизни что-то произошло! Аналитический склад ума, страсть к химии и особенно к ядам помогут ей разобраться в этом головоломном деле, на котором сломали зубы местные полицейские. Флавия приступает к поискам, которые приведут ее ни больше ни меньше, как к королю Англии собственной персоной. В одном она уверена: отец невиновен - наоборот, он защищает своих дочерей от чего-то ужасного... СЛАДОСТЬ НА КОРОЧКЕ ПИРОГА - это мастерски рассказанная история обманов и пронзительное в своей достоверности погружение в английскую жизнь середины XX века.
Лиза Борк 0.0
Jolene Asdale is one sale away from becoming a successful Finger Lakes businesswoman. But her dream gets derailed when a dead body rolls out of the shiny Ferrari in her exotic car showroom, instantly taking her from entrepreneur to murder suspect. Arriving on the scene to investigate is Deputy Ray Parker, Jolene's almost-ex-husband, whose suspicions are raised when he learns of Jolene's public (and allegedly violent) argument with the victim. When Ray discovers wads of cash in her home—along with signs that Jolene is colluding with her unpredictable, fugitive sister—he is all but convinced of Jolene's guilt. But could a spite-driven local be trying to frame her? Or is an out-of-towner trying to taint the popular tourist town?

Facing bankruptcy, a murder conviction, and divorce from the man she still loves, Jolene will do whatever it takes to solve the crime and save herself from a loveless life behind bars . . . even if it means careening into the path of a killer.

From the thrill of exotic sports cars to the ups and downs of family life, For Better, For Murder kicks off a unique new mystery series. For Better, For Murder is a finalist for the 2009 Agatha Award in the category of Best First Novel.
Мередит Коул 0.0
Lydia McKenzie is an artist whose medium is the camera. She’s having her first one-woman show. It is a series that ties to actual murders committed in the city’s past. Her method is to find a model—someone who can match in a general way the actual female victim—and pose her in the clothes and position in which the actual victim was found. The night of her showing, however, is disappointing; the owner of the gallery makes her pay for the invitations down to the stamps, hang the whole show herself, and rush for the usual wine and snacks. But what happens next is much worse: two plainclothes policemen shut down the event and take Lydia in for questioning. A young woman whom she knew well, and who was the model in one of her photographs, has been murdered. Worried that the police aren’t doing what they should, Lydia and another friend set out to find the killer.

The winner of the celebrated St. Martin’s Minotaur/Malice Domestic Best First Traditional Mystery Novel Competition, Posed for Murder presents a snapshot of crime in a lasting and memorable story.
Элизабет Дж. Дункан 0.0
Elizabeth J. Duncan spins a charming tale of murder and intrigue in this winning first novel.

The picturesque North Wales market town of Llanelen is shocked when Meg Wynne Thompson, a self-made beauty who has turned out to be something of an unpopular bride, goes missing on her wedding day…and turns up dead. The last person believed to have seen her is manicurist Penny Brannigan, an expatriate Canadian who has lived in North Wales for almost twenty-five years. When Penny notices that something is not quite right at the funeral of her dearest friend, she becomes emotionally invested in the case, and sets out to investigate.

It seems that several people, including the bride’s drunken, abusive father, had reasons to wish Meg dead, but when the trail leads to her groom’s home, an explosive secret will shake the small town.

With its bucolic Welsh setting and vivid, colorful characters, this mystery is sure to delight the most discerning of traditional-mystery fans.
Стефани Пинтофф 0.0
Dobson, New York, 1905.

Detective Simon Ziele lost his fiancée in the General Slocum ferry disaster―a thousand perished on that summer day in 1904 when an onboard fire burned the boat down in the waters of the East River. Still reeling from the tragedy, Ziele transferred to a police department north of New York, to escape the city and all the memories it conjured.

But only a few months into his new life in a quiet country town, he's faced with the most shocking homicide of his career to date: Young Sarah Wingate has been brutally murdered in her own bedroom in the middle of an otherwise calm and quiet winter afternoon. After just one day of investigation, Simon's contacted by Columbia University's noted criminologist Alistair Sinclair, who offers a startling claim about one of his patients, Michael Fromley―that the facts of the murder bear an uncanny resemblance to Fromley's deranged mutterings.

But what would have led Fromley, with his history of violent behavior and brutal fantasies, to seek out Sarah, a notable mathematics student and a proper young lady who has little in common with his previous targets? Is Fromley really a murderer, or is someone mimicking him?

This is what Simon Ziele must find out, with the help of the brilliant but self-interested Alistair Sinclair―before the killer strikes again.

With this taut, atmospheric, and original story of a haunted man who must search for a killer while on the run from his own demons, Stefanie Pintoff's In the Shadow of Gotham marks the debut of an outstanding new talent, the inaugural winner of the Minotaur Books/Mystery Writers of America Best First Crime Novel Competition.
In the Shadow of Gotham is the winner of the 2010 Edgar Award for Best First Novel.
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