Вручение 2012 г.

Премия вручалась за 2011 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2012 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Sara Gran 5.0
“Delicious and addictive.”—Salon.com

“The book is beautifully written in a tight, quirky style that distinguishes Gran as one of the more original writers working today.”—Bruce DeSilva, Associated Press

“Reads . . . as if David Lynch directed a Raymond Chandler novel.”—CNN
“What would you get if that punkish dragon girl Lisbeth Salander met up with Jim Sallis’s Lew Griffin walking the back streets of New Orleans? Or Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Millhone transformed herself into a tattooed magnolia driving a 4x4? Clare DeWitt, that’s what you’d get . . . DeWitt’s mesmerizing character and memorable voice take your breath away.”—New Orleans Times-Picayune

Claire DeWitt believes she is the world’s greatest PI, even if few agree with her. A one-time teen detective in Brooklyn, she is a follower of the esoteric French detective Jacques Silette, whose mysterious handbook Détection inspired Claire’s unusual practices. Claire also has deep roots in New Orleans, where she was mentored by Silette’s student the brilliant Constance Darling—until Darling was murdered. When a respected DA goes missing she returns to the hurricane-ravaged city to find out why. Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead is a knockout start to a bracingly original new series.

“The hard-living, wisecracking titular detective bounces around post-Katrina New Orleans trying to track down a missing prosecutor in this auspicious debut of a new mystery series—and the Big Easy is every bit her equal in sass and flavor.”—Elle

“Reminds me why I fell in love with the genre.”—Laura Lippman
"I love this book!" -- Sue Grafton
Энтони Горовиц 4.0
Мировая премьера 1.11.11. Роман одновременно публикуется в России, Великобритании, США, Франции.
Впервые наследники Конан Дойла выбрали автора, которому доверили написать первоклассный детектив, сохранив верность духу оригинала.
"Дом шелка" - это книга, от которой невозможно оторваться. Блестящий язык и лихо закрученный сюжет не оставят никого равнодушным. Вы погружаетесь в мир загадок и тайн викторианского Лондона в компании любимых героев. Вас ждут миссис Хадсон, инспектор Лестрейд, доктор Ватсон и, конечно, сам великий сыщик Шерлок Холмс.
Доктор Ватсон раскрывает, наконец, тайну самого загадочного дела Холмса. Этот рассказ он завещал опубликовать через сто лет после написания. Причина проста: история до такой степени шокирующая, что обнародовать ее раньше было совершенно невозможно…
Итак, прошло 100 лет, как он и завещал.
Игра начинается!
Луиза Пенни 4.4
Роман «Разные оттенки смерти» продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

Только вчера художница Клара Морроу пережила мгновения величайшего триумфа: в престижном монреальском музее с огромным успехом состоялось открытие ее персональной выставки. И вот сегодня все пошло прахом, словно в дурном сне. Возле дома Клары в деревне Три Сосны найдена убитая женщина, причем выясняется, что это старая знакомая Клары, с которой ее когда-то связывали непростые отношения. На художницу падает тень подозрения в убийстве. Казалось бы, все факты против нее. Однако интуиция подсказывает старшему инспектору Арману Гамашу, что в этом деле факты не главное. Чтобы докопаться до истины, ему придется с головой окунуться в мир искусства, в котором так много полутонов и оттенков, а игра света подчас полностью меняет картину...
Anne Holt 0.0
1222 is the story of how a small group of people find themselves stuck in a hotel during an apocalyptic snow storm. Following a dramatic train derailment at Finse, the conflict between the survivors escalates while a furious hurricane threatens the unprotected village. Nobody is there to help, and there is no way out of the inferno for the survivors hiding out. On the first night at the hotel, a man is found shot and murdered. The victim is Cato Hammer, a priest known nation-wide for his ability – and desire – to get in the papers. Hanne Wilhelmsen, retired Inspector at the Oslo Police, is drawn into a race against time, a murderer, and the worst storm in the Norwegian alps on record. She loses the first round. Soon, another one of God’s servants is murdered, when an icicle cuts through his body…
Michael Koryta 4.5
In an isolated stretch of eastern Kentucky, on a hilltop known as Blade Ridge, stands a lighthouse that illuminates nothing but the surrounding woods. For years the lighthouse has been considered no more than an eccentric local landmark—until its builder is found dead at the top of the light, and his belongings reveal a troubling local history.

For deputy sheriff Kevin Kimble, the lighthouse-keeper’s death is disturbing and personal. Years ago, Kimble was shot while on duty. Somehow the death suggests a connection between the lighthouse and the most terrifying moment of his life.

Audrey Clark is in the midst of moving her large-cat sanctuary onto land adjacent to the lighthouse. Sixty-seven tigers, lions, leopards, and one legendary black panther are about to have a new home there. Her husband, the sanctuary’s founder, died scouting the new property, and Audrey is determined to see his vision through.

As strange occurrences multiply at the Ridge, the animals grow ever more restless, and Kimble and Audrey try to understand what evil forces are moving through this ancient landscape, just past the divide between dark and light.

The Ridge is the new thriller from international bestseller Michael Koryta, further evidence of why Dean Koontz has said “Michael Koryta’s work resonates into deeper strata than does most of what I read” and why Michael Connelly has named him “one of the best of the best.”
Marcus Sakey 0.0
Marcus Sakey returns with his most ambitious novel, a captivating story of love and memory, where the only thing more frightening than the questions are the answers.

A man wakes up naked and cold, half-drowned on an abandoned beach. The only sign of life for miles is an empty BMW. Inside the expensive car he finds clothes that fit perfectly, shoes for his tattered feet, a Rolex, and a bank envelope stuffed with cash and an auto registration in the name of Daniel Hayes, resident of Malibu, California.

None of it is familiar.

What is he doing here? How did he get into the ocean? Is he Daniel Hayes, and if so, why doesn't he remember? While he searches for answers, the world searches for him-beginning with the police that kick in the door of his dingy motel, with guns drawn. Lost, alone, and on the run, the man who might be Daniel Hayes flees into the night.

All he remembers is a woman's face, so he sets off for the only place he might find her. The fantasy of her becomes his home, his world, his hope. And maybe, just maybe, the way back to himself.

But that raises the most chilling question of all: What will he find when he gets there?
Duane Swierczynski 0.0
The second of three high-energy thrillers arriving back-to-back from cult crime fiction sensation Duane Swierczynski.

Left for dead after an epic shootout that blew the lid off a billion-dollar conspiracy, ex-cop Charlie Hardie quickly realizes that when you're dealing with The Accident People, things can get worse. Drugged, bound and transported by strange operatives of unknown origin, Hardie awakens to find himself captive in a secret prison that houses the most dangerous criminals on earth.

And then things get really bad. Because this isn't just any prison. It's a Kafkaesque nightmare that comes springloaded with a brutal catch-22: Hardie's the warden. And any attempt to escape triggers a "death mechanism" that will kill everyone down here--including a group of innocent guards. Faced with an unworkable paradox, and knowing that his wife and son could be next on the Accident People's hit list, Hardie has only one choice: fight his way to the heart of this hell hole and make a deal with the Devil himself.

Лучший дебютный детектив

Леонард Розен 0.0
All Cry Chaos, a debut thriller by the immensely gifted Leonard Rosen, is a masterful and gripping tale that literally reaches for the heavens.

The action begins when mathematician James Fenster is assassinated on the eve of a long-scheduled speech at a World Trade Organization meeting. The hit is as elegant as it is bizarre. Fenster's Amsterdam hotel room is incinerated, yet the rest of the building remains intact. The murder trail leads veteran Interpol agent Henri Poincaré on a high-stakes, world-crossing quest for answers.

Together with his chain-smoking, bon vivant colleague Serge Laurent, Poincaré pursues a long list of suspects: the Peruvian leader of the Indigenous Liberation Front, Rapture-crazed militants, a hedge fund director, Fenster's elusive ex-fiancée, and a graduate student in mathematics. Poincaré begins to make progress in America, but there is a prodigious hatred trained on him—some unfinished business from a terrifying former genocide case—and he is called back to Europe to face the unfathomable. Stripped down and in despair, tested like Job, he realizes the two cases might be connected—and he might be the link.

This first installment in the Henri Poincaré series marries a sharp, smart mystery to deep religious themes that will keep both agnostics and believers turning pages until the shattering, revelatory end. Anyone who enjoys the work of John Le Carré, Scott Turow, Dan Brown, and Steig Larsson will relish Rosen's story telling and his resourceful, haunted protagonist. Others will appreciate his dazzling prose. Still others, the way he bends the thriller form in unconventional ways toward a higher cause, in the vein of Henning Mankell in The Man From Beijing . In short, All Cry Chaos promises to become a critical success that garners a broad readership throughout the nation and across the globe.
Элис Лаплант 2.9
Дженнифер подозревают в убийстве лучшей подруги. Да, женщину с прогрессирующей болезнью Альцгеймера всерьез в этом подозревают. Улик слишком много. Чтобы защитить себя и узнать правду, Дженнифер приходится каждый день собирать по кусочкам свою жизнь. Но, может, подсознание неслучайно противится открыть правду?
Сара Генри 0.0
"If I'd blinked, I would have missed it. But I didn't, and I saw something fall from the rear deck of the opposite ferry: a small, wide-eyed human face, in one tiny frozen moment, as it plummeted toward the water."

When she witnesses a small child tumbling from a ferry into Lake Champlain, Troy Chance dives in without thinking. Harrowing moments later, she bobs to the surface, pulling a terrified little boy with her. As the ferry disappears into the distance, she begins a bone-chilling swim nearly a mile to shore towing a tiny passenger.
Surprisingly, he speaks only French. He'll acknowledge that his name is Paul; otherwise, he's resolutely mute.
Troy assumes that Paul's frantic parents will be in touch with the police or the press. But what follows is a shocking and deafening silence. And Troy, a freelance writer, finds herself as fiercely determined to protect Paul as she is to find out what happened to him. She'll need skill and courage to survive and protect her charge and herself.
Sara J. Henry's powerful and compelling Learning to Swim will move and disturb readers right up to its shattering conclusion.
Даррелл Джеймс 0.0
A new mystery series featuring young female investigator Del Shannon

As a smart and determined field operative for Desert Sands Covert in Tucson, Arizona, Del Shannon has earned a reputation for being nearly invincible at tracking down missing persons. Ironically, the only person Del has never been able to locate is the mother she's never known.

Meanwhile, the Feds are investigating a compound run by religious leader Silas Rule in the Appalachian region of Kentucky. The first undercover agent sent to the clannish community has gone missing, and Del is recruited when the FBI discovers that her father owns an abandoned property in the area. She partners with ATFE agent Frank Falconet, a New Yorker who's battling his own demons. As she and Frank go undercover, Del has a second agenda: discover if Silas Rule and the secretive Nazareth Church he commands hold the key to her mother's past.
Тейлор Стивенс 3.6
В экзотической стране бесследно исчезла Эмили - наследница огромного состояния.
За четыре года обнаружить девушку не удалось ни полиции, ни частным детективам.
И тогда ее отчим - техасский нефтяной магнат - решил нанять Ванессу Монро. Ее профессия - сбор секретной информации. Она умеет работать в любых условиях и при любых обстоятельствах и виртуозно владеет оружием.
Однако стоит Ванессе принять заказ - и па се жизнь начинается настоящая охота.
Покушение следует за покушением, и вскоре Ванессе становится ясно: чтобы остаться в живых, ей необходимо отказаться от поисков Эмили или любой ценой узнать, кто и почему так не хочет, чтобы богатую наследницу нашли...
С. Дж. Уотсон 4.0
Каждое утро Кристин Лукас просыпается в незнакомой комнате, в постели с мужчиной, которого не узнает. Каждое утро этот мужчина терпеливо объясняет Кристин, что он ее муж, а она страдает амнезией с тех пор, как в молодости попала в аварию. По совету врача, занимающегося ее случаем, Кристин втайне от мужа начинает вести дневник, записывая туда все, что ей удается узнать и вспомнить в течение дня. Отчаянно пытаясь сложить из обрывков воспоминаний свое прошлое, Кристин задает все больше вопросов — себе и окружающим. Но каждое новое воскресшее воспоминание все больше пугает ее, ей все сложнее понять, что же на самом деле случилось с ней много лет назад, что именно стерло из памяти всю ее прежнюю жизнь?

Памяти Сью Федер за лучший исторический роман

Catriona McPherson 0.0
“Guaranteed to appeal to those who have never got over the death of Dorothy L. Sayers.” —Financial Times (UK)
Welcome to Edinburgh, 1926. Dandy Gilver, a wealthy and witty aristocrat (and sometimes amateur sleuth) receives a letter from Lollie Balfour, who insists that her husband of five years is having her followed and her mail is being steamed open.

The only way for Dandy to help is by pretending to applying for a job as a lady’s maid in Lollie’s house. Dandy gets a crash course from her own maid and arrives at 31 Heriot Row, ready to put all of her detection skills to good use. Why does Mr. Balfour want to get rid of his wife? And can Dandy stay in disguise long enough to evade the villains?

Charming and funny, Dandy Gilver is an irresistible sleuth who is sure to win over mystery lovers everywhere. Readers who can’t get enough of Dorothy L. Sayers, Barbara Pym, and Dorothy Parker will definitely find a new favorite in Catriona McPherson’s smart and original mystery.
Риз Боуэн 4.5
The national bestselling author of Royal Blood whisks her heroine away to the French Riviera for fun-and danger. Lady Georgiana Rannoch has once again been called into service by Her Majesty the Queen. This time she's sent to Nice on a secret assignment that's nothing to sneeze at-recover the Queen's stolen snuff box.

As much of an honor as it is to be trusted by Her Majesty, an even greater honor awaits Georgie in Nice-as Coco Chanel herself asks Georgie to model her latest fashion. But when a necklace belonging to the Queen is stolen on the catwalk, Georgie has to find two priceless items-and solve a murder. How's a girl to find any time to go to the casino?
Джим Фузилли 0.0
Jim Fusilli’s new novel takes place in the years surrounding World War II in the dangerous immigrant neighborhood of Narrows Gate, overlooking the Hudson River, where anything can happen—and it usually does. Sal Benno is a neighborhood kid who doesn’t take to school but is able to provide the favors the Mafia needs, a skill that brings him into their inner circle and closer to ultimate danger. His lifelong friend Leo Bell sticks by Sal through thick and thin, but harbors a dangerous secret that could either keep Sal alive—or bring his life to an abrupt end. In the middle of it is Billy “Bebe” Marsala, a hugely popular and handsome crooner who becomes a pawn in a mob war that could destroy them all. A novel that rekindles the spirit of such groundbreaking works as Mario Puzo’s The Godfather and Budd Schulberg’s On the Waterfront, Narrows Gate is a powerful, epic saga that captures the heart of the immigrant experience—and the soul of America.
Энн Паркер 0.0
In summer 1880, many come to the fast-rising health resort of Manitou, Colorado, at the foot of Pike’s Peak to “chase the cure” for tuberculosis.

But Inez Stannert, part-owner of the Silver Queen Saloon in Leadville, travels for a different reason. After a long separation, she’s reuniting with her young son, William, and her beloved sister, Harmony. However, the stagecoach journey to Manitou turns lethal when East Coast businessman Edward Pace mysteriously dies under the horrified gaze of Inez and Pace’s wife and children. After they arrive at the hotel, Pace’s widow begs Inez to make inquires into her husband’s untimely death. As Inez digs deeper, she uncovers shady business dealings by those hoping to profit from the coming bonanza in medicinal waters and miracle remedies, medical practitioners who kindle false hopes in the desperate and the dying, and deception that predates the Civil War. Then Inez’s husband, Mark Stannert, reappears after a year-and-a-half unexplained absence.
Jeri Westerson 0.0
Disgraced knight Crispin Guest gets himself into some serious trouble in London and as a result is forced to accept an assignment far out of town. The Archbishop of Canterbury has specifically requested Guest to investigate a threat against the bones of saint and martyr Thomas a Beckett, which are on display in the cathedral in Canterbury. The archbishop has received letters threatening the safety of the artifacts, and he wants Guest to protect them and uncover whoever is after them.

When he arrives at Canterbury, Guest is accosted by an old acquaintance from court – one Geoffrey Chaucer – and is surrounded by a group in town on a pilgrimage. Trapped amongst the pilgrims (who were, quite possibly, the model for Chaucer’s famous story cycle), looking for a murderer, a hidden heretic and a solution to the riddle that will allow him to go back home, Crispin Guest finds his considerable wit and intellect taxed to its very limit.
Jacqueline Winspear 0.0
In the summer of 1932, Maisie Dobbs’ career goes in an exciting new direction when she accepts an undercover assignment directed by Scotland Yard’s Special Branch and the Secret Service. Posing as a junior lecturer, she is sent to a private college in Cambridge to monitor any activities “not in the interests of His Majesty’s Government.”

When the college’s controversial pacifist founder and principal, Greville Liddicote, is murdered, Maisie is directed to stand back as Detective Chief Superintendent Robert MacFarlane and Detective Chief Inspector Stratton spearhead the investigation. She soon discovers, however, that the circumstances of Liddicote’s death appear inextricably linked to the suspicious comings and goings of faculty and students under her surveillance.

To unravel this web, Maisie must overcome a reluctant Secret Service, discover shameful hidden truths about Britain’s conduct during the war, and face off against the rising powers of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei—the Nazi Party—in Britain.

A pivotal chapter in the life of Maisie Dobbs, A Lesson In Secrets marks the beginning of her intelligence work for the Crown. As the storm clouds of World War II gather on the horizon, Maisie will confront new challenges and new enemies—and will engage new readers and loyal fans of this bestselling mystery series.

Лучшая документальная книга

Charlaine Harris 0.0
THE SOOKIE STACKHOUSE COMPANION is a unique guide to Sookie Stackhouse and her dark fantasy southern-Gothic world, as well as an in-depth look at the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD.
The book will feature a brand-new Sookie story and Charlaine's own map of Bon Temps, never before published, with every place of interest in the town, including Merlotte's bar and Sookie's home. Other treats include:
* An introduction by Charlaine about the impact Sookie Stackhouse has had on her writing career, and the influence on the genre at large
* A large section on the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD
* Detailed summaries of each novel and entries on every important character, event and setting in the series, in Sookie's voice.
* An overview of Sookie's world, including information on the vampires, shapeshifter/wereanimal, and fairie factions
* Interviews with Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball
* A selection of favourite Bon Temps recipes
Лесли Будевиц 0.0
Addressing the misunderstood and misrepresented aspects of the law in today’s writing, this reliable guidebook demonstrates how to use legal concepts, terminology, and procedure to create fiction that is true to life and crackling with real-world tension. Examples from actual cases are provided along with excerpts of authentic courtroom dialogue. Topics covered include criminal and civil law; differences between federal, state, and Native American jurisdiction; police and private investigation; wills and inheritances; and the written and unwritten codes that govern the public and private conduct of lawyers and judges. Providing a quick and simple legal reference, this handbook is the key to creating innovative plots, strong conflicts, authentic characters, and gritty realism.
John Curran 0.0
In this follow-up volume to the award-winning 'Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks', Christie archivist and expert John Curran leads the reader through the six decades of Agatha's writing career, unearthing some remarkable clues to her success and a number of never-before-published excerpts and stories from her archives.

Starting his investigation in the 1920s, John Curran examines the conventions of detective fiction as it existed then and reveals how Agatha Christie's publisher talked her into changing the ending of her very first book, 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles', a move that almost certainly changed the fortunes of not only her career but also the future of the detective novel. For the very first time, this book prints Agatha's original ending, painstakingly transcribed from the hand-written draft in one of her earliest notebooks.

Every decade saw Agatha Christie's success grow to new heights. The emergence of the world-famous Collins Crime Club in 1930 brought with it the very first Miss Marple novel; the austerity of the 1940s had Agatha Christie preparing to kill off Hercule Poirot; and the 1950s saw her experiment increasingly with stories influenced by more modern thrillers. Focusing on more than 20 Christie novels as detailed evidence, John Curran demonstrates the evolution of Agatha's writing through the decades, including her perseverance through the Swinging Sixties and Seventies into old age, concluding with a look at Agatha's last notebook and her ideas for an unwritten final book.

As well as revealing more than a dozen unpublished book ideas, 'Agatha Christie's Murder in the Making' contains two new short stories from her archives - 'The Man Who Knew' and an early Miss Marple draft, 'The Case of the Caretaker's Wife'.

NB: The first edition, first printing, has the ISBN on the reverse of the title page as in this record of the book but the back of the dust wrapper carries a different ISBN - 9780007908561! In addition there seems to be a variant title in that in some editions the last word of the sub-title is 'Notebooks' as opposed to 'Archive'.
А.Б. Эмрис 0.0
Wilkie Collins was one of the most popular novelists during England's Victorian era. While Collins scholarship has often focused on social issues, this critical study explores his formal ingenuity, particularly the novel of testimony constructed from epistolary fiction, trial reports, and prose monologue. His innovations in form were later mirrored by Vera Caspary, who adapted The Woman in White three times into contemporary fiction. This text explores how the formal dialogue between Collins and Caspary has linked sensation fiction with noir thrillers and film noir.
Т. Дж. Инглиш 0.0
“T.J. English has the mastered the hybrid narrative art form of social history and underworld thriller. The Savage City is a truly gripping read filled with unexpected twists and turns.”
—Douglas Brinkley, author of The Great Deluge

In The Savage City, T.J. English, author of the New York Times bestselling blockbuster Havana Nocturne, takes readers back to a frightening place in a dark time of violence and urban chaos: New York City in the 1960s and early ’70s. As he did in his acclaimed true crime masterwork, The Westies, English focuses on the rot on the Big Apple in this stunning tale of race, murder, and a generation on the edge—as he interweaves the real-life sagas of a corrupt cop, a militant Black Panther, and an innocent young African American man framed by the NYPD for a series of crimes, including a brutal and sensational double murder.