Вручение 2009 г. — стр. 2

Премия вручалась за 2008 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2009 г.

Лучший дебютный детектив

Чарли Ньютон 0.0
May be an ex-library book, with library markings, features, and stamps.Has some wear on the cover.Has clean, unmarked pages. Binding is tight and in excellent condition.Buy with confidence!
Скотт Пратт 4.0
В одном из мотелей штата Теннесси найден зверски убитый проповедник. В преступлении обвиняют прекрасную, таинственную молодую девушку. В романе - финалисте международной читательской премии в области детективной литературы в номинации «Лучший дебют», адвокат по уголовным делам Джо Диллард, за эти годы уставший от рутины, пытается найти баланс между карьерой и своей совестью. Умный, но циничный Диллард хочет бросить заниматься уголовными делами, но не может упустить шанс представлять в суде того, кто действительно может оказаться невиновным. Его наркозависимая сестра только что освобождена из тюрьмы, а мать страдает болезнью Альцгеймера, но приверженность делу, несмотря на личные проблемы и профессиональные требования, грозит уничтожить его.
Майкл Стэнли 0.0
Smashed skull, snapped ribs, and a cloying smell of carrion. Leave the body for the hyenas to devour-no body, no case.

But when Kalahari game rangers stumble on a human corpse midmeal, it turns out the murder wasn't perfect after all. Enough evidence is left to suggest foul play. Detective David "Kubu" Bengu of the Botswana Criminal Investigation Department is assigned to the case.

The detective's personality and physique match his moniker. The nickname "Kubu" is Setswana for "hippopotamus"-a seemingly docile creature, but one of the deadliest on the continent. Beneath Kubu's pleasant surface lies the same unwavering resolve that makes the hippopotamus so deceptively dangerous. Both will trample everything in their path to reach an objective.

From the sun-baked riverbeds of the Kalahari to the highest offices of an international conglomerate, Kubu follows a blood-soaked trail in search of answers.

Beneath a mountain of lies and superstitions, he uncovers a chain of crimes leading to the most powerful figures in the country-influential enemies who will kill anyone in their way.

A memorable detective makes his debut in this gritty, mesmerizing thriller. Set amid the beauty and darkness of contemporary Africa, A Carrion Death is the first entry in an evocative new series cutting to the heart of today's Botswana-a modern democracy threatened by unstable neighbors, poachers, and diamond smugglers. Those trying to expose the corrupt ringleaders will find themselves fighting for their lives..
Дэн Уоделл 3.9
Таинственный маньяк отрубает жертвам кисти рук и вырезает у них на груди странные комбинации букв и цифр. Детектив Грант Фостер, ведущий дело, установил: кровавые надписи - это регистрационные номера свидетельств о рождении, смерти и заключении брака.
Грант Фостер обращается за помощью к известному специалисту по генеалогии, историку Найджелу Барнсу. В ходе расследования Фостер и Варне приходят к неожиданным выводам: маньяк в точности копирует серию из пяти убийств, за совершение которых некто Айк Файрбен был повешен... еще в 1879 году!
Зачем убийца повторяет преступления викторианской эпохи?
И случайно ли последняя жертва носила ту же фамилию, что и судья, приговоривший к смерти Айка Файрбена?

Памяти Сью Федер за лучший исторический роман

Риз Боуэн 4.3
Лондон, 1932 год. Леди Джорджиана Раннохская, тридцать четвертая претендентка в очереди на британский престол, продолжает покорять столицу. У нее по-прежнему нет ни гроша, поэтому Джорджи приходится прибирать в чужих домах, сохраняя при этом строжайшую секретность - ведь нельзя допустить, чтобы знакомые застукали ее за таким постыдным занятием! А еще королева поручила ей ввести в лондонское общество баварскую принцессу, идеальную кандидатку в жены наследника престола, что, как ни странно, вызвало целую эпидемию загадочных убийств... У Джорджи, как всегда, забот полон рот, а надо и личную жизнь устраивать, ведь ей уже почти двадцать два года!

Захватывающий сюжет и искрометный юмор во второй книге новой серии известной английской писательницы Риз Боуэн.
Карен Мейтленд 4.1
1348 год, самый страшный год в истории Англии. Великая чума пришла из Европы на Британские острова, не щадя ни судей, ни воров, ни облаченных в рясы священников. Странная компания путешествует по разоренной чумой стране: старик-калека, торгующий фальшивыми мощами; музыкант; бродячий фокусник; молодая пара, ожидающая ребенка; юноша с крылом лебедя вместо руки; девочка, гадающая по рунам. Цель их путешествия - усыпальница Джона Шорна, святыня, охраняющая от невзгод и болезней. Но словно неумолимый рок преследует их в пути, череда смертей и несчастий обрушивается на паломников, и причина этого - тайна, которую каждый из них надежно скрывает от окружающих.
Уорд Ларсен 0.0
April, 1945: As Germany collapses, the Third Reich makes a desperate grab for its most valuable asset - Die Wespe, a spy deep in the Manhattan project. The man chosen to carry out the mission is Alexander Braun --American born, Harvard educated, and a ruthless killer. Amid the quiet leisure of Newport, a young heiress and British Army investigator flush out the agent and track him to the wastelands of New Mexico. July 16, 1945: the world's first atomic test, codename Trinity. In the days that follow, four people vie for control of the secret that will change the world.
David Liss 0.0
David Liss’s bestselling historical thrillers, including A Conspiracy of Paper and The Coffee Trader, have been called remarkable and rousing: the perfect combination of scrupulous research and breathless excitement. Now Liss delivers his best novel yet in an entirely new setting–America in the years after the Revolution, an unstable nation where desperate schemers vie for wealth, power, and a chance to shape a country’s destiny.

Ethan Saunders, once among General Washington’s most valued spies, now lives in disgrace, haunting the taverns of Philadelphia. An accusation of treason has long since cost him his reputation and his beloved fiancée, Cynthia Pearson, but at his most desperate moment he is recruited for an unlikely task–finding Cynthia’s missing husband. To help her, Saunders must serve his old enemy, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, who is engaged in a bitter power struggle with political rival Thomas Jefferson over the fragile young nation’s first real financial institution: the Bank of the United States.

Meanwhile, Joan Maycott is a young woman married to another Revolutionary War veteran. With the new states unable to support their ex-soldiers, the Maycotts make a desperate gamble: trade the chance of future payment for the hope of a better life on the western Pennsylvania frontier. There, amid hardship and deprivation, they find unlikely friendship and a chance for prosperity with a new method of distilling whiskey. But on an isolated frontier, whiskey is more than a drink; it is currency and power, and the Maycotts’ success attracts the brutal attention of men in Hamilton’s orbit, men who threaten to destroy all Joan holds dear.

As their causes intertwine, Joan and Saunders–both patriots in their own way–find themselves on opposing sides of a daring scheme that will forever change their lives and their new country. The Whiskey Rebels is a superb rendering of a perilous age and a nation nearly torn apart–and David Liss’s most powerful novel yet.
Jeri Westerson 0.0
"A great read, through and through. Westerson's finely wrought portrait of gritty Medieval London is embued with great wit and poignancy. Crispin Guest is a knight to remember." -- Cornelia Read, author of A Field of Darkness, on Veil of Lies.

Crispin Guest is a disgraced knight, stripped of his rank and his honor - but left with his life - for plotting against Richard II. Having lost his bethrothed, his friends, his patrons and his position in society. With no trade to support him and no family willing to acknowledge him, Crispin has turned to the one thing he still has - his wits - to scrape a living together on the mean streets of London. In 1383, Guest is called to the compound of a merchant - a reclusive mercer who suspects that his wife is being unfaithful and wants Guest to look into the matter. Not wishing to sully himself in such disgraceful, dishonorable business but in dire need of money, Guest agrees and discovers that the wife is indeed up to something, presumably nothing good. But when he comes to inform his client, he is found dead - murdered in a sealed room, locked from the inside. Now Guest has come to the unwanted attention of the Lord Sheriff of London and most recent client was murdered while he was working for him. And everything seems to turn on a religious relic - a veil reported to have wiped the brow of Christ - that is now missing.
Келли Стэнли 0.0
Arcturus the half-Roman doctor and occasional problem-solver -- has seen much in his thirty-three years. He is Agricola's doctor and friend. And Agricola is the governor of Britannia. On a frozen December afternoon, he learns the governor is in trouble. The Emperor Domitian has sent a spy to Britannia -- a spy carrying papers demanding Agricola's resignation. It doesn't make Arcturus any warmer to know that the spy, Vibius Maecenas, is betrothed to the woman who brings him the story. The woman -- Gwyna -- is as unforgettable as her information. When Arcturus sends his freedman Bilicho to follow her, he finds himself, hours later, in an underground temple, staring at a shapeless hulk on top of the altar. It's the trussed body of Maecenas, with a gaping hole in place of a throat. If Arcturus doesn't find out who murdered him and why, Domitian might think the governor is responsible. The dead Maecenas will ignite a civil war, one hot enough to thaw the ice in frozen Britannia.
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