Вручение 2006 г.

Премия вручалась за 2005 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2006 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Майкл Коннелли 4.5
Микки Холлер - самый циничный адвокат Лос-Анджелеса.
Его офис - заднее сиденье "линкольна".
Его методы защиты, мягко говоря, нестандартны.
Его клиенты - драчуны-байкеры и карточные шулеры, наркодилеры и пьяные водители. Для него закон не имеет никакого отношения к вине или невиновности. Надо просто уметь торговаться и нажимать нужные кнопки, а правосудие здесь и вовсе ни при чем!
Но на сей раз Холлер намерен восстановить справедливость и покарать виновного. Потому что ему предстоит охота за убийцей, одной из жертв которого стал его лучший друг.
И он подозревает, что однажды сам спас этого преступника от заслуженного возмездия...
Ли Чайлд 4.3
В самом центре города, возле нового офисного здания, невидимый снайпер начинает отстрел людей. Шесть выстрелов - пять жертв. Город повергнут в ужас. Однако уже через несколько часов полиция выходит на преступника. Дело абсолютно ясное: все улики указывают на него. Тем не менее подозреваемый все отрицает. Он говорит, что полиция арестовала не того парня, и требует: "Найдите мне Джека Ричера". Но что может связывать этого законченного психопата с бывшим военным полицейским Джеком Ричером?
Ли Чайлд - один из лучших современных авторов, работающих в жанре детектива-экшн. Его герой Джек Ричер стал поистине культовой фигурой, воплощением несгибаемого героя-детектива. А данный роман лег в основу голливудского блокбастера "Джек Ричер".
Тесс Герритсен 4.3
Патологоанатом Майра Айлз обнаруживает, что в морге по ошибке оказалась живая женщина — Алена. Каким образом она оказалась при смерти, кто она — не известно ничего, кроме имени. Ее удается реанимировать, но, очнувшись, она захватывает заложников в больнице. В их числе — и детектив Джейн Риццоли, которая вот-вот должна стать матерью.
Как спасти заложников? Почему молодая женщина взялась за оружие? Кто ей помогает, зачем?
Множество вопросов должны разрешить полицейские и агенты ФБР, но расследованию неожиданно начинают оказывать сопротивление могущественные силовые структуры…
Дон Уинслоу 4.2
Полулатинос Арт Келлер, агент службы по борьбе с наркотиками, вырос в пригороде Сан-Диего и сам видел, как гибли от "травки" его друзья и родные. Готовя операцию по захвату могущественного мексиканского наркобарона, он совершает простительную для новичка ошибку - привлекает себе в помощники полицейского начальника дона Мигеля Барреру. Наркобарон побежден, но Баррера, воспользовавшись образовавшимся вакуумом власти, создает собственную организацию, еще более сильную и жестокую, чем только что уничтоженная. Келлер пытается исправить свой промах. Так начинается вендетта.
Reed Farrel Coleman 0.0
It’s 1983 and Reaganomics is in full swing. But beneath the facade of junk bonds and easy money, New York remains a gritty metropolis offering Nirvana with one hand and desolation with the other. Moe Prager, ex-NYPD cop turned reluctant P.I. is too busy reeling from a family tragedy to see what’s coming. He’s about to be sucked into a case that might deliver him what he’s always wanted or plunge him into purgatory.
Two years earlier, Moira Heaton, a young intern for an up-and-coming politico, vanished without a trace. Although there is no evidence supporting her boss’s involvement, rumors and whispers have conspired to stall his once-promising career. Now, in a last- ditch effort to clear his name, state senator Steven Brightman, with the clout of a wealthy backer, enlists Moe’s help. With twists and turns galore and Moe’s inimitable voice, The James Deans is an absorbing page- turner that will add to the burgeoning reputation of one of today’s most promising writers.
Питер Робинсон 3.0
When Alan Banks receives a disturbing message from his brother, Roy, he abandons the peaceful Yorkshire Dales for the bright lights of London, in order to seek him out. But Roy seems to have vanished into thin air.
Meanwhile, Dl Annie Cabbot is called to a quiet stretch of road just outside Eastvale, where a young woman has been found dead in her car. In the victim's pocket, scribbled on a slip of paper, police discover Banks' name and address.
Living in Roy's empty South Kensington house, Banks finds himself digging into the life of a brother he never really knew, or even liked. And as he begins to uncover a few troubling surprises the two cases become sinisterly entwined...
Пол Левин 0.0
Victoria Lord follows all the rules. Steve Solomon makes up his own. They'll either end up in ruin, in jail or in bed. Steve barely graduated from Key West School of Law. Victoria is fresh from Yale, toiling for an ambitious DA, before Steve gets her fired. Katrina Barksdale is a sexy former figure skater charged with killing her very wealthy, very kinky husband in Miami.

Лучший дебютный детектив

Брайан Фриман 3.0
Бесследное исчезновение юной Рейчел потрясло маленький провинциальный городок.
Неужели она - новая жертва маньяка, год назад убившего другую девушку?
А может, Рейчел погибла от руки отчима - циничного и жестокого дельца, которого соседи подозревают в порочной страсти к девочкам-тинейджерам?
Пресса неистовствует.
Прокурор требует немедленно отыскать преступника.
Однако детектив Джонатан Страйд, расследующий дело, убежден: к исчезновению Рейчел причастны совсем другие люди.
Шаг за шагом он приближается к истине и распутывает клубок таких тайн, от которых кровь стынет в жилах даже у опытного полицейского...
Майк Харрисон 0.0
This hard-edged, energetic mystery features Eddie Dancer—Canada's newest and toughest private eye. Two years as a city cop have convinced Eddie he is better off working for himself as a private investigator. When he is hired to track down a tough, professional bank robber, Eddie has no idea he is about to pry the lid off a very nasty can of worms. When he runs up against a pair of disgraced ex-bikers, he uncovers a macabre connection between the ex-bikers and the "fate worse than death" that has befallen many of the city's hookers—a fate that leaves them, irreversibly, in a vegetative state. Eddie learns that a man who is already in prison has carried out the bank robbery and he wonders how someone can be in two different places at once. With the help of his friend, Danny Many Guns, Eddie uncovers evidence of a major conspiracy stretching from the city's back streets and tattoo parlors to the very top of the prison system food chain. Will Danny Many Guns save his friend and partner from the "fate worse than death," or will the bad guys get their revenge on the man who has exposed them?
Рэндалл Хикс 0.0
A new attorney, Toby Dillon, hedges his bets by remaining the part-time tennis pro at the country club. Then his idyllic life changes when his two childhood friends, Brogan and Rita, Hollywood's glamour couple, ask his help in adopting a baby. The media's feel good story curdles into danger when the baby is kidnapped. When the expected ransom demand never arrives and the police turn up nothing, Toby and Brogan try to find answers on their own. First they think the baby's birth mother is responsible, but suddenly she's missing too, and their suspects start turning up dead. They soon learn there's more at stake than a kidnapping, and the answers may trace back to their shared childhood.

Памяти Сью Федер за лучший исторический роман

Жаклин Уинспир 3.8
Покойная леди Агнес Лоутон так и не смогла поверить, что ее сын Ральф, военный летчик, погиб на полях Первой мировой. И теперь ее муж, которому необходимо выполнить последнюю волю жены, просит Мейси отправиться во Францию и найти доказательства смерти Ральфа.
Мейси начинает расследование и оказывается в запутанном лабиринте опасных тайн прошлого…
Rhys Bowen 0.0
Fledgling private investigator Molly Murphy's latest assignment gives her the opportunity to escape the typhoid epidemic sweeping across New York City in the summer of 1902 for the lush Hudson River Valley. And it comes from an unlikely source-Captain Daniel Sullivan, a New York City police detective and erstwhile beau of Molly's. She has vowed to keep him at arm's length until he can rid himself of his socialite fiancee, but she can't pass up the chance to take advantage of his offer of a real detective job.
Daniel hires Molly to go undercover inside the country household of Senator Barney Flynn, in Peekskill, New York. Flynn's wife, Theresa, has become the latest devotee of a pair of spiritualists known as the Sorensen Sisters. The frail Theresa is desperate to use the sisters' alleged abilities to hold a seance to contact her infant son, who was kidnapped five years ago and never found; the accused kidnapper was killed before he could tell police where the boy was being held. But the police are sure the women are frauds.
When Molly allows herself to be distracted from the Sorensen Sisters and the members of the Flynn household by the unsolved kidnapping, it is a race against time to find out what's really going on before it's too late.
"In Like Flynn "is the latest captivating installment in a series which has garnered an impressive array of awards and nominations in just three books: Rhys Bowen's Molly Murphy mysteries have won the Agatha Award, the Anthony Award, the Bruce Alexander Historical Award, and the Herodotus Award, and have been shortlisted for the Agatha Award, the Macavity Award, and the Mary Higgins Clark Award.
Тони Бродбент 0.0
It's the austere 1948 world of post-war, black-maket-riddled England, and Jethro, the cat burglar and jewel thief, has been pushed out onto the rooftops of London again by Colonel Walsingham of MI5.
And so, forced once again to step out from behind his disguise as a part-time stagehand in London's West End, Jethro does a creep in Mayfair and sets in motion a tale of dark and deadly dealings that mixes national politics with black magice, orgies of abandon, and blackmail.

Things get even deadlier when he stumbles across a royal cover-up and then uncovers a plot to topple Clement Attlee's Labour Government.

And always ever present, looming in the background, are the twin spectres of the growing communist menace and a rebirth of fascism. There are even rumors the Americans are poking their noses deep into things and that a mysterious OSS agent is roaming around London with his eagle eye set on someone who looks a lot like Jethro.

To top it all, Walsingham comes up with a plan - "in Defence of the Realm" - that calls for Jethro to steal his way into the very heart of aristocratic English circles.

However, Walsingham's behind-the-scenes string pulling also has unitended consequences in London's gangland that result in Jethro finding himself up to his neck again in the never-ending battle between two of London's most notorious gang bosses, Darby Messina and Jack Spot.

And all this is just a precursor to Jethro having to do a very serious bit of burglary at a certain very grand country house, the success or failure of which could mean England saved from going to the dogs or spell curtains for Jethro.

In Spectres in the Smoke, Tony Broadbent has created a dark, shadowy vision of post-war London and spun a truly enthralling tale.
Max Allan Collins 0.0
New York City, October 1938. The shadow of war in Europe falls ominously across the face of America. Yet, it is another Shadow--the mystery man of the radio airwaves voiced by Orson Welles--who captures the imagination of listeners across the nation, offering hope in these troubled times in the form of vengeful justice. Pulp scribe Walter Gibson, The Shadow's creator, has arrived in New York to assist Welles on a film project.

Welles is currently immersed in this week's Mercury Theater on the Air broadcast of The War of the Worlds. Scripted as a series of mock news bulletins reporting a Martian invasion, the radio play was supposed to be a harmless Halloween trick. But Welles never imagined his stunt would create a panic among listeners who turned in late and believed the attack was real. And he never imagined being suspected of murder.

Did Welles murder his mistress on the night of the broadcast? Only the creator of The Shadow knows. . . .
Maureen Jennings 3.0
After thirteen-year-old Agnes Fisher faints at school, her teacher, the young and still idealistic Amy Slade, is shocked to discover in the girl’s desk two stereoscopic photographs. One is of a dead baby in its cradle, and on the back Agnes has scrawled a terrible message. Worse, the other photograph is of Agnes in a pose captioned “What Mr. Newly Wed Really Wants.” When Agnes doesn’t show up at school the next day, her teacher takes the two photographs to the police. Murdoch, furious at the sexual exploitation of such a young girl, resolves to find the photographer – and to put him behind bars.

Night’s Child is the fifth novel in Maureen Jennings’s highly praised historical mystery series. Three of Jennings’s novels have been made into TV movies under the title Murder 19C: The Murdoch Mysteries. Bravo/CHUM is currently developing a series based on the character of Detective William Murdoch for broadcast in 2007.

Лучшая документальная книга

Мелани Рехак 0.0
A plucky “titian-haired” sleuth solved her first mystery in 1930. Eighty million books later, Nancy Drew has survived the Depression, World War II, and the sixties (when she was taken up with a vengeance by women’s libbers) to
Джонатан Гудман 0.0
On a 6,000-mile train trip across the North American continent from New York City to the West Coast, then back to New York over a southern route, prizewinning English crime historian Jonathan Goodman visited a number of sites where notorious murders occurred--the Kingsbury Run torso murders in Cleveland; the murder by "thrill-killers" Leopold and Loeb, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and the escapades of Al Capone in Chicago; the Henwood-VonPhul-Springer affair in Denver; the murders of Marian Williams and Blanche Lamont in the Emmanuel Baptist Church in San Francisco; and Kate Townsend's murder in New Orleans. Goodman masterfully fuses two literary genres that reach back into the nineteenth century: the true crime essay fathered by Thomas De Quincy and travel reports popularized by Charles Dickens and Mark Twain.

As a true crime book, Tracks to Murder is witty and informative and enriches these classic American murder cases by placing them within their original settings. Goodman also plays them against their locations as they are today, resulting in a series of character sketches both contemporary and historical. As a travel book, it presents the seasoned reflections of a cultivated English writer on American manners and morals observed during his serendipitous transcontinental journey.
Артур Конан Дойл, Лесли Клингер 0.0
Вашему вниманию предлагается подарочное издание в оригинальном футляре.

The four classic novels of Sherlock Holmes, heavily illustrated and annotated with extensive scholarly commentary, in an attractive and elegant slipcase.
The publication of Leslie S. Klinger's brilliant new annotations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's four classic Holmes novels in 2005 created a Holmes sensation. Klinger reassembles Doyle's four seminal novels in their original order, with over 1,000 notes, 350 illustrations and period photographs, and tantalizing new Sherlockian theories. Inside, readers will find: - A Study in Scarlet (1887) - a tale of murder and revenge that tells of Holmes and Dr. Watson's first meeting; - The Sign of Four (1889) - a chilling tale of lost treasure...and of how Watson met his wife; - The Hound of the Baskervilles (1901) - hailed as the greatest mystery novel of all time; and; - The Valley of Fear (1914) - a fresh murder scene that leads Holmes to solve a long-forgotten mystery.
Whether as a stand-alone volume or as a companion to the short stories, this classic work illuminates the timeless genius of Conan Doyle for an entirely new generation.