Вручение 1994 г.

Премия вручалась за 1993 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1994 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Майнет Уолтерс 4.0
Обстоятельства дела казались простыми: Олив Мартин призналась в убийстве своей сестры и матери. В тюрьме она получила леденящее кровь прозвище "Скульпторша".
Вот и все, что было известно журналистке Розалинде Лей, когда она отправилась на первое свидание с Олив, отбывающей пожизненный срок в заключении. Могла ли Роз предвидеть, что эта встреча навсегда изменит ее жизнь?
Элизабет Джордж 4.0
Дебора Сент-Джеймс опечалена известием о неожиданной смерти преподобного Сейджа. Их пути очень ненадолго пересеклись несколько месяцев назад, и этот сельский священник сумел поддержать ее в трудную минуту. Как выясняется, некоторые обстоятельства его смерти заставляют подозревать, что Сейдж был убит. Супруги Сент-Джеймс, неудовлетворенные ведением расследования по этому делу, призывают на помощь их старого друга инспектора Линли, и вместе они начинают распутывать клубок взаимоотношений, в основе которого лежит всепоглощающая и всеразрушающая сила родительской любви.
Carolyn G. Hart 3.0
Retired reporter Henrietta O'Dwyer Collins--better known as "Henrie O"--is called in by an old lover, arrogant media tycoon Chase Prescott, to investigate a murder plot against him.
Джанет Лапьер 0.0
In the very northeastern corner of California - high desert country where cows outnumber people by about six to one and where the same families have been ranching for more than a hundred years - an important anniversary is at hand. Soon it will be ten years since Bobby Macrae, twenty-one-year-old scion of one of Modoc County's pioneer families, disappeared. He was there, and then he was gone. For ten years, nobody has seen Bobby or heard from him. But there's a rumor that after a decade away, he might come home. Forty-something Meg Halloran, on the summer-vacation road in search of a change of scene and a renewed connection with her teenaged daughter, Katy, has heard vaguely of Bobby's strange, unexplained disappearance, but not of its almost mythic importance to the citizens of Stony Creek and the surrounding countryside. Schoolteacher Meg has kept in sporadic touch with her former student, Bobby's sister Lauren Macrae Cavalier; but only when Meg and Katy reach the Macrae ranch for a visit does Meg discover how Bobby's loss has eroded the lives of Lauren and of Frances Macrae, the aunt who had raised the brother and sister. Katy thinks a vanished relative is exciting, but her current passion is Canis lupus, the gray wolf, and she knows a lot more about wolf pack hierarchy than about the human version. When old feuds erupt and another disappearance is followed by murder, both Meg and Katy find that survival depends on learning to distinguish the misfit - the omega animal - from the true outlaw. Meg and her daughter learn painful and poignant lessons of family, friendship, and love in this superb new novel from a critically acclaimed author.
Кэти Хоган Трочек 0.0
From her time on the Atlanta police force, Callahan Garrity, house cleaner and private investigator extraordinaire, has excelled at mopping up messes -- of all kinds. But she has no idea what she's getting into when she agrees to work for infamous antiques dealer Elliot Littlefield.

The first day on the job she and her crew discover the bloodied body of a young woman in a bedroom -- and are soon on the trail of a priceless Civil War diary stolen by the killer. As if two crimes aren't enough, deadly serious collectors, right-wing radicals, and impulsive teenagers make the case even more difficult to tidy up ... and more dangerous.

Лучший дебютный детектив

Шэран Ньюман 4.0
Средневековая Франция... Рыцарские турниры, на которых беззаботно развлекается парижская знать, размеренный быт ремесленников и торговцев, приглушенный шепот молитв и едва различимый шелест одежд обитателей монастырей... Но не все так спокойно и мирно в жизни добропорядочных горожан. Словно из темной преисподней стремительно восстает и врывается в их судьбы неведомая сила зла и скверны, сеющая смерть и страдания, насаждающая богохульство и порок. Кто он, этот носитель черных помыслов и коварных планов, осмелившийся извратить Священное Писание?
Nevada Barr 0.0
Fleeing New York to find refuge as a ranger in the remote backcountry of West Texas, Anna Pigeon stumbles into a web of violence and murder when fellow park ranger Sheila Drury is mysteriously killed and another ranger vanishes.
Deborah Crombie 4.0
A week's holiday in a luxurious Yorkshire time-share is just what Scotland Yard's Superintendent Duncan Kincaid needs. But the discovery of a body floating in the whirlpool bath ends Kincaid's vacation before it's begun. One of his new acquaintances at Followdale House is dead; another is a killer. Despite a distinct lack of cooperation from the local constabulary, Kincaid's keen sense of duty won't allow him to ignore the heinous crime, impelling him to send for his enthusiastic young assistant, Sergeant Gemma James. But the stakes are raised dramatically when a second murder occurs, and Kincaid and James find themselves in a determined hunt for a fiendish felon who enjoys homicide a bit too much.
Laurie R. King 0.0
In Laurie R. King's "A Grave Talent", the unthinkable has happened in a small community outside of San Francisco. A series of shocking murders has occurred, the victims far too innocent and defenseless. For lesbian Detective Kate Martinelli, just promoted to Homicide and paired with a seasoned cop who's less than thrilled to be handed a green partner, it's a difficult case that just keeps getting harder.

Then the police receive what appears to be a case-breaking lead: it seems that one of the residents of this odd colony is Vaun Adams, arguably the century's greatest woman painter and a notorious felon once convicted of a heinous crime.

But what really happened eighteen years ago? To bring a murderer to justice, Kate must delve into the artist's dark past—even if it means losing everything she holds dear.
Эбигейл Паджетт 0.0
When someone tries to kill a deaf, four-year-old boy found in the dusty canyons of Southern California, child abuse investigator Bo Bradley vows to save the boy and unearth the truth.
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