Вручение 1988 г.

Премия вручалась за 1987 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1988 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Nancy Pickard 0.0
When Jenny Cain's future husband, policeman Geof Bushfield becomes disillusioned by all the domestic violence occuring in Port Frederick between husbands and wives, it is up to Jenny to help Geof find the answer.
Max Allan Collins 0.0
When retired hitman Quarry turns down a million bucks to murder a presidential candidate, he becomes a "loose end" that the conspirators need to tie off. With his peaceful life in ruins, Quarry launches his own campaign--for vengeance.
John William Corrington, Joyce H. Corrington 0.0
In this second of the New Orleans Mystery novels, NOPD Captain of Homicide “Rat” Trapp reencounters Camille Bynum, an old love Rat grew up with in the god-forsaken Desire project. Camille left Desire for Los Angeles twenty years ago but returns to New Orleans with her rock star son Danny, who comes to town for a performance at the Superdome. When Danny collapses on stage, Rat has to decide if Danny accidentally overdosed or is a murder victim. His friends, reporter Wes Colvin and assistant DA Denise Lemoyne, offer Rat backup as his investigation leads to nonstop violent action against the vicious drug dealers who infest Desire project.
Мики Фридман 0.0
The decaying splendor of Venice forms the backdrop for a complex and unusual murder mystery in which six friends attend the city's famous carnival to play a unique game. They agree to meet at an appointed time wearing costumes that express their private concept of their inner selves; they will test their knowledge of one another by seeing who can be identified. The game never begins, for Brian, costumed as Medusa, is murdered. His estranged wife Sally, in the guise of a corpse, looks on in horror as the murderer, wearing a glass mask, flees the scene. As the carnival becomes more frenzied and bizarre, the group disintegrates into confusion and panic. Guises and identities are tried and discarded, reality and fantasy are intermixed as the five tormented friends come to grips with the people they thought they were and those they have now become. Friedman (Hurricane Season has written an elaborate, surrealistic book ripe with atmosphere, plot and characterization.
Margaret Maron 0.0
When a bomb explodes in a cribbage board, killing two men and seriously injuring her partner, Detective Sigrid Harald draws on her feminine intuition to discover a cleverly disguised murderer.
Сара Парецки 0.0
Шестнадцатилетняя Консуэлло – жена гангстера Фабиано, – готовясь стать матерью, попадает в частную клинику «Дружба», где умирает от нерпавильного лечения. Руководство клиники, погрязшее в махинациях и коррупции, готово было заплатить огромные деньши, чтобы сохранить тайну смерти Консуэлло и избежать скандала. Любому, кто не пойдет на эту сделку и попытается расследовать обстоятельства гибели молодой женщины, грозит смерть. И только дерзкая Ви.Ай. Варшавски не может отказать отчаявшимся родственникам Консуэлло. К чему приведет ее расследование?
Барбара Вайн 3.7
В старинном английском поместье Уайвис-холл, на кладбище домашних животных найдены останки молодой женщины и грудного ребенка. Полиция начинает расследование, которое затрагивает события десятилетней давности. Известие о страшной находке попадает в газеты – и моментально лишает покоя нескольких благополучных и респектабельных людей. Все это время они пытались вырвать из памяти некоторые страницы своего прошлого, но сделать это оказалось невозможно. Их мысли невольно возвращаются в те далекие времена, когда в Уайвис-холл съехалась бесшабашная компания молодых людей, проматывающая наследство одного из них – Эдама Верн-Смита. И эти воспоминания будят призраков…
Джон Уэйнрайт 0.0
When after hours of interrogations, a pharmacist admits to poisoning his wife and lays out his motive and method, the police reject his confession, the guilt-ridden widower is driven to new heights of desperation

Лучший дебютный детектив

Роберт Крейс 3.7
Частный детектив Элвис Коул, ветеран вьетнамской войны, собирает фигурки сверчка Джимини Крикета и плакаты из мультиков Диснея. И хотя Элвис решил для себя, что не стоит становиться взрослым, он носит при себе "дэн-вессон" тридцать восьмого калибра и может вырубить любого, сжав в кулаке банковскую упаковку пятинентовиков. Его напарник, Джо Пайк, бывший спецназовец и полицейский, уволенный за превышение полномочий, готов в любой заварушке до последнею стоять плечом к плечу рядом с Элвисом. Тем более в тот момент, когда им противостоит наркомафия, похитившая ни в чем не повинного мальчугана.
Роберт Крейс - автор сериала об Элвисе Коулс, самом популярном частном детективе последнего десятилетия. Его книги продолжают печататься и перепечатываться огромными тиражами, они получали премии Энтони и Эдгара По, номинировались на многие другие престижные премии и не раз удостаивались титула "Лучшая книга года".
Майкл Аллегретто 0.0
Both Allegretto and his private eye, Jacob Lomax, make their debuts here in a thriller set in Denver. Lomax is the narrator of events generated by Maryanne Townsend, who hires him to prove her husband Phillip was murdered. A rich oilman, Phillip drove his Jaguar off a mountain road to his death, accidentally or purposefully, the police declare. But Lomax earns his fee, recklessly jousting with brutal bikers Leonard Reese and a monstrous pal known as ''Tiny,'' as well as others in the city's underbelly. Finding a porno videocassette that shows Townsend raping a minor, abetted by two women, the detective suspects blackmail. He locates one of the performers in a porn shop and she gives him news that leads to a deadly encounter with Reese. Holding Maryanne Townsend and her small daughter hostage, the killer is waiting to dispose of them and Kemp at the novel's improbable climax. Allegretto has the talent to invent more credible and exciting adventures for his wise-cracking series hero, who doesn't quite fulfill his promise here.
Кэролин Харт 0.0
At Annie Laurance's Death On Demand bookstore on Broward's Rock Island, South Carolina, murder most foul suddenly isn't confined to the well-stocked shelves. Author Elliot Morgan's abrupt demise during a weekly gathering of famous mystery writers called the Sunday Night Regulars is proof positive that a bloody sword is sometimes mightier than a brilliant pen.With Annie in the unenviable position of primary police suspect, the pretty young mystery maven and her wealthy paramour, Max Darling, embark on an investigation into a classic locked-room mystery with high stakes. For failing to unmask a brutal and ingenious killer could mean prison for Ms. Laurance. While success could mean her death.
Джинн Харт 0.0
This fast-paced contemporary mystery gets too tangled up in its plot to be really entertaining. In a small, upscale town near San Francisco, three middle-aged womentwo widows and a divorceeagree in a moment of inebriated good humor to place an ad in the personals for a weekend lover they could all share. It seems they have hit the jackpot when attractive, charming Paul Shapiro answers their ad and agrees to meet them one at a time. Sally Robinson, with three divorces behind her, is the first; her friends Zora Hirsch and Eileen Brande will sample him next. But shortly after her meeting with Paul, Sally is murdered, her head crushed by a bronze fetish figure from Nigeria. Persistent, likable detective Carl Pederson plunges into the increasingly complex investigation and tries to interview Eileen and Zora, both of whom have suddenly become very tight-lipped. Nothing is what it appears to be in this slim volume; unfortunately, the final chapters are needlessly misleading and confusing.
Джанет Лапьер 0.0
When a beautiful student named Ilona Berggren disappears and is found murdered after a dinner party at Joe Mancuso's house, the professor of computer science is suspected of the crime.
Лия Матера 0.0
Overworked, overcaffeinated, and as cranky as a sequestered jury, Willa Jansson has a law review to get out. As second in command to the brilliant Susan Green, the ideal law student and perfect editor, Willa's rank jumps up a step when Susan's head is bashed in over a brief at the law review office.

Everyone at Malhousie, the small San Francisco law school, is stunned by the crime - including professors and the staff at the review. And none of them are above suspicion. Willa, now in charge and none too happy about it, launches a private investigation that succeeds not only in compromising her honor, but getting her arrested, as she chases one blind lead after another and comes face-to-face with the banality of evil....
Joseph Telushkin 0.0
Murder isn't unusual in LA. But when feminist Rabbi Myrna Wahl is found dead after appearing on a controversial radio talk show, together with a radical nun and female minister, radio host Rabbi Daniel Winter finds himself the prime suspect. He'll only survive if he can develop the secular talent for detection--all the harder since he seems to be falling in love with the lady cop assigned to the case!
Скотт Туроу 3.8
Прокурор Расти Сэбич завел служебный роман с хорошенькой помощницей Кэролайн.
Обычная связь?
Теперь Расти - подозреваемый номер один в деле об убийстве своей любовницы.
Против него - все: обстоятельства, улики, отсутствие алиби.
И единственный, кто в силах помочь ему доказать свою невиновность и найти истинного убийцу Кэролайн, - талантливый адвокат, умеющий совершать невозможное!
Читайте международный бестселлер, который лег в основу сценария одноименного голливудского блокбастера с Харрисоном Фордом, Брайаном Деннехи и Гретой Скакки в главных ролях.

Лучшая документальная книга

Bill Pronzini 0.0
The prolific Pronzini not only writes a lot of mysteries (The Nameless Detective series), he obviously reads a lot of them toobut not all of what he reads is good. His 1982 Gun in Cheek was a wickedly humorous collection of unbelievable plots, poor characterization, unlikely language and just plain dumbness in his favorite genre; here he presents another collection, subtitled "an affectionate guide to more of the 'worst' in mystery fiction." Some writers (Harry Stephen Keeler, Michael Avallone) are roasted at length, and some are sideswiped, including even fine writers experiencing temporary lapses (Ed McBain, Joseph Wambaugh). Not perhaps for the general reader, this volume should appeal to addicts who, like Pronzini, will apparently read anything labeled "mystery." Sex, pulp mags, B-movies and "The Alternative Hall of Fame" are featured in wittily titled chapters with a postmortem, bibliography and index.