Вручение ноябрь 1958 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: ноябрь 1958 г.

Художественная проза

Джон Чивер 3.8
Герои Джона Чивера - внешне преуспевающие и благополучные американцы. Их труды и дни, изображенные писателем с удивительной психологической глубиной и тонкой иронией, рисует панораму жизни современной Америки.
Айн Рэнд 4.1
Айн Рэнд — наша бывшая соотечественница, ставшая крупнейшей американской писательницей. Автор четырех романов-бестселлеров и многочисленных статей. Создатель философской концепции, в основе которой лежит принцип свободы воли, главенство рациональности и "нравственность разумного эгоизма".

Ее книги читает весь мир. В США она завоевала огромную популярность, ее романы переиздаются из года в год и по совокупности тиражей конкурируют с Библией. Всемирное признание Айн Рэнд нетрудно объяснить: исключительный дар предвидения в самых разных областях — политике, бизнесе, экономике, общественных отношениях — в сочетании с художественной одаренностью принесли ей славу большого писателя и проницательного мыслителя. "Атлант расправил плечи", самое значимое произведение своей жизни, она писала 12 лет.
James Agee 3.2
Told with great lyrical beauty and power, James Agee's novel is an exquisitely tender account of the pain and bewilderment of loss.
Driving back home to Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1915 after tending to a family emergency, Jay Follet is killed in a car accident. He leaves behind a wife and two small children, who must come to terms with his absence as the days after his death slowly unfold. "A Death in the Family" interweaves the thoughts of Jay's loved ones - from his wife, Mary, struggling to cope and take comfort from her religion, to his six-year-old son, Rufus, bewildered by the mysteries of the adult world and clinging to fragile childhood pleasures.
James Gould Cozzens 4.0
During forty-nine hours in the life of Arthur Winner, the leading lawyer in a small Pennsylvania town in the 1950's, By Love Possessed portrays all the myriad aspects of love. Over the first two days, Cozzens masterfully lays out this community's many interlinked relationships. There is the love between parent and child, brother and sister; there is the brotherly love among the law partners in Winner's firm; and there is love in marriage and outside. Throughout, Arthur Winner is the man of the moment, but the revelations of the novel's final hour force him to confront the deeper meaning of his world and of himself.
Марк Харрис 0.0
Something about a Soldier is considered by some critics to be Mark Harris's finest novel. The wacky characters and situations are clothed in a trenchant language that says everything Harris wants to say while retaining the purity and simplicity of a fable. The hero is Private Jacob Epp (changed from Epstein), seventeen, from Perkinsville, New York. In 1944 he enters the army and arrives for basic training in Georgia with his Soldier's Handbook and a virginal social conscience. Exposed to racial discrimination and poverty, he becomes a social activist, even flirts briefly with communism. He meets Jolene, a countergirl in the PX, who urges him to embrace her, a warmer object for his love than any abstraction. How Private Epp is saved from death for love is a nutty, ingenious story that the reader won't be able to resist.
Бернард Маламуд 4.2
В своем романе "Помощник" автор с особой любовью рисует образ бакалейщика-шлимазела Морриса Бобера, который так и не смог выбиться в люди, но остался честным человеком, взаимоотношения между евреями и неевреями показаны на примере любви итальянца Фрэнка, который в конце повествования выполняет обряд обрезания и становится евреем, и Элен, дочери Морриса Бобера.
Wright Morris 0.0
Speaking of this 1957 novel, the author has said it ended his obsession with the reconstruction of the immediate past and moved him into the contemporary scene. The narrator, Earl Horter, is a lyric writer who is in Hollywood with Mac, his partner, to write a musical. With two girls they have picked up and gone to Acapulco.
Мэй Сартон 0.0
This is the story of the Wyeth family, set in Cambridge, Massachusetts (and in the summer, Maine): the very old, who are looking back; Sprig and his wife Frances, who are finding their way in the midst of youthful hopes that refuse to fade away; and the young, embarking on adulthood, sometimes with anger. As Sprig struggles to reach past his reserve so that he can be there for his wife and children, and for a friend who needs him, the other characters likewise find their way to what self-fulfillment means.
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