Вручение ноябрь 2001 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: ноябрь 2001 г.

Художественная проза

Джонатан Франзен 4.1
Америка конца 90-х ― времен бурного экономического подъема и торжества постмодернизма ― самое, казалось бы, неподходящее место для монументальной семейной саги. Но сорокалетнему Джонатану Франзену удалось написать книгу масштаба Толстого и Фолкнера. К чести американцев, они смогли оценить этот роман, сразу же собравший гроздь важнейших премий, в том числе и престижнейшую в США ― «Национальную книжную премию», и надолго закрепившийся в топ-листах бестселлеров. Книга поступила в продажу буквально накануне 11 сентября. Совпадение оказалось не случайным. После трагедии башен-близнецов все заметили, что мир стал другим. Но только Франзен сумел объяснить, почему это было неизбежно.
Dan Chaon 0.0
In this haunting, bracing new collection, Dan Chaon shares stories of men, women, and children who live far outside the American Dream, while wondering which decision, which path, or which accident brought them to this place. Chaon mines the psychological landscape of his characters to dazzling effect. Each story radiates with sharp humor, mystery, wonder, and startling compassion. Among the Missing lingers in the mind through its subtle grace and power of language
Jennifer Egan 2.0
At the start of this edgy and ambitiously multilayered novel, a fashion model named Charlotte Swenson emerges from a car accident in her Illinois hometown with her face so badly shattered that it takes eighty titanium screws to reassemble it. She returns to New York still beautiful but oddly unrecognizable, a virtual stranger in the world she once effortlessly occupied.

With the surreal authority of a David Lynch, Jennifer Egan threads Charlotte’s narrative with those of other casualties of our infatuation with the image. There’s a deceptively plain teenaged girl embarking on a dangerous secret life, an alcoholic private eye, and an enigmatic stranger who changes names and accents as he prepares an apocalyptic blow against American society. As these narratives inexorably converge, Look at Me becomes a coolly mesmerizing intellectual thriller of identity and imposture.
Louise Erdrich 0.0
This is the story of Father Damien Modeste, priest to his beloved people, the Ojibwe. Modeste, nearing the end of his life, dreads the discovery of his physical identity -- for he is a woman who has lived as a man.
For more than a half century, Father Damien Modeste has served his beloved people, the Ojibwe, on the remote reservation of Little No Horse. To complicate his fears, his quiet life changes when a troubled colleague comes to the reservation to investigate the life of the perplexing, difficult, possibly false saint Sister Leopolda. Father Damien alone knows the strange truth of Sister Leopolda's piety and is faced with the most difficult decision of his life: Should he reveal all he knows and risk everything? Or should he manufacture a protective history though he believes Leopolda's wonder-working is motivated by evil?
Сьюзен Стрейт 0.0
Serafina is an illegal migrant worker living in California when the police catch her and send her back to Mexico–without her three-year old daughter. Twelve years later, with a pair of silver barrettes her only tangible memory of Elvia, Serafina begins a harrowing journey back across the border to find her daughter. At the same time Elvia, now fifteen and pregnant, resolves to track her mother down. They travel a landscape populated by desperately poor migrants moving from harvest to harvest, truckers living hand-to-mouth in seedy motels, and lost children in foster homes. But the memory of love inspires hope, and out of these women’s losses–and their determination–Straight has crafted a deeply moving tale of the meaning of home and family.

Литература для детей и юношества

Вирджиния Эйвер Вольф 0.0
LaVaughn is fifteen now, and she's still fiercely determined to go to college. But that's the only thing she's sure about. Loyalty to her father bubbles up as her mother grows closer to a new man. The two girls she used to do everything with have chosen a path LaVaughn wants no part of. And then there's Jody. LaVaughn can't believe how gorgeous he is...or how confusing. He acts like he's in love with her, but is he?


Алан Дуган 0.0
Poems Seven: New and Complete Poetry, the winner of the National Book Award, presents the life work of a giant of American letters, tracks a forty-year career of honest, tough artistry, and shows a man at nearly 80 years of age and still at the height of his poetic power. Dugan’s new poems continue his career-long concerns with renewed vigor: the poet’s insistence that art is a grounded practice threatened by pretension, the wry wit, the jibes at the academic and sententious, and the arresting observations on the quotidian battles of life. All the while he peppers his poems with humorous images of the grim and daunting topics of existential emptiness.

Документальная книга

Эндрю Соломон 4.3
В этой книге делается попытка охватить исторические и географические зоны распространения депрессии. Порой создается впечатление, что депрессия - частный недуг современного западного среднего класса. Подобное представление возникает лишь потому, что именно в этой среде мы вдруг стали обретать новые прозрения, позволяющие распознать депрессию, назвать ее, лечиться от нее и принимать ее как факт, а вовсе не потому, что мы имеем особые права на сам недуг. Никакая книга не в состоянии охватить весь спектр человеческих страданий; надеюсь, что, хотя бы обозначая его, мне удастся помочь освободиться нескольким людям, страдающим депрессией. Никто и никогда не сможет уничтожить все человеческие несчастья, и даже победа над депрессией не гарантирует счастья, но я надеюсь, что сведения, содержащиеся в этой книге, помогут кому-нибудь избавиться от некоторой доли страданий.
Переводчик Александр Дорман