Вручение ноябрь 2012 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: ноябрь 2012 г.

Художественная проза

Louise Erdrich 3.8
A mother is brutally raped by a man on their North Dakota reservation where she lives with her husband and thirteen-year-old son, Joe. Traumatized and afraid, she takes to her bed and refuses to talk to anyone - including the police.

While her husband, a tribal judge, endeavours to wrest justice from a situation that defies his keenest efforts, young Joe's world shifts on its child's axis. Confused, and nursing a complicated fury, Joe sets out to find answers that might put his mother's attacker behind bars - and make everything right again. Or so he hopes.

The Round House is a poignant and abundantly humane story of a young boy pitched prematurely into an unjust adult world. It is a story of vivid survival; and tt confirms Louise Erdrich as one of America's most distinctive contemporary novelists.
Дэйв Эггерс 3.4
В саудовской пустыне, посреди затяжного долгостроя, Алан Клей, не самый удачливый бизнесмен, ждет у Красного моря погоды. И короля – чтобы показать ему презентацию передовой голографической технологии и подписать выгодный контракт. Но король все не едет и не едет. Алан терпелив не меньше, чем бездушная голограмма для короля, и в ожидании пытается постичь мир, в котором живет и который так изменился. Здесь больше не имеет значения – только дешевизна. Здесь больше не важны дружба, и доброта, и гордость – только комфорт. В этом мире ты живешь недоуменным туристом – как в экзотической стране, где алкоголь запрещен, но все пьют по-черному; где адюльтер карается смертью, но ты ездишь на свидания и твоя партнерша прикидывается мужчиной; где ты, может, и хотел бы помочь, но от тебя ждут подвоха; где всякий твой промах встречают почти удовлетворенно. Где удача вечно дразнит тебя обещаниями, но в руки никак не дается. Это мир, в котором больше нет шансов – потому что всегда найдутся моложе, успешнее, напористей. А ты стареешь и давно стал избыточен, но ты продолжаешь жить, а значит, надеешься.

Дэйв Эггерс получил Пулитцеровскую премию за свой роман "Душераздирающее творение ошеломляющего гения" и буквально ворвался в первый ряд современных писателей. Его называют наследником Д. Сэлинджера, и каждый его роман – поистине событие и для литературы, и для настоящего читателя.
Junot Diaz 3.2
Junot Daz's first book. Drown established him as a major new writer with the dispassionate eye of a journalist and the tongue of a poet (Newsweek) His first novel. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Was named №1 Fiction Book of the Year. By Time magazine and spent more than 100 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. establishing itself - with more than a million copies in print - as a modern classic In addition to the Pulitzer. Daz has won a host of major awards and prizes. Icluding the National Book Critic's Circle Award the PENMalamud Award the PENO Henry Prize. The Dayton Literary Peace Prize and the Anisfield - Wolf Award. Now Daz turns his remarkable talent to the haunting. Impossible power of love - obsessive love illicit love fading love, mate...
Бен Фонтейн 3.5
Three minutes and forty-three seconds of intense warfare with Iraqi insurgents has transformed the eight surviving men of Bravo Squad into America's most sought-after heroes. Now they're on a media-intensive nationwide tour to reinvigorate support for the war. On this rainy Thanksgiving, the Bravos are guests of the Dallas Cowboy, slated to be part of the halftime show alongside Destiny's Child.

Among the Bravos is Specialist Billy Lynn. Surrounded by patriots sporting flag pins on their lapels and Support our Troops bumper stickers, he is thrust into the company of the Cowboys' owner and his coterie of wealthy colleagues; a born-again Cowboys cheerleader; a veteran Hollywood producer; and supersized players eager for a vicarious taste of war. Over the course of this day, Billy will drink and brawl, yearn for home and mourn those missing, face a heart-wrenching decision, and discover pure love and a bitter wisdom far beyond his years.
Кевин Пауэрс 4.0
A novel written by a veteran of the war in Iraq, The Yellow Birds is the harrowing story of two young soldiers trying to stay alive.

Литература для детей и юношества

Уильям Александер 0.0
A boy joins a theatrical troupe of goblins to find his missing brother.

In the town of Zombay, there is a witch named Graba who has clockwork chicken legs and moves her house around—much like the fairy tale figure of Baba Yaga. Graba takes in stray children, and Rownie is the youngest boy in her household. Rownie’s only real relative is his older brother Rowan, who is an actor. But acting is outlawed in Zombay, and Rowan has disappeared.

Desperate to find him, Rownie joins up with a troupe of goblins who skirt the law to put on plays. But their plays are not only for entertainment, and the masks they use are for more than make-believe. The goblins also want to find Rowan—because Rowan might be the only person who can save the town from being flooded by a mighty river.

This accessible, atmospheric fantasy takes a gentle look at love, loss, and family while delivering a fast-paced adventure that is sure to satisfy.


Дэвид Ферри 0.0
Winner of the 2012 National Book Award for Poetry.

To read David Ferry’s Bewilderment is to be reminded that poetry of the highest order can be made by the subtlest of means. The passionate nature and originality of Ferry’s prosodic daring works astonishing transformations that take your breath away. In poem after poem, his diction modulates beautifully between plainspoken high eloquence and colloquial vigor, making his distinctive speech one of the most interesting and ravishing achievements of the past half century. Ferry has fully realized both the potential for vocal expressiveness in his phrasing and the way his phrasing plays against—and with—his genius for metrical variation. His vocal phrasing thus becomes an amazingly flexible instrument of psychological and spiritual inquiry. Most poets write inside a very narrow range of experience and feeling, whether in free or metered verse. But Ferry’s use of meter tends to enhance the colloquial nature of his writing, while giving him access to an immense variety of feeling. Sometimes that feeling is so powerful it’s like witnessing a volcanologist taking measurements in the midst of an eruption.

Ferry’s translations, meanwhile, are amazingly acclimated English poems. Once his voice takes hold of them they are as bred in the bone as all his other work. And the translations in this book are vitally related to the original poems around them. From Bewilderment:


The day was hot, and entirely breathless, so
The remarkably quiet remarkably steady leaf fall
Seemed as if it had no cause at all.

The ticking sound of falling leaves was like
The ticking sound of gentle rainfall as
They gently fell on leaves already fallen,

Or as, when as they passed them in their falling,
Now and again it happened that one of them touched
One or another leaf as yet not falling,

Still clinging to the idea of being summer:
As if the leaves that were falling, but not the day,
Had read, and understood, the calendar.

Документальная книга

Кэтрин Бу 4.0
Мусорщик Абдул, содержащий семью из 11 человек, красавица Манджу, которая слишком хороша для местных женихов, хромоногая Фатима, решающая отомстить ненавистным соседям самым жутким способом, - эти и другие герои живут в трущобах, беднейшем квартале Индии, расположенном в тени ультрасовременного аэропорта Мумбаев. У них нет настоящего дома, постоянной работы и уверенности в завтрашнем дне. Но они хватаются за любую возможность вырваться из крайней нищеты и их попытки приводят к невероятным последствиям…

Национальная книжная премия

Alai Agadulin 0.0
From a survey of over four hundred kids, here is a second helping of fun with fact, giving kids the answers to their questions in the fields of science, history and culture, art, and sports. Kids are also treated to some interesting bits of trivia and hands-on activities.

What is a bar code? Can scientists predict the end of the world? Did ancient Filipinos wear underwear? Where does our trash go?

These and many other questions boggle the mind of Filipino children.