Вручение июнь 2023 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: июнь 2023 г.

Премия Кристофера Блэнда

Paterson Joseph 3.0
It’s finally time for Charles Ignatius Sancho to tell his story, one that begins on a slave ship in the Atlantic and ends at the very center of London life. . . . A lush and immersive tale of adventure, artistry, romance, and freedom set in eighteenth-century England and based on a true story

It’s 1746 and Georgian London is not a safe place for a young Black man. Charles Ignatius Sancho must dodge slave catchers and worse, and his main ally—a kindly duke who taught him to write—is dying. Sancho is desperate and utterly alone. So how does the same Charles Ignatius Sancho meet the king, write and play highly acclaimed music, become the first Black person to vote in Britain, and lead the fight to end slavery? Through every moment of this rich, exuberant tale, Sancho forges ahead to see how much he can achieve in one short life: “I had little right to live, born on a slave ship where my parents both died. But I survived, and indeed, you might say I did more.
Бонни Гармус 4.3
Все боятся Элизабет Зотт. Кто-то — ее ума, кто-то — остро заточенного карандаша, который она носит в прическе, а кто-то — четырнадцатидюймового ножа из ее сумочки (ведь каждый уважающий себя кулинар пользуется только своими собственными ножами). Причудливый зигзаг судьбы привел ее из Научно-исследовательского института Гастингса, где она мечтала заниматься абиогенезом (теорией возникновения жизни из неорганических веществ), на телевидение, где она ведет самую популярную в стране кулинарную передачу «Ужин в шесть». «Кулинария — это химия, — говорит она. — А химия — это жизнь. Она дает нам возможность изменить все, включая себя». Тем временем ее пятилетняя дочь Мадлен, растущая под присмотром минно-розыскного пса по кличке Шесть-Тридцать, пытается найти в школьной библиотеке Набокова и Нормана Мейлера, а также выстроить родословное древо, на котором должно найтись место и без пяти минут нобелевскому лауреату по химии Кальвину Эвансу, и фее-крестной, и деду в полосатой тюремной робе, и бабке, укрывшейся от налоговой полиции в Бразилии...
Susie Alegre 0.0
"Compelling, powerful and necessary." —Shoshana Zuboff, author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

The story of our most fundamental human right - and why it is in grave danger

Without a moment's pause, we share our most intimate thoughts with trillion-dollar tech companies.

Their algorithms categorize us and jump to troubling conclusions about who we are. They also shape our everyday thoughts, choices and actions - from who we date to whether we vote. But this is just the latest front in an age-old struggle.

Part history and part manifesto, Freedom to Think explores how the powerful have always sought to influence how we think and what we buy. Connecting the dots from Galileo to Alexa, human rights lawyer Susie Alegre charts the history and fragility of our most important human freedom of thought.

Filled with shocking case-studies across politics, criminal justice, and everyday life, this ground-breaking book shows how our mental freedom is under threat like never before. Bold and radical, Alegre argues that only by recasting our human rights for the digital age can we safeguard our future.
Jo Browning Wroe 0.0
When we go through something impossible, someone, or something, will help us, if we let them . . .
It is October 1966 and William Lavery is having the night of his life at his first black-tie do. But, as the evening unfolds, news hits of a landslide at a coal mine. It has buried a school: Aberfan.

William decides he must act, so he stands and volunteers to attend. It will be his first job as an embalmer, and it will be one he never forgets.

His work that night will force him to think about the little boy he was, and the losses he has worked so hard to forget. But compassion can have surprising consequences, because - as William discovers - giving so much to others can sometimes help us heal ourselves.
Jill Nalder 0.0
'I read the book in one go. I laughed and cried like a baby, and was transported back to a time of innocence, clouded by the enormity of the harsh reality . . . A book that is just amazing' CATHERINE ZETA JONES

'As it happens, I was also a Jill in the eighties - but not half as good a Jill as real Jill' DAWN FRENCH

'Jill met the crisis head on . . . She held the hands of so many men. She lost them, and remembered them, and somehow kept going' RUSSELL T DAVIES

When Jill Nalder arrived at drama school in London in the early 1980s, she was ready for her life to begin. With her band of best friends - of which many were young, talented gay men with big dreams of their own - she grabbed London by the horns: partying with drag queens at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, hosting cabarets at her glamorous flat, flitting across town to any jobs she could get.

But soon rumours were spreading from America about a frightening illness being dubbed the 'gay flu', and Jill and her friends now found their formerly carefree existence under threat.

In this moving memoir, IT'S A SIN's Jill Nalder tells the true story of her and her friends' lives during the AIDS crisis -- juggling a busy West End career while campaigning for AIDS awareness and research, educating herself and caring for the sick. Most of all, she shines a light on those who were stigmatised and shamed, and remembers those brave and beautiful boys who were lost too soon.

'Engrossing, heart-breaking and inspiring, this is the perfect companion piece to IT'S A SIN' MATT CAIN

'I am so pleased that Jill has had the chance to tell her story. We should all "Be More Jill"' LESLEY JOSEPH
Devika Ponnambalam 0.0
A polyphonic novel of Teha'amana, Tahitian muse and child-bride to Paul Gaugin, from her point of view conveyed through the myths and legends of the islands.