Вручение 2015 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2015 г.

Книжная премия «Снежный человек»

Р. Дж. Паласио 4.6
Есть на свете пятиклассник по имени Август Пулман. С одной стороны, он такой же как и другие мальчишки его возраста – любит ходить на дни рождения к своим друзьям, играть в компьютерные игры, он фанатеет от «Звездных войн», играет со своей собакой, ссорится и мирится со старшей сестрой. А с другой, он совсем не такой как другие мальчишки его возраста. Во-первых, Август никогда не ходил в обычную школу – с первого класса с ним дома занималась мама. Во-вторых, Август перенес 27 операций.

Из-за очень редкой, но иногда встречающейся генетической ошибки у Августа нет лица. Не пугайтесь. У него есть глаза и нос, рот и уши. Но все это перемешано на его лице так, что не сразу и разберешь. И с младенческого возраста Август привык к тому, что дети (да и не которые взрослые), бросив взгляд на его лицо, быстро отворачивались, а то и удирали со всех ног.

И вот такой мальчик должен пойти в школу. В первый раз. К обычным детям. Историю о жизни Августа (его семьи, старых и новых друзей) в течение одного учебного года рассказала в своем первом романе американка Р.Дж. Паласио.

Это книга не о мальчике-инвалиде. Мальчике-без-лица. Мальчике-невидимке. Мальчике-шокирующем-окружающих.

Это книга о том, как мужество, чувство юмора, доброта и дружба способны сотворить настоящее чудо. Поэтому она так и называется «Чудо».
Эрик Берлин 0.0
Winston Breen is back in another puzzle-filled mystery!

Puzzle fanatic Winston Breen and his best friends receive a once-in-a-lifetime invitation--to a weekend of riddles, games and puzzles at a fabulous mansion! Famous musician Richard Overton is giving away valuable prizes and Winston is ready to win. But the ultimate weekend becomes the ultimate mystery when prizes start going missing, and no guests are above suspicion. Can Winston crack the case before the weekend is up?

A fast-paced whodunit filled with interactive puzzles and plenty of clever brain-teasers, the latest Winston Breen installment will have readers hooked!
Кейт Макмаллан 2.0
Dad's gut was so big that it wasn't crowded, even with the five of us down there. Of course, every once in a while, we got on one another's nerves. Poseidon was always trying to organize swimming meets. Hestia was always tidying up the place. Hera was the bossy one, always telling the rest of us what to do. But Demeter was definitely the weirdest. She was always going on and on about wanting to plant a little vegetable garden.But, hey, we were family.

We all grew up in Dad's belly together.

When Hades and his siblings were born, their father, Cronus, Ruler of the Universe, swallowed them whole -- just because of a prophecy that said one of his children would be mightier than he was. Can Hades and his brothers and sisters overthrow their big, bad dad and take over the universe? It's sure to be a hot time, Hades!
Марджи Преус 0.0
Shadow on the Mountain is about the adventures of a Norwegian boy during World War Two. After Nazi Germany invades and occupies Norway, Espen and his friends are swept up in the Norwegian resistance movement. Fourteen-year old Espen gets his start by delivering underground (and illegal) newspapers, graduates to the role of courier and finally becomes a spy, dodging the Gestapo along the way. During five years under the Nazi fist, he gains—and loses—friends, falls in love and makes one small mistake that threatens to catch up with him, even as he sets out to escape over the mountains to Sweden on skis. The story is based on the real life adventures of Norwegian Erling Storrusten whom author Preus (of Norwegian ancestry) interviewed in Norway. Most of the experiences that young Espen undertakes are based on those of Mr. Storrusten.
Geoff Rodkey 0.0
A stunning middle-grade debut--full of heart, humor, and nonstop action

It's tough to be thirteen, especially when somebody's trying to kill you.

Not that Egg's life was ever easy, growing up on sweaty, pirate-infested Deadweather Island with no company except an incompetent tutor and a pair of unusually violent siblings who hate his guts.

But when Egg's father hustles their family off on a mysterious errand to fabulously wealthy Sunrise Island, then disappears with the siblings in a freak accident, Egg finds himself a long-term guest at the mansion of the glamorous Pembroke family and their beautiful, sharp-tongued daughter Millicent. Finally, life seems perfect.

Until someone tries to throw him off a cliff.

Suddenly, Egg's running for his life in a bewildering world of cutthroat pirates, villainous businessmen, and strange Native legends. The only people who can help him sort out the mystery of why he's been marked for death are Millicent and a one-handed, possibly deranged cabin boy.

Come along for the ride. You'll be glad you did.
Стив Шейнкин 0.0
A true crime thriller -- the first book for teens to tell the nearly unknown tale of the brazen attempt to steal Abraham Lincoln's body!

The action begins in October of 1875, as Secret Service agents raid the Fulton, Illinois, workshop of master counterfeiter Ben Boyd. Soon after Boyd is hauled off to prison, members of his counterfeiting ring gather in the back room of a smoky Chicago saloon to discuss how to spring their ringleader. Their plan: grab Lincoln's body from its Springfield tomb, stash it in the sand dunes near Lake Michigan, and demand, as a ransom, the release of Ben Boyd --and $200,000 in cash. From here, the action alternates between the conspirators, the Secret Service agents on their trail, and the undercover agent moving back and forth between the two groups. Along the way readers get glimpses into the inner workings of counterfeiting, grave robbing, detective work, and the early days of the Secret Service. The plot moves toward a wild climax as robbers and lawmen converge at Lincoln's tomb on election night: November 7, 1876.
Шейла Тернэйдж 0.0
A hilarious Southern debut with the kind of characters you meet once in a lifetime

Rising sixth grader Miss Moses LoBeau lives in the small town of Tupelo Landing, NC, where everyone's business is fair game and no secret is sacred. She washed ashore in a hurricane eleven years ago, and she's been making waves ever since. Although Mo hopes someday to find her "upstream mother," she's found a home with the Colonel--a café owner with a forgotten past of his own--and Miss Lana, the fabulous café hostess. She will protect those she loves with every bit of her strong will and tough attitude. So when a lawman comes to town asking about a murder, Mo and her best friend, Dale Earnhardt Johnson III, set out to uncover the truth in hopes of saving the only family Mo has ever known.

Full of wisdom, humor, and grit, this timeless yarn will melt the heart of even the sternest Yankee.