Вручение 2000 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2000 г.

Книжная премия «Снежный человек»

Джоан Роулинг 4.7
Одиннадцатилетний мальчик-сирота Гарри Поттер живет в семье своей тетки и даже не подозревает, что он - настоящий волшебник. Но однажды прилетает сова с письмом для него, и жизнь Гарри Поттера изменяется навсегда. Он узнает, что зачислен в Школу чародейства и волшебства, выясняет правду о загадочной смерти своих родителей, а в результате ему удается раскрыть секрет философского камня.
Гейл Карсон Ливайн 4.1
Элла живет в волшебном королевстве, но волшебство не всегда бывает в радость. По крайней мере, дар, которым наградила ее при рождении одна фея, основательно осложняет Элле жизнь. И Элла решает отправиться на поиски феи, чтобы уговорить ее забрать этот волшебный дар обратно…

Эта сказочная, остроумная и трогательная история принесла ее автору, Гейл Карсон Ливайн, мировую славу и любовь поклонников, а в 2004 году книга получила блистательное экранное воплощение с Энн Хэтэуэй в заглавной роли.
Патриция Уиллис 0.0
Traveling down the Ohio River in 1793, Amos, Clara, and Jonathan are separated from their father during a brutal Indian attack. The three children are swept down the river, and must make their way back through the wilderness in the direction of the Marietta settlement, hoping to find their father there. Their plight becomes still more dramatic -- and dangerous -- when Amos rescues a wounded Indian boy from the river. Though the boy mistrusts them and his condition slows them down, Amos refuses to leave him behind to die. Now more than ever, it seems they'll never make it back to their father and to safety.
Патриция Рейлли Гифф 0.0
Author Patricia Reilly Giff's Newbery Honor-winning Lily's Crossing is now available for the first time in paperback!

Every summer Lily and her father go to her family's house in Rockaway, near the Atlantic Ocean. But the summer of 1944 is different. World War II has called Lily's father overseas, Lily's best friend Margaret had to move with her family to a wartime factory town, and Lily is forced to live with her grandmother. But then a boy named Albert, a refugee from Hungary, comes to live in Rockaway. He has lost most of his family to the war. Soon he and Lily form a special friendship, and they have secrets to share. But they have both told lies, and Lily's lie may cost Albert his life.
Dick King-Smith 5.0
Wolfgang Amadeus Mouse ("Wolf," for short) has a big name for such a little mouse. But the name fits. His favorite pastime is listening to Mrs. Honeybee, the lady of the house, play the piano. If only he could sing along to the music! One day, Wolf decides to try -- and to his surprise, out of his mouth comes a perfect melody.

It's not long before Wolf is singing everything from "Three Blind Mice" to Chopin to the Beatles, all to Mrs. Honeybee's accompaniment. Then an accident leaves Mrs. Honeybee in danger, and it's up to Wolf to save her... the only way he knows how.
Кен Мотидзуки 0.0
In 1940, five-year-old Hiroki Sugihara, the eldest son of the Japanese consul to Lithuania, saw from the consulate window hundreds of Jewish refugees from Poland. They had come to Hiroki's father with a desperate request: Could consul Sugihara write visas for them to escape the Nazi threat?

The Japanese government denied Sugihara's repeated requests to issue the visas. Unable to ignore the plight of the refugees, he turned to his family. Together they made the crucial decision that saved thousands of lives.

Passage to Freedom, based on Hiroki Sugihara's own words, is one of the most important stories to emerge from the ruins of the Holocaust. It is the story of one man's remarkable courage, and the respect between a father and a son who shared the weight of witness and an amazing act of humanity.