Янис Варуфакис

Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης

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Янис Варуфакис — библиография

  • Talking to My Daughter. A Brief History of Capitalism Янис Варуфакис
    Дата написания: 2022
    Begin the new year with a fresh perspective on economics, capitalism, and the society we live in.
    Yanis Varoufakis, world renowned economist, writes to his daughter to teach her the hazards of capitalism.
    'Why is there so much inequality?' asked Xenia to her father. Answering her questions in a series of accessible and tender letters, Varoufakis educates her to what economics and capitalism is and why it is so dangerous.
    Taking from memories of her childhood and a variety of well-known tales - from Oedipus and Faust to Frankenstein and The Matrix - Varoufakis turns Talking To My Daughter into an enjoyable and engaging read, without ever shying from the harder truths. Greece's former finance minister explains everything you need to know to understand why economics is the most important drama of our times.
    In answering his daughter's deceptively simple questions, Varoufakis disentangles our troubling world with remarkable clarity and child-like honesty, as well as inspiring us to make it a better one.
  • And the Weak Suffer What They Must? Europe, Austerity and the Threat to Global Stability Янис Варуфакис
    Дата написания: 2022
    The most recognisable economist on the planet, Yanis Varoufakis, puts forth his case to reform an EU that currently fails it weakest citizens.
    In this startling account of Europe’s economic rise and catastrophic fall, Varoufakis pinpoints the flaws in the European Union’s design – a design thought up after the Second World War, and one responsible for Europe’s fragmentation and resurgence of racist extremism.
    When the financial crisis struck in 2008, the political elite’s response ensured it would be the weakest citizens of the weakest nations that paid the price for the bankers’ mistakes. Drawing on his personal experience of negotiations with the eurozone’s financiers, and offering concrete policies to reform Europe, the former finance minister of Greece shows how we concocted this mess and points our way out of it.
    And The Weak Suffer What They Must? highlights our history to tell us what we must do to save European capitalism and democracy from the abyss. With the future of Europe under intense scrutiny after Brexit, this is the must-read book to explain Europe's structural flaws and how to fix them.
  • Adults In The Room. My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment Янис Варуфакис
    Дата написания: 2022
    What happens when you take on the European establishment?
    Read as world-famous, provocative economist, and former Greece finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, blows the lid on his battle with EU officials over the Greek debt crisis.
    Varoufakis sparked one of the most spectacular and controversial battles in recent political history with his attempt to renegotiate Greece’s relationship with the European Union. Yet despite the mass support of the Greek people, and simple logic of his arguments, he succeeded only in provoking the fury of Europe’s political, financial and media elite.
    Exposing the real business taking place behind the EU’s closed doors, Varoufakis reveals all in this fearless, personal account. Adults In The Room is an extraordinary tale of brinkmanship, hypocrisy, collusion and betrayal that will shake the European and economic establishment to its foundations.
    Varoufakis is sending out an urgent wake-up call to renew European democracy before it is too late.
  • Die ganze Geschichte Янис Варуфакис
    Als griechischer Finanzminister l?ste Varoufakis eine der spektakul?rsten und kontroversesten Auseinandersetzungen der j?ngsten politischen Geschichte aus, als er versuchte, die Beziehung seines Landes mit der EU neu zu verhandeln. Trotz der massenhaften Unterst?tzung seitens der griechischen Bev?lkerung und der bestechend einfachen Logik seiner Argumente – dass die gigantischen Kredite und die damit verbundene Sparpolitik, die seinem bankrotten Land aufgezwungen wurden, eine zerst?rerische Wirkung haben – hatte Varoufakis nur in einem Erfolg: Europas politisches und mediales Establishment in Rage zu versetzen. Aber die wahre Geschichte der damaligen Geschehnisse ist beinahe unbekannt, weil so vieles in der EU hinter verschlossenen T?ren stattfindet. In diesem couragierten Bericht deckt Varoufakis alles auf und erz?hlt die ganze Geschichte von waghalsiger Politik, von Heuchelei, Betrug und Verrat, die das Establishment in den Grundfesten ersch?ttern wird. Dieses Buch ist ein Weckruf, die europ?ische Demokratie zu erneuern, bevor es zu sp?t ist.
  • And the Weak Suffer What They Must?: Europe, Austerity and the Threat to Global Stability Янис Варуфакис
    Дата написания: 2017
    The most recognisable economist on the planet, Yanis Varoufakis, puts forth his case to reform an EU that currently fails it weakest citizens.
  • Розмови з донькою про економіку Яніс Варуфакіс
    Оригинальное название: Talking to My Daughter About the Economy
    Перевод: Юрій Скавінський
    Язык: Украинский
  • Беседы с дочерью об экономике Янис Варуфакис
    Оригинальное название: Talking to My Daughter About the Economy
    Перевод: Александр Марков
    Язык: Русский