Phil Mulryne – лучшие книги
- 2 произведения
- 4 издания на 2 языках
По популярности
Doctor Who: The War Doctor: Infernal Devices Джон Дорни, Мэтт Фиттон, Phil Mulryne
ISBN: 9781785751899 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Big Finish Productions Язык: Английский Three new battles for the War Doctor.
2.1 Legion of the Lost by John Dorney
In a time of war, every means of victory must be explored. In the Time War, the unthinkable must be thought, and neither side can afford to be squeamish about their methods.
When the destruction of an obscene weapon leads to the Time Lord once known as the Doctor uncovering a secret Gallifreyan initiative, he cannot believe what is being considered.
Should victory be sought at any cost? Or are there worse possibilities than losing to the Daleks..?
2.2 A Thing of Guile by Phil Mulryne
The Daleks are developing a secret weapon on Asteroid Theta 12. It is imperative that their plans are uncovered.
Cardinal Ollistra has her hands full studying the range of ancient and mysterious armaments the universe has to offer, but she makes it a personal mission to investigate the Dalek project.
On this dangerous assignment, there is one particular Time Lord she wants at her side - and he will be accompanying her whether he wants to or not.
2.3 The Neverwhen by Matt Fitton
On an isolated world ravaged by battle, time itself has become a weapon, laying waste to all who live and die there. Arms and technology are in a state of flux – and it seems that everlasting war is their only option.
The arrival of one battered Type Forty TARDIS inside this nightmare offers hope to the combatants trapped within.
But when he discovers the truth, the horrors of the Neverwhen will shock even the War Doctor… -
Doctor Who: The War Doctor Begins: Battlegrounds Phil Mulryne, Timothy X Atack, Rossa McPhillips
ISBN: 978-1-83868-552-2 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Big Finish Productions Язык: Английский The Doctor is no more.
In his place, a warrior, finally joining the Time War between the Daleks and Gallifrey. But how far will he go to end the conflict? What lines will he cross?
How much of himself will he sacrifice? The War Doctor is beginning to find out who he is...
3.1 The Keeper of Light by Phil Mulryne
The Doctor and his faithful companion are on the trail of strange psionic signals...
At a remote costal cottage, holidaymakers David and Dorothy think there’s something strange about the lighthouse. But the Doctor can’t shake the sense of an even bigger mystery to solve...
3.2 Temmosus by Rossa McPhillips
Fighting alongside the Time Lords against their common enemy, some Thals have realised that this collaboration is not between equals.
When his new battleship is stolen, the War Doctor must convince his old allies that they are on the same side.
3.3 Rewind by Timothy X Atack
Lacuna is on the brink of destruction, attacked by a new breed of Dalek. But every day, it is pulled back from that brink, and everyone prepares to live through the end of their world once again.
One strange man, alone in his castle, holds the key to Lacuna’s ultimate salvation - or its annihilation. -
Doctor Who: The Contingency Club Phil Mulryne
Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Big Finish Productions London, 1864 - where any gentleman befitting the title ‘gentleman’ belongs to a gentlemen’s club: The Reform, The Athenaeum, The Carlton, The Garrick… and, of course, The Contingency. Newly established in St James’, The Contingency has quickly become the most exclusive enclave in town. A refuge for men of politics, men of science, men of letters. A place to escape. A place to think. A place to be free.
The first rule of the Contingency is to behave like a gentleman. The second is to pay no heed to its oddly identical servants. Or to the horror in its cellars. Or to the existence of the secret gallery on its upper floor… Rules that the Doctor, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan are all about to break. -
The Churchill Years: The Oncoming Storm Phil Mulryne
Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Big Finish Productions The War is raging over Europe, and Churchill is desperate for any advantage. A mysterious stone may hold the key to victory – but can the Ninth Doctor stop it from falling into the wrong hands?