Лиза МакИнерни

Lisa McInerney

  • 7 книг
  • 1 подписчик
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Лиза МакИнерни – лучшие произведения

  • The Rules of Revelation McInerney Lisa
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Rules of Revelation
    Дата написания: 2023

    Reunions. Recriminations. Reckonings. Ireland. Great nationalists, bad mothers and a whole lot of secrets. Ryan Cusack is ready to deliver its soundtrack. Former sex-worker Georgie wants the truth about Ryan's past out there but the journalist has her own agenda. Mel returns from Brexit Britain, ill-equipped to deal with the resurgence of a family scandal. Karine has always been sure of herself, till a terrible secret tugs the rug from under her. Maureen has got wind that things are changing, and if anyone's telling the story she wants to make sure it's her.

  • The Blood Miracles McInerney Lisa
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Blood Miracles
    Дата написания: 2021

    Like all twenty-year-olds, Ryan Cusack is trying to get his head around who he is. This is not a good time for his boss to exploit his dual heritage by opening a new black market route from Italy to Ireland. It is certainly not a good time for his adored girlfriend to decide he's irreparably corrupted. And he really wishes he hadn't accidentally caught the eye of an ornery grandmother who fancies herself his saviour. There may be a way clear of the chaos in the business proposals of music promoter Colm and in the attention of the charming, impulsive Natalie. But now that his boss's ambitions have rattled the city, Ryan is about to find…

  • Five Sites, Five Stages Lisa McInerney
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Five Sites, Five Stages

    A story from Lisa McInerney to stir the heart and awaken vital conversations about love.Heidi wanders around the market to by fudge for her girlfriend, Cass. But why can she not deliver it to the hospital herself? What has she done?

  • Herezje chwalebne Лиза МакИнерни, Lisa McInerney
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Glorious Heresies
    Дата написания: 2016
    Перевод: Robert Sudół

    Wszystko zaczyna się od morderstwa. 59-letnia Maureen zabija świętą figurką mężczyznę, który wtargnął do jej domu. To zdarzenie łączy ze sobą losy czterech osób żyjących na obrzeżach irlandzkiego społeczeństwa. Jej syn Jimmy, lokalny gangster, przypadkowo spotyka znajomego z młodości, Tony’ego, i prosi go o pomoc w pozbyciu się zwłok. Tony rozpoznaje ofiarę — miejscowego pijaka i narkomana. Jego dziewczyną jest prostytutka Georgie, która szukając nowego dilera, poznaje najstarszego syna Tony’ego, Ryana. To wokół tej postaci zbudowana jest akcja tej oryginalnej, cierpkiej, ale i niezwykle zabawnej wielowątkowej powieści. Herezje chwalebne…
