Трой Петери

Troy Peteri

  • 4 книги
  • 4 читателя
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Трой Петери – лучшие книги

  • The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman Troy Peteri
    ISBN: 1401283438, 9781401283438
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    The Dark Knight teams with the Amazon Warrior in this epic graphic novel written and illustrated by best-selling artist Liam Sharp.

    When a Celtic god's murder leads to a war between the fairy folk and a possible breach between worlds, Wonder Woman must find the murderer and keep the peace while Batman investigates strange occurrences in Gotham City. As Diana must turn to the World's Greatest Detective for help, the two heroes quickly learn their cases may be connected.

    In a world where the normal rules of investigation don't apply and any clue can be obscured by charms and magic, the two Justice Leaguers must rely on each other to uncover a murder someone is trying to hide.

    Beautifully rendered by master storyteller Liam Sharp, The Brave And The Bold: Batman And Wonder Woman is a fantastic new standalone story featuring two of the worlds' greatest heroes!
  • Abattoir #1 Rob Levin
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Radical Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    After a brutal massacre takes place in a gorgeous house, real estate agent and family man Richard Ashwalt is assigned the impossible task of picking up the pieces and selling the property. As Richard inspects the blood-soaked grounds, a twisted old man journeys to the house with a sinister and terrifying purpose. Richard is about to be drawn into a web of shadows, murders and massacres that will shatter him to his very core!

  • Conan: The Daughters of Midora and Other Stories Brandon Graham
    ISBN: 9781595829177
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Dark Horse Books
    Язык: Английский
    Some of comics' finest writers and artists have contributed to Dark Horse's Conan saga, and this compilation assembles the Cimmerian's previously uncollected highlights! In addition to a brand-new story by Michael Avon Oeming (Rapture, Powers), this volume sees Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex) and Mark Texeira (Ghost Rider) introduce readers to the daughters of Midora, Ron Marz (Green Lantern) and Bart Sears (The Helm) visit the Island of No Return, and Tim Truman (King Conan: The Scarlet Citadel) and Marian Churchland (Elephantmen) provide a breathtaking yarn of their own!