Джереми Дронфилд

Jeremy Dronfield

  • 11 книг
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Джереми Дронфилд — новинки

  • Мальчик, который пошел в Освенцим вслед за отцом. Реальная история Джереми Дронфилд
    ISBN: 978-5-04-177477-6
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Одна из самых необычных биографических книг о Холокосте — трагическая, но полная надежды история сына и отца Фрица и Густава Кляйнманов, прошедших вместе все тяготы нацистских лагерей. Когда Густава отправляют из Бухенвальда в Освенцим, по сути, выписывая ему смертный приговор, Фриц без раздумий следует за ним. Только семейная забота друг о друге позволили им выдержать все испытания — что было редкостью в то время: истории о том, как членам семьи удалось пройти вместе лагеря смерти, практически отсутствуют. Основанная на тайном дневнике Густава, тщательном архивном исследовании и устной истории, эта книга впервые рассказывает невероятную…

  • Мальчик, который пошел в Освенцим вслед за отцом Джереми Дронфилд
    ISBN: 978-5-04-116941-1
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Вена, 1939 год. Нацистская полиция захватывает простого ремесленника Густава Кляйнмана и его сына Фрица и отправляет их в Бухенвальд, где они переживают пытки, голод и изнурительную работу по постройке концлагеря. Год спустя их узы подвергаются тяжелейшему испытанию, когда Густава отправляют в Освенцим — что, по сути, означает смертный приговор, — и Фриц, не думая о собственном выживании, следует за своим отцом.

    Основанная на тайном дневнике Густава и тщательном архивном исследовании, эта книга впервые рассказывает невероятную историю мужества и выживания, не имеющую аналогов в истории Холокоста. "Мальчик, который пошел в Освенцим вслед за отцом" — напоминание о том худшем и лучшем, что есть в людях, о мощи семейной любви и силе человеческого духа.
  • Мальчик, который пошел в Освенцим вслед за отцом Джереми Дронфилд
    ISBN: 978-5-04-106015-2
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Вена, 1939 год. Нацистская полиция захватывает простого ремесленника Густава Кляйнмана и его сына Фрица и отправляет их в Бухенвальд, где они переживают пытки, голод и изнурительную работу по постройке концлагеря. Год спустя их узы подвергаются тяжелейшему испытанию, когда Густава отправляют в Освенцим — что, по сути, означает смертный приговор, — и Фриц, не думая о собственном выживании, следует за своим отцом. Основанная на тайном дневнике Густава и тщательном архивном исследовании, эта книга впервые рассказывает невероятную историю мужества и выживания, не имеющую аналогов в истории Холокоста. "Мальчик, который пошел в Освенцим вслед…

  • The Boy Who Followed His Father into Auschwitz Jeremy Dronfield
    ISBN: 9780241374948
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    The inspiring, true story of a father and son's fight to stay together and to survive the Holocaust.
    In 1939, Gustav Kleinmann, a Jewish upholsterer in Vienna, was seized by the Nazis. Along with his teenage son Fritz, he was sent to Buchenwald in Germany. There began an unimaginable ordeal that saw the pair beaten, starved and forced to build the very concentration camp they were held in.
    When Gustav was set to be transferred to Auschwitz, a certain death sentence, Fritz r
  • The Boy Who Followed His Father into Auschwitz Джереми Дронфилд
    ISBN: 9780241359174
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Where there is family, there is hope . . .

    Vienna, 1930s. The Kleinmann family live a simple, ordinary life. Gustav works as a furniture upholsterer while Tini keeps their modest apartment. Their greatest joy is their children: Fritz, Edith, Herta and Kurt.

    But after the Nazis annex Austria, the Kleinmanns' world rapidly shifts before their eyes. Neighbours turn on them, the business is seized, as the threat to the family becomes ever greater.

    Gustav and Fritz are among the first to be taken. Nazi police send the pair to Buchenwald in Germany, the beginning of an unimaginable ordeal. Over the months of suffering that follow, there is one constant that keeps them alive: the love between father and son.

    Then, they discover that Gustav will be transferred to Auschwitz, a certain death sentence, and Fritz is faced with a choice: let his father to die alone, or join him...

    Based on Gustav's secret diary and meticulous archival research, this book tells the Kleinemanns' story for the first time - a story of love and courage in the face of unparalleled horrors. The Boy Who Followed His Father Into Auschwitz is a reminder of the worst and the best of humanity, of the strength of family ties and the human spirit.
  • Dr James Barry: A Woman Ahead of Her Time Dr. Michael du Preez
    ISBN: 1780748310
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Oneworld Publications
    Язык: Английский
    Dr James Barry: Inspector General of Hospitals, army surgeon, duellist, reformer, ladykiller, eccentric. He performed the first successful Caesarean in the British Empire, outraged the military establishment and gave Florence Nightingale a dressing down at Scutari. At home he was surrounded by a menagerie of animals, including a cat, a goat, a parrot and a terrier. Long ago in Cork, Ireland, he had also been a mother.

    This is the amazing tale of Margaret Anne Bulkley, the young woman who broke the rules of Georgian society to become one of the most respected surgeons of the century. In an extraordinary life, she crossed paths with the British Empire’s great and good, royalty and rebels, soldiers and slaves. A medical pioneer, she rose to a position that no woman before her had been allowed to occupy, but for all her successes, her long, audacious deception also left her isolated, even costing her the chance to be with the man she loved.
  • Очень опасная женщина. Из Москвы в Лондон с любовью, ложью и коварством Дебора Макдональд
    ISBN: 978-5-227-07130-9
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Русская аристократка баронесса Мура Будберг — шпионка, искательница приключений, харизматичная соблазнительница, любовница двух крупнейших писателей XX века, родилась для того, чтобы потворствовать своим желаниям и получать удовольствие от жизни. Мужчины сходили по ней с ума, но ее главной любовью стал британский дипломат и тайный агент Роберт Брюс Локарт, ради него она была готова пожертвовать всем. Эта увлекательно изложенная, правдивая история о страсти, шпионаже, обмане и предательстве — первая биография Муры Будберг, в которой использованы все прежде не исследованные письма, дневники и документы, имевшие отношение к жизни этой необыкновенной женщины.
  • The Alchemist's Apprentice Джереми Дронфилд
    ISBN: 978-1909869585
    Год издания: 2013
    The Alchemist’s Apprentice is a tragi-comic novel about love, loyalty and the power of imagination, in which the line between the universe of fiction and the world of reality disappears.

    Madagascar Rhodes was probably the most famous author in the world. His magical, heart-warming novel, the eponymous The Alchemist’s Apprentice (about the adventures of a young Jewish girl in Malta during World War II) enchanted millions of readers. And yet, strangely, you’ve never heard of him. Or his amazing book. In fact, it’s as if Madagascar Rhodes never existed.

    To unravel the tangled threads of reality and – what? Fantasy? Dreams? Plain old-fashioned fabrication? – you have to go back to the beginning. To a rather odd New Year’s Eve party in 1996. Or earlier, to a chance encounter with a ghostly girl in a sunny English garden. Or perhaps it all really began when an unsuccessful novelist called Roderick Bent embarked on a routine train journey from King’s Cross and found himself travelling into an inexplicable nightmare …
  • Burning Blue Джереми Дронфилд
    ISBN: 978-1909869561
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Thistle Publishing
    In his darker moments, Martin Rosenthal can’t help but compare the trajectory of his life with that of his grandfather, Frank. On the one hand, school, A-levels, going to university. On the other, a fighter pilot in the Battle of Britain – an American adventurer who crossed the world to volunteer in a foreign war. Frank went down in a final blaze of glory, leaving behind a mythical legacy that has burdened the lives of his son and grandson.

    For Martin, his own earth-bound existence seems like a scale-model of the real thing, his obsession with aeroplanes a pale attempt to live out Frank’s adventures. But everything is about to change.

    First the enigmatic Chrisantha introduces Martin to the weightless pleasure and crashing pain of love, then her brother Rupert involves him in a break-in at the university lab, searching for evidence of a secret weapons project. Suddenly Martin’s life is spiralling out of control, leading him into a dangerous labyrinth of truth, lies and illusions – with the ghost of Frank lurking at the centre.
  • Resurrecting Salvador Джереми Дронфилд
    ISBN: 978-0747273141
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Headline
    As a quartet, they lived in relative harmony, despite their differences in temperament and outlook. Rachel’s dreamy goodness clashed with Audrey’s waspish cynicism, but Beth’s common sense and Lydia’s soothing beauty always seemed to balance everything in the end.

    Then Salvador came. Salvador de La Simarde, child prodigy grown-up bad, without doubt the finest classical guitarist of his generation. With his dark beauty and distracted air, the four women couldn’t help but be drawn to him. But for Lydia, that would mean being drawn into the dark and strange world of his family.

    A world dominated by the Château de Gondecourt, now a haunted ruin, and its eerie simulacrum resurrected on Dartmoor, places where ancient dreams have turned into gothic nightmares, and where the terrifying matriarch Madame de la Simarde still broods over the death of her dreams.

    Dreams that she is determined to resurrect, ensnaring Lydia and her friends in a fatal plot.
  • The Locust Farm Jeremy Dronfield
    ISBN: 074725947X
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Headline
    Язык: Английский
    Carol's best friend was killed, horribly, by a serial killer and she has never forgiven herself. She has retreated to a lonely farm to lick her wounds, and one day she shoots and wounds a prowler; nursing him back to health, and herself back to self-respect, she starts to fall in love. The reader knows, as we are supposed to, that this is a bad idea. Steve is not quite the amnesiac he pretends, and has been a lot of other people in his time. And he has an enemy, who finds him wherever and whoever he is, and kills those around him; an enemy who, of course, might only exist inside his head. This first thriller is a virtuoso performance which juggles the woman-in-peril Gothic and the psychological thriller, and games with time and identity with considerable skill, if perhaps rather too much reliance on malignant coincidence. Dronfield has a classy touch with milieu as well--the farm is a real place, a home that turns scary, and the various previous lives of Steve, as French carpenter or antique car scout, all ring true even in the short takes which is all we get of them. - -Roz Kaveney