Лучшие книги Майкла Райана
- 2 произведения
- 7 изданий на 3 языках
По популярности
Мистик. Том 2. Мутант, выйди вон! Майкл Райан, Брайан К. Вон, Мануэль Гарсия
ISBN: 978-5-699-93851-3 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Эксмо, Fanzon Язык: Русский Мистик – мутант-перевертыш и бывшая террористка, а ныне – секретный агент Профессора Ксавье. Ее новое задание – найти и уничтожить мутировавший вирус оспы, но неожиданно выясняется, что она не единственный мутант, который охотится за этим смертельным биооружием!
За время службы красотка Мистик привыкла справляться с чем угодно – но встреча с собственным прошлым застает ее врасплох... Ее бывший любовник Кузнец может починить что угодно – но способен ли он вернуть их отношения? -
New Mutants, Volume 4: Unfinished Business Michael Ryan, Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Leandro Fernández
ISBN: 9780785152316 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Marvel Язык: Английский Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (ANNIHILATORS, HEROES FOR HIRE) are joined by Leandro Fernandez (Hulk, 5 Ronin) at the helm of NEW MUTANTS!
Cyclops is sick of unfinished business coming back to haunt the X-Men, so he's tasking the New Mutants to finish it. Their first mission: Find X-Man. Nate Grey returned in Dark X-Men, but ended up in the hands of Norman Osbornand H.A.M.M.E.R. With the Dark Reign at an end, where is X-Man? -
Mystique by Brian K. Vaughn Ultimate Collection Michael Ryan, Mike Mayhew, Brian K. Vaughan, Adrian Alphona, Joseph Linsner, Greg Horn, Matt Milla, Raul Fernandez, Manuel Garcia, Jorge Lucas, Jose Villarrubia, Rus Wooton, Randy Gentile, Daniel Perez Sanchez, Paul Tutrone, Scott Elmer
ISBN: 9780785155119 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Marvel Язык: Английский Mystique has used her powers to go against the X-Men in their battle for mutant-human coexistence for years, but in this complicated world, Mystique begins to find the battle lines are no longer so clear. In exchange for protection, Mystique reluctantly agrees to work for Charles Xavier. But instead of being invited to join the X-Men, Mystique is asked to participate in politically sensitive operations as a secret agent. Can this former mutant-rights terrorist be trusted? -
Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 4: Disassembled (сборник) Майкл Райан, Пол Дженкинс
ISBN: 0785116265 Год издания: 2004 Издательство: Marvel Язык: Английский Spider-Man's life is thrown into turmoil as he begins to undergo a shocking transformation - one that may well leave the web-slinger scarred forever! What is the cause of this strange mutation - and how does it connect to the troubles plaguing the
An Introduction to Film Analysis: Technique and Meaning in Narrative Film Майкл Райан, Melissa Lenos
ISBN: 978-0826430021 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Bloomsbury Academic
An Introduction to Film Analysis combines an introduction to filmmaking technique with rigorous and comprehensive training in film interpretation. Composed in an accessible style yet conversant with the latest, most advanced critical theories and methods, this innovative textbook can be reliably used on both the undergraduate and the graduate level.
The book begins with chapters that familiarize students with the basic components of film technique. It connects technique to meaning and demonstrates, through numerous examples, how particular uses of film technique generate different meanings. Students will learn how films are made and how values are promoted, ideas communicated, and rhetorical arguments advanced through film technique. The second part of the book covers a range of interpretive methods, theories, and concerns. In each section, the author offers a sample reading of a film, followed by an 'interpretive exercise' with suggestions for students to use in performing their own film interpretation.
Carefully structured, beautifully written, and illustrated throughout, An Introduction to Film Analysis provides a thorough grounding in the subject for students around the world. -
Heroes Reborn: Avengers TPB Майкл Райан, Jim Valentino, Chap Yaep, Ян Черчилль, Anthon, Уолтер Симонсон, Джеф Лоэб, Роб Лайфилд
ISBN: 0785123377 Год издания: 2006 Язык: Русский Cap, Thor, the Vision, Hawkeye, Hellcat, Mantis and more: The Avengers lineup is both new AND classic on an Earth that hits them with villains as fast as they can assemble! Revised versions of Ultron, the Radioactive Man, the Grim Reaper and many -
TCP/IP and the AS/400 Майкл Райан
ISBN: 1882419723 Язык: Русский Need to integrate an AS/400 into a multivendor network? Need to use an AS/400 as a Web server? Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is fast becoming a major AS/400 protocol because of TCP/IP's ubiquity and predominance in the -
The Spectacular Spider-Man: Under My Skin Майкл Райан, Пол Дженкинс
Язык: Английский Throughout New York a strange humming sound is heard, with only select individuals, anyone with the insect gene, able to hear it. The source of the humming is revealed to be a mysterious woman named Queen, who steps out of her limo and uses her abilities to summon all the people in the city with the insect gene to her.
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol 2) #15-16