Филип Мансел

Philip Mansel

  • 6 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 8 читателей
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Филип Мансел – лучшие книги

  • Константинополь 1453-1924 Филип Мансел
    ISBN: 978-5-17-095540-4
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Константинополь… Единственный в мире город, расположенный одновременно и в Европе, и в Азии. Город, который в течение многих веков последовательно становился то местом встречи Востока и Запада, то ареной их битвы. Замечательное исследование Филипа Мансела посвящено "оттоманскому" периоду истории Константинополя, - блистательной и пышной столицы могущественной Османской империи, султаны которой подчинили своей власти большую часть мусульманского мира и изрядную часть средневековой Европы, - от границ России до берегов Дуная, от Марокко до Персидского залива. Эта увлекательная, полная интриг и правдивая история, в которой действуют воины и…

  • King of the World Филип Мансел
    ISBN: 9781846145995
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Allen Lane
    Язык: Английский
    Louis XIV wanted to conquer time and space - to push the borders of France which he inherited out into Flanders, Burgundy and Alsace, and beyond, to expand French dominion in the Americas and the East, to win what he called 'the exquisite praises of history' through conquests and to create a great palace which would surpass all others and secure his immortality. He became the epitome and exemplar of monarchy, the king all his contemporaries and successors imitated, envied, or fought against.

    King of the World is a magnificent and startlingly insightful account of the man who dominated the seventeenth century more than any other. To what extent did Louis have absolute power, or was decision-making in the hands of ministers and mistresses? How much of the extravagance of Versailles was for show, and how far was Louis himself the show? How could such a civilized man commit so many acts of barbarism? How effective was he as a ruler and a general? Did he leave his country stronger or weaker than it was before? Mansel offers original and persuasive answers to these questions, and weaves a brilliant tapestry of the life of one of the most compelling figures in European history.
  • Levant: Splendour and Catastrophe on the Mediterranean Филип Мансел
    ISBN: 0300172648
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Yale University Press
    Язык: Английский
    Levant is a book of cities. It describes three former centers of great wealth, pleasure, and freedom—Smyrna, Alexandria, and Beirut—cities of the Levant region along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. In these key ports at the crossroads of East and West, against all expectations, cosmopolitanism and nationalism flourished simultaneously. People freely switched identities and languages, released from the prisons of religion and nationality. Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived and worshipped as neighbors.

    Distinguished historian Philip Mansel is the first to recount the colorful, contradictory histories of Smyrna, Alexandria, and Beirut in the modern age. He begins in the early days of the French alliance with the Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth century and continues through the cities' mid-twentieth-century fates: Smyrna burned; Alexandria Egyptianized; Beirut lacerated by civil war.

    Mansel looks back to discern what these remarkable Levantine cities were like, how they differed from other cities, why they shone forth as cultural beacons. He also embarks on a quest: to discover whether, as often claimed, these cities were truly cosmopolitan, possessing the elixir of coexistence between Muslims, Christians, and Jews for which the world yearns. Or, below the glittering surface, were they volcanoes waiting to erupt, as the catastrophes of the twentieth century suggest? In the pages of the past, Mansel finds important messages for the fractured world of today.
  • Dressed to Rule: Royal and Court Costume from Louis XIV to Elizabeth II Philip Mansel
    ISBN: 0300106971
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Throughout history rulers have used clothes as a form of legitimization and propaganda. While palaces, pictures, and jewels might reflect the choice of a monarch’s predecessors or advisers, clothes reflected the preferences of the monarch
  • The Prince of Europe: The Life of Charles-Joseph De Ligne 1735-1814 Philip Mansel
    ISBN: 1842127314
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionThe Habsburg courtier Charles-Joseph Prince de Ligne seduced and symbolized eighteenth-century Europe. Speaking French, the international language of the day, he travelled between Paris and St Petersburg, charming everyone he met. He