Макия Люсье

Makiia Lucier

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Лучшие книги Макии Люсье

  • Год жнеца Макия Люсье
    ISBN: 978-5-04-186328-9
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Like Book
    Язык: Русский

    Прошлое никогда не забывается... До того, как вражеские солдаты устроили засаду, Лорд Кассия был учеником инженера, выполняя задание, порученное королем. Но когда чума распространилась по земле, оставляя бесчисленное множество мертвецов, даже титул Каса не может спасти его от гниющей тюремной камеры и беспощадной болезни. Спустя три года Кас хочет лишь вернуться в свой дом в горах и забыть прошлые ужасы. Но его замок стал убежищем для королевского двора. И они привели с собой своих врагов. Кас оказывается вовлеченным в поиски убийцы... того, который приводит его к неожиданной связи с блестящим молодым историком по имени Лена. Кас и…

  • Isle of Blood and Stone Макия Люсье
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Язык: Английский
    Ulises asked, “How can I look at these maps, see this riddle, and do nothing? They are my brothers.”

    Elias reached across the table and flicked aside two shells with a fingertip. The map curled into itself. “It’s bound to be a goose chase. You know that?”

    “Or a treasure hunt,” Ulises countered, “and you’ve always been good at those.”

    Nineteen-year-old Elias—a royal mapmaker and an old friend of del Mar’s newly crowned king, Ulises—is eager to explore uncharted waters. But when two maps surface, each bearing the same hidden riddle, Elias must put aside his next voyage and join forces with Ulises’s cousin, Mercedes, on a quest to solve a mystery that began eighteen years ago with the disappearance of Ulises’s two brothers. Following the clues hidden in the maps, Elias, Mercedes, and Ulises uncover long-held secrets and unimaginable betrayals.

    Isle of Blood and Stone, the first in a duology, is a sweeping historical fantasy full of intrigue and schemes, romance and friendship, and fearless explorers searching for the truth.
  • Song of the Abyss Макия Люсье
    ISBN: 9780544968585
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Clarion Books
    Ancient grievances, long-held grudges, and dangerous magic combine in this sweeping standalone fantasy perfect for fans of Tamora Pierce and Rachel Hartman.

    They came in the night as she dreamt, in her berth, on a ship sailing home to del Mar. After, they would be all Reyna thought about: two carracks painted scorpion black. No emblem on either forecastle, no pennants flying above the mainmasts to hint at a kingdom of origin.

    Never a good sign.

    As the granddaughter of a famed navigator, seventeen-year-old Reyna has always lived life on her own terms, despite those who say a girl could never be an explorer for the royal house of St. John del Mar. She is determined to prove them wrong, and as she returns home after a year-long expedition, she knows her dream is within reach. No longer an apprentice, instead: Reyna, Master Explorer.

    But when menacing raiders attack her ship, those dreams are pushed aside. Reyna's escape is both desperate and dangerous, and when next she sees her ship, a mystery rises from the deep. The sailors--her captain, her countrymen--have vanished. To find them, Reyna must use every resource at her disposal . . . including placing her trust in a handsome prince from a rival kingdom.

    Together they uncover a disturbing truth. The attack was no isolated incident. Troubling signs point to a shadowy kingdom in the north, and for once, the rulers of the Sea of Magdalen agree: something must be done. But can Reyna be brave enough to find a way?
  • A Death-Struck Year Макия Люсье
    ISBN: 978-0544541184
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: HMH Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    A School Library Journal Starred Review
    A Georgia Peach Book Award Finalist 2015-2016
    A 2014 ABC Best Books for Children Selection
    VOYA's Top Shelf Fiction for Middle School Readers 2014
    A 2014 'Indies Introduce New Voices' Selection
    A Spring 2014 Kids' Indie Next Pick

    In the grip of the deadly 1918 flu pandemic, not even the strong survive.

    The Spanish influenza is devastating the East Coast--but Cleo Berry knowsit is a world away from the safety of her home in Portland, Oregon. Then the flu moves into the Pacific Northwest. Schools, churches, andtheaters are shut down. The entire city is thrust into survivalmode--and into a panic.

    Seventeen-year-old Cleo is told to stayput in her quarantined boarding school, but when the Red Cross pleadsfor volunteers, she cannot ignore the call for help. In the gruelingdays that follow her headstrong decision, she risks everything fornear-strangers. Strangers like Edmund, a handsome medical student.Strangers who could be gone tomorrow. And as the bodies pile up, Cleocan't help but wonder: when will her own luck run out?

    Rivetingand well-researched, A Death-Struck Year is based on the real-lifepandemic considered the most devastating in recorded world history, andleaves readers asking: what would I do for a neighbor? At what risk tomyself?