Рита Гюнтер Макграт – лучшие книги
- 4 произведения
- 2 издания на 3 языках
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Конец конкурентного преимущества Рита Гюнтер Макграт
ISBN: 978-5-9963-2408-8 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Бином. Лаборатория знаний Язык: Русский Эта книга представляет собой сборник новых стратегий, которые можно реализовать в нестабильных рыночных условиях. Автор призывает руководителей отказаться от стратегий, в основе которых лежит устойчивое конкурентное преимущество. Взамен предлагаются стратегии преходящего конкурентного преимущества. Чтобы победить в конкурентной и изменчивой среде, руководители должны научиться быстро и эффективно реализовывать кратковременные возможности.
Для руководителей организаций и отделов стратегического развития, средних и мелких предпринимателей, а также всех тех, кто хочет понять, как теоретические модели разработки стратегии могут применяться на практике. -
Marketbusters Рита Гюнтер Макграт
ISBN: 9781422171790 Издательство: Ingram Язык: Английский Robust methods to identify new growth opportunitiesYOUR SHAREHOLDERS DEMAND growth; your company needs growth; and your career can suffer or soar because of how you drive growth—or don’t. While executives often talk about their great growth plans, very few of these plans actually deliver real gains in growth and profitability. How do some companies manage to beat the odds and bust through the obstacles that make explosive growth so elusive?In this hands-on guide, Rita Gunther McGrath and Ian C. MacMillan identify powerful strategic moves they call “MarketBusters”—approaches that dramatically reconfigure profit streams in an industry, upend conventional competition, and ultimately deliver blockbuster growth.Based on insights from an extensive three-year study, McGrath and MacMillan describe forty proven marketbusting moves and outline five overall strategies companies have used to drive new growth:• Change the customer’s total experience: Make it simpler, faster, or more beneficial for customers to buy from you• Reconfigure your products and services: Transform your offerings to make them clearly superior to competitors’• Redefine your business and associated key metrics: Change how you do business or how your customers do business in ways that dramatically boost performance• Anticipate or exploit industry shifts: Capitalize on changes before competitors do• Create a new market space: Trigger the emergence of a new marketEvery marketbusting move is illustrated in practice through vivid company examples—including cautionary tales that alert you to potential pitfalls you may encounter. Action-oriented tools and checklists provide concrete guidance in finding opportunities across your own business platform, executing your chosen move successfully, and exploiting new opportunities to maximize their bottomline impact. The book also provides guidelines for avoiding common implementation challenges and for developing the organizational alignment needed to smooth execution.New opportunities for explosive growth are waiting to be unleashed. MarketBusters is the field guide you need to develop a reliable, robust approach to fueling continuous, profitable growth. -
The End of Competitive Advantage Рита Гюнтер МакгратAre you at risk of being trapped in an uncompetitive business?Chances are the strategies that worked well for you even a few years ago no longer deliver the results you need. Dramatic changes in business have unearthed a major gap between traditional approaches to strategy and the way the real world works now.In short, strategy is stuck. Most leaders are using frameworks that were designed for a different era of business and based on a single dominant idea—that the purpose of strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Once the premise on which all strategies were built, this idea is increasingly irrelevant.Now, Columbia Business School professor and globally recognized strategy expert Rita Gunther McGrath argues that it’s time to go beyond the very concept of sustainable competitive advantage. Instead, organizations need to forge a new path to winning: capturing opportunities fast, exploiting them decisively, and moving on even before they are exhausted. She shows how to do this with a new set of practices based on the notion of transient competitive advantage.This book serves as a new playbook for strategy, one based on updated assumptions about how the world works, and shows how some of the world’s most successful companies use this method to compete and win today.Filled with compelling examples from “growth outlier” firms such as Fujifilm, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Infosys, Yahoo! Japan, and Atmos Energy, The End of Competitive Advantage is your guide to renewed success and profitable growth in an economy increasingly defined by transient advantage.
Конец конкурентного преимущества Рита Гюнтер МакгратЭта книга представляет собой сборник новых стратегий, которые можно реализовать в нестабильных рыночных условиях. Автор призывает руководителей отказаться от стратегий, в основе которых лежит устойчивое конкурентное преимущество. Взамен предлагаются стратегии преходящего конкурентного преимущества. Чтобы победить в конкурентной и изменчивой среде, руководители должны научиться быстро и эффективно реализовывать кратковременные возможности.
Для руководителей организаций и отделов стратегического развития, средних и мелких предпринимателей, а также всех тех, кто хочет понять, как теоретические модели разработки стратегии могут применяться на практике.