Mohammed Galib Hussain
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Mohammed Galib Hussain — новинки

  • Research Craft Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783659002038
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    The Centre For Honing Academic Skills, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, India conducted a seminar on multi-disciplinary research methodology programme for the faculty in January, 2012. Research has been a preserve of western thinkers. There are no two opinions about the fact that western philosophers, scientists, management thinkers and social thinkers have made profound contribution to the body of knowledge in research methodology. However, the contributions made by Hindu and Islamic thinkers have not been highlighted. In this programme, an humble attempt to articulate ideas drawing on eastern sciences has been made. Research cannot be divided into water tight compartments like social sciences, exact sciences, humanities, historical and management research. The craft of research is the same in all branches of knowledge. This seminar focused on this aspect as well. This book presents the papers / contributions of the authorities in their respective disciplines. Hopefully, the readers will get different perspectives of research in a book of this kind.
  • Dual Factor Theory of Motivation Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783847301004
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    The impact of work motivation on productivity, absenteeism, attrition, organizational culture has been well articulated by the behavioral scientists. There is a vast literature developed by western management thinkers. In Indian organizations, managements are grappling with the problem of employee motivation. They want to understand the factors which lead to motivated behavior of the employees. They follow the prescription of behavioral scientists like sensitivity training and host of other fads, but employees don’t get motivated. In Indian economy the role of unorganized sector is great. Nearly 90% of workforce of the economy is employed in this sector. This is the sector in which there are no job guarantees, no social security benefits like PF, ESI for the employees, and who they never enter on the permanent rolls of the organization. This workforce constitutes the backbone of Indian economy. In the field of research this workforce has been totally neglected. There is a need to understand the motivation factors of this workforce. An investigation replicating the dual factor study of Professor Herzberg has been made and the findings are reported in this book.
  • Emotional Intelligence Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783848417872
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    It is an accepted fact that individual's success at work is 80 percent dependent on emotional quotient and only 20 percent dependent on intelligence quotient. This is because EQ components are useful in assisting employees with decision-making in areas like teamwork, inclusion, productivity, and communication. Goleman identified the five 'domains' of EQ as: ? Knowing your emotions. ? Managing your own emotions. ? Motivating yourself. ? Recognising and understanding other people's emotions. ? Managing relationships, ie., managing the emotions of others. Islam is not just a personal faith and devotion, but a comprehensive, intelligent and practical life system. Islam respects all the different components of the human being equally and regulates them to their full potential, rather than suppressing them (which stifles the individual), or setting them completely uncontrolled (which causes damage to the community and environment). This book helps in becoming emotionally intelligent according to the Islamic Wisdom
  • Leadership Styles and Shura System Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783846557501
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    This book describes the management style followed by the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him ) in the light of divine guidance received from the creator of the Universe. It also contrast leadership styles propounded by western behavioral scientists and Shura system prescribed by the Quran. The characteristics features of the companions of the Prophet Mohammed ( PBUH ) are also described. Management styles followed in organizations are the products of their culture and have imprint of western philosophy and its' history. Whereas, Islam which is a revealed religion for the mankind has universal application and validity for all times to come. It is suggested that the Shura system as well as the traits of a leader prescribed by the divinity are relevant for everybody including non-Muslims. Muslim as well as non-Muslim organizations can be benefited by following Shura system.
  • Personal values, personalty and managerial behavior Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783846540633
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    The Book Management Modules should be based on Indian corporate realities. This book is an attempt in this direction. It focuses on understanding an Indian manger in terms of his/her personality emerging from such value systems. Psychoanalysis, anthropologists, and host of thinkers have conceptualized two sets of values of India culture: Progressive and regressive. What is the value system internalized by Indian executives? To what extent Indian business organizations permit their executives to apply their internalized values? Which value system - progressive or regressive - is operative in Indian corporate? Does a typical Indian executive represent the progressive face of his/her culture or the regressive side of his/her culture? How do these culture specific values influence a manager’s behavior in decision making, power sharing, increasing profitability, enhancing market share, delegation of authority Performance appraisal and in dealing with his / her subordinates/customers/superiors? The book should be useful to all the foreign MNC's which are interested in understanding Indian executives, their culture, and their business practices.
  • Strategic and Traditional Human Resource Management Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783847308157
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    In a globalised world, the government of India introduced liberalized economic policies in 1990’s. This increased the pressure on the personnel function of Indian domestic companies to prepare and develop their employees, so that they can compete with overseas firms. The field of human resource management is a dynamic discipline. The HRM functions and practices cannot remain static as firms make the adaptation necessary to remain competitive. It is time to innovate and redefine HR practices. The review of academic and research literature is quite revealing with respect to various HR practices. Most of the organizations in India follow the traditional/conservative approach emphasizing the personnel policies even when the staff involved in such activities may call human resource managers. To use a traditional HR model in such firms and focus HRM exclusively on bureaucratic tasks would be inconsistent with these organizational strategies. This research investigates the practices of both strategic HRM and traditional HRM. It also studies what are all the factors contributing to practices and effectiveness of strategic HRM and raditional HRM. This book reports findings of the study.
  • Quality of Work Life in Islamic Culture Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783846559864
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Drawing on two pristine sources of Islamic knowledge: the Quran and the Sunnah, this book presents an Islamic alternative paradigm to the western conceptualization of quality of work life. This book discusses the impact of Islamic beliefs on the perceptions of an organizational member about the quality of his/her job/professional life if he she internalize Islamic culture. Motivational basis in western and Islamic paradigms is contrasted. An articulation of conflict resolution mechanism of Islamic sharia is attempted. Anger controlling techniques prescribed in Divine Guidance are highlighted. Stress inoculation as well as coping methods are elaborated.
  • Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783846594346
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Post 1991 economic reforms have brought the topic of organizational culture to the center of the debate.Indian corporates have stride on to the world stage as MNCs of repute in developed economies as well. Corporates have been compelled to develop a planned strategy, that could entail redesigning current activities, innovation, managing uncertainty, customer – centric policies and leveraging competitive strength. These radical changes can be brought about by developing appropriate corporate culture Organizations are primarily human institutions. Evidently, corporate culture is the culture of the people in the organizations. Development of appropriate corporate culture involves congruence between individuals and organizations. . Consequently, two newly designed typologies, namely, progressive and regressive cultures have been used to understand corporate cultures prevailing in Indian organizations. The nature of relationship between these two patterns of corporate culture and organizational effectiveness has also been vetted. This book presents the findings of the investigation. Evidently, this book should be useful to all those business entities, foreign MNCs&academics.
  • Why do they Quit? Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783847311164
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Looking from the business angle, for any kind of sector, human resource is a key instrument for its success. Therefore retaining of the existing employees is the primary objective of any organization. Without human resource, no organization can do anything, even to whatever level the organization and its business is digitalized ,mechanized and computerized in the present globalized world. As a result, this is a right time to focus on retaining high-performing employees and keeping them motivated and make them to stay in the organization. Almost all the IT corporates are entrapped with employee attrition problem amidst stiff and staff competition from each other’s due to various reasons. Most of the financial resources of the organizations are met merely by recruiting, training and placing the employees routinely. A software professional stays with Indian IT company just for two years This study focuses on job attitudes of employees and its role in attrition. This study is initiated to seek answer to the tion butattrition problem in Indian IT sector.This book reports findings of the research and suggests a solution to the problem.
  • Indian Concept of Personality and Job Stress Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783847317333
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Blind applications and mere generalization of western ideologies which are totally opposed and contradicting Indian psycho – philosophical thought cannot solve stress related problems in Indian corporates. It will be just like plugging leaves and branches to cut the tree instead of cutting the root of the tree. The problem of stress is pervasive among Indian corporate sector and is more pronounced in the IT sector. The Indian IT sector is struggling very hard in tackling the stress related problems of its employees and western theories of personalities 10 could not solve the problems as it is evidenced by stress prevailing in the IT sectors. Also, the vast literature of Indian psycho – philosophic thoughts are unexplored. In these circumstance, this study has made an attempt to identify the job stress factors and bring solution to stress related problems of IT sectors by applying a theory which is drawn totally based on Indian psycho-philosophical thought to determine the personality types and to identify the stress prone person. Moreover it is imperative that any solution to the stress which has origin in Indian cultural and organizational system should be sought
  • Islamic Corporate Culture and Management Styles Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783846554807
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Some management theorists believe that Muslim organizations across the globe have internalized western values; some hold a diametrically opposite view that Muslims as a community and Muslim executives as well have not given up Islamic values and their companies definitely have a strong imprint of Islamic culture. To fathom the depths of Muslim organizations and to demystify the prevailing corporate culture, this study was designed. This research investigated the internalization and application of value systems – Islamic and western – of Muslim executives in their organizations located in countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Further this study has also brought out all those personal values which have transcended the organizational boundaries, i.e. those values which are instrumental in shaping the corporate culture. The question of the impact of executives’ values on the styles of management was investigated as well. The findings are presented in this book.
  • Islamic Theory of Motivation Mohammed Galib Hussain
    ISBN: 9783846553350
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Motivation theories originated in the west have underpinnings of Greek philosophy. They reflect the socio-philosophical thought of the times. The very fact that some of the old theories are discarded like worn out clothes and new theories are tried out exhibits the limitation of human knowledge. Human thought, however sound logically it may be, cannot be the only source of knowledge. Process theories of work motivation do not address the question of what motivates an employee. So – called content theories stop with describing self – actualizing nature of human being. Humanistic psychology goes a step farther, describes human motivation in terms of peak experiences and religious experiences. Islam, one of the revealed religion for the mankind, answers the question what constitutes peak experience for human beings. It gives knowledge about the essence of divinity, creation, nature of phenomenal objects, life, life after death, man’s role on this tiny planet. It provides answer to the question as to that is the essence of human being and his nature. This book articulates these experiences.