David Baker
  • 9 книг
  • 1117 читателей
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David Baker - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Retain or Retrain: How to Keep the Good Ones from Leaving Эд Роуз
    ISBN: 1929902115
    Язык: Русский
    How do you keep the employees you really want to keep? No vague answers here! No avoidance of the real problem facing employers today: retaining good employees. Here is a book with true insight and practical solutions to a major plague that
  • International Express: Intermediate: Teacher's Resource Book (+ DVD) David Baker
    ISBN: 978-0-19-459772-2
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Английский
    This practical course bridges the gap between general English and the professional world of working adults. The syllabus is based on the needs of people in work who use English as an international means of communication.
    Grammar presented through authentic international contexts, for students to analyze and formulate the rules.
    Focus on English for socializing, telephoning, and participating in discussions, enabling learners to communicate confidently in work-related situations.
  • Apollo 13 Owners' Workshop Manual: An engineering insight into how NASA saved the crew of the failed Moon mission David Baker
    ISBN: 0760346194
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Zenith Press
    Язык: Английский
    The world-famous Apollo 13 mission and dramatic explosion on the service module, captured in technical detail like you've never seen before.
    On April 13, 1970, NASA's Apollo 13 suffered a near-catastrophic explosion in space. The planned lunar landing that day was promptly called off, and a new challenge prioritized: get the spacecraft safely back to Earth.
    Written by David Baker, an original member of NASA's Apollo 13 Houston Mission Control team, Apollo 13 Owners' Workshop Manual offers unprecedented, meticulous coverage of the Apollo 13 mission. Beginning with an overview of the era's equipment and technology, Baker focuses primarily on the planning, goals, and execution of the mission itself, including an hour-by-hour timeline of the crew's near-disaster in space. Additionally, his thorough analysis of the post-flight investigation and lurking design problems with the spacecraft offer the rare viewpoint of a true Apollo 13 insider. Not only does Baker present and analyze the mission itself, but he also celebrates NASA's legacy in the wake of the event with the redesign of sections of the Apollo spacecraft and the changes to the way later missions were organized, beginning with Apollo 14.
    In typical fully illustrated Haynes Manual detail, Apollo 13 Owners' Workshop Manual presents the fascinating circumstances behind a team who recovered their spacecraft just hours before hurtling back into the earth's atmosphere. But more than that, the book is a brand-new insight into the remarkable story of how clever, improvised engineering, remarkable teamwork, and sheer will to succeed averted a major catastrophe in space.
  • The 50 Most Extreme Places in Our Solar System David Baker
    ISBN: 978-0-674-04998-7
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Belknap Press
    Язык: Английский
    The extreme events that we hear about daily - hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions - are extreme in purely human terms, in the devastation they do. But this book moves our understanding of the extreme into extraterrestrial dimensions and gives us an awe-inspiring sense of what our solar system at its utmost can do. Martian dust devils taller than Mount Everest. A hurricane that lasts over 340 years. Volcanoes with "lava" colder than Antarctica. Hail made of diamonds. Here, as the authors say, the "WOW" factor is restored to our understanding of scientific discovery, as we witness the grandeur and the weirdness that inspire researchers to dig deeper and go ever farther into the mysteries of the universe.
    The 50 Most Extreme Places in Our Solar System combines a fascination with natural disasters and the mesmerizing allure of outer space to take readers on a journey that will forever change the way they view our solar system. Full of dazzling photographs from NASA's most recent observations, this book explores extreme regions on Earth and beyond - giant turbulent storms, explosive volcanoes, and the possibility of life surviving in harsh conditions.
    More than a collection of facts, the book conveys the dynamism of science as a process of exploration and discovery. As they amuse and entertain, David Baker and Todd Ratcliff, two experts in planetary science, highlight recent developments and unresolved mysteries and strive, at every turn, to answer that important scientific question: "Why?".
  • Цифровой минимализм. Фокус и осознанность в шумном мире David Baker
    ISBN: 978-5-00146-382-5
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский

    Цифровой минимализм строится на утверждении: чем меньше, тем лучше. По отношению к нашим взаимосвязям с цифровыми инструментами — это ключ к фокусу в нашем невероятно шумном мире. С этой книгой вы познакомитесь с цифровыми минималистами, которые испытали чрезвычайно позитивные изменения, безжалостно сокращая свое пребывание онлайн, фокусируясь на небольшом количестве особо ценных для себя дел. Минималисты проводят в интернете намного меньше времени, чем все остальные. Их образ жизни можно посчитать крайностью, но они в ответ возразят: крайность — это то, сколько времени любой другой человек проводит перед экраном. Эти люди поняли, что…

  • The Apollo Missions David Baker
    ISBN: 9781788885232
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Arcturus
    Published to coincide with the 50th anniversary the 1969 moon landings, The Apollo Missions is illustrated with documents, blueprints and photographs of the missions as they happened. Analysing the Apollo Space Program, it looks back at a key period in the development of space technology. From early attempts to send a manned vessel into space to Neil Armstrong's historic first steps on the moon, David Baker reveals what happened behind the scenes, including the development of the Service and Lunar modules, mission preparation and how man made an indelible impact on the Moon's surface by leaving bacteria to collect data. Full of fascinating stories and augmented by documents that chronicled the development of the program, this is a brilliant commemoration of one of man's most astounding feats.