no_land_man 19 июня 2016 г., 14:54 Пожаловаться To learn the Buddhist Way is to learn about oneself. To learn about oneself is to forget oneself. To forget oneself is to perceive oneself as all things. To realize this is to cast off the body and mind of self and others. A Complete English Translation of Dogen Zenji's SHOBOGENZO (The Eye and Treasury of the True Law) Dogen Zenji, Kosen Nishiyama 0,0
no_land_man 19 июня 2016 г., 14:53 Пожаловаться To have great enlightenment about illusion is to be a Buddha. To have great illusion about enlightenment is to be a sentient being. A Complete English Translation of Dogen Zenji's SHOBOGENZO (The Eye and Treasury of the True Law) Dogen Zenji, Kosen Nishiyama 0,0
no_land_man 11 июня 2016 г., 19:19 Пожаловаться Dōgen was only two years old when his father died and he moved with his mother to a cottage in the suburbs of Kyoto. His life there was lonely and sad; and in the winter of his eighth year his mother passed away. As the greatly bereaved young boy watched the smoke drift from the incense during his mother’s funeral he… Развернуть A Complete English Translation of Dogen Zenji's SHOBOGENZO (The Eye and Treasury of the True Law) Dogen Zenji, Kosen Nishiyama 0,0