Дэйв Хатчинсон

Dave Hutchinson

  • 9 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 167 читателей
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Новинки Дэйва Хатчинсона

  • Mons: An Artillery Battle Дэйв Хатчинсон
    ISBN: 9781912390731
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    This book is a history of the Battle of Mons in August 1914. It diverges widely from the story enshrined as fact in the Official History, and by subsequent accounts dependant on it. It is based on an examination of the war diaries of almost every British unit involved in the battle, with particular reference to the artillery, thus illuminating the tactical intentions of all arms in every phase of the battle. The artillery had made tactical preparations for the handling of their guns in battle. All units in the British Army conformed to Field Service Regulations. The central role that both these played in the battle is explored. In documenting the orders to, and subsequent actions of, junior units, many routinely referenced statements in even recent publications pertaining to the battle are challenged. The British went into battle without much of its field artillery. The German field artillery went into battle with totally defective ammunition. These two facts alone profoundly alter the conventional narrative. The primary importance of well-positioned artillery, supporting British army manoeuvres, is explained. The routine protection that the guns supplied to their allocated infantry battalions is described; and the devastating effect of German howitzer fire on a number of British infantry and artillery units documented. Each of the three senior British generals reacted differently to the stress of battle, and their anxieties can be followed and explored in detail. General French, in command of the British Expeditionary Force, remained in tighter control of events than is generally portrayed. General Smith-Dorrien, of II Corps, is confirmed as the main architect of the fighting on the day; and with luck on his side, fought an almost faultless campaign. Both were relying on General Haig, to bring his I Corps up in support II Corps. Not only did he disobey this order to advance, but he did not warn either General French or II Corps that he was withholding support. This breached Army Regulations, and endangered the whole force. The records reveal that he side-lined his staff, and issued such a series of orders and counter-orders, that he exasperated and demoralised his men. General Haig’s report on the battle is an oft-quoted primary source. From the day before the battle, it is so inaccurate as to be almost valueless as a summary of events. If the full details of his actions on the day had been known at the time, he could have been dismissed for incompetence. He might even have been court-martialled. How each of the three generals perceived the role of the artillery under their command is also explored, from the point of view of their previous military experience. The origins of the poor use of artillery by the British Army later in the war can be traced back; partly to the professional army structure of 1914 and the qualities that would be lost as their casualties mounted; and partly to cavalry generals winning out over infantry generals in the direction of future campaigns of the British army. The Battle of Mons was a dress-rehearsal for the war on the Western Front. It was of disproportionate importance in determining how the British army was handled in the future. It deserves to be better understood by students of the period.
  • Shelter Дэйв Хатчинсон
    ISBN: 978-1781085042
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Solaris
    For Adam Hardy and his small Berkshire community, hardship is all they’ve ever known. For almost a century after the coming of The Sisters, the survivors of rainswept England have huddled in their tiny communities, scavenging the ruins of the old world. Now, finally, the Long Autumn is coming to an end, and society of a kind is starting to rebuild.
    But for how long? A new tyrant, Frank Pendennis, has risen in the east, while rumours of something even worse are coming from the north.

    The struggle to inherit the world is just beginning…
  • Europe at Dawn Дэйв Хатчинсон
    ISBN: 978-1781086094
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Solaris
    In Tallinn, Alice – a junior Scottish diplomat – is drawn into an incomprehensible plot spanning decades. In the Aegean, young refugee Benno makes a desperate break for freedom and finds himself in a strange new life.

    On the canals of England, a fleet of narrow boats is gathering. Rudi, now a seasoned Coureur, finds himself drawn away from the kitchen one last time as he sets out with his ally Rupert in pursuit of a dead man.
  • Осень Европы Дэйв Хатчинсон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-107399-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Недалекое будущее. Под воздействием политических и экономических кризисов Европа распалась на бесчисленное множество крохотных государств, монархий, политий и республик. В этом мире постоянных конфликтов и новых законов Руди работает на странную законспирированную организацию Les Coureurs des Bois. За чередой проверок и пограничных постов, бесконечной сменой масок и паспортов начинает стираться его собственная личность. Но на очередном задании все идет не так: Руди поручают вывезти из Берлина одного человека, но, прибыв на место, он находит в номере гостиницы лишь его отрезанную голову. Петля преследований и паранойи начинает затягиваться…

  • Europe in Winter Dave Hutchinson
    ISBN: 978-1781084632
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Solaris
    Язык: Английский

    Union has come. The Community is now the largest nation in Europe; trains run there from as far afield as London and Prague. It is an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity. So what is the reason for a huge terrorist outrage? Why do the Community and Europe meet in secret, exchanging hostages? And who are Les Coureurs des Bois? Along with a motley crew of strays and mafiosi and sleeper agents, Rudi sets out to answer these questions - only to discover that the truth lies both closer to home and farther away than anyone could possibly imagine.

  • Europe at Midnight Dave Hutchinson
    ISBN: 978-1781083987
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Solaris
    Язык: Английский
    Europe is crumbling. The Xian Flu pandemic and ongoing economic crises have fractured the European Union, the borderless Continent of the Schengen Agreement is a distant memory, and new nations are springing up everywhere, some literally overnight. For an intelligence officer like Jim, it's a nightmare. Every week or so a friendly power spawns, a new and unknown national entity which may or may not be friendly to England's interests; it's hard to keep on top of it all. But things are about to get worse for Jim. A stabbing on a London bus pitches him into a world where his intelligence service is preparing for war with another universe, and a man has come who may hold the key to unlocking the mystery.
  • Europe in Autumn David Hutchinson
    ISBN: 978-1781081945
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Solaris
    Язык: Английский
    Rudi is a cook in a Kraków restaurant, but when his boss asks Rudi to help a cousin escape from the country he’s trapped in, a new career - partspy, part people-smuggler - begins.

    Following multiple economic crises and a devastating flu pandemic, Europe has fractured into countless tiny nations, duchies, polities and republics. Recruited by the shadowy organisation Les Coureurs des Bois, Rudi is schooled in espionage, but when a training mission to The Line, a sovereign nation consisting of a trans-Europe railway line, goes wrong, he is arrested, beaten and Coureur Central must attempt a rescue.

    With so many nations to work in, and identities to assume, Rudi is kept busy travelling across Europe. But when he is sent to smuggle someone out of Berlin and finds a severed head inside a locker instead, a conspiracy begins to wind itself around him.

    With kidnapping, double-crosses and a map that constantly re-draws, Rudi begins to realise that underneath his daily round of plot and counter plot, behind the conflicting territories, another entirely different reality might be pulling the strings...
  • Strange Pleasures 2 John Grant
    ISBN: 978-1894815086
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Prime Books
    Edited by award-winning editors John Grant and Dave Hutchinson, Strange Pleasures 2 takes you into the worlds of: N. Lee Wood, Nick Mamatas, David V. Barrett, Keith Brooke, Lou Anders Fay Sampson, Sarah Singleton, Jean Marie Ward, Paul Kincaid, Ian Johnson, John Brunner, and Vera Nazarian.