Карен Уайт

Karen White

  • 83 книги
  • 218 подписчиков
  • 6383 читателей
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Карен Уайт - циклы произведений

  • Особняк на Трэдд-стрит Карен Уайт
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The House on Tradd Street
    Дата написания: ~2008
    Первая публикация: 2019
    Перевод: А. Бушуев
    Язык: Русский
    Мелани поражена. Ее случайное знакомство с загадочным мистером Вандерхорстом вылилось в то, что она получила от него в наследство целый особняк. Условия — прожить там год и отреставрировать, чтобы стать полноправной хозяйкой.
    Мелани не любит старинные дома. Она с детства обладает жутковатым даром видеть призраков, коих немало в городе. А уж в викторианских домах – и подавно.
    Помощь ей предлагает заносчивый писатель Джек, который вызывает у Мелани то злость, то желание его поцеловать. Отныне они связаны общей тайной: шифром, который, спасибо дару Мелани, должен помочь им отыскать старинные бриллианты.
  • Девушка с Легар-стрит Карен Уайт
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Girl On Legare Street
    Дата написания: 2009
    Первая публикация: 2019
    Перевод: Татьяна Бушуева, Александр Бушуев
    Язык: Русский
    После того как Мелани получила в наследство особняк, ей выпал шанс встретиться наконец со своей матерью Джинетт, оперной певицей, которая вернулась в город после тридцатилетнего отсутствия. Джинетт уверяет, что их вынужденная разлука – способ уберечь дочь. Но от чего? По просьбе матери, Мелани, имеющая дар общаться с духами, вступает в контакт с опасным призраком, обитающим в старинном доме на Легар-стрит. На помощь ей приходят обаятельный писатель Джек и журналистка Ребекка, которая уж слишком заинтересована в паранормальных явлениях, происходящих в городе.
  • The Strangers on Montagu Street Карен Уайт
    Форма: роман
    Дата написания: 2011
    Первая публикация: 2011
    Язык: Английский
    Psychic realtor Melanie Middleton returns-only to be greeted by a house full of lost souls. Psychic realtor Melanie Middleton is still restoring her Charleston house and doesn't expect to have a new houseguest, a teen girl named Nola. But the girl didn't come alone, and the spirits that accompanied Nola don't seem willing to leave...
  • Return to Tradd Street Karen White
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Return to Tradd Street
    Дата написания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Facing her future as a single mother, psychic Realtor Melanie Middleton is determined to be strong and leave her past with writer Jack Trenholm behind her. But history has a tendency of catching up with Melanie, whether she likes it or not.… Melanie is only going through the motions of living since refusing Jack’s marriage proposal. She misses him desperately, but her broken heart is the least of her problems. Despite an insistence that she can raise their child alone, Melanie is completely unprepared for motherhood, and she struggles to complete renovations on her house on Tradd Street before the baby arrives. When Melanie is roused one night by the sound of a ghostly infant crying, she chooses to ignore it. She simply does not have the energy to deal with one more crisis. That is, until the remains of a newborn buried in an old christening gown are found hidden in the foundation of her house. As the hauntings on Tradd Street slowly become more violent, Melanie decides to find out what caused the baby’s untimely death, uncovering the love, loss, and betrayal that color the house’s history—and threaten her claim of ownership. But can she seek Jack’s help without risking her heart? For in revealing the secrets of the past, Melanie also awakens the malevolent presence that has tried to keep the truth hidden for decades.…
  • The Guests on South Battery Карен Уайт
    Оригинальное название: The Guests on South Battery
    Дата написания: 2017
    Язык: Английский
    With her extended maternity leave at its end, Melanie Trenholm is less than thrilled to leave her new husband and beautiful twins to return to work, especially when she’s awoken by a phone call with no voice on the other end—and the uneasy feeling that the ghostly apparitions that have stayed silent for more than a year are about to invade her life once more. But her return to the realty office goes better than she could have hoped, with a new client eager to sell the home she recently inherited on South Battery. Most would treasure living in one of the grandest old homes in the famous historic district of Charleston, but Jayne Smith would rather sell hers as soon as possible, guaranteeing Melanie a quick commission. Despite her stroke of luck, Melanie can’t deny that spirits—both malevolent and benign—have started to show themselves to her again. One is shrouded from sight, but appears whenever Jayne is near. Another arrives when an old cistern is discovered in Melanie’s backyard on Tradd Street. Melanie knows nothing good can come from unearthing the past. But some secrets refuse to stay buried....
  • The Christmas Spirits on Tradd Street Карен Уайт
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Christmas Spirits on Tradd Street
    Дата написания: 2019
    Первая публикация: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    The Christmas spirit is overtaking Tradd Street with a vengeance in this festive new novel in the New York Times bestselling series by Karen White. Melanie Trenholm should be anticipating Christmas with nothing but joy--after all, it's only the second Christmas she and her husband, Jack, will celebrate with their twin babies. But the ongoing excavation of the centuries-old cistern in the garden of her historic Tradd Street home has been a huge millstone, both financially and aesthetically. Local students are thrilled by the possibility of unearthing more Colonial-era artifacts at the cistern, but Melanie is concerned by the ghosts connected to the cistern that have suddenly invaded her life and her house--and at least one of them is definitely not filled with holiday cheer.... And these relics aren't the only precious artifacts for which people are searching. A past adversary is convinced that there is a long-lost Revolutionary War treasure buried somewhere on the property that Melanie inherited--untold riches rumored to be brought over from France by the Marquis de Lafayette himself and intended to help the Colonial war effort. It's a treasure literally fit for a king, and there have been whispers throughout history that many have already killed--and died--for it. And now someone will stop at nothing to possess it--even if it means destroying everything Melanie and Jack hold dear.
  • The Attic on Queen Street Карен Уайт
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Attic on Queen Street
    Дата написания: 2021
    Первая публикация: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    After the devastating events of the past few months, the last thing Melanie Trenholm wants is to think about the future. Why, when her husband, Jack, has asked for a separation—a separation that might have been her fault? Nevertheless, with twin toddlers, a stepdaughter leaving for college soon, a real estate career to resume and a historic home that is still being restored, Melanie doesn’t have much time to wonder where it all went wrong—but that doesn’t stop her from trying to win her husband back. Their relationship issues are pushed aside, however, when longtime nemesis, Marc Longo, comes to them with a proposition: allow their Tradd Street house to be used as the filming location for the movie adaptation of Marc’s bestselling book, and he will help Jack re-establish his stalled writing career. Despite Melanie’s hesitation, Jack jumps at the chance. But Melanie’s doubts soon prove to be well founded when she uncovers ulterior reasons for Marc wanting to be back in their house—reasons that include a hidden gem so brilliant that legend links it to the most infamous jewel of all, the Hope Diamond. But Melanie has an unexpected ally in protecting the house and its inhabitants—the ghost of a Civil War era girl warns her of increasing threats to her family. But she’s not the only spirit who is haunting Melanie. A malevolent ghost seems determined to stop Melanie from investigating the decades-old murder of a friend’s sister, and this spirit will stop at nothing to protect its secrets—even from beyond the grave. Melanie and Jack must work together to find the answers before evil spirits of past and present destroy everything they love.
  • Записки на полях соленых книг Карен Уайт
    Язык: Русский

    1942 г. Юные Мэгги, Кэт и Лулу учатся жить в непростых условиях – идет война, и каждый новый день воспринимается как подарок свыше. Когда в их жизни появляется Питер, он становится им надежной опорой: для крошки Лулу – братом, для красотки Кэтрин – защитником, а для задумчивой Мэгги – возлюбленным. Но, кажется, Питер что-то скрывает… Да и так ли все радужно в их взаимоотношениях? Наши дни Эмми Гамильтон, поддавшись уговорам матери, покупает небольшой книжный магазин на острове в Атлантическом океане. Вскоре она находит среди книг загадочные любовные послания и рисунок бутылочного дерева. Это становится началом увлекательной авантюры, в…
