Девдутт Паттанаик

Devdutt Pattanaik

  • 17 книг
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  • 372 читателя
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Новинки Девдутта Паттанаика

  • Индийские мифы. От Кришны и Шивы до Вед и Махабхараты Девдутт Паттанаик
    ISBN: 9785001696940
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер (МИФ)
    Язык: Русский
    Девдатт Паттанаик пересказывает сюжеты из Вед, упанишад, Махабхараты и других важнейших текстов индуизма как захватывающие истории. Доступные объяснения и оригинальные иллюстрации оживляют мир и помогают понять самые сложные концепции.

    Девдатт Паттанаик получил медицинское образование и 15 лет проработал в сфере здравоохранения, прежде чем решился превратить свое увлечение мифологией в профессию. Он является автором более 1000 статей и более 50 книг, посвященных современному взгляду на священные истории, символы и ритуалы. Также выступает в качестве консультанта по вопросам, связанным с лидерством и корпоративной культурой.
  • Индийские мифы. От Кришны и Шивы до Вед и Махабхараты Девдутт Паттанаик
    ISBN: 978-5-00169-694-0, 978-5-00195-343-2
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский

    Индийская мифология исключительно разнообразна. В ней есть 330 миллионов божеств. Есть боги и богини, духи, личные боги, домашние боги и боги пространства и времени. Есть боги для каждой касты и те, что заботятся о ремесленниках. Есть боги, охраняющие природу, живущие на деревьях и те, что принимают форму животных. Некоторые увлечены минералами, некоторые — геометрическими формами. Кроме того, есть множество демонов, у каждого из которых есть история взлета и падения. Чего нет в индийской мифологии, так это аналога дьявола, верховного демона, который повелевает прочими злыми духами. Эта книга — своего рода путеводитель по основным…

  • Семь секретов Шивы. Философия индийского мифа Девдутт Паттанаик
    ISBN: 978-5-906791-25-2
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: София
    Язык: Русский

    Рассказывая о различных ликах Бога Шивы, индийский исследователь мифологии Дэвдатт Паттанаик раскрывает людям западной культуры глубокие философские и психологические идеи, стоящие за легендами, ритуалами, иконографией и священными символами индуизма. Книга богато и информативно иллюстрирована, написана увлекательно и просто и рассчитана на самый широкий круг читателей.

  • Семь секретов Вишну. Философия индийского мифа Девдутт Паттанаик
    ISBN: 978-5-906791-26-9
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: София
    Язык: Русский

    Дэвдатт Паттанаик — один из ведущих современных специалистов по мифологии. Его книги увлекательны и читаются на одном дыхании. Они обильно и необычно иллюстрированы. Они очень информативны, оригинальны по содержанию и заставляют читателя размышлять об очень важных вопросах жизни. Рассказывая о различных ипостасях Бога Вишну в индийских священных писаниях, Паттанаик мастерски раскрывает глубокие философские и психологические идеи, стоящие за мифами, иконографией и религиозными символами индуизма.

  • Семь секретов Богини. Философия индийского мифа Девдутт Паттанаик
    ISBN: 978-5-906791-27-6
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: София
    Язык: Русский
    Автор этой книги - ведущий индийский специалист по мифологии. Рассказывая о различных ликах Богини в индийских мифах и религии, Дэвдатт Паттанаик увлекательно и авторитетно раскрывает нам, людям западной культуры, глубокие философские и психологические идеи, стоящие за легендами, ритуалами, иконографией и священными символами индуизма. Книга содержит множество информативных иллюстраций.

    Предназначена для самого широкого круга читателей.
  • The Book of Ram Девдутт Паттанаик
    ISBN: 0143433334
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Penguin Random House India PVT.LTD.
    He is Eka-vachani, a king who always keeps his word; Eka-bani, an archer who strikes his target with the first arrow; and Eka-patni, a husband who is eternally and absolutely devoted to a single wife. He is maryada purushottam Ram, the supreme upholder of social values, the scion of the Raghu clan, jewel of the solar dynasty, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, God who establishes order in worldly life. Hindus believe that in stressful and tumultuous times chanting Ram's name and hearing his tale, the Ramayan, brings stability, hope, peace and prosperity. Reviled by feminists, appropriated by politicians, Ram remains serene in his majesty, the only Hindu deity to be worshipped as a king.
  • 7 Secrets of the Goddess Devdutt Pattanaik
    ISBN: 978-9384030582
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: westland ltd
    Язык: Английский

    Lakshmi massages Vishnu s feet. Is this male domination? Kali stands on Shiva s chest. Is this female domination? Shiva is half a woman. Is this gender quality? Why then is Shakti never half a man? Taken literally, stories, symbols and rituals of Hindu mythology have much to say about gender relationships. Taken symbolically, they reveal many more things about humanity and nature. Which is the correct reading? The fourth title in the bestselling 7 Secrets series focuses on the Goddess, and respected mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik tries to unravel the secrets locked within her stories, symbols and rituals.

  • Shikhandi: And Other Tales They Dont Tell You Devdutt Pattanaik
    ISBN: 978-9383074846
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Zubaan
    Patriarchy asserts that men are superior to women, feminism clarifies that women and men are equal, and queerness questions what constitutes male and female. One of the few people to talk frankly and sensitively about queerness and religion, celebrated Indian mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik explains that queerness isn’t only modern, Western, or sexual. Rather, by looking at the vast written and oral traditions of Hinduism, he finds many overlooked tales with queerness at their center, some over two thousand years old. There’s Shikhandi, who became a man to satisfy her wife; Mahadeva, who became a woman to deliver her devotee’s child; Chudala, who became a man to enlighten her husband; Samavan, who became the wife of his male friend—and many, many more.
    In Shikhandi, and Other Tales They Don’t Tell You, Pattanaik recounts these stories and explores the importance of mythologies in understanding the modern Indian mindset. Playful, touching, and sometimes disturbing, when Shikhandi’s stories are compared with their Mesopotamian, Greek, Chinese, and Biblical counterparts, they reveal the unique Indian way of making sense of queerness.

    “Pattanaik is a master storyteller” —Bibek Debroy, translator of The Bhagavad Gita
  • Sita: An Illustrated Retelling of the Ramayana Devdutt Pattanaik
    ISBN: 978-0143064329
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin Global
    Язык: Английский
    It is significant that the only character in Hindu mythology, a king at that, to be given the title of ekam-patni-vrata, devoted to a single wife, is associated with the most unjust act of abandoning her in the forest to protect family reputation. This seems a deliberate souring of an uplifting narrative. Ram’s refusal to remarry to produce a royal heir adds to the complexity. The intention seems to be to provoke thought on notions of fidelity, property and self-image.

    And so the mythologist and illustrator Devdutt Pattanaik retells the Ramayana, drawing attention to the many oral, visual and written retellings composed in different times, in different places, by different poets, each one trying to solve the puzzle in its own unique way.

    This book approaches Ram by speculating on Sita: her childhood with her father, Janaka, who hosted sages mentioned in the Upanishads; her stay in the forest with her husband, who had to be a celibate ascetic while she was in the prime of her youth; her interactions with the women of Lanka, recipes she exchanged, emotions they shared; her connection with the earth, her mother, and with the trees, her sisters; her role as the Goddess, the untamed Kali as well as the demure Gauri, in transforming the stoic prince of Ayodhya into God.
  • Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata Devdutt Pattanaik
    ISBN: 978-0143104254
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Penguin Global
    High above the sky stands Swarga, paradise, abode of the gods. Still above is Vaikuntha, heaven, abode of God.

    The doorkeepers of Vaikuntha are the twins, Jaya and Yijaya, both whose names mean 'victory'. One keeps you in Swarga; the other raises you into Vaikuntha.

    In Vaikuntha there is bliss forever, in Swarga there is please for only as long as you deserve. What is the difference between Jaya and Vijaya? Solve this puzzle and you will solve the mystery of the Mahabharata.

    In this enthralling retelling of India's greatest epic, the Mahabharata originally known as Jaya, Devdutt Pattanaik seamlessly weaves into a single narrative plots from the Sanskirt classic as well as its many folk and regional varians, including the Pandavani of Chattisgarth, Gondhal of Maharastra, Terukkuttu of Tamil Nade and Yakshagana of Karnataka.

    Richly illustrated with over 250 line drawings by the author, the 108 chapters abound with little-known details such as the names of the hundred Kauravas, the worship of Draupadi as a goddess in Tamil Nadu, the stories of Astika, Madhavi, Jaimini, Aravan and Barbareek, the Mahabharata version of the Shakuntalam and the Ramayana, and the dating of the war based on astronomical data.

    With clarity and simplicity, the tales in this elegant volume reveal the eternal relevance of the Mahabharata, the complex and disturbing meditation on the human condition that has shaped Indian thought for over 3000 years.
  • 7 Secrets of Shiva Devdutt Pattanaik
    ISBN: 938065863X, 978-9380658636
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Westland Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Smeared with ash, draped in animal hide, he sits atop the snow-capped mountain, skull in hand, withdrawn, with dogs for company, destroying the world with his indifference. He is God who the Goddess shall awaken. His name is Shiva. Locked in his stories, symbols and rituals are the secrets of our ancestors. This book attempts to unlock seven.
  • Беременный король Девдутт Паттанаик
    ISBN: 978-5-903084-30-2, 978-0-14-306347-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Йога Экс-Пресс
    Язык: Русский
    Это книга-сказка. Несмотря на то, что не все персонажи книги полностью выдуманы, ситуации, случаи и диалоги этого повествования являются продуктом авторского воображения, и их не следует воспринимать как реальные. Они не нацелены на то, чтобы описывать действительные события или изменять полностью вымышленный сценарий.
  • Seven Secrets of Vishnu Devdutt Pattanaik
    ISBN: 978-9380658681
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Westland Books Pvt Ltd
    It is significant that the stories of Vishnu rose to prominence after the rise of Buddhism. Prior to that, Hinduism was the religion of the elite-based complex rituals known as yagna and esoteric speculations captured in texts known as the Aranyakas and the Upanishads. These seemed very distant to the common man who focused on fertility rituals, worship of plants and animals and nature. To help readers unravel the secrets of Vishnu, the chapters have been arranged as below: The first chapter focuses on how gender is used to explain fundamental metaphysical concepts integral to Hinduism. The second chapter discusses the difference between man and animal. The third and fourth chapters focus on the Devas and the Asuras, both of whom are unhappy, as one struggles with insecurity and the other with Ambition
  • Myth = mithya Devdutt Pattanaik
    ISBN: 978-0-143-42332-4
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Hindus have one God.
    They also have 330 million gods: male gods, female gods, personal gods, family gods, household gods, village gods, gods of space and time, gods for specific castes and particular professions, gods who reside in trees, in animals, in minerals, in geometrical patterns and in man-made objects.
    Then there are a whole host of demons.
    But no Devil.

    In this groundbreaking book Dr Devdutt Pattanaik, one of India’s most popular mythologists, seeks an answer to these apparent paradoxes and unravels an inherited truth about life and death, nature and culture, perfection and possibility. He retells sacred Hindu stories and decodes Hindu symbols and rituals, using a unique style of commentary, illustrations and diagrams. We discover why the villainous Kauravas went to heaven and the virtuous Pandavas (all except Yudhishtira) were sent to hell; why Rama despite abandoning the innocent Sita remains the model king; why the blood-drinking Kali is another form of the milk-giving Gauri; and why Shiva wrenched off the fifth head of Brahma.

    Constructed over generations, Hindu myths serve as windows to the soul, and provide an understanding of the world around us. The aim is not to outgrow myth, but to be enriched and empowered by its ancient, potent and still relevant language.
  • Indian Mythology: Tales, Symbols, and Rituals from the Heart of the Subcontinent Девдутт Паттанаик
    ISBN: 9780892818709
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Inner Traditions
    An exploration of 99 classic myths of India from an entirely non-Western paradigm that provides a fresh understanding of the Hindu spiritual landscape

    • Compares and contrasts Indian mythology with the stories of the Bible, ancient Egypt, Greece, Scandinavia, and Mesopotamia

    • Looks at the evolution of Indian narratives and their interpretations over the millennia

    • Demonstrates how the mythology, rituals, and art of ancient India are still vibrant today and inform the contemporary generation

    From the blood-letting Kali to the mysterious Ganesha, the Hindu spiritual landscape is populated by characters that find no parallel in the Western spiritual world. Indian Mythology explores the rich tapestry of these characters within 99 classic myths, showing that the mythological world of India can be best understood when we move away from a Western, monotheistic mindset and into the polytheistic world of Hindu traditions.

    Featuring 48 artistic renderings of important mythological figures from across India, the author unlocks the mysteries of the narratives, rituals, and artwork of ancient India to reveal the tension between world-affirming and world-rejecting ideas, between conformism and contradiction, between Shiva and Vishnu, Krishna and Rama, Gauri and Kali. This groundbreaking book opens the door to the unknown and exotic, providing a glimpse into the rich mythic tradition that has empowered millions of human beings for centuries.
  • Shyam An Illustrated Retelling of the Bhagavata Девдутт Паттанаик
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    n the forest of insecurities, is it possible to discover humanity through pleasure?
    Can we stop seeing each other as predator, prey, rival or mate, and rediscover ourselves as lovers?
    Does the divine reside in sensual delight, in emotional intimacy and in aesthetic experience?

    Yes, yes, yes.
    That is the promise of the Bhagavata.
    The Bhagavata is the story of Krishna, known as Shyam to those who find beauty, wisdom and love in his dark complexion. It is the third great Hindu epic after the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. However, this narration was composed in fragments over thousands of years, first as the Harivamsa, then as the Bhagavata Purana, and finally as the passionate songs of poet-sages in various regional languages.

    This book seamlessly weaves the story from Krishna's birth to his death, or rather from his descent to the butter-smeared world of happy women to his ascent from the blood-soaked world of angry men.
  • Business Sutra : A Very Indian Approach to Management Devdutt Pattanaik
    ISBN: 978-8192328072
    In this landmark book, best-selling author, leadership coach and mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik shows how, despite its veneer of objectivity, modern management is rooted in Western beliefs and obsessed with accomplishing rigid objectives and increasing shareholder value. By contrast, the Indian way of doing business-as apparent in Indian mythology, but no longer seen in practice-accommodates subjectivity and diversity, and offers an inclusive, more empathetic way of achieving success. Great value is placed on darshan, that is, on how we see the world and our relationship with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
    Business Sutra uses stories, symbols and rituals drawn from Hindu, Jain and Buddhist mythology to understand a wide variety of business situations that range from running a successful tea stall to nurturing talent in a large multinational corporation. At the heart of the book is a compelling premise: if we believe that wealth needs to be chased, the workplace becomes a ranga-bhoomi-a playground where everyone is happy.
    Brilliantly argued, original and thoroughly accessible, Business Sutra presents a radical and nuanced approach to management, business and leadership in a diverse, fast- changing, and increasingly polarized world.