Cari Z.
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Cari Z. - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • You Get Full Credit For Being Alive Cari Z.
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: M/M Romance Group
    Язык: Английский
    Dear Author,
    First I didn’t see the body through all the rain and darkness but when I drew near I saw him. Thought he was dead with all the blood. But he wasn’t and I considered for a moment to end the job because really… it would have been a mercy kill. He wouldn’t survive those injuries and even if he did he would be a vegetable. I mean… look at that head wound!
    But something in the way he was dumped on the back of my property in his ripped police uniform and the word FAG scrawled on his chest made me help him.
    So now I’m here. His guardian angel, kind of ironic considering what I did in the past. I watch over his recovery, standing in the shadows where no one can see me.
    The docs don’t think he will ever walk or speak again. The massive head trauma caused too much damage but I think he has a strong will. I saw his eyes. There is still life and reason in him. And I will help him to get back on his feet and will wait for the day when he thanks me with his own voice. As soon as he’s strong enough I’ll bring him home with me where he can heal because he has no one else.
    And after that? I’m going after those fuckers who tried to off him. Because they know he is still alive…
  • Where There's Smoke Cari Z.
    ISBN: 1626492964 (ISBN13: 9781626492967)
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Riptide Publishing
    Panopolis is a rough place to be an average Joe. I came here looking for adventure and excitement, but nobody cares about one more normal guy in a city filled with super-powered heroes. The closest I’ve come to glory is working in a bank that villains often rob.

    But then I maybe accidentally-on-purpose helped a villain escape the hero who was trying to save the day. Imagine my shock when, a week later, that villain asked me out for coffee. One date turned into more, and now I’m head over heels in love with Raul.

    Falling in love with the guy dubbed the Mad Bombardier isn’t without its downsides, though. I’ve had to deal with near-death encounters with other villains, awkwardly flirtatious heroes who won’t take no for an answer, and a lover I’m not sure I can trust. It’s getting to the point where I know I’ll have to make a choice: side with the heroes, or stand fast by my villain.

    Either way, I think my days as a normal guy are over.
  • Risky Behavior L.A. Witt
    ISBN: 1626495653
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Riptide Publishing
    It's day one of Darren Corliss's career as a detective, and not only has he been assigned a notoriously difficult partner, but the guy might also be a pill-popping dirty cop. Internal Affairs needs proof, and Darren gets to be their eyes and ears whether he wants to or not.

    Detective Andreas Ruffner doesn't play by the rules, and he doesn't play well with others. With bodies piling up and a list of suspects who are way above his pay grade, the last thing he needs is a wet-behind-the-ears kid for a partner. Or babysitter. Not even if that partner is easy on the eyes.

    As Darren gains Andreas's hard-won trust, they both realize there's more than just mutual suspicion simmering beneath the surface. But their investigation is heating up as quickly as their relationship, and Darren has no choice but to go along with Andreas's unorthodox--and borderline unethical--methods. As IA puts the squeeze on Darren to give up the man he's falling for, he has to wonder--is Andreas the only cop left in this town who isn't dirty?
  • Suspicious Behavior L.A. Witt
    ISBN: 1626496307
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Riptide Publishing
    Detective Darren Corliss is hanging by a thread. In between recovering from a near-fatal wound and returning to work at a hostile precinct, he’s struggling to help care for his ailing brother. His partner and boyfriend, Detective Andreas Ruffner, wants to help, but doesn’t know how. And with his own family crises brewing, Andreas is spread almost as thin as Darren.

    For cops, though, life takes a backseat to the job. When a stack of unsolved homicides drops into their laps, Andreas and Darren think they’re unrelated cold cases. But when a connection surfaces, they find themselves on the tail of a prolific serial killer who’s about to strike again.

    Except they’ve got nothing. No leads. No suspects. Just a pile of circumstantial evidence and a whole lot of hunches. Time is running out to stop the next murder—and to pull themselves back from their breaking points.
  • Десять простых правил выживания при апокалипсисе Cari Z.
    Язык: Русский
    Пережившим выкосившую половину населения Земли эпидемию повезло. Пережившие последующие войны, уничтожившие известный нам мир, и отбросившие человечество в доиндустриальную эпоху - счастливчики. Выжившим несомненно повезло. Вот только... некоторые из нас теперь другие. Они меняются. Кто-то считает, дело в мутации вируса. Другие утверждают, что это результат генетической войны. Все, что известно мне - я лучше вижу в темноте, лучше слышу и стал сильнее, чем когда либо был. А еще у меня есть когти. Данный текст предназначен для лиц, достигших 18-летнего возраста.