Касс Санстейн

Cass Robert Sunstein

  • 25 книг
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Касс Санстейн — библиография

  • Noise. A Flaw in Human Judgment Даниэль Канеман
    Форма: монография
    Оригинальное название: Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment
    Дата написания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    From the world-leaders in strategic thinking and the multi-million copy bestselling authors of Thinking Fast and Slow and Nudge, the next big book to change the way you think.
    We like to think we make decisions based on good reasoning - and that our doctors, judges, politicians, economic forecasters and employers do too. In this groundbreaking book, three world-leading behavioural scientists come together to assess the last great fault in our collective decision-making: noise.
    We all make bad judgements more than we think. Noise shows us what we can do to make better ones.
  • Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment Даниэль Канеман
    Форма: монография
    Оригинальное название: Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment
    Дата написания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
  • Averting Catastrophe Касс Санстейн
    Best-selling author Cass R. Sunstein examines how to avoid worst-case scenarios The world is increasingly confronted with new challenges related to climate change, globalization, disease, and technology. Governments are faced with having to decide how much risk is worth taking, how much destruction and death can be tolerated, and how much money should be invested in the hopes of avoiding catastrophe. Lacking full information, should decision-makers focus on avoiding the most catastrophic outcomes? When should extreme measures be taken to prevent as much destruction as possible? Averting Catastrophe explores how governments ought to make decisions in times of imminent disaster. Cass R. Sunstein argues that using the “maximin rule,” which calls for choosing the approach that eliminates the worst of the worst-case scenarios, may be necessary when public officials lack important information, and when the worst-case scenario is too disastrous to contemplate. He underscores this argument by emphasizing the reality of “Knightian uncertainty,” found in circumstances in which it is not possible to assign probabilities to various outcomes. Sunstein brings foundational issues in decision theory in close contact with real problems in regulation, law, and daily life, and considers other potential future risks. At once an approachable introduction to decision-theory and a provocative argument for how governments ought to handle risk, Averting Catastrophe offers a definitive path forward in a world rife with uncertainty.
  • Conformity Касс Санстейн
    Bestselling author Cass R. Sunstein reveals the appeal and the danger of conformity We live in an era of tribalism, polarization, and intense social division—separating people along lines of religion, political conviction, race, ethnicity, and sometimes gender. How did this happen? In Conformity, Cass R. Sunstein argues that the key to making sense of living in this fractured world lies in understanding the idea of conformity—what it is and how it works—as well as the countervailing force of dissent.An understanding of conformity sheds new light on many issues confronting us today: the role of social media, the rise of fake news, the growth of authoritarianism, the success of Donald Trump, the functions of free speech, debates over immigration and the Supreme Court, and much more.Lacking information of our own and seeking the good opinion of others, we often follow the crowd, but Sunstein shows that when individuals suppress their own instincts about what is true and what is right, it can lead to significant social harm. While dissenters tend to be seen as selfish individualists, dissent is actually an important means of correcting the natural human tendency toward conformity and has enormous social benefits in reducing extremism, encouraging critical thinking, and protecting freedom itself.Sunstein concludes that while much of the time it is in the individual’s interest to follow the crowd, it is in the social interest for individuals to say and do what they think is best. A well-functioning democracy depends on it.
  • Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness Касс Санстейн
    Оригинальное название: Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness
    Дата написания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
  • On Rumours. How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done Касс Санстейн
    Дата написания: 2010
    Sunstein explores the human propensity for gossip and storytelling, and discusses how our fears and hopes can work against common sense. He also investigates the way that the internet can entrench our false beliefs even deeper, and how the wish to conform, our natural biases and even our basic emotions can cause us to fall for untrue accounts.
  • Nügimine. Viis toetada valikuid, mis viivad tervise, jõukuse ja õnneni Касс Санстейн
    Оригинальное название: Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness
    Дата написания: 2009
    Первая публикация: 2018
    Перевод: Lauri Liiders
    Язык: Эстонский
    Me langetame iga päev otsuseid – selle kohta, mida osta või süüa, raha paigutamise või oma laste tervist ja haridust puudutavate küsimuste kohta. Kahjuks on meie otsused sageli halvad. "Nügimine" räägib sellest, kuidas me neid otsuseid teeme ja kuidas saaksime neid teha paremini. Paljude silmi avavate näidete ja mitmekümne aasta käitumisuuringute tulemuste abil näitavad nobelist Richard H. Thaler ja Harvardi ülikooli õigusteaduskonna professor Cass R. Sunstein, et mitte ühtegi valikut ei esitata meile neutraalsel viisil, ja et me oleme kõik vastuvõtlikud kallutavatele teguritele, mis viivad halbade otsusteni. Aga teades, kuidas inimesed mõtlevad, võime kasutada mõistlikku "valikuarhitektuuri", et nügida inimesi parimate otsuste poole, piiramata seejuures valikuvabadust.
  • Иллюзия выбора: Кто принимает решения за нас и почему это не всегда плохо Касс Санстейн
    Оригинальное название: Choosing Not to Choose: Understanding The Value of Choice
    Дата написания: 2015
    Язык: Русский
    Немало крови и чернил было пролито, чтобы отстоять право людей на свободу выбора. Но любой выбор требует времени, которого нам всегда не хватает. В результате мы не пытаемся разобраться, как будет лучше, а просто останавливаемся на имеющемся варианте. Мы выбираем не выбирать. Без возражений подписываем трудовой договор и соглашаемся с кредитными условиями банка. Замечаем мы это или нет, но мы повсеместно сталкиваемся с ситуациями отсутствия выбора. Но действительно ли это так страшно, как кажется? Вовсе нет. Если бы потребовалось разом сделать выбор во всех важных для нас областях, мы бы с этим не справились, и именно отказ от выбора часто делает нашу жизнь более комфортной. Рассуждая о проблемах выбора, Касс Санстейн помогает разобраться, когда нам стоит бороться за свободу выбора, а в каких случаях выбор нам только мешает.
  • Шум. Несовершенство человеческих суждений Даниэль Канеман
    Форма: монография
    Оригинальное название: Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment
    Дата написания: 2021
    Перевод: А. Котова, С. Селифанова, В. Тулаев
    Язык: Русский