Vasile Dragut
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  • 1 читатель
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Vasile Dragut — новинки

  • Pictura Romaneasca in imagini (Румыния в картинах) Dan Grigorescu
    Год издания: 1976
    Издательство: Editura Meridiane
    Язык: Румынский
    Искусство Румынии, персоналии художников
  • Humor Vasile Dragut
    Год издания: 1973
    Издательство: Editura Meridiane
    Perharps Toma of Suceava, "courtier of His Highness Petru, Ruling Prince of Moldavia", was one of the inspired creators whose hands wrought the painted decoration of the Monastery of Humor.
    Maybe not.
    Anyhow, it is through him and through the feats of genius, performed by many anonymous artists from the time of Petru Rares, that such marvels have been achieved, stirring our admiration, marvels in which one has to recognize the plenitude of thought and creative power of an entire people.
    Throughout the centuries, the name of Toma "church-painter and courtier" has come down to us as a symbol of that epoch of daring and beauty, which has secured to Romanian art a place of honour in world consciousness.
    That is why the lines, gathered in the present book, are devoted to Toma of Suceava, the presumptive master-painter of the frescoes at Humor.
  • Humor Vasile Dragut
    Год издания: 1973
    Издательство: Editura Meridiane
    Язык: Русский
    Construita in anvil 1530, din inipativa maxelui logqfat TeodoT Bubuiog, biserica fostei minastin Humor din pnutul Sucevei se numara printre cele mai ilustre monumente ale artei medievale romanesti. Celebritatea ei se datoreaza, inainte de toate, vastului ansamblu de picturi murale саге о decoreaza atit la interior cit si pe facade, Humorul apartinind acelui fenomen de universale notorietate cunoscut sub numele: pictura exterioara moldoveneasca. Alaturi de picturile exterioare de la Moldovifa, de la Arbore, de la VoroneJ si de la Sucevifa, cu care alcatuiesc о ilustra familie, picturile exterioare ale Humorului, cele mai vechi dintre toate, fund executate in 1535, permit evocarea stralucitei epoci de inflorire artistica pe care a dominat-o figura luminata a lui Petru Rares.
    Dar nu numai picturile exterioare, in general mai binecunoscute, ci si cele interioare se impun atentiei prin inalta lor valoare, intregul ansamblu fund opera a patru mesteri, in frunte cu Toma de la Suceava, zugravul de casa al voievodului insusi.
    Albumul de fafa isi propune sa demonstreze inaltele virtuti ale picturilor de la Humor, in acest scop conlucrind selectia de imagini si textul.