Стив Перри

Steve Perry

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Новинки Стива Перри

  • Звёздные войны: Звезда Смерти Стив Перри
    ISBN: 978-5-04-188488-8
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
  • Звезда смерти Стив Перри
    ISBN: 978-5-04-175264-4
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский
    История «Звезды смерти» — абсолютного оружия, созданного, чтобы уничтожать миры. Но сооружение беспрецедентной космической станции окружают интриги, тайные замыслы, неожиданные разоблачения и дерзкие ходы тех, кто причастен к ней на самых различных уровнях. Величайшие умы и отъявленные властолюбцы, амбициозные и коррумпированные, доведенные до отчаяния и изощренно-коварные — все они имеют свой интерес в «Звезде смерти», благодаря которой можно будет контролировать Галактику. Солдаты и рабы, верные слуги Империи и повстанцы, шпионы и мстители, невинные и злодеи — их судьбы пересекутся и переплетутся, когда «Звезда смерти» отправится в свой первый рейс, который закончится финальной битвой. И тогда окутанная тайной страница истории «Звёздных Войн» откроется, явив незабываемое приключение!
  • Чужие. Земной улей. Приют кошмара. Женская война (сборник) Стив Перри
    ISBN: 978-5-17-983261-4
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ

    Они приходят в ночи, тихо, как смерть. Они идеальные машины убийства. Они чужие. И пусть некоторые люди считают их совершенством, но попытка вооружить существо такой силы — слишком опасная игра для жителей Земли... Глубины космоса предлагают одно из последних убежищ от ужаса, имя которому — чужие. Группа выживших отправляется в пусть, на поиски спасения и остатков человечества. В самых темных уголках галактики они отчаянно ищут робкий проблеск надежды... Лейтенант Эллен Рипли возвращается! Проснувшись от долгого путешествия в космосе с загадочным провалом в ее памяти, Рипли встречает двух потрепанных войной товарищей, Уилкса и Билли. Вместе…

  • Тени Империи Стив Перри
    ISBN: 978-5-389-12947-4
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский
    Между событиями фильмов «Эпизод V: Империя наносит ответный удар» и «Эпизод VI: Возвращение джедая» проходит немало времени, наполненного множеством важных событий. Пока принцесса Лея и Чубакка ищут способ спасти Хана Соло из лап жестокого гангстера Джаббы Хатта, а юный Люк Скайуокер учится управлять Силой, при дворе Императора зреют заговоры, плетутся интриги и вершатся преступления. Дарт Вейдер ищет своего сына, дабы обратить его на темную сторону, еще не ведая, что и сам он стал объектом жестокой подковерной игры. Глава крупнейшего преступного синдиката «Черное солнце», хладнокровный и харизматичный принц Ксизор вознамерился уничтожить ненавистного темного повелителя, если не физически, то хотя бы в глазах Императора, чье расположение он желает заслужить любой ценой. И способ, который он избрал, ударит не только по Вейдеру…

    А тем временем над Галактикой встает новая «Звезда Смерти».
  • The Ramal Extraction Steve Perry
    ISBN: 9780425256626
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Ramal Extraction
  • The Vastalimi Gambit Steve Perry
    ISBN: 9780425256633
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Vastalimi Gambit
  • The Tejano Conflict Steve Perry
    ISBN: 9780425273494
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Tejano Conflict
  • Jedi Healer: Star Wars (Medstar, Book II) Стив Перри
    ISBN: 9780345463111
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Jedi Healer: Star Wars (Medstar, Book II)
  • Battle Surgeons: Star Wars (Medstar, Book I) Стив Перри
    ISBN: 9780345463104
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Battle Surgeons: Star Wars (Medstar, Book I)
  • Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead Steve Perry
    ISBN: 9780345506986
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский

    Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead

  • The Complete Aliens Omnibus: Volume One (Earth Hive, Nightmare Asylum, The Female War) Стив Перри
    ISBN: 978-1783299010
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Titan Books
    Язык: Английский
    Classic original fiction set in the Alien world, featuring Earth Hive by Steve Perry, Nightmare Asylum by Steve Perry and The Female War by Steve Perry and Stephani Perry. Earth Hive: Wilks was a space marine with a near-fatal flaw: he had a heart. Billie was a child, the only survivor of a far-flung colony outpost. Thrown together in the last hellish night of an alien invasion, Billie and Wilks helped each other get out alive. Thirteen years later Wilks is in prison, and Billie lives in a mental institution, the nightmare memories of the massacre at Rim seared into her mind. Now the government has tapped Wilks to lead an expedition to the aliens' home planet to bring back a live alien. But the competition on Earth to develop the aliens as a new weapons system is brutal. When Wilks's team departs on their mission, a trained assassin trails them. And what follows is no less than guerrilla warfare on the aliens' planet--and alien conquest on Earth! Nightmare Asylum: Wilks, Billie, and Bueller were the last survivors of a devastating assault on the aliens' home planet. But once their retum to the solar system made them refugees once more, fleeing Earth and its alien infestation in a desperate attempt to stay alive. Now, in an otherwise unmanned military transport, they hurtle through space. Destination: unknown. Little do they know that the cargo they carry with them is a legacy of death that they will ultimately have to face. Nor do they know that they head toward a remote colony and military outpost. This pocket of humanity at the very edges of space is at the mercy of a general names Spears with an agenda all his own. Now Billie, Wilks, and Bueller face a new nightmare, and it is nothing they could ever have imagined: a gift of madness from an alien world, unbalanced mind, and the experiences of a mysterious pilot named Lieutenant Ellen Ripley. The Female War: Lieutenant Ellen Ripley awoke from her long journey in space with a hole in her memory and an overwhelming drive to survive. When she meets Wilks and Billie, two battered veterans in the war against the alienss she realizes she's found two comrades in arms--and she's ready to take up the fight. Only then does she discover the devastating secret that lurks behind her long sleep. When she, Wilks, and Billie prepare to meet the aliens head-on to turn a powerful alien queen against her spawn in a battle intended to save Earth, that secret becomes her greatest weapon--and her greatest liability. As the fate of Earth hangs in the balance, Ripley and Billie must come to terms with what it means to be an alien... and what it means to be human.
  • Death Star: Star Wars Стив Перри
    ISBN: 9780345477439
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский

    The Death Star’s name says it all, with bone-chilling accuracy. It is a virtual world unto itself–equipped with uncanny power for a singularly brutal purpose: to obliterate entire planets in the blink of an eye. Its annihilation of the planet Alderaan, at the merciless command of Grand Moff Tarkin, lives in infamy. And its own ultimate destruction, at the hands of Luke Skywalker, is the stuff of legend. But what is the whole story, and who are the players, behind the creation of this world-killing satellite of doom? The near extermination of the Jedi order cleared the way for Palpatine–power-hungry Senator and Sith Lord–to seize control…

  • Star Wars Omnibus: Shadows of the Empire Тимоти Зан
    ISBN: 978-1595824349
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Dark Horse Comics
    Beginning with Shadows of the Empire, Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca are determined to foil Boba Fett's plan to deliver carbonite-encased Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt. But these heroes are up against more than they realize. Darth Vader searches for Luke, hoping to turn him to the dark side, and a new threat, Xizor, the ruthless leader of the criminal organization Black Sun, seeks to gain the trust of the Emperor by killing Skywalker and overthrowing Vader! Then, in Shadows of the Empire: Evolution, a beautiful human-droid - previously an assassin for Xizor - searches to find her human side as Luke Skywalker tracks her across the galaxy, determined to bring her to justice! And finally, in Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand, the Emperor's personal assassin carries out her last mission, determined to succeed despite the death of her Master - even if it costs her life!
  • Люди в черном Стив Перри
    ISBN: 5237007031, 5792102325
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: АСТ, Terra Fantastica
    Язык: Русский

    Мы - самая охраняемая тайна во Вселенной. Наша задача - контроль за инопланетянами на Земле. Мы защищаем Землю от отбросов Вселенной. И если вы живете в мире и спокойствии – это, безусловно, наша заслуга. Мы – ваша лучшая, единственная и последняя линия обороны. Нас невозможно заметить, но легко узнать: мы одеваемся только в черное. Мы работаем в тайне. Мы существуем в тени. Мы - Люди в Черном.

  • Predator: Turnabout Стив Перри
    ISBN: 159582054X
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Dark Horse
    Язык: Русский
    Deep in the Alaskan forest, ranger Sloan comes across the torn and bloody carcasses of Grizzly bears. Searching a human cause for the massacres, he discovers a team of poachers hunkered within the Alaska wilderness, waiting for the chance to score a big kill. He also finds evidence of the most fearsome killers in the universe: the Predators.
  • Death Star Стив Перри
    ISBN: 034547743X
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Lucas Books
    Язык: Английский
    The Death Star’s name says it all, with bone-chilling accuracy. It is a virtual world unto itself–equipped with uncanny power for a singularly brutal purpose: to obliterate entire planets in the blink of an eye. Its annihilation of the planet Alderaan, at the merciless command of Grand Moff Tarkin, lives in infamy. And its own ultimate destruction, at the hands of Luke Skywalker, is the stuff of legend. But what is the whole story, and who are the players, behind the creation of this world-killing satellite of doom? The near extermination of the Jedi order cleared the way for Palpatine–power-hungry Senator and Sith Lord–to seize control of the Republic, declare himself Emperor, and usher in a fearsome, totalitarian regime. But even with the dreaded Darth Vader enforcing Palpatine’s sinister will, the threat of rebellion still looms. And the Emperor knows that only abject fear–and the ability to punish dissent with devastating consequences–can ensure his unchallenged control of the galaxy. Enter ambitious and ruthless government official Wilhuff Tarkin, architect of the Emperor’s terrifying dream come true. From inception to completion, construction of the unprecedented Death Star is awash in the intrigues, hidden agendas, unexpected revelations, and daring gambits of those involved on every level. The brightest minds and boldest egos, the most ambitious and corrupt, the desperate and the devious, all have a stake in the Death Star–and its potential to control the fate of the galaxy. Soldiers and slaves, loyalists and Rebels, spies and avengers, the innocent and the evil–all their paths and fates will cross and intertwine as the Death Star moves from its maiden voyage to its final showdown. And a shadowy chapter of Star Wars history is stunningly illuminated in a thrilling, unforgettable adventure.
  • The Archimedes Effect Стив Перри
    ISBN: 0-425-20424-3
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский
    Предлагаем вашему вниманию издание "The Archimedes Effect".
  • Medstar: Intermezzo Стив Перри
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: IDG Entertainment
    Язык: Английский
    "Medstar: Intermezzo" is a short story written by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry, published in Star Wars Insider 83 and Star Wars Magazine UK 65. It takes place between the novels MedStar I: Battle Surgeons and MedStar II: Jedi Healer, and features characters from the two novels. In March 2008, the story was archived on Hyperspace.
  • Medstar II: Jedi Healer Стив Перри
    ISBN: 0345463110
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Lucas Books
    Язык: Английский
    While the Clone Wars wreak havoc throughout the galaxy, the situation on the far world of Drongar is desperate, as Republic forces engage in a fierce fight with the Separatists...
    The threatened enemy offensive begins as the Separatists employ legions of droids into their attack. Even with reinforcements, the flesh and blood of the Republic forces are just no match for battle droids’ durasteel. Nowhere is this point more painfully clear than in the steaming Jasserak jungle, where the doctors and nurses of a small med unit face an impossible situation. As the dead and wounded start to pile up, surgeons Jos Vandar and Kornell “Uli” Divini know that time is running out.
    Even the Jedi abilities of Padawan Barriss Offee have been stretched to the limit. Ahead lies a test for Barriss that could very well lead to her death–and that of countless others. For the conflict is growing–and for this obscure mobile med unit, there’s only one resolution. Shocking, bold, unprecedented, it’s the only option Jos and his colleagues really have. The unthinkable has become the inevitable. Whether it kills them or not remains to be seen.
  • Medstar II: Jedi Healer Стив Перри
    ISBN: 0-09-947414-X
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский
    This is the second of a mass-market original "Star Wars" duology in which Mash meets the Clone Wars, as a small group of medics, including Jedi Bariss Offee, struggles to save lives amidst impossible circumstances. The fifth of six original "Star Wars" novels set against the backdrop of the Clone Wars, taking place between the events of "Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones" and the upcoming and final "Star Wars" movie, "Episode III." Author Bio: Michael Reaves is a screenwriter who has written, story-edited, and/or produced hundreds of teleplays for various television series, including "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "The Twilight Zone", "Sliders", and "Monsters". He was also a story editor and writer on "Batman: The Animated Series", for which he won an Emmy Award for writing in 1993. He has worked for Spielberg's "DreamWorks", among other studios, and is the author of several fantasy novels and supernatural thrillers. He is also the author of "Hell on Earth", and, along with John Pelan, edited the "Shadows Over Baker Street" anthology (Del Rey, 09/03). Michael Reaves makes his home in Los Angeles. Steve Perry was born and raised in the deep south and has lived in Louisiana, California, Washington and Oregon. He is currently the science fiction, fantasy, and horror book reviewer for "The Oregonian". He has published dozens of stories, as well as a considerable number of novels, animated teleplays, non-fiction articles, reviews and essays. He wrote for "Batman: The Animated Series" during its first Emmy Award-winning season, authored the "NY Times" bestseller "Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire", and also did the bestselling novelization for the blockbuster movie "Men in Black".
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