Рецензии на книги — Ko-lin Chin
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12 февраля 2016 г. 05:38
That was an interesting read. But with all my respect to the author, I couldn't avoid to feel annoyed with his general attitude and some of the comments.
I understand, that this was a quantitative study, with numbers, percents and general coldness to human emotion. Indeed, if the study is in use in governmental decision-making process it is more than appropriate to avoid "feelings" and cases, half-shadows and meanings. Despite that, naiveness which author expressed toward what was said by sex-workers got me fierce: when the woman is brought by her pimp or mommy, or interviewed in her "work-place", or contacted through agency - how can you really anticipate honest answers? All of the women were placed in rather suspicious surroundings of the interview: Chinese man with American passport,…