Сара Далтон

Sarah Dalton

  • 9 книг
  • 22 читателя
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Сара Далтон – лучшие книги

  • Белый олень Сара Далтон
    Язык: Русский
    Мей не хотела родиться с магией. Она не такого для себя хотела.
    Магия нужна королевству, и король хочет, чтобы девушка, рожденная с магией, вышла замуж за его сына, принца Казимира.
    Амбициозный фермер из деревни Мей называет свою дочь Эллен рожденной с магией. Мей знает, что все это ложь, но она рада, что печальная судьба становления королевой ждет Эллен, а не ее. И потому ей нужно только сидеть и ждать, пока Казимир и Эллен сыграют свадьбу, а потом она будет свободна. Но в тот день произойдет событие, которое заставит Мей войти в проклятый лес с заданием, которое никогда не хотела бы выполнять.
  • White Hart Сара Далтон
    ISBN: 9781493710713
    Год издания: 2014
    Mae never asked to be craft-born. She never wanted that burden.

    The realm needs magic again, and the the King of Aegunlund has been waiting for the first craft-born girl to marry his son, Prince Casimir.

    In Mae's town of Halts-Walden, the ambitious miller claims his daughter Ellen is craft-born. Mae knows this is a load of hogwash, but she's glad Ellen will have the unfortun ...more
  • Чёрная корона Сара Далтон
    Язык: Русский

    Ослабевшая, но не сломленная, Мей должна принять свою судьбу в захватывающей финальной книге серии. Смелая Мей Вейландер путешествует по пустыне в поисках средства, чтобы уничтожить короля-тирана и помешать ему обрести бессмертие. На ее пути встанут опасные звери и война. Сможет ли Мей завершить начатое и освободить Эгунлэнд?

  • Красный дворец Сара Далтон
    Язык: Русский
    Один за другим придворные засыпали. Дворец поглотила тишина, осталась лишь Мей Вейландер.
    Чтобы снять проклятие, Мей должна победить опасного противника. Она одна может восстановить Красный дворец, но она не готова к ожидающим ее ловушкам. Ее сердце смелое, но хватит ли одной смелости?
    Сможет ли она побороть страх и зло на своем пути? Или она не справится с заданием?
  • Red Palace Сара Далтон
    Язык: Русский
    I am here when you run from me,
    You cannot touch me, but I make you cold.
    I am there in the faint of heart,
    But rarely with the daring, and bold.

    One by one the members of court fall, cursed into a deep sleep. Silence spreads through the castle, and only Mae Waylander stands.

    To break the curse, Mae must face a formidable opponent. She is the only one with a chance to restore order to the Red Palace, but she is unprepared for the trials that await her. She is brave at heart, but is her bravery enough?

    In this thrilling follow up to White Hart, Mae faces her toughest challenge yet. With temptation, fear, and evil in her path, can she complete her task? And what will she lose in doing so?
  • Black Crown Sarah Dalton
    ISBN: B00X5Y5WII
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Weakened, but not broken, Mae must face her destiny in this thrilling conclusion to the White Hart trilogy.

    Heroic Mae Waylander travels across the desert in search of a way to defeat the tyrannical king and stop him finding immortality.

    With dangerous beasts and a war in her way, can Mae achieve her goal and set the kingdom of Aegunlund free?
  • The Unleashed Сара Далтон
    ISBN: 9781490456317
    Год издания: 2013
    “I wanted to live. I wanted us to have a future, and there was nothing else on my mind. With Daniel by my side I ran so fast my lungs ached.”

    Mina’s world is turned upside down as an important person from her past materialises to take her away from the Compound. She finds herself separated from her friends and facing life-changing decisions on her own.

    Meanwhile Daniel is on a mission to find Mina when he becomes involved in the Resistance – along with the rest of the Freaks. His visions take their toll as he learns of an event that could devastate the people he loves the most. Only he can stop it.

    Angela finds herself on the adventure of a lifetime as she helps Sebastian find his father in Area 14. After action and adventure on the way there, the group are thrown into another life and death situation... can Angela find a way out?

    Fans of the popular YA dystopia series Blemished will not be disappointed by this thrilling conclusion. It will keep you guessing right up to the very last page.

    Trust no one.
  • The Vanished Сара Далтон
    ISBN: 978-1481863391
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    “The Compound bustled with action and anticipation, causing my stomach to do a flip. I stopped in my tracks, realising something, something I hadn't thought of before. We were going to war, and people were going to die.” The Vanished are the forgotten: those who live beyond law or society. Mina fought for freedom. She fought for a better life – a future. But even a free world can decay. As Mina begins her new life in the Clans she meets people with surprising knowledge about her power, knowledge that could change everything – even her relationship with Daniel. But as she makes new friends, old friends turn against her in shocking betrayal. Life in the Compound is tough; there are ways and traditions so strange that Mina begins to suspect foul play at the very heart of her new home. Instead of leaving corruption behind in Area 14, Mina is faced with the rotten core of human nature as a Clan warlord threatens to invade the Compound. The Clans are turning against each other and Mina is stuck in the middle. The Vanished is the second instalment in the Blemished series and follows Mina’s story as she continues to challenge those in power and seek out new dangers. With even more rebellion, romance and betrayal, The Vanished promises to take the reader on a roller-coaster ride of adventure and emotion. Will freedom fall?
  • The Blemished Сара Далтон
    ISBN: 9781781766675
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Sarah Dalton
    A beautiful world comes at a price...

    In a world filled with stunning clones Mina Hart is Blemished. Her genes are worthless and that takes away her rights: her right to an Education, her right to a normal life and her right to have a child.

    Mina keeps a dangerous secret which she never thought she could share until she meets Angela on her first day at St Jude's School. But their friendship is soon complicated by Angela’s adoptive brother Daniel. Mina finds herself drawn to his mysterious powers and impulsive nature. Then there is the gorgeous clone Sebastian who Mina is forbidden from even speaking to…

    The Blemished is a frightening take on a fractured future where the Genetic Enhancement Ministry have taken control of Britain. It will take you on a ride filled with adventure, romance and rebellion.