Tilo Linz
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Tilo Linz – лучшие книги

  • Software Testing Foundations : A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam Andreas Spillner
    ISBN: 9781937538422
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Rocky Nook
    Язык: Английский
    Professional testing of software is an essential task that requires a profound knowledge of testing techniques. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) has developed a universally accepted, international qualification scheme aimed at software and system testing professionals, and has created the Syllabi and Tests for the "Certified Tester." Today about 300,000 people have taken the ISTQB certification exams.

    The authors of Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition, are among the creators of the Certified Tester Syllabus and are currently active in the ISTQB. This thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition covers the "Foundations Level" (entry level) and teaches the most important methods of software testing. It is designed for self-study and provides the information necessary to pass the Certified Tester-Foundations Level exam, version 2011, as defined by the ISTQB. Also in this new edition, technical terms have been precisely stated according to the recently revised and updated ISTQB glossary.
  • Software Testing Practice: Test Management: A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam ISTQB Advanced Level Andreas Spillner
    ISBN: 9781933952130
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Rocky Nook
    Язык: Английский
    Aimed at experts who are dedicated to software testing, The Software Testing Process: Test Management addresses the major issues related to advanced, state-of-the-art test management. This book covers the syllabus required to pass the Certified Tester Examination - Advanced Level as defined by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB).

    Software developers, project managers, quality managers, and team leaders will benefit from the comprehensive coverage of risk oriented management and the way testing is shown to be an integral, though independent part of software development.

    Included are best practices in the field of testing, as well as detailed descriptions of involved tasks, roles, and responsibilities. Well suited for self-study, the reader is "taken by the hand" and guided through the key concepts and terminology of software testing in a variety of scenarios and case studies (as featured in the first book in this series, Software Testing Foundations).

    Not only will testers and test managers find this a must-read, but anyone requiring advanced professional knowledge and skills in this field, anyone wanting to become a true testing professional, will find this book a must for a successful, well-founded education in advanced test management.