Элис Кова

Elise Kova

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Лучшие книги Элис Ковы

  • Пробуждение воздуха Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-5-04-103765-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Ученица библиотекаря Принц, наделенный опасной силой И неразрывная магическая связь… Идет кровопролитная война. Империя Солярис готова объединить под своим началом весь континент. Однако древняя магия, спящая внутри юной ученицы библиотекаря, может кардинально изменить ход битвы. Валла с детства работала в библиотеке и была счастлива в тихом мире книг. Но после того, как она случайно спасла жизнь одному из самых могущественных колдунов – наследному принцу Альдрику – девушка оказалась в самом центре магического противостояния. Валле предстоит сделать выбор, который навсегда изменит ее судьбу. Девушка должна принять древнюю силу, что…

  • Падение огня Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-5-04-100869-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Колдунья? Воительница? Или легенда? Валла отправляется на войну в качестве простого солдата. Император полагает, что девушка, обладающая уникальной магической силой, принесет им победу. Представители Сената надеются, что она погибнет. Но единственное, что может сделать Валла – попытаться выжить. Однако война изменит кого угодно. Пока Валла учится управлять своей силой, новые потрясения угрожают сломить ее волю. Предательство возлюбленного, гибель друзей и отсутствие поддержки толкают девушку на отчаянные поступки. Сохранит ли Валла свою человечность? Или юной повелительнице воздуха суждено стать смертельной угрозой для всей Империи?

  • Гнев воды Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-5-04-103444-3
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Когда-то она была колдуньей и героиней. Теперь лишь марионетка. Валла стала свободной. Одержав победу в войне, Император даровал девушке свободу, но сделал ее изгоем: теперь она вынуждена скрываться даже от собственных друзей. Однако никто и не подозревает, что в руках последней ветроходицы находится самое мощное кристальное оружие, способное уничтожить даже душу…

  • Кровь земли Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-5-04-104176-2
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Девушка, пробужденная воздухом Воин, выкованный в огне Оружие, омытое кровью Валла оказалась в эпицентре войны. Закалённая в жестоких битвах, девушка стала идеальным оружием в руках Императора. Однако ставки повышаются: теперь Валла должна сражаться не только за свою свободу, но и за собственную жизнь. Сумеет ли последняя ветроходица выжить несмотря на предательство возлюбленного или ей суждено умереть от руки наследного принца?

  • Кристальная корона Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-5-04-105524-0
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Только истинная правительница достойна власти. Валла лишилась своей силы, а новый правитель Империи Солярис – трона. Став марионетками в кровавой игре безумца, юная Ветроходица и ее возлюбленный должны пробудить древнюю силу, которую таят в себе магические кристаллы. Лишь это древнее колдовство способно определить исход предстоящей битвы за будущее мира, и только Валле под силу управлять им. Однако без магии девушка не способна одержать победу, и поэтому Валле остается лишь одно: пожертвовать собой ради счастья своего народа.

  • Узы магии. Сделка с королем эльфов Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-5-04-164667-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Три тысячи лет назад люди подверглись нападению эльфов — одной из самых могущественных рас на планете, владеющей дикой магией. С тех пор, согласно договору, каждые сто лет среди жителей острова Кэптон на эльфийский трон должна избираться Людская Королева — девушка, обладающая магической силой. Иначе все человечество ждет ужасная смерть.
    Вот уже год эльфы не могут найти девушку, обладающую магией. В Кэптоне царит упадок и мрак. Луэлла, талантливая целительница, спасает людей лечебными отварами и травами. Делая доброе дело, девушка старается отвлечься от ужаса, что творится вокруг.
    Пока сам Король Эльфов не является ей…
    Все, что Луэлла знала о себе и своем детстве, оказывается ложью. Попав в чужую страну, наполненную чудовищной магией, она должна стать женой холодного и жестокого, но невероятно красивого эльфа. А мир, который казался призрачным кошмаром, сам нуждается в ее спасении. Но сможет ли она выбраться из оков эльфийской тьмы, когда ее собственное сердце в плену?

    Элис Кову уже полюбили все заядлые поклонники фэнтези: цикл «Рожденная стихиями» разошелся тиражом почти 22 тыс. только в России! Это ее новый, чарующий роман об эльфийских интригах и любви, о победах и власти, дикой необузданной магии.

    Писательница, которая черпала вдохновение у Джоанн Роулинг, Джорджа Мартина и Наоми Новик, создала новую уникальную историю — романтическое фэнтези о любви «hate-to-love», взяв за основу миф об Аиде и Персефоне. Для тех, кто любит притягательных парней с ледяным сердцем и решительных, горячих героинь — эта книга для вас!

    Прежний мир Луэллы разрушен. Обычная девушка оказалась в руках Короля Эльфов, в Срединном мире — реальности, которая находится за Гранью, воротами между миром людей и эльфов. Теперь в ее жилах бушует древняя магия, и лишь ей под силу спасти весь мир, восстановив природное равновесие. Но любовь, как всегда, все усложняет…

    «Отношения между Луэллой и королем эльфов Эльдасом — пламенеющая история любви, которой наслаждаешься на протяжении всего романа. Любовники-враги — идеально! Настоящее удовольствие — раскрывать их характеры страница за страницей, ломая голову над загадкой ужасающей угрозы, нависшей над их землями». — Goodreads.com

    Более 12 тыс. отзывов на трилогию на Amazon! Рекомендуется к прочтению всем фанатам «Из крови и пепла» Дженнифер Арментроут, Сары Дж. Маас, Холли Блэк и эпичного романтического фэнтези.
  • A Dance with the Fae Rogue Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-1949694345
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Silver Wing Press
    Язык: Английский
    She knew her hand in marriage would be sold. She had no idea a fae prince was the buyer.

    Katria swore she'd never fall in love. She's seen what "love" means through the cruelty of her family. So when she's married off to the mysterious Lord Fenwood for a handsome price, all Katria wants is a better life than the one she's leaving. Feelings are off the table.

    But her new husband makes not falling in love difficult.

    As their attraction begins to grow, so too do the oddities within her new life: strange rules, screams in the night, and attacks by fae that Katria never thought were real. When she witnesses a ritual not meant for human eyes, Katria finds herself spirited away to the land of Midscape.

    Surviving the fae wilds as a human is hard enough. Katria must survive as a human who accidently pilfered the magic of ancient kings - magic a bloodthirsty king is ready to kill her for in order to keep his stolen throne - and her new husband is the rightful heir in hiding.

    The power to save the fae is in her hands. But who will save her from a love she vowed never to feel?
  • A Duel With The Vampire Lord Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-1949694390
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Silver Wing Press
    Язык: Английский
    Floriane's position as the forge maiden of Hunter's Hamlet is one of reverence, for it is her skill that arms and protects the vampire hunters. She knows her place and is a faithful servant to the Master Hunter and her community... until the night of the blood moon. Until her brother is dying at the hands of the Vampire Lord Ruvan.

    Wanting to defend her home at all costs, Floriane fights the vampire lord, ready to give her life if it means taking his. But Ruvan doesn't want to take her life... he wants her.

    Kidnapped and brought to the vampire castle, Floriane is now blood sworn to the vampire lord. She is bound in mind and body to her worst enemy. But Ruvan isn't the fiend she thought he was. She learns the truth of the vampires: They are not mindless monsters, but a proud people, twisted and tortured by an ancient curse.

    Ruvan believes that Floriane might be the key to ending his people's suffering. All Floriane wants is to defend her home. Loyalties are tested and the lines between truth and lie, hate and passion, are blurred.

    When her dagger is at his chest, will she be able to take the heart of the man who has claimed hers?
  • A Trial of Sorcerers Элис Кова
    ISBN: 9781949694314
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Silver Wing Press
    Язык: Английский
    Ice is in her blood.

    Eighteen-year-old Waterrunner Eira Landan lives her life in the shadows — the shadow of her older brother, of her magic’s whispers, and of the person she accidentally killed. She’s the most unwanted apprentice in the Tower of Sorcerers until the day she decides to step out and compete for a spot in the Tournament of Five Kingdoms.

    Pitted against the best sorcerers in the Empire, Eira fights to be one of four champions. Excelling in the trials has its rewards. She's invited to the royal court with the “Prince of the Tower,” discovers her rare talent for forbidden magic, and at midnight, Eira meets with a handsome elfin ambassador.

    But, Eira soon learns, no reward is without risk. As she comes into the spotlight, so too do the skeletons of a past she hadn't even realized was haunting her.

    Eira went into the trials ready for a fight. Ready to win. She wasn't ready for what it would cost her. No one expected the candidates might not make it out with their lives.
  • Tales from the Front Elise Kova
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Elise Kova
    Язык: Английский
    12 stories told from different perspectives that have to be read between book 2, Fire Falling, and book 3, Earth's End.

    The order of point of views are:
    * Fritz
    * Aldrik
    * Elecia
    * Aldrik
    * Fritz
    * Reale
    * Emperor Solaris
    * Jax
    * Daniel
    * Baldair
    * Tim
    * Erion
  • Vortex Visions Элис Кова
    ISBN: 9781949694048
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Silver Wing Press
    Язык: Английский
    A desperate princess, a magical traveler, and a watch that binds them together with the fate of a dying world.

    Vi Solaris is the heir to an Empire she’s barely seen. Her parents sacrificed a life with her to quell a rebellion and secure peace with a political alliance. Now, three years past when her wardship should’ve ended, Vi will do anything to be reunited with her family.

    The Empire is faltering beneath the burden of political infighting and a deadly plague. Yet, Vi can’t help but wonder if her inability to control her magic is the true reason her parents haven’t brought her home. Suspicion becomes reality when she unleashes powers she’s not supposed to have.

    Powers that might well cost her the throne.

    As Vi fights to get her magic under control, a mysterious stranger appears from across the world. He holds the keys to unlocking her full potential, but the knowledge has an unspeakable price — some truths, once seen, cannot be ignored.

    All eyes are on her and Vi must make the hardest choice of her life: Play by the rules and claim her throne. Or, break them and save the world.
  • Failed Future Элис Кова
    Язык: Английский
    When worlds collide, and things are rarely what they seem, there may be no one Vi can trust. Having forsaken her crown for a chance to save her family, and the world, Vi Solaris washes up on the shores of Meru. She's wounded and barely alive. But Vi's fight for survival is only just beginning. As a princess in a foreign land, everyone is after her. The pirate queen Adela wants to sell her to the evil elfin'ra. The Twilight King wants to use her to settle an old score. And, perhaps most dangerous, is the scheming Lord of the Faithful who sees her as an opportunity to further consolidate his power. The only path for Vi is forward. But she doesn't yet know if she's running toward salvation... or a brutal end to everything she loves. Vi's journey continues with even more betrayal, romance, magic, and a twist you never saw coming that leaves readers begging for the next book.
  • Chosen Champion Элис Кова
    Язык: Английский
    A princess on the run, with enemies on all sides... Vi Solaris is on the eve of getting everything she’s ever wanted—her family, her home, her throne—and to save the world she’s going to have to give it all up. The Empire sees her as their Crown Princess, returning at long last. But Vi only sees visions of fate guiding her to the world’s gruesome end. Across the sea is a man who holds the keys to deciphering her premonitions and thwarting the ancient evil ravaging their world. But to get to him, Vi will have to contend with enemies of the crown, romance she didn’t expect, sorcerer pirates, and a betrayal she never saw coming. She will learn the hard way that some evils never die... They only bide their time... Return to Solaris in the second book of Air Awakens: Vortex Chronicles, a young adult epic fantasy filled with even more magic, adventure, and romance. Get ready for twists you never saw coming that will keep you up all night reading!
  • A Duet with the Siren Duke Элис Кова
    ISBN: 978-1949694581
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Silver Wing Press
    Язык: Английский
    She sold her soul to a siren and now he’s come to collect.

    Victoria risks everything to leave a dangerous marriage and gain a second chance at life. But when her escape goes awry, she finds herself caught in the strong embrace of a mysterious siren, forced to choose: temporary salvation or immediate death.

    And so, a cursed deal is struck.

    Five years later, Victoria is alive—and the world’s finest ship captain. But her debt to the siren looms while her conniving ex has demanded a king’s ransom as the final price of her freedom. Victoria refuses to cause her family to suffer any more on her behalf, and is determined to make things right before her time is up. But that time is cut short.

    The siren comes for her. Six months early.

    Taken to the magical and deadly Eversea, home of the sirens, Victoria discovers she’s the sacrifice upon which all sirens pin their hopes. If they want to appease an angry god and save a world on the brink of destruction, then they need her. Which gives her the perfect leverage.

    Victoria strikes a new bargain: the Siren Duke will help save her family, and she’ll fulfill his demands. It’s a good bargain until a flicker of passion ignites in the scarred remnants of Victoria's heart, threatening all she's worked for. As the sacrifice for the God of Death, she’s meant to give up everything that draws her to the world of the living. But that’s impossible when all she can think about is how this handsome siren’s song, and his hands, make her feel very much alive.

    In a realm of ancient magic, submerged secrets, and forgotten gods, can love find a place among shattered hearts as they race against time and the blossoming of forbidden desires? Or will the delicate songs of their hearts be silenced once and for all?
  • The Dragons of Nova Elise Kova
    ISBN: 1619845539, 9781619845534
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Keymaster Press
    Язык: Английский
    Cvareh returns home to his sky world of Nova with the genius crafter Arianna as his temperamental guest. The mercurial inventor possesses all the Xin family needs to turn the tides of a centuries-old power struggle, but the secrets she harbors must be earned with trust -- hard to come by for Ari, especially when it comes to Dragons. On Nova, Ari finds herself closer to exacting vengeance against the traitor who killed everything -- and everyone – she once loved. But before Ari can complete her campaign of revenge, the Crimson Court exposes her shadowed past and reveals something even more dangerous sparking between her and Cvareh.

    While Nova is embroiled in blood sport and political games, the rebels on Loom prepare for an all-out assault on their Dragon oppressors. Florence unexpectedly finds herself at the forefront of change, as her unique blend of skills -- and quick-shooting accuracy -- makes her a force to be reckoned with. For the future of her world, she vows vengeance against the Dragons.

    Before the rebellion can rise, though, the Guilds must fall.
  • The Rebels of Gold Elise Kova
    ISBN: 1619846535
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Keymaster Press
    Язык: Английский
    A new rebellion rises from the still smoldering remnants of the five guilds of Loom to stand against Dragon tyranny. Meanwhile, on Nova, those same Dragons fight amongst themselves as age-old power struggles shift the political landscape in fateful and unexpected ways. Unlikely leaders vie for the opportunity to shape a new world order from the perfect clockwork designs of one temperamental engineer.
    This final installment of USA Today bestselling author Elise Kova's Loom Saga, The Rebels of Gold will reveal the fate of Loom's brilliantly contrasting world and its beloved inhabitants.
  • The Alchemists of Loom Elise Kova
    ISBN: 1619844419
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Keymaster Press
    Язык: Английский
    Her vengeance. His vision.

    Ari lost everything she once loved when the Five Guilds’ resistance fell to the Dragon King. Now, she uses her unparalleled gift for clockwork machinery in tandem with notoriously unscrupulous morals to contribute to a thriving underground organ market. There isn’t a place on Loom that is secure from the engineer turned thief, and her magical talents are sold to the highest bidder as long as the job defies their Dragon oppressors.

    Cvareh would do anything to see his sister usurp the Dragon King and sit on the throne. His family’s house has endured the shame of being the lowest rung in the Dragons’ society for far too long. The Alchemist Guild, down on Loom, may just hold the key to putting his kin in power, if Cvareh can get to them before the Dragon King’s assassins.

    When Ari stumbles upon a wounded Cvareh, she sees an opportunity to slaughter an enemy and make a profit off his corpse. But the Dragon sees an opportunity to navigate Loom with the best person to get him where he wants to go.

    He offers her the one thing Ari can’t refuse: A wish of her greatest desire, if she brings him to the Alchemists of Loom.
  • Society of Wishes Элис Кова
    ISBN: 9781619848856
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Silver Wing Press
    Язык: Английский

    Josephina Espinosa makes her living as a hacker-for-hire in the Lone Star Republic, a remnant of the fractured U.S.A. That is, until the day she and her best friend are gunned down in a government raid.

    With her dying breath, Jo uses magical lore passed down from her grandmother to summon a wish-granter. Her wish? To save her friend’s life. Except wishes have costs, and for Jo, the price is the erasure of her entire mortal existence.

    Now, as the most recent addition to the mysterious Society of Wishes, Jo must form a new “life” alongside the seven other members, one of which being her savior himself. Living as an occupant of the Society’s lavish mansion should be quite the perk, but while it is furnished with everything its inhabitants could possibly need, it lacks one thing—freedom.

    Her otherworldly identity crisis takes a backseat, however, when Jo learns that the friend she sacrificed everything for is headed down the same path to ruin. Jumping in head-first, Jo uses her newfound magical abilities to protect him, only to realize that the ripples of her actions have far-reaching consequences. When the Society’s aloof leader Snow decides to give her a taste of his own ancient magic, Jo discovers that there are threads woven into the tapestry of her new reality that reach far beyond the wishes she is now required to grant. Ones that, if tugged on, could mean the unraveling of the world itself.
  • The Crown's Dog Elise Kova
    ISBN: 9781619845916
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Silver Wing Press
    Язык: Английский
    The first in an Air Awakens prequel trilogy.

    A coastal summer is turned upside down by a violent murder, and a quest for lost pirate treasure turns into a hunt for the killer.

    Jax Wendyll is the crown’s dog. As punishment for the unspeakable crimes that tourment him to this day, his life has been conscripted to the Empire Solaris. However, in an Empire afflicted by peace, his duties are relegated to unquestioningly aiding the antics of the youngest prince, Baldair.

    Erion Le’Dan, a nobleman’s son, expects a quiet summer visit to the Imperial Palace, his only agenda to visit with his unlikely friends. But Jax’s discovery the legendary pirate Adela Lagmir’s old workroom inspires a hunt for her long lost treasure.

    The pursuit of Adela’s truth takes the three men to the Imperial summer manor, built along the old pirate mainstays. When Adela’s trident is branded into a murdered servant, Prince Baldair’s summer amusement of treasure-hunting becomes a hunt to find the killer. But, as mysteries compound, the ghosts of Jax’s past may not be the only things haunting them.
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