Елена Хантинг

Helena Hunting

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Лучшие книги Елены Хантинг

  • Услуга за услугу Елена Хантинг
    ISBN: 978-5-04-120717-5
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    После расставания с парнем Стиви переезжает в пустующий дом своего брата. Дом так хорош, что даже разбитое сердце оплакивать в нем немного приятнее. К тому же Стиви ждет новая интересная работа, она молодой физиотерапевт-реабилитолог. Единственный минус, это сосед напротив – здоровенный нахал-красавчик, что любит разгуливать в нижнем белье, да еще на дух не переносит ее родного брата. Впрочем, и брат, и сосед – спортсмены, и Стиви не удивлена их соперничеству. Правда, сосед ей чуть-чуть (совсем) симпатичен, и это осложняет ситуацию. А уж когда он вызывается помочь ее карьере… Словом, у Стиви в жизни полнейший бардак. Не хватало только…

  • Ложь за ложь Елена Хантинг
    ISBN: 978-5-04-193557-3
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Эр Джей — капитан команды национальной хоккейной лиги, которого слишком часто преследует папарацци. В надежде отдохнуть от всех и вся он летит на Аляску в семейный дом у озера. В самолете последнее, чего он ожидает, — это падения прекрасной женщины прямо ему на колени. Шарф Лейни цепляется за колесико чемодана так, что едва не душит хозяйку. Эр Джей рад оказать ей помощь, а еще больше рад тому, что она не признала в нем знаменитость. Он даже представляется ей фермером, который разводит коз, и предлагает продолжить непринужденное знакомство, ведь Лейни — идеальное убежище от его жизни. Но их роман заканчивается так же внезапно, как и…

  • Секрет за секрет Елена Хантинг
    ISBN: 978-5-04-122859-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Райан Кингстон всегда считал себя здравомыслящим мужчиной. Профессиональный спортсмен, хоккеист, совсем не тот типаж, кто может затеять пьяную драку или подцепить в баре девушку на одну ночь. Но эта ночь стала особенной, поначалу – не в лучшем смысле. Кингстон узнает, что его семья скрывала от него правду о его происхождении. Как тут не пуститься во все тяжкие? Компанию ему составляет случайная знакомая по имени Куини, у которой тоже ворох проблем, и она не против забыться. Похоже, это любовь с первого взгляда. Увы, наутро Куини ускользает от Кингстона по-английски. Когда он видит ее в следующий раз, оказывается, что подойди он к ней хоть на шаг – лишится карьеры, и это как минимум. Но он не привык сдаваться.
  • Pucked Helena Hunting
    Язык: Английский

    With a famous NHL player for a step-brother, Violet Hall is well acquainted with the playboy reputation many hockey stars come with. She’s smart enough to steer clear of those hot, well-built boys with unparalleled stamina. That is until she meets the legendary team captain—Alex Waters. Violet isn’t interested in his pretty, beat-up face, or his rock-hard six-pack abs. But when Alex inadvertently obliterates Violet’s previous misapprehension regarding the inferior intellect of hockey players, he becomes more than just a hot body with a face to match. In what can only be considered a complete lapse in judgment, Violet finds out just…

  • A Kiss for a Kiss Елена Хантинг
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    I’m Jake Masterson, single dad, and the General Manager of Seattle’s NHL team. I walked away from a career as a player so I could raise my daughter. For the last twenty-plus years, Queenie has been my main priority, but now she’s getting married.

    And there’s a small complication.

    A beautiful, sexy complication named Hanna.

    She’s my son-in-law’s older sister. Or at least that’s how they were raised. The truth is a little more scandalous than that.

    I’ve been drawn to her from the moment I laid eyes on her. And I spent months trying to keep a lid on that attraction.

    Until we finally give in.

    It starts with one searing kiss, but quickly ends with us between the sheets—and in the shower, and the hot tub, you get the picture—and turns into months of sneaking around.

    Here’s the problem: we live on opposite ends of the country. It can’t be anything but casual. And as I’ve already said…it’s complicated.

    But when Hanna finds out she’s pregnant…suddenly things get real serious.
  • Pucked Over Helena Hunting
    ISBN: 9781682304174
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: S.N.

    Lily LeBlanc isn t versed in the art of casual sex, but after seven years in an on-again, off-again relationship, she s definitely willing to give it a shot. And who better to try it with than her best friend s boyfriend s best friend? What could possibly go wrong? NHL player, Randy Ballistic, lives up to his last name on the ice and in the bedroom. His best friend and teammate has recently given up the puck bunnies and traded them in for a real girlfriend. And she just happens to have a seriously feisty, extra-hot best friend on the rebound. Randy s more than happy to be Lily s spring board back into the dating scene. But casual sex is…

  • Pucked Up Helena Hunting
    ISBN: 978-1682304167
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: EverAfter Romance
    Miller “Buck” Butterson has been banging his way through life ever since a puck to the face fixed his messed up front teeth, and he was drafted into the NHL during his first year of college. After five years of deflecting goals on the ice and scoring them with puck bunnies across the Continental US and parts of Canada, Miller is ready for a girlfriend. A real girlfriend of the non-bunny variety. One he takes on dates and doesn’t jump into bed with after five seconds of conversation.

    Miller thinks he’s found that woman in his teammate’s sister. Except, unlike Alex Waters, center, team captain and all round nice guy—who happens to be dating his step-sister—Miller’s manwhore reputation is well earned, and not blown out of proportion by the media. Beyond that minor detail, Miller doesn’t know the first thing about having a girlfriend. But he’s determined to make it happen.

    What he doesn’t take into account is the amount of time and effort relationships require, or that constantly letting bunnies take selfies with him to post all over social media isn’t going to win him any points in the boyfriend department. Miller learns—not so quickly—that if he wants to make Sunshine “Sunny” Waters fall for him, he going to have to do a whole lot more than show her his stick skills in the bedroom.
  • Forever Pucked Helena Hunting
    ISBN: 9781682304181
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: EverAfter Romance
    Being engaged to Alex Waters, team captain and the highest paid NHL player in the league, is awesome. How could it not be?
    In addition to being an amazing hockey player, he s an incurable romantic with an XL heart, and an XXL hockey stick in his pants. And he knows how to use it. Incredibly, orgasmically well. Alex is the whole package and more. Literally. Like his package is insane. Total world record holder material.
    So it makes complete sense that Violet Hall can t wait to nail him down to the matrimonial mattress and become Mrs. Violet Waters.
    It's so romantic.
    Violet is totally stoked to set a date.
    Eventually. At some point. Likely before the next millennium. Or when Violet stops getting hives every time someone brings up the wedding, and their mothers stop colluding on stadium sized venues. Whichever comes first.
  • If You Hate Me Елена Хантинг
    ISBN: 9781989185780
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    A brand new standalone enemies-to-lovers, brother's best friend hockey romance.

    My new roommates are two pro hockey players.
    First, my manwhore older brother, and second, his seriously hot best friend (who I seriously hate).
    This was a last resort.
    No one should be sleeping on a futon that smells like Cheetos and ball sweat.
    But here I am, trying to get my life together.

    Tristan Stiles is the bane of my existence.
    He never wears a shirt.
    We can’t seem to stop fighting.
    He’s an arrogant playboy with a filthy reputation.
    Sure, I had a crush on him when I was fourteen, but that was a long time ago.
    I know better than to trust him.

    I just need to survive long enough to find a new job and get a new place.
    And not accidentally let Tristan rail me into next week.
  • Kiss My Cupcake Елена Хантинг
    ISBN: 1538734672
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    Blaire Calloway has planned every Instagram-worthy moment of her cupcake and cocktails shop launch down to the tiniest detail. What she didn't plan on? Ronan Knight and his old-school sports bar next door opening on the very same day. He may be super swoony, but Blaire hasn't spent years obsessing over buttercream and bourbon to have him ruin her chance at success.

    From axe throwing (his place) to frosting contests (hers), Blaire and Ronan are constantly trying to one-up each other in a battle to win new customers. But with every clash, there's also an undeniable chemistry. When an even bigger threat to their business comes to town, they're forced to call a temporary time-out on their own war and work together. And the more time Blaire spends getting to know the real Ronan, the more she wonders if it's possible to have her cupcake and eat it too.

    As two neighborhood shop owners battle for business, they prove opposites attract in this outrageously funny romantic comedy from the USA Today bestselling author of Meet Cute.
  • Just the Tip Елена Хантинг
    Год издания: 2020
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    It was supposed to be a temporary thing.
    A gig in Paris while I tried to find my dad.
    Then I met him. Ho.
    The man.
    The suit.
    The professional escort...? I mean, he did go on two consecutive dates during one of my shifts - and I ended up being the third.
    It was supposed to be a one-night stand, but it turned out to be forever.
    Here was what I wasn't ready for - Ho held more than just my destiny and my heart. He held the key to unravel the mystery of my dad, too.
  • Предубеждения Виолетты Холл Елена Хантинг
    Алекс Уотерс – капитан легендарных чикагских «Ястребов» и один из лучших игроков НХЛ. Он хорош собой, безупречно сложен, а также умен и начитан, однако о последнем знают немногие. Таблоиды создали Алексу репутацию типичного плейбоя, и его это вполне устраивает.
    У Виолетты Холл есть причины не доверять хоккеистам, поэтому Алекс Уотерс ее нисколько не интересует, пока она не обнаруживает то, что Алекс предпочитает скрывать от всех.
    Из-за нелепой случайности Виолетта проводит ночь в номере Алекса и узнает, что он не только высококлассный хоккеист, но и очень одаренный любовник.
    Виолетта убеждена, что это их первая и последняя встреча. У Алекса, похоже, другое мнение. Он звонит, пишет сообщения, присылает письма и необычные подарки. Виолетте все сложнее игнорировать и самого Алекса, и свои чувства к нему, но ее беспокоит его репутация. Она не хочет и не будет с ней мириться.
  • When Sparks Fly Елена Хантинг
    ISBN: 1250624703
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: St. Martin's Griffin
    Язык: Английский
    Running the Spark House, a hotel/event space that has been in her family for years, has been Avery Spark’s lifelong dream. After years of working hard and making personal sacrifices, Avery and her two younger sisters have turned the Spark House into the premier destination in Colorado Springs. Avery is living her best life—she works with her sisters and loves every minute of it, she has a great group of friends, and she lives in a fantastic condo with her best friend Declan. She might not have any love in her life, but she's happy.

    But everything comes to a screeching halt when Avery is in a car accident, leaving her immobile for weeks. After nearly losing Avery, Declan insists that he will be the one to take care of her while she recovers. However, as Declan becomes Avery’s caretaker, lines begin to blur.

    Avery and Declan have been best friends since college and always had an attraction to one another, but when she ended up dating his best friend, Sam, they successfully stamped down any feelings they may have ever had for one another. Now, as Declan and Avery spend more time together, they each begin to wonder what would’ve happened if she'd dated him instead of Sam. What starts as a friend helping out another friend turns into foreplay and, before they realize it, they recognize how deeply they care for one another. But when things get serious their past threatens to destroy everything they have built.
  • Pucked Off Helena Hunting
    ISBN: 9781682304501
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Ink & Cupcakes Inc
    I’m NHL defenseman Lance Romero, AKA Lance “Romance."

    I’m notorious for parties and excess. I have the most penalty minutes in the league. I get into the most fights. I take the most hits. I’m a player on and off the ice. I’m the one women with no inhibitions want.

    Not because I like the notoriety, but because I don’t know how to be any other way.

    I have secrets. Ones I shared with the wrong person, and she used them against me. Sometimes she still does. I should cut ties. But she makes it difficult, because she’s the kind of bad I deserve.

    At least that’s what I believed until someone from my past gets caught up in my present. She’s all the good things in this world. She lights up my dark.

    I shouldn’t want her.

    But I do.

    I should leave her alone.

    But I won’t.
  • Clipped Wings Helena Hunting
    ISBN: 9781476764290
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Gallery Books
    Язык: Английский

    Their body art is hot. Their chemistry is even hotter. From her dark hair sweeping below her waist to her soft, sexy curves, Tenley Page intrigues tattoo artist Hayden Stryker in a way no one else ever has...especially when she asks him to ink a gorgeous, intricate design on her back. Yet for all her beauty, there is something darkly tragic and damaged about Tenley that Hayden relates to. Covered in ink and steel, Hayden is everything Tenley has never dared to want, awakening a desire to explore more than the art adorning his stunning body. Trapped by a past that leaves her screaming from nightmares, Tenley sees Hayden as the perfect…

  • The Librarian Principle Helena Hunting
    Язык: Английский
    Annaliese Harper knows that one tiny mistake can jeopardize a career before it’s even begun. Letting your boss find the extensive collection of porn on your personal laptop is one way. Sleeping with him is another. Liese manages to do both.

    As the new librarian at a prestigious small-town private high school, Liese is drawn to her sexy, charismatic principal, Ryder Whitehall—an attraction she refuses to acknowledge given their relationship and her recent liberation from a delusional ex-boyfriend.

    Liese is certain Ryder’s flirtation is the product of her sex-deprived imagination—until he discovers her digital porn stash during working hours and demands a private meeting. Behind closed doors, their attraction explodes into a dangerous, passionate affair that not only threatens their jobs and reputations, but most of all, their hearts.
  • Love Next Door Елена Хантинг
    Язык: Английский
    When Dillion Stitch left her hometown, she had no intention of going back. But when her brother gets into trouble, Dillion reluctantly agrees to return home to take her place at the family business. Being back in Pearl Lake after all these years feels familiar, but also brings a few surprises. She's quick to notice that someone new has shown up at the cottage next door. Dillion gets more than an eyeful when she goes to check out the newcomer and meets Donovan "Van" Firestone—her beloved neighbor's grandson—in all his unclothed glory. Having gotten off to a rocky start, it's not long before they begin bickering with each other all over town. All that back and forth inevitably sparks an undeniable attraction. But Dillion's family has issues, Van's family resents him, and neither Dillion nor Van feels truly at ease in the small town. For these Pearl Lake exiles, home isn't just where the heart is—it's where things get complicated.
  • Kiss My Cupcake Елена Хантинг
    ISBN: 1538734672
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    Blaire Calloway has planned every Instagram-worthy moment of her cupcake and cocktails shop launch down to the tiniest detail. What she didn't plan on? Ronan Knight and his old-school sports bar next door opening on the very same day. He may be super swoony, but Blaire hasn't spent years obsessing over buttercream and bourbon to have him ruin her chance at success.

    From axe throwing (his place) to frosting contests (hers), Blaire and Ronan are constantly trying to one-up each other in a battle to win new customers. But with every clash, there's also an undeniable chemistry. When an even bigger threat to their business comes to town, they're forced to call a temporary time-out on their own war and work together. And the more time Blaire spends getting to know the real Ronan, the more she wonders if it's possible to have her cupcake and eat it too.
  • Meet Cute Елена Хантинг
    ISBN: 1538760185
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский

    Talk about an embarrassing introduction. On her first day of law school, Kailyn ran - quite literally - into the actor she crushed on as a teenager, ending with him sprawled on top of her. Mortified to discover the Daxton Hughes was also a student in her class, her embarrassment over their meet-cute quickly turned into a friendship she never expected. Of course, she never saw his betrayal coming either... Now, eight years later, Dax is in her office asking for legal advice. Despite her anger, Kailyn can't help feeling sorry for the devastated man who just became sole guardian to his thirteen-year-old sister. But when her boss gets wind…

  • AREA 51: Pucked Series Deleted Scenes & Outtakes Helena Hunting
    ISBN: 9781682307601
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: EverAfter Romance

    From Pucked and Forever Pucked: An Area 51 breach on the kitchen table that was cut from the final draft, a holiday outtake including a special costume just for Super MC, plus a deleted scene and a sneak peek at Forever Pucked. From Pucked Up: Discover just how bad Miller's luck really is in these deleted chapters, and fall even more in love with the snuggly, reformed manwhore yeti. From Pucked Over: Revisit the sexiest, horniest couple with a series of outtakes and alternative POV's all from Randy Ballistic.

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